slo drunk right now
so let's tackel the save shal we
The postion at 150 ad
Notice we have a budget deficit but w/ 305 gold it isn't all tha tserious
goddamit helog why did you build the hanging garden
I meanu it's surely useful but pyramids? oh right English buit that
170 BC: we hurry Hamadan's library. soon declare ware on Zulu
\190 AD: we demand Zulu remove forces from PErsia, they accept
230 AD?: note to others: don't buid liberrarhys unless a) your city is making 6 science per turn orb b) ther eis a recource you really want within two tiles. turnes some science builds in the south to immortals.
soon the Zulu war will begin
also met the Aztecs. they have no technology of interest to us and little gold, but a fair amount of cities
250 AD: we meet the Mongols. they have only two cities besides their capital and no techs (haven't even got alphabet), so we may as well take them over in future. i've assigned that galley to the city on the peninsula with teh cow for this purpose
260 AD: We declare war on the Zulu, fuckit. We also enter a Golden age. PEtsepolis switches to the Great Library in anicipation of future wonders
interturn, the Zulu capture Jinjan. woops
270 AD: We capture Bapedi. Can Zimbabwe be ffar behind?
OInterturn: Tyre is captured. w h o o p s
this also cuts off our iron supply so duble woops
300 AD: We retake Jinjan and get iron back.
320 AD: We contact the Ottomans. they have no tradeable techs.
330 AD: we meet the English, they are fairly large but have no tradeable techs. and the Japanese who are REALLY behind
340 AD: We've captured all the Zulu cities in the southeast, plus their capitol.
and at 350 ad I hand off:
save will be given in facebook chat