Starting Locations for Next Ten Players:
Arrim: Your race has prospered for many years with an ingenious hunting method: one Arrim shocks a large flying manta, and two more Arrim fly below the plummeting creature to catch and execute it. This efficient method of attack has caused your population to be unusually high, but recently you have run into a complication. There is one low-orbiting copper ore asteroid that your race had been surviving on, but it has become, with the passage of time, depleted. You are left with two options; you can raid floating islands for the minerals your race needs, or you could possibly evolve the capability to reach less low-flying asteroids. The second will likely be more difficult, but it could lead to safety from other predators, as well as perhaps other benefits...
Fvothian Masses: In the various cracks and corners of the Southern Islandic Continent caves your race prospered. Here, you all were more or less safe from predators, and the rich cave air contained more than enough to sustain your metabolism. Recently, however, you have been threatened by a new predator from outside the cave. A long-tongued lizard, it crawls the walls of the caves and devours your scavengers as they try to leave the nest. This would be but an annoyance, except for the issues this is causing with nutrition. Without the scavengers to gather minerals and proteins from the rest of the cave, malnourishment is becoming an issue. You could root yourselves in and take what you need from the cave walls, but it might be better to find some way to deal with the lizards directly.
Gul: Your race has many hovered at the brink of extinction, only to recover from a single family to fill the rest of the ecosystem. This time, though, you seem to truly be in danger. A disease has swept through your population, and a terrifying four-eyed eel is eating scores of your males. You may have found refuge, however, in a chunk of core-iron ejected from some unknown collision. It would be good to take shelter here, but there is a long-term threat to your safety in the form of radioactive ores inside the rock. A possible alternative would be to evolve to take your enemies head-on, possibly gaining enough food from fallen hunters to recover your population completely.
Gando: Based off of a small, high-flying magnesium chunk, your species has killed hundreds of air-manta, each of them feeding the species for generations. However, recently the populations of the sky manta in your area has declined sharply, and your hunters simply cannot find any manta to kill. This represents an existential threat to your species, and you may have to migrate out of your haven to pursue the manta. Alternatively, you could attack other creatures in the area, but all are more dangerous than the manta and you have no experience hunting them.
Perronin: Little-known to the creatures of the Western Archipelago is the fact that not all islands are the same. Amidst the shards of stone lie colonies of Perronin, long-covered by dust and gravel. These colonies have prospered greatly, and now nearly any area of the Archipelago has at least one Perronin island. Things had been going very well; but suddenly a great problem has emerged. The collective-mind of the Perronin has grown sick, some genetic error causing conflict within the cellular communication process. This has resulted in various island-creatures being driven mad by massive pheromone emission, or being scared off of the island by convulsions within it's seemingly solid structure. This is causing issues with a lack of sustenance for the colonies, and so something must be done. Either the old mind must be somehow cured, contained, or destroyed. The last will be by far the easiest, but the secrets this elder brain contains might be difficult to rediscover...
Author's Note: Yes, it's not ten. Sorry, I had a lot to do today, and this writing can't be done properly with haste.