1650 GREENHEART TIME, MAY 21st, 301 P.L
Mark Johns'son (Pencil_Art):You step over a puddle.
Tadaa! It's no longer raining. Since the air is much more clear, you can see more things: a slowly rolling landscape, with streaks of green-tinted slime everywhere and the occasional giant depression in the ground. These depressions seem to be filled with teeth, like some sort of maw.
In the distance, you spot a large crate sticking out of the ground. Around it are scattered parts and tools, including:
-A seismic radar for mapping the underground and determining rock type
-A mineral analyzer that grinds a piece of rock and tells you its composition.
-A Jackhammer than seems to be capable of shattering rock.
-Three extra spades.
The rest of the pieces are just spare parts, electronics, or shattered bits of technology. The crate itself is a simple metal box, although its bottom side is missing. You find it stuck in the sand three meters away.
Status: (All bodyparts can take 5 damage)
No damage to any limbs
x20 Bandages: Stops bleeding. Requires bandages equal to the amount of damage the bleeding will do in the next 3 turns, rounding up.
x10 Medical Gel: Facilitates rapid healing and pain relief in organic tissues. Paralyzes the bodypart if used.
Magnus Hazardsuit: Gives +1 to DEFENSE rolls. Also provides the user with air, chemical protection, and limited thermal regulation. Roughly 48 hrs left on battery.
Oxygen Mask (empty)
Arthur Staunch (Megggas):[4] The trooper carried with him quite a collection of items. It's unusual for an NPC, that's for sure. You also notice the body doesn't sink into the ground slowly, it just stays there.
That must put some strain on the physics engine, given the massive amount of mobs being killed at any one time.
You find:
-Magazines for your guns
-3x bandages
-A net full of purple fish, 12 to be exact, including the one the man pointed at you. Their teeth are sharp.
-A spear and a ceremonial sword
He also wore a helmet, which gives +1 defense but keeps falling off your own helmet, so it's hard to wear.
[3] There is no cover out in this floodplain, save for the river. You leap in, using the bank as cover. The hazard suit starts to hum, and you feel a warm sensation over all of your limbs.
The bleeding stops after a while, though, and the knife remains stuck. Your suit gives you a couple of low-HP warnings, but that should be fine soon enough.
Status: (All bodyparts can take 5 damage)
Head took 2 damage (Nose and tongue burned, can get infected if you roll a base 1 on any action)
Left Arm took 4 damage
Suit absorbed 2 damage (8 left)
(Miniquest) Massive Damage: Get a critical (roll a 5) on one more attack roll (Reward: You can launch one attack that ignores block rolls once per enemy)
Masochist: Wounds cannot be infected
Gamer's Focus: +1 to all accuracy when your head is damaged
Magnus Hazardsuit: Gives +1 to DEFENSE rolls. Also provides the user with air, chemical protection, and limited thermal regulation. Roughly 48 hrs left on battery.
x13 Bandages: Stops bleeding. Requires bandages equal to the amount of damage the bleeding will do in the next 3 turns, rounding up.
x2 Medical Gel: Facilitates rapid healing and pain relief in organic tissues. Paralyzes the bodypart if used.
Oxygen Mask (empty)
Trooper's Pistol (Power: 5) (Accuracy: 5 in close proximity, 3 at range)
Trooper's Rifle (Power: 6) (Accuracy: 2 in close proximity, 5 at range)
3x rifle clips (5 shots each)
2x pistol mags (8 shots each)
Cueball (Paphi):[6] You pump in some medical gel. The colonist convulses a few times, coughing up blood, but less blood each time. After a few minutes his eyes open. Apparently he gets enough oxygen now.
He doesn't talk though, even though he is moving his head around. He raises his arms and rests them on his chest.
Status: (All bodyparts can take 5 damage)
No damage to any limbs
(Miniquest) Scavenger: Find the 8th pod, or whether it exists (Reward: +1 extra item when conducting a mass search)
(Miniquest) Inside Job: Find out what happened to the batteries (Reward: +1 to modifying electronics and computers)
x10 Bandages: Stops bleeding. Requires bandages equal to the amount of damage the bleeding will do in the next 3 turns, rounding up.
x2 Medical Gel: Facilitates rapid healing and pain relief in organic tissues. Paralyzes the bodypart if used.
Magnus Hazardsuit: Gives +1 to DEFENSE rolls. Also provides the user with air, chemical protection, and limited thermal regulation. Roughly 48 hrs left on battery.
Printer Blueprints (Shuttle Parts)
Handsaw (Power: 4) (Accuracy: 4 in close proximity, 2 at range)
Nyar Donovon (WunderKatze):[2] No unsupervised weapons out in the range.
[6] There are a few weapons inside the main room of the barracks. Said main room is also filled with soldiers.
[2] No unsupervised weapons in the vicinity of the armory, although you do find an unsupervised welding kit.
[3] Finally! You wander out into the rain a bit and see a standing object in the distance. Approaching it, you find a gun half-buried in the ground, with a helmet perched on top of it! It's a double deal!
The helmet kind of rolls off your suit's helmet though, so you'll have to find a fancy way to wear it.
Status: (All bodyparts can take 5 damage)
2 damage to left arm - disinfected and bandaged (no infection possible)
Suit absorbed 2 punctures (8 left)
Applied Phlebotinum: +1 to resourcefulness
(Miniquest) Destructive Testing: Perform 1 more destructive test (Reward: +1 to all power rolls that are part of a scientific experiment)
Magnus Hazardsuit: Gives +1 to DEFENSE rolls. Also provides the user with air, chemical protection, and limited thermal regulation. Roughly 48 hrs left on battery.
x14 Bandages: Stops bleeding. Requires bandages equal to the amount of damage the bleeding will do in the next 3 turns, rounding up.
x2 Medical Gel: Facilitates rapid healing and pain relief in organic tissues. Paralyzes the bodypart if used.
Oxygen Mask (empty)
Trooper's Rifle (Power: 6) (Accuracy: 2 in close proximity, 5 at range)
3x rifle clips (5 shots each)
Nole (Slayer1557):You cook the food using a shovel. Not the most sanitary solution out there, but at least you can heat-sterilize it and there is plenty of water to wash it with.
To eat it, you take your helmet off momentarily, holding your breath, and take a very small bite.
[5-new miniquest] It's quite good, actually! While you tap the floor, you don't have any immediate negative reactions, so that's a plus.
You have 10 red fish, 1 cooked
You have 6 green fish, 0.9 cooked
You have a cooked sand slug
[4] You tap... and hear three taps back! You try again, and it's the same sequence of taps each time, right after you tap the floor yourself.
Status: (All bodyparts can take 5 damage)
No damage to any limbs
Suit absorbed 1 puncture (9 left)
(Miniquest) It's not Rocket Science: Determine the length of the day and the year (Reward: Gain +1 to using scavenged gadgets, excluding weapons)
(Miniquest) Scout: Find a sustainable source of food (Reward: +1 to finding clues while tracking people and animals)
(Miniquest) Not Real Science: Successfully grow a plant (Reward: +1 to applied science such as botany, chemistry, etc)
(Miniquest) Master Chef: Locate some seasoning for your food (Reward: Eating one of your meals gives you a +1 to a character's next action)
Magnus Hazardsuit: Gives +1 to DEFENSE rolls. Also provides the user with air, chemical protection, and limited thermal regulation. Roughly 48 hrs left on battery.
Soil Analysis Tool
x15 Bandages: Stops bleeding. Requires bandages equal to the amount of damage the bleeding will do in the next 3 turns, rounding up.
x2 Medical Gel: Facilitates rapid healing and pain relief in organic tissues. Paralyzes the bodypart if used.
x3 Parachute Tube
x6 Microcharge: Wired explosive charge. Vs people it deals 5 damage if it explodes directly on a bodypart, otherwise roll a die for each bodypart (reroll 5's and 6's)
Oxygen Mask (empty)
A timer set on 1602, May 21st.
Spade (Power: 6) (Accuracy: 2)
Redfish Blades (Power: 4) (Accuracy: 3 in close proximity, 2 at range)
CAB-iN-Boy 1000 (DigitalDemon):((No action x2... you've missed a lot. Are you having RL issues or is it just forgetfulness? You may want to consider dropping out for now.))
Status: (All bodyparts can take 5 damage)
All bodyparts - 1 damage
(Miniquest) Into the matrix: Repair/replace your data reading chip (Reward: Gain the ability to decrypt unknown data compressions)
(Miniquest) Kill it with fire! II: Kill a living being by burning it (Reward: +1 Accuracy with flamethrowers)
Kill it with fire!: Flamethrowers get +1 power (includes handheld blowtorch)
Man of Steel: You don't need to breath and have lots of cool features, but are vulnerable to long-term wear.
Armknife (Power: 3) (Accuracy: 5 in close proximity, 2 at range)
Armtorch (Power: 5 against unarmored, 3 against armored) (Accuracy: 4 in close proximity, 1 at range)
Armreader (damaged, needs repair)