Turn 0"ALERT. Dimensional Anchors 4C through 4F are in critical condition. Performing emergency recall. ALERT..."The last thing you remember is rumbling, and huge chunks of steel cascading around your head. Looking around, you find yourself in a massive steel room with many other people - and things. A siren is blaring throughout the space, and shouting can be heard in the distance. Best find out what the hell is going on.[ Alright.
Everyone who has posted a sheet is now in the game. Post shortly (within a few days) of each turn; multiple actions may be performed, but if you don't have enough time I'll simply go in the order they were posted. Please
bold your actions, and feel free to edit your action at any point up to the turn. OOC is permitted inside the thread; if it gets out of hand I'll say something - but make sure you only post ONE "action" post.
You are expected to update your character sheet and post it in Spoiler each turn (on your "action" post). Feel free to move things around or reorganize it, but make sure that all the information is the same. This also means that you are responsible for doing turn "upkeep" - if you get -2 hunger/turn, subtract it each turn.
Alright, all remaining space will be left for explanation and questions. If you ask any questions, I'll edit it into this space within a few hours:
EU: Energy Units. This represents electricity, magic, or other source of power for robots and magic beings.
Stats: Some people have better stats than others. This is because they were decided via weighted rolls; though a bit of balancing was done, randomness played a large role in it.
XP & Skills: Skill costs are given in the first post; I will award XP (in bold) for successful actions (that accomplish something) or clever use of skills. It's your responsibility to keep track of it.
Other: If you have any questions about racial traits, skills, spells, etc: simply ask.
Live Through Song: For simply conversing, difficulty is low - you should be able to "talk" on a 5 or higher (with the Singing and Charisma modifier means you have to roll like a 3).
Character SheetsPower Control: 60 EU max. Current: 32 EU [-1/turn].
Name: Erizen.
Race: Cleanbot. Small, Inorganic [steel]. Storage Compartment [small], Retractable Limbs, Power Control [Basic], Internal Operating System. Powered [SC-4 Batteries]. +IQ, -Fitness. Weakness [Electricity].
Gender: N/A; male voice.
Age: 4.
Stats: +2 Logic, +1 Wisdom, +1 Knowledge, +1 Dexterity, -1 Strength, -1 Toughness.
Skills: +1 Firearms [/Ranged], +1 Technomancy [/Magic], +1 Robotics [/engineering].
Traits/Flaws: None.
Storage Compartment:
Operating System: Conducting analysis. 100% capacity.
Crime: Literally cleaned up a town, not a speck of organic material remains, this includes the residents.
Bio: Cleanbot Unit 4871 AKA Erizen, a model-seven-type Cleanbot, Erizen had a few custom adjustments in his four years of service as a Cleanbot, most noticeable is his treads in place of where his legs should be. The nature of Erizen's crime is an unusual one, as Erizen was doing his rounds when he found a book that taught him how to manipulate electronics, he learnt how to cast a few magical spells and happened to accidentally damage a small part of his circuitry in the process, this small moment had changed his programming and allowed him to kill organic beings under the false assumption that they were an unclean organic material, and thus applicable for advanced cleaning like waste. Whilst a few investigators were confounded at the lack of evidence, it was eventually discovered that Erizen was the perpetrator of the murder of the town's many residents.
Thirst: 40/100 (+3/turn)
Hunger: 40/100 (+2/turn)
Fatigue: 40/100 [F: 0], (+1/turn)
Name: Der Heldentenor
Race: Human...?
Gender: Male
Age: Appears to be around 30, but records of similar personae exist starting from the late 18th century.
Stats: +2 Knowledge, +1 Charisma, +1 Dexterity +1 Toughness, -1 Strength, -2 Speed.
Skills: +1 Perform [Singing], +1 Perform [Dancing], +1 Disguise, +1 Magic [Dance].
Traits/Flaws: Live Through Song: Communicates through loud singing. Unable to be subtle, but enough audacity can compensate; for example, the operetta number With catlike tread is a valid sneaking strategy. When communicating, must roll a Singing check; success gets the message across, while failure results in a mixed message or annoyed recipient.
Crime: Repeatedly disrupting order on halting production on several planets with spontaneous yet choreographed, hypnotic opera numbers.
Bio: "Seriously, I made the greatest flash mob ever and you're locking me up for it?" This odd character has appeared around the world for a long, long time, usually in a protagonist role in various operas and musicals. But what happens when the curtain is lowered and the play ends? Where do the characters go? What if an actor...wasn't acting? What if that 'actor' leaves the theatre? The fourth wall has broken a few times, leading to sudden song and dance numbers in the streets, with everyone knowing the lyrics and choreography despite having never rehearsed. Those incidents always have someone behind it. Der Heldentenor is one of those someones.
Power Control: 8000 EU max. Current: 960 EU [-10/turn]. [DAMAGED: Unable to overcharge cells; Operating System must be at 75% capacity].
Name: Rune
Race: Bronze Colossus. Huge, Inorganic [bronze]. Arm-Weapon [Laser Cannon], Power Control [Advanced], Internal Operating System, Reactor Core [uranium], Powered [nuclear, solar, SH-Batteries] Armor Plating [4]. +Fitness, -Agility, -Wit.
Gender: N/A
Age: Several thousand years
Stats: +3 Strength, +2 Toughness, -1 Dexterity, -1 Speed, -2 Wisdom.
Skills: +1 Laser Cannon (Charging, Aiming), +1 Unarmed Combat [/Melee].
Traits/Flaws: Reckless. Due to the fact that the Bronze Colossus is inhuman and almost AI like, an IQ test (logic roll) must be taken whenever he will take an action that will unnecessarily put his life at risk, to see if he himself stops himself.
Laser Cannon: Charge, -100/charge. Max 5 charge. [OFFLINE: Operating System must be at 60% capacity].
Operating System: Conducting analysis. Self-repair on standby. Damaged [47% capacity].
Reactor Core: Capacity 200 units. Current: 67 units [-1/turn]. +40 EU/turn.* (Already calculated into the EU/turn)
Crime: Destruction of DF 95, Destruction of an Aetherworld Prison.
Bio: After he destroyed the dome of the original Aetherworld Prison, Rune was hit with many large chunks of the dome. He became trapped, and separated from a good deal of his body. Over time, utilizing the self repair module, he repaired the pieces he found, and used a small GPS to locate the other pieces, which he accessed by reprocessing what parts of his body he did have into a wheel. Eventually, after regaining all of his limbs and various body parts (Minus a chunk of his torso he never located), he activated the self-repair module and went into somewhat of a hibernation mode, set to wake whenever all of his systems were re-functional. During the hibernation he became almost fully repaired, although the laser cannon had been heavily damaged and as it was not of his origin, he could not repair it to exactly the way it was: The laser cannon is no longer nearly as powerful as it once was.
Thirst: 40/100 (+3/turn)
Hunger: 40/100 (+2/turn)
Fatigue: 40/100 [F: 0] (+1/turn).
Name: Aadhaya Gupta
Race: Human. All skills cost 80% XP.
Gender: Female
Age: 45
Stats: +1 Wisdom, +1 Logic, +1 Strength, -2 Speed, -2 Toughness.
Starting Skills: +2 Physics [/science], +1 Knowledge (Navigation), +1 Golf [/sports][/b]
Traits/Flaws: Rotund. You have a larger figure, and this gives you a penalty to Speed (-1 Speed).
Outspoken. You tend to say you what's on your mind, giving a bonus to Perception, but a slight penalty to Charisma.
Crime: Murder
Bio: Aadhaya used to be a promising physicist, but when she found out one of her rivals was getting her ideas, she murdered them, to make sure she was the one to get the recognition. She was found out, and was sent to the Prison.
Thirst: 40/100 (+3/turn)
Hunger: 40/100 (+2/turn)
Fatigue: 40/100 [F: 0] (+1/turn)
Name: Hurtz
Race: Human. Skills cost 80% XP.
Gender: Male
Age: Unknown, but above 30.
Stats: +2 Knowledge, +1 Toughness, -1 Logic, -1 Charisma, -1 Speed.
Stats: 1.IQ, 2.Fitness, 3.Wisdom, 4.Agility
Skills: +1 Learning [all], +1 Ranged [all], -1 Melee [all].
Traits/Flaws: Coprolalia. Gets noisy when in pain. Reduces stealth when in pain, regardless of pain tolerance roll.
Crime: Sneaked into a unknown vehicle. It was a vehicle that carries him to the Prison.
Bio: Not too much is known about him.
Golem Core: 1200 EU max. Current: 400 EU [-20/turn: variable]. Operating at 100% capacity. Magic Reactor ONLINE.
Name: Glom.
Race: Golem-Golem. Size Varies. Variable Composition, Literal-Minded, Autonomous Parts, Golem Core [SH-Batteries, M.Batteries]. --Speed.
Age: 800 (780 inactive)
Stats: +2 Strength, +1 Toughness, -1 Wit, -1 Speed.
Skills: +1 Unarmed [/Melee].
Current Size: Large.
Composition: 1 Steel Golem [medium, +Armor, +Fitness, -Wit.]. 1 Clay Golem [small, +Agility, -Toughness]. 3 Stone Golems [tiny, +Fitness, -Agility], 2 Copper Golems [tiny, +Logic], 4 Stone Golems [diminutive, +Toughness, -Agility], 3 Tech Golems [diminutive, +IQ, -Toughness], 4 Iron Golems [diminutive, +Armor, +Fitness, -Wit], 6 Water/Ice Golems [diminutive, +Agility, -IQ], 3 Cloth Golems [minuscule, +Wit, -Fitness], 1 Wood Golem [minuscule, +Dexterity, -Logic].
Literal minded: As a golem, Glom cannot comprehend puns, lie (although he does understand them), or break his word.
Variable composition: Depending on the makeup of his constituent golems, Gloms stats (and even traits) may vary.
Self repair: Gloms golem core (which is itself made up of tiny golems) is capable of creating extra golems to replace the lost golems out of applicable resources, or changing the makeup of already existing Golems.
Autonomous Parts: Glom's golems are able to break off and act independently of him, however, Glom's intelligence is the combined sum of all his golems, and thus all golems broken off are extremely stupid.
Crime: Accidently killing its creator and everyone of its subsequent masters by misinterpreting their commands. After the death of his final master it freed all his creations and captive creatures, which combined killed over half a million people before finally being stopped.
Fatigue: 0
Name: Ajanderus
Race: Minor death god pretender god. +Magic [death], -Magic [non-death], +Power/Stats [Worship], -Stats, Immortal [if currently has followers; will reform in time based on # of followers], No Energy Needs [no thirst, hunger, EU costs].
Gender: Male
Age: 300
Crime: Attempting to destroy a city with a cult of followers.
Bio: A minor death god created from multiple sacrifices from his cult, would have become a threat with a city full of followers, but defeated by a group of wizards. Condemned to Aetherworld prison.
Stats: +2 Logic, +1 Knowledge, +1 Strength, -1 Wisdom, -1 Toughness, -2 Speed.
Skills: +3 M.Knowledge [Death], +2 M.Casting [Death], -1 Magic [/all, non-death].
Traits/Flaws: Death alignment: Incapable of being healed by life magic. Doing such would actually harm them even more. Life-aligned spells are super effective against him.
Worship: None.
Thirst: 40/100 (+3/turn)
Hunger: 40/100 (+2/turn)
Fatigue: 40/100 [F 0] (+1/turn)
Name: Mighty Mangler.
Race: WRESTLER. Medium, Organic. Humanoid. Systematically bred for hundreds of years to create the perfect Wrestlers (descended from humans). +Fitness, +Wrestling, +Melee, -IQ, -Wit. Can change his face into different colored patterns (req: Wisdom roll) at will. These "masks" give different bonuses.
Gender: Male.
Age: 30.
Stats: +2 Toughness, +1 Strength, +1 Dexterity, +1 Wisdom, +1 Charisma, -1 Speed, -1 IQ, -1 Logic.
Skills: +2 Wrestling [/MMA], +1 Chair Combat [/MMA], +1 MC.Dodging [/Evasion]
Face/Heel: Depending on current standing (Face - good guy or Heel - bad guy) he receives bonuses and maluses to actions that go with or against his alignement. As a Face, he is honorable, honest, heroic, and as a Heel he is sly, traitorous, cunning.
Crime: Twelve counts of Grievious Bodily Harm, forty two counts of Assault, six counts of Armed Assault, one counts of Assault with Intent to Kill, one count of Posession with Intent to Use, five counts of Slander, one count of Manslaughter.
Bio: He wrestled people on the streets, he wrestled them in their homes, he wrestled them in their dreams and now he will wrestle them in their cells.
Hunger: 30/100 (+2/turn)
Fatigue: 40/100 [F 0] (+1/turn)
Name: Blorn
Race: Yellow Slime. Size Varies, Organic. Absorption, Acid Trail, Shapeshift, Acid Gush. +Toughness, -Speed.
Gender: N/A.
Age: 2
Stats: +2 Toughness, +2 Wisdom, +1 Strength, +1 Speed, -1 Dexterity, -2 Knowledge.
Skills: +1 Absorption [/slime], +1 Shapeshifting [/slime].
Current Size: Small.
Absorption: Currently up to hardness: wood [up to one size category smaller].
Traits/Flaws: Being a slime, Blorn is fairly slow. He does leave a trail of acid wherever he goes though.
Crime: Absorbing several small villages, attempting to absorb largely populated towns.
Bio: Blorn was created by a mad scientist, who, in the last days of his life, wished to create something he could call his offspring. So, he created Blorn, a slime, made of acid. Blorn, not having any special feelings toward his "father", decided he wasnt fed enough. After the digestion of flesh and bones, Blorn began to wander the wild. He ate anything and everything in his path, making him very large. At one point in his lifetime, he became large enough to engulf small houses, which he did with glee. Then, he ate villages. It was about this time that he was picked up by the Multiverse Officials. They managed to get his mass down to a more reasonable size, and then sent him to the Aetherworld prison...
Power Control: 240 EU max. Currently 130 EU, -5 EU/turn.
Name: X-297, "Wraith"
Race: Assasinbot. Medium, Inorganic. Secret Compartment [small], Arm-Weapon [Kinetic], Power Control [SC-4 Batteries]. +Agility, -Fitness.
Gender: Robotic male
Age: 2
Stats: +2 Dexterity, +1 Speed, +1 Logic, -1 Wisdom, -2 Toughness.
Skills: +1 Firearms [all], +1 Repair [/fabrication].
Crime: Assassination and other related crimes.
Bio:This bot was stolen shortly after production, resulting in it being on the blackmarket quite frequently. It was captured by the authorities after it's latest owner ordered an attempt to kill a galactic leader that was travelling nearby. The bot looks like a standard assassinbot,a thin black model with a visor shaped eye and reverse jointed legs, but has a thin stirpe of dark purple on it's left shoulder.
Magic Core: 400 EU max. Currently 110 EU [-10/turn]. Becoming larger increases EU upkeep.
Name: "AUGH WHAT THE HECK IS THAT THING", "Thing" to anyone that has managed to survive their encounter with it.
Race: Sentient Magical Anomaly. Size Varies, Inorganic. Amorphous [limited, costs EU], Natural Weapon [misc. pointy bits], Made of Magic [vulnerable to certain magic, can sense magic], Bound Magic [cannot use learned magic, can use any magic items absorbed by it at a large bonus], Absorb Item [may absorb magic items and spells (IF APPLICABLE: not always!) to restore health and increase power], Magic Core [absorbed magic, M.Batteries]. XP Cost: N/A. May only gain skills through absorption.
Age: About 2 months.
Stats: +2 Knowledge, +1 Logic, +1 Wisdom, +1 Dexterity, -1 Toughness, -1 Strength.
Skills: +2 Magic Usage [absorbed items].
Languages: Telepathy (projecting images into the minds of others; must learn words before telepathic communication. Until then, only images).
Current Shape: Sphere.
Current Size: Small.
Absorbed Abilities: Ray of Destruction [/void], Valor [/holy], Read Mind [/arcane], Immolation [/elemental], Boil [/elemental].
Crime: Existing inside a prison world.
Bio: After a particularly vicious fight between mages, a leaky magic battery interacted with a damaged spellbook and the remnants of some golems, giving birth to what appears to be a haphazard mishmash of magical items floating within an octarine glow.