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Author Topic: My first Community Fort: Big Game hunter Heavymetals  (Read 739 times)


  • Escaped Lunatic
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My first Community Fort: Big Game hunter Heavymetals
« on: September 05, 2015, 06:58:46 pm »


I've been playing Dwarf fortress for a long time, but I'm a serial restarter, my fort rarely falls into ruin I just start over when I get more than 70 or so population because it becomes too much of pain to manage.
So, I decided that maybe a community fort would keep me interested in my dwarves, and giving myself a goal to work forward.

So, I decided on the theme of a big game hunter.  Nish Jewelletter is sick and tired of hauling random things around the mountain homes, so she decides that she needs more excitement in her life.  She, and her 6 other worthless friends,
are gonna load up all the booze they can drink and go on a hunting expedition.  Of course, her friends don't care for hunting, but the promise of all you can drink was enough to convince them.  They depart to create the fortress Danmankel, "Heavymetals."

Starting Location

A 3 biome Untamed wilds map.  Should offer plenty of game to hunt.  And probably a lot of death.

Our heroine

My embark contains no skills for the dwarves.  They're going to have to learn by doing.  But, they did manage to steel several pickaxes, a mountain of booze, and Nish managed to sneak away with a copper crossbow. Then they drove away in the
wagon that an actual expedition had been planning on using.

15th Granite 125
We've finally arrived!  Away from the stuffy mountainhome and constant hauler duty.  I admit only to my diary that I'm a little nervous about this business.  I saw parrots the size of a house on the way here, but I won't be deterred.
First step, digging shelter.

My friends are already annoyed by the tremendous heat of this place, and I'm not fairing much better.  However, we have plenty of trees around, so we can produce some lumber for beds, and so I can get some
crossbow bolts going to start my career.  With five dwarves working hard, it shouldn't take long to build a place we can hide if one of those birds decides to wander over.

28th Granite 125
Nothing truly eventful happens for the rest of the month.  My friends continue to chrew through the rock, finding many gems and pretty stones, although no real metals, while my other friend knocks trees down, and I turn them into crossbow bolts.
I'll be ready as soon as I have some prey.

14th Felsite 125
Finally, a worthy foe has appeared.  This giant lion tamarin is a truly massive monkey, but I have hopes that, by fighting it isolated, I should be able to emerge victorious.  Just in time too, because the few food items we had are
rapidly dwindling, and it looked like we would have had to scavenge for plants in order to get through summer.

15th Felsite 125
This monkey is fast!  And it really likes the hills too.  I've been chasing it up and down the hills, shooting at it all the while.  I've managed to hit it a few times, but wooden bolts don't really do a lot of damage to a monster
of that size.

19th Felsite 125
The giant mantis shows up while I was chasing the tamarin.  A few shots at it convinces it to go elsewhere.  I never new this hunting thing was so easy!

20th Felsite 125
Am forced to take a break to go get more bolts, and also get more booze. The monkey was not looking that fuzzy anymore. That will not stand!

24th Felsite 125
I finally managed to hit it in the head, knocking it out!  At which point, it just sat there unconscious while I unloaded the rest of my shots into its defenseless body, then bashed its head in.  I don't know how I feel about that.

But at least we'll have some good eats!

As the days turn into summer, I'm now a lot more confident that I will be able to fufill my dream of becoming a master hunter.  I begin to work on curing the skins and forming both leather and bone armor, to commemorate my kill.

Current status of my team


Let me know if I need to do anything with the images.  They seem a little big to me, but I checked some other forts and it didn't seem totally unreasonable, but I can try and shrink them down if I have to.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: My first Community Fort: Big Game hunter Heavymetals
« Reply #1 on: September 05, 2015, 10:21:15 pm »

PTW - Interesting idea.  Big Game Hunting.  All you have to do is assign a huge amount of Dwarfs to hunting....but what happens when many of the animals are wiped out?   ???
The most EVIL creature in Dwarf Fortress!


  • Escaped Lunatic
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Re: My first Community Fort: Big Game hunter Heavymetals
« Reply #2 on: September 06, 2015, 05:19:41 pm »

Well, my actual plan is to focus more on a single hunter, the Hemet Nessingwary of this game as you will, and have the other dwarves essential being a support network.
Forgot to mention I am using the modest mod, which apparently removes the ability to make high boots for some reason?

13th Hematite 125
My next target has arrived.

No, not the chinchilla.  The armored body of the monster does make me a little nervous, so my plan is to fire some test shots and see what I can do, then back off if it proves immune to my bolts.

14th Hematite 125
I was suddenly overwhelmed with the need for a nap.  By the time I woke up, the beast had left the area.  In retrospect, that was probably fortunate for me.  I must make better preparations so that I can take down such a monster.

28th Hematite 125
With that one kill, I was able to craft myself a full set of armor. Granted, its made of bone and skin, but it should provide more protection than the clothes I was wearing before.  Now I feel a little safer taking on some of the more dangerous game.

8th Malachite 125

Migrants!? What? Migrants? Why?!  This is a hunting expedition, not any kind of fortress.  When I asked them about it, they just shrugged, said they weren't going home, and if I didn't like it, I could take it up the king.
Well, I can't very well do that so it looks like i'm stuck with them.  The all you can drink booze stores are looking a little less all you can drink now.  I can only hope my friends don't mutiny before I get some kind of
alcohol production going.

I suspect the king realized he could get rid of some more useless layabouts and foisted them off onto me as punishment for all the stealing we did.  Still, at the very least, I can have them haul stuff around, and start making some coke.

22nd malachite 125
A new giant armadillo bear showed up, even bigger than the last one!
It would make a fine trophy.  I grabbed my crossbow and set out on the hunt.

25th Malachite 125
This hunt may be the worst mistake I have ever made, and a supreme embarrassment.  I am honestly lucky to get away with my life.  The embarrassment part comes from the fact that the darn thing just rolled into a ball.  Just sat there.  And I couldn't hit it
from ten feet away.  I managed to take down a giant, speedy monkey, but a giant ball is my weakness.  But, the worst part is where my weaponry didn't accomplish anything except to piss it off.  At that point, I realized I was in way over my head and just
booked it.  Gonna take some of the monkey bones and see if upgrading to bone makes a difference for my ammo.,

22nd Galena 125
... Wow, these monkey teeth are huge.  I can make three crowns out of a single one!

12th Limestone 125
I take no pride in this.  It must die out of principle.

A caravan has arrived!  It must have just been passing through the area, and come to investigate, because I can't imagine it dropped by just to visit.  We don't have much to trade yet, but I'll see what I can do.
Turns out, the few tooth crafts I made are pretty much worth nothing.  I do buy a few pieces of leather with them, so its not a total loss.

16th Sandstone 125
So far, no metal ore other than galena.  I should have expected as much when I realized that this place was named Heavymetals.