Update for .73b: Added skirts, etc. to large aquatics.
Update for .73a: Fixed missing militia officers for some civilizations and made Moon Snail Men functional, with many thanks to Modest Mod for fixing the Moon Snail Men.
Update for .73:
Made Ogres twice as smart! Removed [SLOW_LEARNER] in order to be able to appoint nobles.
Specialized Non-Evil Temperate Forest, Aquatic, and Wetlands.
Update for .72:
Added Ogres to Remove Meanderer Patch, it also removes Slow Learner and adds Trances to Ogres, if you so chose to use the patch rather than their more natural behaviors.
Made Escaupil and Eagle Suit wearable together (modify layering)
Made Eagle Suit armor and not clothing
Specialized Civilizations for small non-evil mountain and plains beastfolk, based on the Humans from Anamnesis. The larger plains beastfolk use the same entity file as previous, and only the Yetis are decent sized non-evil mountain, so they get their own distinct parameters.
Update for .71: Added Ogre Civilizations.
Update for .70e1: Added Escaupil to Tropical Beastfolk: A long quilted vest. I used the spanish name for this Aztec item to match the "western" feel of existing item names.
Update for .70e: Vests and gloves for Tropical Beastfolk, footrags for Mountainfolk
Update for .70d:
Eagle Suits and a small amount of other clothing for Tropical Beastfolk.
Update for .70c:
Added Unique Tier 2 nobility to Aquatics & Desertfolk
Fixed missing toys, instruments, Ballista Bolts and TrapWeapons
Update for .70b:
All beastfolk can now create all tools from native (Stone Pots, Wheelbarrows, Minecarts, etc.)
Update for .70a:
All entities now have armor. Variance in headwear for some of the more exotic civilizations. Maybe you can tell the various Hamsterfolk apart now.
Update for .68:
Bi-yearly activity instead of every season for most civilizations.
Update for .67b:
Give basic armor to all entities
Include Patch to remove [MEANDERER] tag from Beavers, Yetis, and Sasquatches in attempt to speed their movement in fortress mode.
Ensure all beastfolk can appoint a military.
Added Thing from the Deep.
Update for .66:
Fixed missing reactions for plains-based civs
Added reaction that would force all civs to have steel
Fixed missing steel making reactions, restored to native
Update for .65:
Unlocked All Biomes of Beastmen
Fixed items so every playable civ starts w/tree cutting and digging weapon
Modded the Beastman Generator to remove AQUATIC, so all ocean creatures can breath air. Essentially unlocks Sperm Whale Warriors and their ilk.
Fixed civ generation issues by removing crop usage from many civs (they just won't start with seeds and plants)
Made Sasquatch, Yeti, and Gnomes sentient (I apologize about the Gnomes, but the Faefolk Convention of 120 requires them to be labeled as such
Set up basic government for all playable civs
Gave basic armor/weapons to all beastfolk
Allowed most Beastfolk to create overland forts and tombs, like humans
Some Beastfolk still use caves or cave cities, for flavor
Added Anaconda Men to list of possible civs
Update for .61:
Added Hatchets and Spades
Fixed beastfolk entities so they can use metal weapons and armor, oops
Unlocked Plains-based Beastfolk, Hamsterfolk rejoyce!