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Author Topic: 'Murderflood: (Ardentdikes IIIv3) You, there, grab this save!  (Read 225956 times)


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Re: 'Murderflood: Resurrection II: The Reboot (Ardentdikes IIIv3)'
« Reply #1035 on: August 25, 2016, 11:01:06 pm »

Dont kill me I helped this place survive its first terrorizing moments!
Then let someone else install the heavy mechanisms! Or at least learn to lift with your legs, dammit!

Seriously though, it’s highly unlikely I’ll actually kill anyone. Theatrical villainy amuses me, and as already seen I’ll happily build an enormous, fortress-ending doomsday device, but my paragon kicks in when it comes to actually deliberately killing dwarves.

I thought Zuglarkun IV was my solution, but then I realised it would be more fun to link his cage to the murderflood lever. Since it’s possible everyone in the dining room could survive the magma for a while by keeping the doors shut, releasing an enraged vile mist husk in the middle of them seems like a decent backup plan.


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Re: 'Murderflood: Resurrection II: The Reboot (Ardentdikes IIIv3)'
« Reply #1036 on: August 26, 2016, 04:17:53 am »

Yar! The dwarven caravan be here.

We perused their equipment, but it’s apparent the fortresses on their trade routes be fallen on hard times. Their weapons and armour probably be high quality equipment by human standards, but compared to the output of our godsmiths Pyrotechno, Asmoth and Flame III,they be little better than the work of amateurs.

Still, ye can always use extra trap components, so I bought some of those to put around the place, plus a couple drinks of rum fer the look of the thing.

The liason be havin’ nothing interesting to share: it seems the world be a dull place outside Murderflood. The most interesting news from the mountainhome be shortage of meat and tanned hides: hardly the most engaging of stories.

Well, if the world won't bring us good tales, we'll make our own. I showed them The Dome and explained its purpose. The more who see it, the further my grand tale will spread across the world. Of course, the innate greatness of the story I be tellin’ ensures it will be told forever, but teasing ye’re upcoming works be an important marketing skill fer any author.

All will hear of the determination of Murderflood, to live forever or burn with honour, whichever comes first. And my great monument to that determination will be the centerpoint of the tale, the jewel of Murderflood's spike-studded crown.

Yar, another beastie, in the 3rd caverns this time! Ye know what? I honestly don’t care. Just lock the door, maybe we’ll deal with it later.

Dumping of beastie corpses from the caverns be going rapidly. The free time of all dwarves who not be putting the finishing touches on me Magnum Opus be occupied with dragging corpses to the surface and incinerating them in the Dike. The dike itself must be at least 20% molten crundle meat by now. At the very least I swear it’s risen by a few centimeters.

I be hearin’ rumours. Some dwarves are talking of establishing a safe place, outside the range of The Dome, so that some might survive if Murderflood must be cleansed.

Fools and cowards! Don’t they realise that completely robs the narrative of emotional stakes? The story I be tellin’ here not be a fairy tale ta’ tell ye’re kids! It be a sprawling, epic saga of true dwarven mettle against the undead hordes, where the entire fortress could fall at any moment!

But one bright side. Now that I know some among us be... infested, by this traitorous lack of determination, I can work to counter it. The Dome alone not be enough! We must cut these cowards off at every turn. They must not be allowed to flee Murderflood's honourable fate and ruin my narrative!

I have distributed a variety of designs to random dwarves, to pepper the fort with "devices". No-one but I be knowin’ the purpose of these things, nor havin’ the full picture regarding how they will function. Should the lever be pulled, however, every one of these miracles of engineering will work in tandem to maximise the chaos and ensure no dwarf here takes the cowards way out.

Yar. Should the lever be pulled, all will burn. My devices will ensure it.

Speaking of burning, our new Forgotten Beastie in the third caverns decided to attack a small crew o’ Magma crabs who’d come up into the caverns through the holes where mushroom roots had penetrated the magma sea.

I thought the magma crabs were done for, but then...

Note for future overseers: war trained magma crabs. Get on it.

The Lever has been installed.

It is called Glimmeredscars. Constucted of an artifact Native Copper mechanisms, it menaces with spikes of iron and depicts Tosid raising his silver mace to crush Murderflood's enemies, a wave of magma burning all before it, a crown of bone, representing the weight of history and the monarchy bearing down upon Murderflood, and... a harp? Well, 3 out of 4 ain't bad.

The linkages will take some time yet. I’ve ordered a few magma-safe iron mechanisms built, an’ they be heavy. Also, I need to connect not only the cistern output, but also several of me’ new devices. I won’t be able to test the lever once the cistern itself starts being filled, so it be essential we get everything in place first before filling the cistern starts.

Speaking of the cistern...


The Cistern be watertight. The Pump Tower be complete. The Magma Spigot be treated. Dwarvenkind be facing the rise of a new sun, a sun made of silver, but no less fiery than the one that watches over us from the heavens.

The Murderflood Last Resort Cistern aka. Usanarust, “Murderbowl”. (Unfortunately, the Old Tongue doesn't have a word for "dome")

We might not be able to fill the Dome yet, but we can start pumping: the Magma Spigot needs to be primed and checked for leaks. With the enthusiasm that can only come of a dwarf being allowed to work with magma, twenty-one dwarves take their place in the stack and start pedaling. Magma flows upwards through the tower, and once again dwarven ingenuity triumphs over gravity and the natural order.

The molten rock reaches the top of the stack and spreads to the end of the spigot, where a glass stopper holds it in place. A spare bar of untreated copper melts into nothing as magma flows over it.

It works! All that be left to do now link up the mechanisms, open the spigot, and start filling.


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Re: 'Murderflood: Resurrection II: The Reboot (Ardentdikes IIIv3)'
« Reply #1037 on: August 26, 2016, 05:33:09 am »

Vuohiparta felt euphoric gazing at a legendary Bowl of Magma and Murder above his head. QuQuasar, your work is truly admirable.


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Re: 'Murderflood: Resurrection II: The Reboot (Ardentdikes IIIv3)'
« Reply #1038 on: August 26, 2016, 08:06:51 am »


By the way, are you making bone bolts? We have several thousand bones and a legendary bone carver with no other labors enabled. And a bunch of marksdwarves that like to train.


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Re: 'Murderflood: Resurrection II: The Reboot (Ardentdikes IIIv3)'
« Reply #1039 on: August 26, 2016, 06:16:41 pm »


By the way, are you making bone bolts? We have several thousand bones and a legendary bone carver with no other labors enabled. And a bunch of marksdwarves that like to train.
Nope, I streamlined the entire fortress into a well oiled Dome-making, Corpse-dumping machine this year. Nobody's done anything else: we've been living off of surplus food and drink and trading with surplus crafts.


The linking be taking too long, and I be bored. What else needs doing? Hmm...

Well, dropping the roof worked last time. Let's try that again.


Yar, worked perfectly.

Still bored. 'ave we linked up the first two bridges? If that's done, we can be fillin' some of the bonus devices.

Yaaarr, fine. It be goin' about as well as expected. Still bor- what? We can pull the lever? You mean...

It's ready?

Now, be witnessing the firepower of this fully armed and operational dwarf fortress!

Yar that be awesome. I gloat.

The debris in the bottom will burn off or melt with time. We probably didn't really be needin' those bins anyway. Keep pumping!

While we be pumping, a novice Metalsmith was inspired, Took Strange, and made a great artifact: a symbolic representation of me cistern.

Made of adamantine, it menaces with spikes of magma-proof dolomite and depicts what I assume are magma killer whales, which I be pretty sure be a real thing. Even the name be perfect: "The Ardent Clashes-Harshness".

Vucar, you be me new favorite dwarf.


... one week later.

Okay. The novelty has worn off. This... be going to take a while. It's been a week of uninterrupted pumping, but...

Bit more than half a layer. Out of 17 layers. Plus I suspect we'll be emptying the Dike before we fill the cistern. Okay, new plan: everyone pumps. I want new magma from the Magma sea filling the Dike as fast as it be pumped into the cistern, ye understand?

I don't care, ye understand that ye pox-faced swine? My Magnum Opus be more important than yer arms feelin' a little tired!

Yrrrrr, this still be too slow. I've got an idea. What if we open up the area around the magma pump, so more magma can flow in? All we'd have to do is channel into the sea, and-

What d' ye mean there be magma crabs in the area?

Dammit, the pull from the pumps must have dragged 'em in. Alright, we'll need to deal with that. Install some cage traps, maybe we can catch a couple while we're at it.

It got up again?! Dammit!

OOC: Yes, that does say "Cryptequals, Cryptequals corpse." This is the undead corpse of the undead corpse of a blind cave ogre.

"Ye fuckers! What're ye doin' in Gwolfsky's house?"

"It's fiiiine, maaaann. Gwolfsky's not around! You should join us man, this place is pretty sick maaaaan."

"Dammit, ye arseholes're supposed to be pumping! Flame III! Pyrotechno! Morgan! Get ye're arses out of here. I thought ye had a better work ethic than this. I be very dissappointed in all of ye!

"What about me?"

"Nay, I pretty much expected this from ye, Chicken."


"Whatever. Where be Gwolfsky, anyway? Wasn't he invited?"

"No, he hasn't been seen in a while."

"How long?"

"Oh, I dunno. I guess since we started filling the cistern, so about... a... week..."

"Oh god."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: 'Murderflood: Resurrection II: The Reboot (Ardentdikes IIIv3)'
« Reply #1040 on: August 26, 2016, 07:17:07 pm »

Shit. Oh shit oh shit oh shit.

Yar, I'm gonna be blamed fer this, just 'cos I was sayin' maybe it wouldna be such a bad thing from a narrative standpoint if the slowest dwarf in the fortress were ta be locked in the cistern to become one with the magma and embody the spirit of dwarven honour. But I didn't intend to actually do it!

We checked the cistern, dammit! There be no dwarves in there when we filled it! Yes, I know there be smoke, it be the bins. Dammit, help me find 'im! 'e's gotta be somewhere! Even if 'e fell in the magma, 'is armour's steel! That wouldn't have melted!

One hurried search later...

"Risen. Ye be chief medical dwarf. What can ye tell me?

"I spoke with Taupe, who knew him better than I. Here's the dossier..."

"Could this be murder? Did anyone be havin' any grudges against him?"

"I'm not certain, overseer, but I don't think so. In addition, there is no signs of violence on the body. (OOC: And no combat logs) I don't believe he was killed by dwarf or beast. There was nothing in the land that dwarf couldn't escape from."

"Despite being paralyzed from the waist down?"

"Damn straight."

"Alright, so that be leavin'... what? Magma mist? Drowning? Perhaps a fall? Be there any other clues ye can be givin' me?"

"It's all on the dossier, overseer."

"Alright. Ye be gettin' back to the pumps. I'll look into it."

"Hmm... says here, the last dwarf ta' see 'im be 'Duck'? Why does that name sound familiar? Hmm..."

"Hey! Turkey! Where be yer friend Duck?"

"... you're doing this on purpose."

"Might be. Says here ye' were the one what carried Gwolfsky to the hospital before he died. Can ye tell me any more than that?"

"Not much. He was unconsious and bleeding, so I picked him up on my way to the dining hall. That's all I know."

"Could ye show me the place?"

"It's easy enough to find. Just follow the blood trail. He was spouting buckets o' the stuff."

"Alright, I'll go do that. Don't go anywhere, I may have questions fer ye later.

Dammit, the trail ends here. Did he fall? It's right under the edge of the Dome...oh. Nay. It's under the dinin' room. e'd have hit the dining room ceiling.

So... what happened? It not be near any magma. It looks like 'e was comin' from the north, but there be nothin' up there but the barracks and the ol' hospital...

... the old hospital.

I know what happened.

"Risen, I be havin' a question for ye."

"Okay overseer, shoot."

"When ye removed the corpses armour, was 'e wearin' any boots?"


"Aye, boots."

"Hmm. Now that you mention it, overseer, I don't think so. Why?"

"I think the northern hospital be contaminated. There be enough forgotten beast blood an' extract around that well to drown a troll."

"But overseer, that could apply to all our wells."

"Aye! But most of us be wearin' boots, or socks at least. We don't get the stuff on us, ye see? So that keeps us alive."

"I see. So... why wasn't Gwolfsky wearin' boots?"

"Yar, that be where the story takes a dark turn. Ye see, it be my fault. I noticed some dwarves weren't wearin' armour, so I told the militia to replace clothing. I guess Gwolfsky hadn't been able to find replacement metal boots yet."

"So... it was you, then."

"It was an accident! Ye can't be blaming me for lax dwarven hygiene!"

"Well, I suppose you're hardly the first overseer to get someone killed by accident. At least you didn't lock him in the cistern."

"... still think that was a good idea."

"What was that?"



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: 'Murderflood: Resurrection II: The Reboot (Ardentdikes IIIv3)'
« Reply #1041 on: August 26, 2016, 07:38:42 pm »


That's the extract that killed a dwarf and a pet bear during my turn! Gwolfski must have gotten it on him when he CRAWLED through a puddle of it! That's why nobody else has died! Quick, floor the spots over!


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Re: 'Murderflood: Resurrection II: The Reboot (Ardentdikes IIIv3)'
« Reply #1042 on: August 26, 2016, 07:41:28 pm »


That's the extract that killed a dwarf and a pet bear during my turn! Gwolfski must have gotten it on him when he CRAWLED through a puddle of it! That's why nobody else has died! Quick, floor the spots over!
The spots are already floored over! WE'RE DOOMED! DOOMED I SAY!


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Re: 'Murderflood: Resurrection II: The Reboot (Ardentdikes IIIv3)'
« Reply #1043 on: August 26, 2016, 07:44:41 pm »

Well rip up the floors and put them back down upside-down!


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Re: 'Murderflood: Resurrection II: The Reboot (Ardentdikes IIIv3)'
« Reply #1044 on: August 26, 2016, 07:57:45 pm »

Well rip up the floors and put them back down upside-down!
That's actually not a bad idea. But before we do that...



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Re: 'Murderflood: Resurrection II: The Reboot (Ardentdikes IIIv3)'
« Reply #1045 on: August 26, 2016, 09:11:15 pm »

There's a lever in the lever room on upper levels of the south tower (should be a shortcut that brings you there) that separates the magma dike from the pump stack. Check the notes there. I would suggest using that so we do not compromise our magma defenses, might also save you some flow FPS.

DERP. Did not notice that you were pumping from the magma dike.

Also, in the event that we need to bathe the entire fortress in magma (for decontamination), there's a lever that seals the wells near Gwolfsky's abode so we still ought to have a fresh water source.
« Last Edit: August 26, 2016, 09:14:00 pm by Zuglarkun »


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Re: 'Murderflood: Resurrection II: The Reboot (Ardentdikes IIIv3)'
« Reply #1046 on: August 27, 2016, 01:03:46 am »


Filling continues. It be a slow but rewarding process.

I had the polluted well thoroughly cleaned, though I fear there still be forgotten beast blood and extract across the fort. There be little I can do about that now: I have less than two months left in me term, and I not be fool enough to try and overstay my welcome as overseer. There be plenty of stories about power hungry dwarves who try that: it never ends well for them.

In the interests of science I tried to expose a turtle to the syndrome, but nothing happened. Well, aside from getting utterly covered in blood...

Seriously, hygiene.

We carved out the lower levels of the pump stack for better access to magma.

With luck, fillin' the dike should be a little faster now.

Lest ye forget the vile mist, it still be risin' off the lake. I've not mentioned it in this log as it be a routine occurance, but we've seen four or five mists this year.

This time, however, we be noticing something odd.

The mist caresses my masterpiece. Clearly it fears that it will never have the opportunity to husk us all, as it did to poor Zuglarkun. Aye, this was the right choice.

Deep in the warm depths of the Dome, the duchess goes about her business.

Above her, the magma reaches her roof and slowly, carefully spreads over it. A few leftover seeds, the remains of some construction workers snack, catch alight as it reaches them.

A giant lepoard roams the outside of the dike, curiously looking in. Perhaps it appreciates the warmth in these cool summer months.

I am nearing the end of my term. It be clear that my masterpiece will not be full by the end of the year, but I trust future overseers to see the wisdom in my work and allow pumping to continue.

Or perhaps they could look to automating one or both pump stacks instead? The wind in Murderflood be strong (OOC: 40 power per windmill), and we have a long pathway perfectly positioned for such an endeavor. Covered in turbines, it could easily power the pump stack from sea to dike, and would be savin' us all that mucking about with "water reactors" [spit].

Yar! The new year be here. It now be the year 216, and thus my term beat an end.

The cistern be about a third full.

I have no choice but to hope for the best: these dwarves no longer be mine to command. And, yar, even if my successor proves... less than honourable, shall we say, and decides they want to be sabotagin' my great work, well... there's a lot more than just the Dome linked up to that lever now, and it be in a public place, isn't it?

A public place where anyone could just... go ahead and pull it. Without warning.

Not that I would want ta' be doin' that, of course. That Would Be Bad.

I'm just saying.

OOC: And thus ends the reign of Quasar Dipropes, Pirateauthor.

Save is here.

Comments for the next overseer:

- Imic and Urist McKiwi are both doing something weird where they get stuck on "pickup equipment" and keep picking up and dropping bolts. You might have better luck than I working out what their problem is.
- Windmills! We've got plenty of space and logs, and they generate 40 power each without the FPS costs and potential drownings of a water reactor: you could power the Dike-To-Dome pumpstack with six of them, and the Sea-to-Dike pumpstack with 12.
- Hygeine! Go looking for forgotten beast blood and extract and try to floor over it wherever you find it. At least one type of goo on the map is fast acting and deadly to dwarves.
- Gwolfsky's house belongs to me now. I killed him, I get his stuff. I'm like, 95% sure that's how that works.

Oh, and I've done terrible, horrible things to the FPS. It should come good again when the Cistern and Dike are both filled, but in the mean time you can free up some pathfinding CPU by...
 ~ forbidding the door into the big cavern on level 137,
 ~ closing the trap corridor into cavern 2 on level 126,
 ~ forbidding the door into cavern 1 on level 126, and
 ~ forbidding the door into cavern 3 on level 114.

Good luck! (you poor, poor bastard)
« Last Edit: August 27, 2016, 05:26:16 am by QuQuasar »


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Re: 'Murderflood: Resurrection II: The Reboot (Ardentdikes IIIv3)'
« Reply #1047 on: August 27, 2016, 04:47:56 am »

So, what you're saying, is Pull the Murderlever.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: 'Murderflood: Resurrection II: The Reboot (Ardentdikes IIIv3)'
« Reply #1048 on: August 27, 2016, 05:20:12 pm »

Okay, I did a test in a parallel Murderflood. I won't spoil anything, but the lever could easily be made a lot more destructive with a few minor architectural changes.

In short, Up/Down stairs are a problem. The Magma falls straight down them without splashing to the sides. Unfortunately, Murderflood is built around an 4-way up/down staircase from surface to magma sea, so that's where the magma goes: straight to the bottom. It would have to fill up the lowest levels before even touching the higher ones. It might manage it eventually if we made sure the caverns were watertight (which I would recommend), but magma doesn't flow fast.

To fix, what we'd need to do is deconstruct and floor over two of the up/down stairs on the levels we want to ensure get flooded. This would mean the magma has to go to the other two staircases, and in the process would overflow into the fortress.

(edit) also, in addition to making sure the caverns are watertight, plugging up all the lower levels with wallls or magma-proof doors would allow the relevent bits of the fortress to fill up quicker. Magma flows slowly, so anything to speed the process will make things much more exciting.
« Last Edit: August 27, 2016, 05:35:34 pm by QuQuasar »


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Re: 'Murderflood: Resurrection II: The Reboot (Ardentdikes IIIv3)'
« Reply #1049 on: August 27, 2016, 06:02:46 pm »

That was truly a magnificent turn, Ququasar, as always. Ghills is now next!
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