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Author Topic: 'Murderflood: (Ardentdikes IIIv3) You, there, grab this save!  (Read 220706 times)


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Re: 'Murderflood: Resurrection II: The Reboot (Ardentdikes IIIv3)'
« Reply #300 on: October 26, 2015, 05:20:16 pm »

I tend to get crashes if I play too long without saving and thus returning to the main menu. Especially in adventure mode. I've began to save regularly in a slightly paranoid fashion.

Be aware that the game's internal save system is bugged out. After enough saves (the average is about 20) the region will be rendered unplayable. You'll want to use DFHack's "quicksave" to get around this issue. (Use "die" to immediately end the program if you need to exit out - just remember to quicksave first.) It uses the same system as the seasonal autosave in Fortress mode, which is not bugged. However, I don't think this works for Adventure mode.
Woah, really? This is the first time I've heard about this. I have a world with four adventurers and I've saved waay past 20 times already..

Maybe it's just Fortress mode, then. But, yes, it is a thing - myself and many others have experienced it.


Ah! I better start quick saving. I've got regions where I'm trying to build up multiple forts for the same civ, this sounds like it could be a death knell for that kind of project.
Don't pay attention to the body piles in every fort I play, I swear I'm competent at this game.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: 'Murderflood: Resurrection II: The Reboot (Ardentdikes IIIv3)'
« Reply #301 on: October 26, 2015, 05:41:33 pm »

That's one of the reasons I didn't expand the surface fort, though I've never had an issue with it myself. Never mind that it's less hassle to dig down than build up.


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Re: 'Murderflood: Resurrection II: The Reboot (Ardentdikes IIIv3)'
« Reply #302 on: October 26, 2015, 06:03:19 pm »

I tend to get crashes if I play too long without saving and thus returning to the main menu. Especially in adventure mode. I've began to save regularly in a slightly paranoid fashion.

Be aware that the game's internal save system is bugged out. After enough saves (the average is about 20) the region will be rendered unplayable. You'll want to use DFHack's "quicksave" to get around this issue. (Use "die" to immediately end the program if you need to exit out - just remember to quicksave first.) It uses the same system as the seasonal autosave in Fortress mode, which is not bugged. However, I don't think this works for Adventure mode.
Woah, really? This is the first time I've heard about this. I have a world with four adventurers and I've saved waay past 20 times already..

Maybe it's just Fortress mode, then. But, yes, it is a thing - myself and many others have experienced it.


Ah! I better start quick saving. I've got regions where I'm trying to build up multiple forts for the same civ, this sounds like it could be a death knell for that kind of project.
Are you sure? I've saved Bastiongate hundreds of times and it's still perfectly playable.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: 'Murderflood: Resurrection II: The Reboot (Ardentdikes IIIv3)'
« Reply #303 on: October 26, 2015, 10:03:24 pm »

I tend to get crashes if I play too long without saving and thus returning to the main menu. Especially in adventure mode. I've began to save regularly in a slightly paranoid fashion.

Be aware that the game's internal save system is bugged out. After enough saves (the average is about 20) the region will be rendered unplayable. You'll want to use DFHack's "quicksave" to get around this issue. (Use "die" to immediately end the program if you need to exit out - just remember to quicksave first.) It uses the same system as the seasonal autosave in Fortress mode, which is not bugged. However, I don't think this works for Adventure mode.

That's odd behavior. I've saved many many times in a 20+ year 40.24 fort, both using the seasonal autosave system in the LNP launcher as well as manually saving through the game menu. Have yet to experience any game corruption problems.

As far as crashes are concerned, I've had issues with the Twbt plugins in the past, back when it was fairly new. So I've learned to distrust it even though I'm pretty sure its fine now. I'm using good old print mode: 2D at present. Most crashes I've experienced thus far in 40.xx versions either come from the tree bug or bugged saves in community forts, so I'm not really sure what I'm doing differently from others that results in crash free play. All I know is, outside of community games and the tree bug, I haven't had a crash in months.

That said, it sure doesn't hurt to keep backup saves (gamer paranoia habit of mine).


  • Bay Watcher
  • Weasel Monarch
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Re: 'Murderflood: Resurrection II: The Reboot (Ardentdikes IIIv3)'
« Reply #304 on: October 26, 2015, 10:28:32 pm »

That said, it sure doesn't hurt to keep backup saves (gamer paranoia habit of mine).

I usually go through community games by saving back to the main menu every month, and making a backup of the folder every season. Even if something goes very, very wrong, the worst that can happen is you'll waste two weeks. bonus point if you time your saves after you just ordered a bunch of things and queued the orders into the manager.

Urist McKiwi

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Re: 'Murderflood: Resurrection II: The Reboot (Ardentdikes IIIv3)'
« Reply #305 on: October 27, 2015, 04:19:00 am »

I will admit to being nervous when I got to autumn and realised I hadn't kept any backups. After Murderflood V1 and Moltenchannels...well....enough said.

Deus Asmoth

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Re: 'Murderflood: Resurrection II: The Reboot (Ardentdikes IIIv3)'
« Reply #306 on: October 27, 2015, 12:17:29 pm »

What's a good way of getting multi level images? I'd like to get a decent representation of the towers but a single room surrounded by blue isn't particularly impressive.

Asmoth's Journal, 5th of Sandstone.
The caravan from the mountainhomes seems to be preparing to leave on the return trip. I've been unsuccessful in convincing the liaison to promote Murderflood to a barony, but we did get a fair amount of steel and iron that we can melt down. He did mention that the queen's grandson and one of her only living heirs had moved here a while back and wanted to know how they were getting on. I hadn't heard of any royals living here before then, so I set about tracking them down to find out if there was any way to make use of them. Unfortunately, it turns out that Vuohijumala died before I even arrived here. The others seem unwilling to tell me why he was killed, but I'm more concerned about why the records claim that he managed this:

The queen's last grandchild is apparently living as the militia commander of Ringbound, which makes him a bit useless to me. Perhaps I could send my daughters to get rid of him once they grow up a bit, but I still don't have any way into the line of succession.

On the brighter side, the new prison is finished. The peasants are complaining that it'll take them ages to carry any food or water up to any convicts, but apparently my suggestion of not giving them food or water isn't an option. While I'm thinking about uppity peasants, I've granted Zuglarkun IV's request to work in the hospital because he *likes to help people*. Doubtless it's some kind of plot. Who volunteers to help people that can't stop whining about their missing legs?
Look elsewhere, reader. There is nothing for you here.


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Re: 'Murderflood: Resurrection II: The Reboot (Ardentdikes IIIv3)'
« Reply #307 on: October 27, 2015, 12:19:33 pm »

use twbt or stonesense.
Eventually when you go far enough the insane start becoming the sane


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Re: 'Murderflood: Resurrection II: The Reboot (Ardentdikes IIIv3)'
« Reply #308 on: October 28, 2015, 10:52:36 am »



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Re: 'Murderflood: Resurrection II: The Reboot (Ardentdikes IIIv3)'
« Reply #309 on: October 28, 2015, 10:53:59 am »

Do you want a multi level cross section view from the inside or just a multi level view from the outside?

Stonesense can do both, though a cross section of the fort will be better represented with labels of multiple pictures of the different levels.

If its just an multilevel outside view, or a first person view, Armok Vision is the one you'll want. I used it for the screenshots of the fort on the front page.

Deus Asmoth

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Re: 'Murderflood: Resurrection II: The Reboot (Ardentdikes IIIv3)'
« Reply #310 on: October 28, 2015, 12:31:26 pm »

I was going to do a picture of the towers and New New Murderflood once they were someway close to completion or my year was finished. Turns out that the tower looks kind of weird in 3D due to part of it jutting out some.
Look elsewhere, reader. There is nothing for you here.

Deus Asmoth

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Re: 'Murderflood: Resurrection II: The Reboot (Ardentdikes IIIv3)'
« Reply #311 on: October 28, 2015, 06:47:02 pm »

1st of Moonstone, 203, the Fortress of Murderflood
The fortress was suspiciously quiet. Asmoth had gone to bed the previous night after assigning enough work to keep the unwashed masses busy for over a month, but the site was quiet as she descended the stairs, each step a whisper on the granite tiles. Flinging the door at the base of the tower open, she glared around wildly for someone to threaten with jailtime. She was surprised to find a crowd waiting for her with some news.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

"Goblins," she swore. "Why is this stopping you useless sods from doing any work? Why hasn't the militia already taken care of this? Who's in charge here?"
"Well, we figured you were," Thoryane drawled, leaning casually against the walls of the barracks. "Considering how you disbanded our squads and set yourself up as captain of the guard. And of course, you seem to like talking about how someone of your breeding is superior to us lowly plebs."
For a moment the overseer seemed unsure of herself. Then she vanished back into the tower, emerging a minute later in armour, a sword on her hip. "Squad, to me!" she shouted. "And if that wall isn't up by the time I get back there won't only be goblin blood on this!"


It seemed more like a bad plan once the four of them were actually across the bridge, but it was too late to turn back and still retain any form of control over the soldiers. She sighed, drawing her sword.
"Everything ok, boss?" Besmar asked cheerfully. Asmoth was near certain that the woman was at least half mad, but she didn't seem to have any problems when it came to sticking pieces of metal where it inconvenienced other people.
"Perfect," she answered, rolling her eyes. "This is how I'd start every afternoon if I could."
"Doesn't sound like a good idea, boss. You'd run out of greenskins after a few years, I bet."
The goblins were closer. Asmoth could see the leader's eyes glowing red under his helm. That didn't make sense. If his eyes were glowing, how could he see? She didn't have much time for conscious thought after that. Her shield was on the way up before she even registered the flash of light speeding towards her head. The arrow hit the edge, deflecting upwards and vanishing. To her left, Sibrek let loose a strange cry that Asmoth thought would have to be caused by mortal wounds, but instead Sibrek was rushing towards the archer, screaming obscenities.

Asmoth followed. The others seemed to be doing it, so it had to be a good idea. Sibrek was fighting three goblins by the time she caught up. Beyond them, the archer was lining up a shot to her back. Asmoth dashed past the group with a snarl as Haerdalas and Bomrek evened up the numbers. The archer's eyes widened as he saw her coming, his foot slipping on the loose sand as he took a panicked step back. She ducked under a wild shot, slicing his bow arm with a backslash as she straightened up.
"I am Rombu Remzungudgu," he shouted, drawing a dagger with his other hand.
He looks like a child, thought some detached part of Asmoth's mind as she parried his stab. Grew up hearing stories of legendary raiders," it continued as she removed the dagger and several fingers from his possession. Probably came here looking for glory. Her sword glowed red for a moment as she swung it in an overhead arc, sending it deep into his skull. I guess he didn't find any, she answered viciously, spitting out blood and goblin gristle. Behind her she could hear two voices screaming. Then one. Then the only voice was Bomrek's hoarse laugh and Sirbek's unending litany of curses. In front of her, the second squad of goblins seemed to be having second thoughts. She charged them. It seemed like a good idea.

OOC: I'm not entirely sure why Rombu was the only goblin counted as a historical figure. In any case, since they only sent ten goblins for their siege, it seemed more sporting to only send a single squad against them. Their bowmen were apparently stormtrooper trained. No injuries on our side.
Look elsewhere, reader. There is nothing for you here.


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Re: 'Murderflood: Resurrection II: The Reboot (Ardentdikes IIIv3)'
« Reply #312 on: October 28, 2015, 07:17:55 pm »

Hey, at least they weren't necromancers.


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Re: 'Murderflood: Resurrection II: The Reboot (Ardentdikes IIIv3)'
« Reply #313 on: October 28, 2015, 08:10:50 pm »

Rombu aka Embrace Routnettles is a wonderful goblin name.

The names show up that way because of lazy dwarven bookkeeping. Apparently only squad leaders are worthy of having their names recorded into the annals of dwarven kill lists.

Which civ were the goblins from?
« Last Edit: October 28, 2015, 08:24:28 pm by Zuglarkun »

Deus Asmoth

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Re: 'Murderflood: Resurrection II: The Reboot (Ardentdikes IIIv3)'
« Reply #314 on: October 28, 2015, 09:16:01 pm »

The Thief of Curls is the only goblin civ listed, so I guess it was them.
Look elsewhere, reader. There is nothing for you here.
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