Rampartclasped is a succession game with the objective of subjecting everything within reach to dwarven power. To this end, every single tile visible to dwarfkind will be worked in some way unless it is impossible to do so. The breakdown of the milestone goals is as follows:
1. Surface is claimed. All soil has been channeled away, except for map edges and what is needed to farm. Tree farms must be entirely enclosed with constructed or smoothed walls (roof of bridges if trees won't grow on tiles marked "Inside"). All exposed stone has been smoothed. - IN PROGRESS
(Optional 1.5. Area around fortress proper has been completely channeled out except for access points, possibly with engravings on all outer walls. Ground should be at least three tiles away from the fort at all times.)
2. First cavern layer claimed. Must have at least one dining room, stockpile, and four functioning workshops built somewhere with direct cavern access.
3. As 2, but with the second layer.
4. As 2, but with the third.
5. Magma sea has been colonized and should have a fully independant fort at the level. (As in, locking it forever would allow at least two dwarves to survive until death by old age.)
6. An outpost has been constructed in [REDACTED]. Total reclamation can wait indefinitely (as [REDACTED] will never stop spawning, making any sort of living space difficult to create.
7. As 2, but created as high as possible above the fortress proper, or fortress proper is extended to meet this requirement.
A few notes about the starting conditions of the fortress: I've used a custom worldgen, run for 200 years, adjusted for more volcanoes. There are a few modifications to the default entities: only three dwarven civs will be placed, with most other civs operating at 5. Kobolds are at 10 to try and avoid their inevitable extinction. There are two modded civs in play: a generic evil civ that functions as a mirror to dwarves (though they can be of any normally sentient race,) and the Fallen, four-armed and highly dangerous enemies who are hostile to all known civs except kobolds.
The site is a volcano in The Big Mire. Our neighbors are dwarves, fallen, goblins, and humans. The site lacks flux but should be rich in other metals. The area is fairly mountainous, and there's no surface water.
1. Work must be devoted to completing the milestone objectives in addition to normal fortress operation.
2. In the event of fortress death, the fort will be immediately reclaimed and played until the time the fort would normally end.
3. If fortress is killed due to catastrophic causes (magma flooding, uncontainable demon horde, etc) the current players will vote on whether to restart from the previous safe save, or begin anew.
4. Use of DFhack is permitted for minor tasks, such as trivial contaminant removal.
4a. DFhack may also be used for more extreme tasks if the fortress would remain alive but unplayable (FPS death) otherwise. e.g. sealing an unreachable magma breach in the lower caverns.
5. Journals are encouraged but not necessary.
List of turns:
1. KingMurdoc -
COMPLETE2. PyroTechno - COMPLETE (in two parts)
3. escondida - COMPLETE (in like five posts)
4. vishdafish - UP NEXT
5. Gwolfski - PENDING
6. crazyabe - SOON(tm)
Dorfing list:
CRAZY URIST aka crazyabe
Taupe - Marksdwarf