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How many collaborators should [Godslayer] creation require?

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- 6 (42.9%)
3 (total of 4)
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4 (total of 5)
- 2 (14.3%)

Total Members Voted: 14

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Author Topic: Ye Gods 2 IC Tick 11.0 Walls and Walls and Walls [29/137]  (Read 294104 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ye Gods 2 IC Tick 4.1: Conflicts and Conflations [23/137]
« Reply #1245 on: August 30, 2015, 07:32:11 pm »

Tenat will set up a similar system, with portals to visit the Crystal Gardens.  Those with faith crises are encouraged to wander about to the soft ambient music and wildlife noises.  (Yeah, there are some creatures in the Gardens.  No carnivores though.)

It has been determined that Trump is an average unladen swallow travelling northbound at his maximum sustainable speed of -3 Obama-cubits per second in the middle of a class 3 hurricane.


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Re: Ye Gods 2 IC Tick 4.1: Conflicts and Conflations [23/137]
« Reply #1246 on: August 31, 2015, 05:08:27 am »

Introduce the concept of guilds to the Efte and Naedercynn. Whilst being part of a guild is not required, it does have advantages.
No longer extremely unavailable!
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ArcTech: Incursus. On hold indefinitely.

Kilojoule Proton

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Re: Ye Gods 2 IC Tick 5.0: The Pantheon: Arguments and Insanity [23/137]
« Reply #1247 on: September 01, 2015, 11:50:46 am »

Tick 5.0: (Expected Tick duration: 48-72 hours assuming working connection and lack of travel)

Zhin Reng Jiang has created 6000 Puren and 150 Zhangzi and continues inoculation efforts against potentially sterilizing diseases. Zhin Reng Jiang attempts to use Essence to finish the gates but appears to have run out of Essence. (Zhin: -10I, Zhin: -2I)

Talios has banished three governors responsible for banning necromancy, forcing them to go to Hell. Surprisingly, none of them are judged as evil and proceed to go to their intended afterlives. A mortal requesting a vision of Talios' afterlife has been granted one and aspires to become a great builder in life so as to become an even greater builder in death.

Tenat has initiated a spell tome storage program for the Vault. Recently stored spell tomes include Cook Drumstick Evenly, Joyous Legs, and Cause Embarrassing Dreams. Some lost souls approached have agreed to visit the Gardens and like it there.

A Crystallum magus has begun musing about groups of mages combining their efforts.

The Obelisk War:
Eid has placed a larger, more ornate obelisk reading "Mortals should be treated with respect." next to Zenurion's obelisk.
Jens has constructed a grander obelisk next to Eid's reading "If you haven't figured it out yet, some gods are a tad bit crazy!" (Jens: -1E)
Jens has responded by summoning a still more pompous obelisk of lapis lazuli reading "Zenurion is absurdly idiotic. Don't listen to him. In fact, kick him." (Jens: -1E)
Tenat seems to have arranged for an obelisk to spontaneously assemble out of noise of a decent size reading "The Aspect Tenat notes that the Aspect Tenat finds the contest regarding obelisks to be pointless and nonsensical, and additionally notes that the Aspect Tenat does appreciate the irony inherent in the Aspect Tenat's chosen method to convey the Aspect Tenat's message, and additionally notes that the Aspect Tenat would appreciate the preservation of these obelisks as a monument to godly stupidity."
Zenurion has spawned an obelisk identical to Tenat's in size and placed it to block out the text. On its surface is engraved "Jens is very, VERY easy to anger. Try it yourself, I guarantee you'll find it hilarious! Try to move this obelisk if you don't believe me!" This later spontaneously explodes. Zenurion continues by erecting another obelisk with a detailed experiment log and placing a copy of its message in the Vault. Tenat has attached a note to Zenurion's note. Zenurion has added a note to this note. The Vault has begun rejecting publicly shared items after attempts at using it to propagate inflammatory documents and rioting damaging multiple Vault doors following the propagation of said documents. Zenurion has responded by dispersing notes warning of Yena/Tenat's censorship of Vault content and its untrustworthiness with respect to documents. The Vault has also begun rejecting cognitohazards and biased religious works. <3<
Sifroid, god of Creative Interpretations and Minds, appears for a split second and vanishes, dropping what appears to be a tiny, burning obelisk.
Jens has dropped a titanic metal Santa Claus statue onto the obelisks. It chants "Obelisks are silly. Statues are where it's at." (Jens: -4E)
Zenurion adds a note to the smashy ruins reading "And of course I notice the irony of replying to someone to tell them they have a big ego for wanting to have the last word, I don't pretend to be perfect. In fact many of you would probably consider me to be the incarnation of flaws, and wouldn't be too far off from the truth."

Srillian has taught the Wisps, Jeskia, Jigon, and Spirallians the art of star reading and living together. To this end, Srillian has invested 2E in spirally cities and created all manner of spiral plants on all worlds, using 1E to bypass Eid's inexplicable resistance. Srillian has also granted the races a 1E boon probably in the form of additional constructions. (Srillian: -2E, Srillian: -1E, Srillian: -1E)

Srillian has also sent visions of many spirals to the Spirallions.

Itia's petitioners have responded:
"But there aren't so many moody children any more! Everyone was moody before and now, only one in every 10 or so children is moody!"
"The colder, smaller star is beautiful too. Maybe we should live in its delightful orangeness."
((It is the second star created in the polls and is (without further notice/modification) probably similar to our sun))

Itia has created immense temples of cyan stone for the Star-People and established the order of the Flying Stars for doing priestly things with/for the people. (Itia: -3E)

Zenurion's petitioners respond:
Godslayer wannabe: "Because I hate you! Because the Two Truth says that 2 pl+s Two is fishes!" He launches into a long, frothing rant about truths and evil gods.
Hellboy: "H-h-how t-terrif-fying! Wibble wibble..."
Eternal virgin: "How soon? The princess will marry the terrible unworthy prince in just a few weeks!"

Zenurion's sparring with Talios continues, and it appears that the two are fairly evenly matched. They have concluded their fight amiably. Could this be the beginning of a third Pantheon?

Tenat has attempted to start a Vision Interception System to intercept unauthorized visions reaching more than 1% of a god's followers. (Yena: -1I) (9, 13) Zenurion proceeds to attempt to ruin it, but Tenat manages to counter this disruption. (Zenurion: -5F, Yena: -6F) (14) Zenurion pushes further but cannot quite seem to break down Tenat's protection. (Zenurion: -1F)

 1) Zenurion has determined that Eid's silly assumptions are indeed contagious. Fortunately, the Council seems not to be affected.

(7) Eid attempts to protect his followers from the effects of The Hive. (Eid: -2F)

Tenat has added spelling/grammar checking to the Vault's systems. Regrettably, correct spelling has not been invented yet in many languages.

Sylvan has released all of his Essence and Flux to become the Forever Biggest Tree, an ideal tree. From a grand drop of sap he has woven the Eternal Forest, a boundless forest plane serving as an afterlife for trees and worshipers of Sylvan which also turns visitors into trees immediately. From another drop of sap he has raised towering forests on all the worlds, from colossal redwoods on Eden to shining spires on the crystal moon of Boreas. Finally, Sylvan has created 2000 colonies of Evertrees. (Sylvan: -2I, Sylvan: -18I) ((Correct to 200?)) () Sadiq has granted them a blessing of fertility.

Sylvan has additionally created three Arboreal Administrators. (Sylvan: -1I)

Talios has changed into his "work uniform" and begun guiding lost souls to their afterlives.

((Re disease resistance: It's mostly correct, I think.
Re Teleport on angels: It's not included in [Angel] (which is [Divine] (which is [Aligned] [Will Be Back]) [Unique]), but in practice, travel for small-enough numbers of things without immediate conflict is mostly glossed over for convenience.))

Si has created runestones and placed them in Skizani communities and taught their wisest to write correctly. The flower person seems to be annoyed by Si's presence changing the flowers into less desirable colors/shapes. The admirer realy does seem to have been looking at Si. The Skarati seem more numerous than before.

A follower of Morthan has dug a pit and attempted (and failed) to sacrifice the youngest of the village's families. Zenurion notices an angelic angel apparently arresting the man and taking out the children.

Morthan has uplifted Torqal, a male probable Thannel or Human. (Morthan: -4E)

Arkford's petitioners respond:
"It's for a massive panflute of some sort for one of those cheery peoples."

Morthan has attempted to toast to suffering for Zenurion, who produces two glasses of blood and gives one to Morthan. Morthan adds orphan tears to both glasses. Jens fires a blowdart moving at the speed of sound at Zenurion's face, simultaneously ruining and improving the toast. Talios has repaired the glass (and presumably is not too worried about not being included in the toast). (14) Zenurion continues by attempting to disintegrate a random Skizani who Jens shields with a slightly excessive 8F. (Jens: -8F) (8) The Skizani, by Zenurion's reckoning, was probably a farmer of some sort, but Itia cloaked the mortal before Zenurion could see more detail. (Itia: -1F) Zenurion still manages to finish his drink of (baby?) blood with orphan tears, unexpectedly not choking on them.

Lolohe has attempted to cause the Skizani/Skarati to form a unified government, but most of them seem content to live as independent villages answering to no one in particular regardless of the nice protections unity would bring. (11) Eid has applied 2F to draw in the lost souls of the Skizani, which seem to make up the majority of souls wandering about, and a decent number respond. Eid's afterlife is also open to the Skizani and Skarati if they cannot worship (which they can't). (Eid: -2F)

Lololhe hears of Eid's report of the recent Human disappearances and confirms it and adds that he heard that many Kitsoony also disappeared.

Tenat/Yena has become Yena/Tenat! Yena's first act on returning is attempting to duct tape Zenurion's mouth.

Following a challenge from Eid, Zenurion has shot plasmamancy lasers at Eid repeatedly, at least after he finishes talking... Eid responds by firing one shot at Zenurion. The two then fire concentrated single beams at each other, but they mostly just seem to pass through each other.

Jens or maybe J3n5 seems to be having difficulties with a minor overabundance of personalities.

Zenurion worship has been banned among the Star-People! There are currently no prayers to Zenurion from the Star-People.

Meow has written the play The Madness of the Gods, a complete record of the gods' conversations since the dawn of creation ending with Meow giving a script prop to a random Kitsoony in the audience and tossed it at a random Kitsoony. It is a massive success mostly for its controversial elements and what is believed to be outright blasphemy. Angry mobs march through the lands, torching copies of The Madness of the Gods and scribes copying them. Zenurion has taken the bizarre step of helping in the first performance of the play in person and applauding at the end. He may or may not have been involved in the rioting, there is really no way to know. Bohenar has assisted by providing special effects and reviewing it by clapping between one and seven hands. Tenat has also attended the first performance. Veles has provided moral support to the Kitsoony involved. Isgon has also decided to attend the first performance choosing a seat near the back. Meow has attended the play sitting on Tenat, its tail forming a comical mustache or maybe grin. Arkford has attended the play as a hovering metal sphere with a headdress and humanoid-shaped long robes. The Don has decided to scalp tickets instead. Jens has attended the play in the unobtrusive form of cushy back-board-things for the seats. Zenurion has teleported off a row of mortals sitting on Jens-seats to whatever else they were supposed to be doing and decided to sit by Isgon. Following many annoyed looks from attending mortals at the squabbling, noisy gods, The Jens-seats' surfaces have turned into sound-absorbing (not damping!) material. A muffled explosion is heard from a particularly dark section of the theatre. Someone seems to have lost something.

Eid checks on the Human civilization. Lolohe has been managing it quite well--well enough that the people seem to be descending into some measure of complacence and decadence. Where possible, they prefer to use bronze rather than iron for its improved properties and ease of production. There is an unusually large proportion of cooks in the population leading to such advances as multiple independent inventions of pizza within 5 years.

((TheBiggerFish: Confirm removal of [Immortal] from Crystallum?))

Tenat has checked to see if the Vault will accept objects in addition to papers. It seems it will accept objects considered to be equivalent to papers, especially such things as mundane tablets/logs. Storing artifacts is not recommended right now.

Quelor has created an afterlife with volcanoes producing very metal-rich lavas surrounded by vast icy wastelands and dotted with a grid of supply buildings with continuously working forges to supply the Forgeborn (along with food and water for carbos). It has reasonably easy access to other public afterlives.

(6) Lugen has split off into a cloud of centipedes and begun searching for compatible creatures. It appears the Thannel may be somewhat compatible and some of the Haunts may potentially be slightly compatible. (Lugen: -10F)

Meow has placed a cat on Steve the nonexistent Human and told it that it is free to apply scratches to Steve if Steve disobeys his new owner. Tenat seems to think this is incredibly silly. Meow has moved the cat to a random mortal's head. The cat seems to have had a fun day.

Following offers of assistance from Eid, Lolohe requests a crisis to get the Humans back to work after a rash of excessive partying and insufficient work. The main cause of death right now seems to be feuding. Eid has created an incredibly loyal aligned Human presumably named Steve. (Eid: -0E)

The Coffee Kerfuffle
Zenurion has created Hell coffee, a rich, strong variety growable only in Hell. He has also published a guide to growing and using it and spread it among the denizens of the underworld. Si has issued coffee seeds to the seed-dispersing angels. They seem to have changed to accomodate Si-affected lands. A strange humanoid appears and disappears, dropping another mini-obelisk which proceeds to explode.

Arkford responds to the creation of coffee with an attempt at the creation of surface-dwelling tea bushes on all three planets. Isgon has encouraged Jeskai monks to drink it. Zenurion has blocked their creation! Isgon has begun drinking tea while gazing into Zenurion's deep, evil eyes. Itia has banned coffee drinking among the Star People and opposed Zenurion's opposition. (9) Zenurion has empowered his opposition of the creation of tea as much as is possible, but the tea ends up being made in the end. With the support of Itia, Talios, and Tenat, Arkford has made surface tea that is inferior to subterranean tea after all.

The Don seems to prefer Kitsoony ale. The Crystallum have been warned that as with most carbo substances, coffee will not affect them.

Si has created the Winged Cuirass, a thick, lightweight artifact cuirass that grants flight (or speeds it up) and increases the lifespan of its wearer substantially. (Si: -3E) (8) Si has also sent the Unnamed Angels to Boreas and Eden (Planets 2 and 3) through spectacular teleportation and created another of the seed-bearing angels to spread strange, unique plants in isolated regions. (Si: -0E, -1F) Si has created still another Unnamed Angel whom Eid names Basicamente to sow on the lush moon of Eden. She will be accompanied by Leviticus.

Meow respawnds to some purrayers:
#1: "! ! !Bless Meows our Honk.,;,.;,.!"
#2: "Hyes, tis weel do quite nicely, hee hee hee hee hee..." A group of assorted brightly dressed youngsters have, after much festivity, accidentally knocked loose a boulder. Not wanting to let an accident go to waste, they keep it as a souvenir of their travels.
#3: "Feast away!"

Si answers some prayers:
#1: "Thank you, great Si!"
#3: "*hic* Yesh, sho good, catsh everywhere! Thoshe moody kidsh *hic* will pay lotsh for thish! *hic*"

Eid has created coffee and tea everywhere, crediting Zenurion and Arkford with the original concepts.

Eid answers some petitioners:
#2: "Would yOu want to live in a prison for several years doing nothing?"
#3: "Thank you. May this first of my mules find its way to you."

Tenat has taught the Crystallum sandstorm safety and avoiding ablation and introduced a number of plants growing in caverns that produce mineral pods for the Crystallum. Some of them even luminesce.

Veles has created the Faith Crisis Centre to help educate Kitsoonies on the small matter of death and what comes next. It is mildly popular, but most feel they don't need it too badly. Veles also responds to some prayers:
#2: "I found a foxy plate with the scribbles on the back and the wise ones of our town said to sacrifice them to you for a wish, so I did! I wish for lots of money! And being able to read the scribbles!"

Tenat has arranged for a similar faith crisis resolution system with portals to visit the Crystal Gardens. The more short-sighted Crystallum just enter the portals and stay and live in the Gardens, selling off their homes and possessions and buying luxury goods for their stay such as something known only as "ruby."

Plagues of mosquitoes have erupted in Spirallion, Human, and Djinn areas.
A Crystallum settlement's mineral supply seems to have been tainted with chalk.
The wandering carnivals take a turn for the dark as visitors inexplicably begin disappearing.
A play commemmorating Talios as the first among the gods (and gentle fatherly figure to the Don with the Corpse Club business) has begun spreading everywhere. Scholars and priests everywhere commonly contrast it with the later more scandalous work The Madness of the Gods.
The Skizani preachers have met with such incapacitations as illness, the perils of the beasts of the wilderness, and some reflection on the actual benefits of their mission.
A band of merry Wisps has started a large gathering characterized by a great number of activities and performers.
A cult dedicated to something named "Expiration" has emerged in a wooded Gaian (Planet 1) valley.
There is a minor outbreak of suddenly turning into ash, killing an estimated 500 of various races.
A large rockslide has severely damaged part of a Racha town.
The Star-People seem somewhat angrier and more aggressive.
A number of Jeskia have woken up with cases of severe sudden baldness of head feathers.

Zenurion has created the Lambdent, a many-casted race of strong, aggressive Hell-dwellers.

Arkford has introduced the concept of guilds to the Efte and Naedercynn. Several have already formed, including the Guild of the Machine, the Tea Brewers' Guild, and the Singers' Guild.

Tenat/Yena's prayer-hearing subroutine registers the following prayers:
#1: "What arrangements would you suggest for a fire suppression area? Asking for a friend who is not made of rock. Who is not me."
#2: "How often do sandstorms appear?"

Jens ponders the following prayers:
#1: "Most of the children are no longer moody! Thanks!"
#2: "How can we make our bodies less fragile?"

Zhin Reng Jiang receives the following prayers:
#1: "Traffic around the Gate area has gotten worse!"
#2: "What should I do about my workers? They have grown lazy."

Zenurion masticates the following prayers:
#1: "I present the Mistake Engine! For every mistake someone makes near it, it spins faster than an impaled peasant at the feast for a few moments! Behold, Zenurion!"
#2: "I give you this wonderful hat made from fine squid leather, Wonderfulest."

Arkford hears the following prayers:
#1: "Is there a sound or song that can destroy the world?"
#2: (angry blinking) "Why can the surface-dwellers make their own tea now? Why, we ought to toss their next load deep into Zen's Cauldron!"

Prominent this Tick is the constellation known as The Fulcrum, emphasizing engineering and mechanics.

Spoiler: Gods (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Races (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Life and Death (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Passed Proposals (click to show/hide)

Sphere ideas this tick are Rumors and Thralldom. New players are always welcome.

b28b 84f2 b6e5 6f86 b10b c99b 8d9a 8530 54dc 2c8c d3b2 0e8e 36d4 9949 d87e d12b


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ye Gods 2 IC Tick 5.0: The Pantheon: Arguments and Insanity [24/137]
« Reply #1248 on: September 01, 2015, 12:01:59 pm »

Isgon listens to Jeskai prayers. Isgon uses 2 EE to create more Jeskai.
Speaking of lowest intelligence, that reminds me of the fact that it's probably your first time in prison. Don't worry, I can give you some tips, having spent some time in a few myself. The best way to make friends here is to drop the soap during shower time. Try it, I'm sure you'll love making friends like that!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ye Gods 2 IC Tick 5.0: The Pantheon: Arguments and Insanity [24/137]
« Reply #1249 on: September 01, 2015, 12:03:13 pm »

Support 04.06
Tenat shall explain the basic idea of a sprinkler system.
Tenat shall investigate the world for sandstorm frequency.
Tenat will investigate "ruby".
Tenat will attempt to convert Flux to Ichor to Essence, leaving Tenat with full health, about three flux +-1, and however much Essence that converts to.
« Last Edit: September 01, 2015, 12:05:49 pm by TheBiggerFish »

It has been determined that Trump is an average unladen swallow travelling northbound at his maximum sustainable speed of -3 Obama-cubits per second in the middle of a class 3 hurricane.


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Re: Ye Gods 2 IC Tick 5.0: The Pantheon: Arguments and Insanity [24/137]
« Reply #1250 on: September 01, 2015, 12:05:44 pm »

Code: [Select]
Support CNCL004.01
Support CNCL004.04
Speaking of lowest intelligence, that reminds me of the fact that it's probably your first time in prison. Don't worry, I can give you some tips, having spent some time in a few myself. The best way to make friends here is to drop the soap during shower time. Try it, I'm sure you'll love making friends like that!

Demonic Spoon

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Re: Ye Gods 2 IC Tick 5.0: The Pantheon: Arguments and Insanity [23/137]
« Reply #1251 on: September 01, 2015, 12:30:49 pm »

Tick 5.0:

Sylvan has released all of his Essence and Flux to become the Forever Biggest Tree, an ideal tree. From a grand drop of sap he has woven the Eternal Forest, a boundless forest plane serving as an afterlife for trees and worshipers of Sylvan which also turns visitors into trees immediately. From another drop of sap he has raised towering forests on all the worlds, from colossal redwoods on Eden to shining spires on the crystal moon of Boreas. Finally, Sylvan has created 2000 colonies of Evertrees. (Sylvan: -2I, Sylvan: -18I) ((Correct to 200?)) ()

Sylvan (Trees) I12/30 E0/0 F0/0
((2000 is fine, I wrote the action before the padding came into effect.))

Observe how effective/ineffective the Arboreal Administrators are at their assigned duties, I might make them some helpers if needed.

Listen to prayers
« Last Edit: September 02, 2015, 12:14:20 am by Demonic Spoon »


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Re: Ye Gods 2 IC Tick 5.0: The Pantheon: Arguments and Insanity [24/137]
« Reply #1252 on: September 01, 2015, 12:41:08 pm »

((5500+ words! Impressively impressive. Now I just have to fix this whole "Eternal Zero E" thing...))

"Looks like its timta act in tha open. Clear yer schedules, boys, we gotta busy day 'head of us."

The Don Cracks his knuckles, then his neck, and goes down to the world to order his underlings around.

First, he orders a group to go around changing laws when nobody is looking. To be exact, they are to write in laws against walking, breathing, blinking, or any other racial equivalent, on top of writing in laws against changing the law in any way.

Next, he creates Cofe, a type of Coffee specifically honed to the Crystallum's unique biology, and plants it nearby. He promptly makes steps to insure that this substance is illegal in Crystallum lands.

Finally, he makes steps to group together any criminals who work alone, forming large organizations whenever possible.
This is my signature. There are many like it, but this one is mine.

This is my waifu, this is my gun. This one's for fighting, this ones for fun.


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Re: Ye Gods 2 IC Tick 5.0: The Pantheon: Arguments and Insanity [24/137]
« Reply #1253 on: September 01, 2015, 12:45:15 pm »

The Cofe finds that it has been spontaneously subjected to a wind blowing about at its resonant frequency.
>This Aspect would appreciate your noninterference.  Further actions will be taken should this continue.
« Last Edit: September 01, 2015, 12:55:30 pm by TheBiggerFish »

It has been determined that Trump is an average unladen swallow travelling northbound at his maximum sustainable speed of -3 Obama-cubits per second in the middle of a class 3 hurricane.


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Re: Ye Gods 2 IC Tick 5.0: The Pantheon: Arguments and Insanity [24/137]
« Reply #1254 on: September 01, 2015, 12:49:25 pm »

Tenat obliterates all Cofe.
>This Aspect would appreciate your noninterference.  Further actions will be taken should this continue.

"I agree. Ya don' wanna mess wit tha don."

The Don Plants more Cofe, before scouting out the largest Crystillium settlements.

"Dis is why nobody works in public. Everyone gots their own idea of how ta run tings."
This is my signature. There are many like it, but this one is mine.

This is my waifu, this is my gun. This one's for fighting, this ones for fun.


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Re: Ye Gods 2 IC Tick 5.0: The Pantheon: Arguments and Insanity [24/137]
« Reply #1255 on: September 01, 2015, 12:52:02 pm »

Tenat shall set up a persistent subroutine to obliterate Cofe, with simple magic as opposed to divine energies.

It has been determined that Trump is an average unladen swallow travelling northbound at his maximum sustainable speed of -3 Obama-cubits per second in the middle of a class 3 hurricane.


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Re: Ye Gods 2 IC Tick 5.0: The Pantheon: Arguments and Insanity [24/137]
« Reply #1256 on: September 01, 2015, 12:54:19 pm »

Tenat shall set up a persistent subroutine to obliterate Cofe, with simple magic as opposed to divine energies.

"Ill make da cofree grow fasta than you can break it. Keep dis up, see how it works out for yas. Yer 'bout to get ya third strike real quik here pal."
This is my signature. There are many like it, but this one is mine.

This is my waifu, this is my gun. This one's for fighting, this ones for fun.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ye Gods 2 IC Tick 5.0: The Pantheon: Arguments and Insanity [24/137]
« Reply #1257 on: September 01, 2015, 12:57:16 pm »

Tenat shall set up a persistent subroutine to obliterate Cofe, with simple magic as opposed to divine energies.

"Ill make da cofree grow fasta than you can break it. Keep dis up, see how it works out for yas. Yer 'bout to get ya third strike real quik here pal."
>This Aspect repeats a cessation request.  This Aspect shall take measures should these actions continue.
>This Aspect wishes to note, however, that internal societal structures are fair game.
((In short, go ahead and organize gangs.  But don't randomly go along and do random things.))
The Vault rejects modification attempts from unauthorized persons attempting to modify books of law.
« Last Edit: September 01, 2015, 01:02:03 pm by TheBiggerFish »

It has been determined that Trump is an average unladen swallow travelling northbound at his maximum sustainable speed of -3 Obama-cubits per second in the middle of a class 3 hurricane.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ye Gods 2 IC Tick 5.0: The Pantheon: Arguments and Insanity [24/137]
« Reply #1258 on: September 01, 2015, 12:57:51 pm »

Isgon helps get rid of the Cofe
Speaking of lowest intelligence, that reminds me of the fact that it's probably your first time in prison. Don't worry, I can give you some tips, having spent some time in a few myself. The best way to make friends here is to drop the soap during shower time. Try it, I'm sure you'll love making friends like that!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ye Gods 2 IC Tick 5.0: The Pantheon: Arguments and Insanity [24/137]
« Reply #1259 on: September 01, 2015, 12:59:28 pm »

Tenat shall set up a persistent subroutine to obliterate Cofe, with simple magic as opposed to divine energies.

"Ill make da cofree grow fasta than you can break it. Keep dis up, see how it works out for yas. Yer 'bout to get ya third strike real quik here pal."
>This Aspect repeats a cessation request.  This Aspect shall take measures should these actions continue.

"Tha God of Growth don' want no growth near him, eh? Yer arrogance in threatn' me ain't gonna cut it. Ya had pleny of warnin. Lets see if ya talk big afta bein' cut down ta size like da grass ya are."
« Last Edit: September 01, 2015, 01:01:54 pm by Stirk »
This is my signature. There are many like it, but this one is mine.

This is my waifu, this is my gun. This one's for fighting, this ones for fun.
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