Sorry, I was on holiday. I still don't get the way groups work, can I harvest and build on the same turn?
Anyway, 50 ants evolve into foragers, 50 dig a storeroom south of my anthill, bottom layer. This is a valid order
You cannot order your 100 ants to harvest and build on the same turn. All ants of one Type (i.e. having all the same evolutions at all the same levels) can do only one action, except that some can be evolved or split off to scout. Even if you had 1000 ants, they would ALL Harvest, or All Dig, or All Reproduce.
1 action per Type, except for evolution and scouting.
let me see if I can help with an example:
randomAntColony has: 1 queen, 100 ants, 100 foragers.
This colony has two groups of ants. you can order the 100 ants to do one action: either forage, dig (with 100 ants, you can dig 2 rooms, though), or breed.
Or you can order them, in 5 ant increments, to move - so you could scout 20 hexes.
Or you can evolve all or part of the group, and let the rest perform an action. Then you can order your foragers in the same way.
or evolving: you simply take a chunk of any group, and have them evolve. The portion you evolve will not be able to take an action that round, but the rest can. You can evolve in as many directions as you have evolutions available and can pay for.
100 ants dig 2 burrows
100 foragers forage
100 ants breed
100 foragers forage
50 ants evolve into diggers, 50 ants dig
50 foragers forage, 50 foragers evolve Large size (assuming the queen is the proper level)
25 ants scout tiles a,b,c,d,e (5 ants per tile), 25 ants evolve to diggers, 50 ants breed
100 foragers do nothing (or do something)
50 ants forage, fifty ants breed (splits one group into two smaller parts [can't do unless they have different evolutions] to make two actions that are not evolutions or scouting)
100 Foragers forage, then evolve (gives one group two actions in the same turn)
100 ants scout 100 tiles(breaks scouting below the 5 ant minimum)
100 foragers evolve large, flying (evolves twice in one turn)
100 ants dig four burrows (takes two turns)
50 foragers forage, fifty foragers breed (1/2 group doing one thing, 1/2 group doing another)
In other words, think of all of your ants of one type as One Entity, which can be ordered in an All or Nothing kind of way, except when evolving or scouting.
imagine all the orders coming from the queen, and she can only give orders in very abstract terms
"I want my foragers to get food!"
"I want my ants to breed!"
"I want fifty new diggers!"
"I want the west scouted!"