Keeping updates consistent:
Use actions/Tick system instead of allowing essentially unlimited actions? Likely makes updates of O(n) complexity rather than the current O(n
2) (Leaning toward 4-8 action points/Tick with major actions costing at least 2)
Update only on holidays and off times? Updating YG is a lower priority when there's more time and media of entertainment...
Limit player count? I really dislike this option, this is only a last-resort thing
Downgrade to 2-stat system (health/Ichor and money/Essence)?
Remove cap growth? Players become more powerful over time simply through having more creations anyway (and this adds emphasis to artifacts)
Keep collaborator requirements for many of the more typical projects? Probably not if sphere effects are expanded
Keep collaborator requirements for many-sphere megaprojects? Probably, regardless of changes in sphere effect
Change break-even factor? Currently 5, but 3 may simplify things
Should there be sphere restrictions? A god with a sphere of "gods" or "game rules" would be absurd, but where is the line between acceptable and unacceptable?
Should I patch overpowered things more slowly and with input?
How many gods working how hard should be allowed to incapacitate another? I probably erred on the side of caution for YG2
What proportion of players is needed to create player content enforced on the remainder? (e.g. ashtray factory afterlife that grabs from all races and turns them into ashtrays)
Should acting be more emphasized or should reacting be more emphasized?
Should I place a delay on allowing combats to be revealed publicly if we manage to return to a 24h schedule (or some close approximation like 48h)?
Switch from Ticks to an explicit time unit?
Is it still a god game at this point? Why not just a mage game? (I seem to sense lots of vocal support for magic stuff
How much technological advancement stuff does everyone like anyway? Advancing from single-celledness to many-celledness is not a priority for YG players, but developing (magi)tech seems to be one
How can I make worldbuilding an ongoing thing? It's a high-value thing but tends to slow down or stop after the first few ticks
Who wants one world to build on and who wants many worlds to build on?
Do we need antagonists explicitly marked as such like in Demonic Spoon's game?
Should gods be more anthropomorphic or less? (Currently, they are very, very anthropomorphic)
Demigods and godchildren: Is there any hope of allowing this that has little chance of causing the game to be shut down? I'd bet six jars of peanut butter there's more than one game somewhere here somewhen that involves bloodlines/dynasties anyway