So...Happy Demon...that's how he normally speaks (and if you want to talk about speaking like a civilized person with the god of Civilization...well...
). I don't want to have him talking 'normally' because it feels like it breaks character. If Si is having trouble understanding him, another god can translate for her, most likely. If she asks Zhin to clarify, he could probably try and answer with a series of explications. If you, the player, are having trouble understanding, I can give you an explanation of what he's saying in the OOC.
But the Rod of Speaking just feels...I don't wanna say rude, but sorta? It feels like it's saying 'I can't be bothered to try and sort out your character's speech quirk, so just stop having them speak that way'. And if you're low on time or whatever, that's a perfectly legitimate thing to not have the time or mental energy to do. I have Zhin speak less often than I might otherwise because translating into his speak can be time consuming, especially since I'm trying to be consistent with syntax so people don't get more confused than they otherwise might. But if that's the case, just ask me OOC, please.
Also, because when I have a character speak normally, I inevitably end up talking just like how I do/would, and when I'm trying to go for a style/manner of speaking befitting their character, I end up getting annoyed. Happened with Darruth in the last game, too. >.> So that's partially selfish on my part, but still.
If you do need an OOC explanation: he's saying that he can protect the Skizani and Skarati and your other creations if they live in Rule, since he has so much power/control within himself, and they would be safer and happier there, and that it's just like with all races being welcome so long as they work for their keep (no slumming/mooching, basically), show respect both in the sense of being respectful to the city and devoting some small portion of time to praise of the city, and tthey behave themselves.