If somebody made an entire race of Angels exactly the same as yours, loosing the [Unique] tag, would that really not make them "real" Angels?
Oh sh*t I can actually do that! I can get 20 angels for the price of 2 just by dropping the x10 multiplier that is the Unique trait! If only doing this wouldn't label me a cheapskate and result in me getting banned from Ye Gods.
Loyalty and Unique are part of the Angel template, but things do not have to follow the Template exactly to be considered an Angel by non-sphere things. If somebody made an entire race of Angels exactly the same as yours, loosing the [Unique] tag, would that really not make them "real" Angels? Likewise, if an Angel was made specifically to be disobedient, taking [Loyalty -10], would it really be different enough in form to not be an Angel at all?
Yeah, I guess you have a point there. But still, a prophet would have the Divine trait but it definitely wouldn't be an angel, so simply having the Divine trait doesn't designate a being as an angel. In this case, what separates a prophet from an angel?
Your kind of penny pinching by attempting to put your sphere into everything, while attempting to get the biggest discount possible. If you had to, you could always just ask for the base price.
Labelling Humans as angels just to get a discount is penny pinching (and it was pretty much a joke, anyway). Getting low-level enforcers more powerful and expensive than Humans but less powerful and less expensive than angels is not. It's like saying that trying to get a medium tank is penny pinching because heavy tanks already exist and you should only get either them or light tanks. Please tell me if I'm misunderstanding what you're saying. I really hope I didn't make a strawman there. Also, by asking what it would cost for an unrelated cost I
did ask for the base price.
And like I said before, you are supposed to design things, not KJP. If you want to make a Half-Angel Template, with [Loyalty +5], [Semi-Devine (Weaker sphere abilities, 50% resurrection chance, reduced-cost Godly actions)], and [Unique] nobody is stopping you. You are allowed to make up traits...
I remember someone in Ye Gods 1 was 5/8ths a Weapon or something. Did you design that or did KJP? I could design my own hybrid easily enough but I also want to know what traits a natural hybrid has.
I don't know how much creating a half-angel would cost, but procreating a theoretically unlimited amount of them would cost 20% of the angel's price, to give it the USB trait. No comment on what their traits or abilities would be.
Ah yes, the USB trait. That reminds me...
Do angels require the USB trait to procreate with non-angels? Also, is the USB trait strictly to allow the creation of offspring from two similar species or is it to allow the creation of
fertile offspring from two similar species? Humans and High Elves don't have USB, but is it possible for them to procreate an give birth to infertile offspring? It would be similar to how mules are made from horses and donkeys.