Andres: Gods beating up animals: It's not something I thought to make into a proper mechanic. To be fair, humans beat up humans in fistfights a lot too
Constellations: I tend to think they're supposed to be similar to our various zodiacs, which were invariably on the ecliptic (basically what you get if you paint in Earth's plane of orbit all the way to infinity and look at it from Earth) at some point, and the reason they have any significance at all is that they are up separately and contain few ideas/things each, but that's up to how the players want to handle it.
Drawing The Cataclysm and The Realist with only stars and lines: Potential art contest?
Nope, everyone would start doing it and making it into a big hassle if it costs even a tiny bit less than what they get back.
Incorporeal dimension, corporeal dimension:
Sheol as desecribed: Close enough to a basic afterlife only connected to those who allow it (0E)
CIgar of Power <0.7>: Allows access to powers only while smoking a lit cigar without which creation is a normal member of the generic immortal/mortal race
Hydrophobic (/rabid) <0.1>: Leads to death in a fortnight from creation
Aquaphobic+1 <0.9>: Causes petrification while in contact with a continuous volume of water at least one Olympic-size swimming pool large (2500000L/~600000gal)
Aquaphobic+2 <0.8>: Causes petrification while in contact with a continuous volume of water at least one-tenth of a Olympic-size swimming pool large (250000L/~60000gal)
Aquaphobic+3 <0.7>: Causes petrification while in contact with a continuous volume of water at least about
TEU large
Aquaphobic+4 <0.6>: Causes petrification while in contact with a continuous volume of water at least one tall refrigerator large
Aquaphobic+5 <0.5>: Causes petrification while in contact with a continuous man-sized volume of water
Aquaphobic+7 <0.4>: Causes petrification while in contact with a continuous gallon/4L-sized volume of water
Unmagical <0.7>: Creature cannot use any magic
Weak to fire <0.6>: Creation takes to fire like a house to a landslide
TheBiggerFish: 0E, Number of planets is on the IC poll now. I'll put the rest in my other threads and link to them on IC. I'll try doing something similar for similar creations.