Andres: Any creature capable of providing worship (YG0 sapient) is based on the basic race template (5E for 5000, yields 1E/tick at 100% piety). Any creature incapable of providing worship (YG0 sentient) is based either on the basic animals template (0E typically) or special animals template (3E typically). Non-sentience probably usually includes artifacts and similar creations.
Stirk: Adding more traits? Manually, I suppose. It's slow but it'll probably save more than a few hours each month later on.
Rolepgeek: Giving up nominal power and independence to be made into a cityscape: Probably consumes 10% of all of Essence and Flux and their caps, may increase Ichor capacity and yields 1-2E/Tick
Giving up significant power and independence to be made into a cityscape: Probably consumes up to 50% of all of Essence and Flux and their caps, may increase Ichor capacity by a significant amount and yields up to 3E/Tick
Giving up most or all power and independence to be made into a cityscape: Consumes all but 1 of Essence and Flux and their caps, probably increases Ichor by a substantial amount and yields around 4-7E/Tick
FArgHalfnr: Probably 4E
Spiderking50: Construction of a cavern/tunnel network that spans and entire planet.: 0E at/around the planet's creation time
Creation of a race of slug men: 5E for 5000 most likely
Creation of glowing mushrooms of various sizes: 0E assuming nothing too unusual
Creation of glowing crystals: 0E assuming nothing too unusual
Creation of metals: 0E assuming nothing too unusual
Creation of a race of golems: 5E for 5000 most likely
Creation of black still pools which change location and cause those who submerge to emerge from another pool at random.: 2E
Creation of a race of crab/lobster men: 5E for 5000 most likely
Creation of giant worms: 0E probably, anything particularly unusual about them?
TheBiggerFIsh: Botani: 5 x [Size+6 <x1.6>] [Focus: Build <free>] [Affinity: Kaomancy <free>]: 8E for 5000
(The name is fine and probably reasonably generic for plant-peoples in general)
Amended Crystallum: 5000/1000? x [Size-1] [Focus->Discovery->Logical <free>] [Focus->Build->Creative <free>] [Fruitful-2 <x0.8>] [Affinity: Technomancy <free>: Average of 4E
--more to come--