In this game, players take on the role of great titans of creation, shaping a new world. However, the goal of this game is not to be a game in and of itself but to create the playing field for another game in the future (the details of which I will not reveal). Because of this, game balance is right out of the window.
I will take seven players, and there are a handful of rules set up to give this game an ending and some basic structure. There is no particular turn order, you create as and when you want once we start, as it is not possible to win this game.
- Each Titan starts with 1000 points. No more points may be earned.
- Creating a new law or amending an existing law (or set of laws) of physics costs 250 points, or 20 if limited to a specific area (e.g. anti-gravity, magical ley lines, halt of ageing, the rudiments of a magic system).
- Altering the cosmos costs 100 points. Note that the world starts with a moon and a sun (and three barren and one gaseous world in its system). (e.g. A new moon, a new sun, destroying a world, tearing a rift in space and time)
- Creating a major geographical feature costs 50 points (e.g. mountain, sea, jungles etc).
- Creating a new broad family of life costs 50 points (e.g. trees, giant mushroom forests, dragonkin, giant vortices of light-reflecting obsidian).
- Creating a new sapient race costs 50 points, but note: In this game, this race will never become more advanced than the Stone Age.
- Creating a specific new type of creature or plantlife costs 10 points (e.g. dragons, trolls, golems, triffids, cinnamon, chaos mushrooms).
- Creating a special landmark costs 25 points (e.g. magical monolith, motherlode of gold, well of sorrows).
- Creating a special artefact costs 50 points (e.g. the infinity sword, the bottomless bag, the bone of contention).
- More rules and costs, as and when needed.
- When you are out of points, or decide to retire, each Titan's final act is to create a god to steward the world in their absence, and then the Titans move on to another world. [NB: This god will not be playable in the new game.]
Titan App
Eventual God Design (Do this at the end)
Typical depictions:
Preferred form of worship: (prayer, animal sacrifice, sapient sacrifice, ritual destruction of objects of value)
Expected Boons: (what kind of rewards the deity supposedly gives the faithful)