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Author Topic: Godhelm  (Read 3306 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Godhelm
« Reply #15 on: August 25, 2007, 08:00:00 am »

Ugh, okay, I am really tired.. soo, here is what the map looks like... lots of shit happend. I will explain later.

Here is the link to the updated area.

Until I get enough energy to write what all I did and what happend more then just the funny combats, feel free to ask any questions.



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Godhelm
« Reply #16 on: August 25, 2007, 10:04:00 am »

Three questions!

Why do you clear so much of the wall lining the chasm?  To flood it faster?

What's that small oddly-shaped half-smoothed room north of the entry hall?  Future trade depot spot?

How many dwarves do you have?



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Re: Godhelm
« Reply #17 on: August 25, 2007, 02:02:00 pm »

Originally posted by Mzbundifund:
<STRONG>Three questions!

Why do you clear so much of the wall lining the chasm?  To flood it faster?

What's that small oddly-shaped half-smoothed room north of the entry hall?  Future trade depot spot?

How many dwarves do you have?</STRONG>

I cleared the chasm area to give myself a berth when it comes to Chasm attacks. Gives them extra room to pop up. Instead of on the bridge. Also makes it so I can nuke it later if I so please or use water on it to piss them off more.

Yes, that is where my trade depot is going. I did not get the bridges done all the way earlier so I built a temporary trade depot outside next to those bridges. So, I did recieve the human caravan already.

I have 62 Dwarves, I think? 3 Nobles.



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Godhelm
« Reply #18 on: August 25, 2007, 09:14:00 pm »

Date: Late Autumn Year 1054


    Dwarves: 62
  • Civilian: 52
  • Military: 7
  • Nobles: 3
    Animals: 48
  • Dogs: 10
  • Puppies: 19
  • Horses: 7
  • Foal: 4
  • Cow: 2(both female, grr)
Alrighty lads, where to start. A lot happend in the last year or so and I guess I will start with an overview. The underground forest project was completed and I ordered it flooded. During the winter and spring I ordered me architect to finish up the road best he can and then build a trade depot so we could recieve th' human's caravan an' see what they have.

We been hav'n some weird experiences with some o' the dwarves. Three of em have gone into reclusive or fey moods. I know weird, eh? One of em created Egomarkoth, "The Natural Prophecies". That'n was our first artifact an' it was an obsidian throne and me architect became a legendary mason. The second created Ubas Nimak, "The Scream of Quills", which was a gold flask and turned one of me Furnace Operators is now etched into the legends! The third one was Emthan Nazom, "Eastcrosses of Dreams and Flesh", which be a Perfect Ruby! An' it turned one of the jewlers into a legend!

I ordered me military to start by engraving so they could learn the art of being agile before I stuck there arses in steel plate! It worked rather well, we have three hammerdwarves and soon to be a forth. During one of our many immigrations we got three more trappers! Which was good, cause I dinnae want to make a bunch of crossbows for marksdwarves so I drafted them into the military. They been training with the bones that have been poping up until I have enough time to give them armor to train up there wrestlin' so they dun be so weak in meele.

The barracks area was completed with engravings and four archery targets. Me dwarves are happy to see such fine engravings from our military dwarves! To the north we've been having to keep our two brewers on almost constant ale production cause we cannae have none of that alcohol shortages, bah! I ordered the cooking of the plump helmet seeds since we have so many of the damn things! They make some good lavish meals for me dwarves to consume! Me legendary architect made us a wonderful great hall eat'n area and I had it engraved by our masters! It be beautiful if I do say meself!

Our forges have been busy makin use bronze and copper bins and barrels. As well as outfitting our hammer dwarves with all steel equiptment. I also ordered the creation of ten iron crossbows for the chasm trap defenses and then ten giant iron axe blades for the prilimary defenses! It has worked well to keep those buggas away. In the middle o the traps I ordered a larger bridge to be constructed as we dunnae have any more dwarves fallin' in the chasm!

Finnally we have a new oddity around this wasteland that is tellin' me this outpost is turnin' into a right proper clanhold! We've got our first nobles, we got ourselves a manager, a sheriff, and a representative from the House Ber. I ordered them some right fine rooms contructed and the sheriff to have some cages and a chain put into his room for those der lawbreakers around here! Ah, an' we had a demand from the House Ber representative already. He wanted a platinum armor stand in his dinning hall. Dunno why, but, I dunnae ask questions about the silly nobles. Our smithys completed it in quick order.

In the craft section I have had some bones and such to make practice bolts and shells to make into crafts instead of all the stone ones I have been forced to use. Also, our weaver has been work'n like a mad dwarf and managed to get so much cloth I dunnae what to do with it all! Also, I setup a few dwarves to go out and collect plants since we seem to be getting a lot of them in our forest. That'll be some good brew'n materials later on!

Now what.. hmm.. Ah, yes, where me be gettin' all these bones. Well, you see it started with a magma man poppin' outta the river o' fire and messin' things up while our marksdwarf was just loungin' around in his bed. We had to have one o' the puppies take care o' the bloody thing! Poor pup is now maimed and has to be taken care of, but, he will be well taken care of. Next I had a few attacks from a troglodyte, where we lost the wife of one of our military dwarves and the first child born in the fortress. They fell down the chasm and were never heard from again. Sad story and the stupid marksdwarf was sleepin' again! So, our dogs had to kill him. I am startin' to think that our dogs are more useful then that bloody lazy dwarf.

Lastly, I ordered the construction of what will be our siege defenses. They may not look like much now, but, give em time to develope. You'll like em come time when the goblins come. They won't be gettin out when we seal em off, haha!

[ August 25, 2007: Message edited by: Tarrasque ]

[ August 25, 2007: Message edited by: Tarrasque ]



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Godhelm
« Reply #19 on: August 26, 2007, 02:48:00 am »

Uh.. as a note the game says my current stocks of food is 72 plants. My actual amount of plants is..
70 Plump Helmets
172 Pig Tail
94 Cave Wheat
171 Sweet Pod
1 Prickle Berry
5 Wild Strawberries
30 Cow Cheese

I think this is a bug, anyone else had anything like this happen to them?



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Godhelm
« Reply #20 on: August 26, 2007, 07:09:00 am »

Your list only counts the plants that are edible without cooking or brewing, in your case the strawberries, the plump helmets, and maybe the prickle berry.  Not sure if those are edible raw.  It also doesn't count the plants that are currently being eaten or claimed for eating, so that's why your manual count is a bit off there.

And cow cheese isn't a plant!

Cave wheat can't be eaten unless you mill it into flour and make bread out of it.  Sweet pods can't be eaten unless you process them into syrup at the farmer's workshop, and cook the syrup.  Cave wheat, pig tails, and sweet pods can all be brewed into alcohol, which can be cooked and eaten like all alcohol.



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Godhelm
« Reply #21 on: August 26, 2007, 11:55:00 pm »

Ah, cool, thanks for that. I never really cared to look into all that and it will change my dynamic a bit I think. Won't hurt my fortress much though.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Godhelm
« Reply #22 on: August 27, 2007, 01:07:00 am »

In lue of an IC update at the moment I will say what I am completing recently so there is not so much boredom over the next few days. I am working on finishing up the siege defenses, which, will be miniscule(sorta).

I was wondering your guy's opinion on arrows and bolds being reduced in damage?

After the Siege Defenses are done, which they almost are, I will be moving onto getting my food production running more efficiently and setting up a bit of milling(cause I can) and maybe a bit of food processing. I am freeing up bags filled with seeds I cannot plant by cooking them. So, we're having prickle berry and wild strawberry seed food for a little bit. Along with that I am cutting down on the amount of parties the dwarves are going to be having so we're a bit less decadent.

Another thing I am doing is mining out a bit more ore since I seem to be running out. I put a bunch of dwarves in chain bronze armor cause I could into the Fortress Guard. I will eventually switch them out before they become legendary and when I start getting cripples. So far I have only had dwarves either get slaughtered or fall into the chasm(which I fixed with guard rails).

Speaking of the chasm, I am now flooding water into it from the north hoping to drown them(IC reasoning). I am really just trying to rile the bastards up so I can have something a bit more interesting to talk about. Although, my defenses seem to make short work of anything that comes outta there. Well, questions? Comments? Suggestions? Or just anything you would like to see?



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Godhelm
« Reply #23 on: August 27, 2007, 10:53:00 am »

There are quite a few threads floating around about weapon damage, and projectile weapons in particular.  The general feeling I've gotten is that arrows and bolts are ridiculously overpowered.  There's a lot of argument about what is or isn't realistic, but most of the debates seem to agree that a single bolt going through multiple armor layers and mangling multiple organs is highly disrupting to game balance, despite whatever arrows might possibly do in real life.

Several folks are probably going to jump in and contradict me here, so take what I've just said as one guy's observation of these boards, not a prediction as to what will happen in future versions or anything like that.

A neat way I keep parties from getting out of hand is building my meeting halls, zoos, and statuaries with only one accessible space.


█ = wall
Ω = Statue
. = floor

Say you've got the above hallway. I'm trying to keep dwarves from running outside and throwing up all over the doorstep whenever they get a free minute.  So I've built a couple statues in the little nooks on the hallway up there.  The statues are zoned as statuaries, where dwarves like to party, but the statuary zone only extends a single space from the statue.  The rest of the zone is occupied by walls, and the statue itself.  The dwarves will still hang out at the statues, but won't organize parties there, since there's no room for more than one at the statue.  Don't do this in your major hallways, as they'll get really clogged with dwarves just standing and staring at your statues.

You've reached the time in your fortress when food and defense aren't really too pressing anymore.  Time to...
- Make a big useless monument.  
- Pave your main hallway with one-tile glass bridges.  
- Build a gladiator arena with chairs behind glass windows all around it for military to fight captured goblins and chasm creatures.  
- Make an iron throne and decorate it with bones, and give it to your favorite dwarf or highest-ranking noble.  
- Make a 'carpet' out of dyed ropes.  
- Stop exporting anything except puppy leather hats.  
- Build an elaborate mausoleum with three times the coffins as you have dwarves.
- Tantrum
- Actually try to fulfill the bookkeeper's mandates.
- Replace the exterior walls of the fortress with clear glass windows and doors.
- Stockpile a ton of food, and then draft your entire population for a year.

Have fun!



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Godhelm
« Reply #24 on: August 27, 2007, 11:49:00 am »

I think after that I will look into reducing the bolt and arrow damage a bit. I am fiddling around with ideas of training an army of untrainable pets(that would be a challenge, heh). I am also trying to piss off the chasm really bad. After I get done with efficiency with farming and such and after a few more tower caps mature I think I will start up the economy *shudders* I have four smelters and four magma forges, maybe that will be enough to keep the bookers mandates down. I can at least mint, copper, silver, gold, and platinum coins all at one time and do that almost constantly.

As for the partying. I just put four statues in my Great Hall and that seems to have been cutting down on the party animals a bit.



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Godhelm
« Reply #25 on: August 29, 2007, 10:34:00 am »

As I been statin' before our siege defenses be in a sad state. It was about time to remedy such a blatant vulnerability with tha plan I be havin' for a bloody long time. I had tha large cleared area near the front turned into our frontal fortifications. I ordered a catapult constructed with some of our limited wood and had one of our legendary jewlers start learnin' how to man the thing, he didn mind uses such a fine contraption. Then I had doors placed in tha enterance to tha fortifications and then more doors placed at tha newly removed exit and right before the fortifications.

For the defenses I first ordered three levers created in our frontal fortifications to be used for keepin' us secure. After that I ordered the deconstruction of all of our smaller bridges at the front. Leavin' some of them for gettin' accross the river while the other bridges were completed. I then had a larger bridge constructed for normal activities so that should alleviate traffic. I then ordered that bridge connected to the first lever.

To the north a bit I ordered two bridges constructed so that when the first bridge is raised the invaders will have to march past our fortifications and be hailed with fire before they reach the last room where our Hammerdwarves will be await'n. After that was all setup I ordered two more bridges constructed. One was near the trade depot to be able to close it off from tha invaders and tha other was in tha main corridor. I'll tell ya the whole plan later. I had tha one near the tradin' depot connected to the first lever also. The other one in the main corridor was connected to tha second lever.

The last bridges I ordered constructed was in a new corridor of tha Clan Hold. I had that one connected to the third lever and had it pulled so that tha corridor was blocked off from tha outside. Next to it I ordered traps ta be placed. Two rows at first, but, I think'n more later. Tha traps were made by me wonderful metal smiths. I also had two lines of doors placed in the new corridor.

Alrighty, then you be thinkin' how all of these things work together to give us defense eh? Well, let's say we got some goblins comin' to siege us. Then we pull the first lever! That'll retract the bridge that we use for normal operations and have the bridge near the trade depot seal it off from tha invaders. Then we post the marksdwarves in the fortifications and ready the catapult. We station the Hammerdwarves behind the second set of doors. After the goblins charge inside and past the bridge in the main corridor we pull the second lever! That'll keep the little buggers from escapin' easy. We then pull tha third lever so they can run away through the other exit if'n they wish, hehe. The goblins charge and we give them a good crossbowin'. If they get past the marksdwarves then our hammerdwarves will deal with 'em. After they flee they will hafta run out the trapped corridor which should finnish 'em off. Simple eh?

In otha news we had the Manager arrive an' our Sheriff was promoted to Captain of the Guard. I be proud of the lad, he deserved it. Although, he wants a large guard force, so, I produced some copper armor and outfitted them with spears and drafted enough to keep 'im happy. I 'ave been working domestically on getting all this wheat and other items processed to somethin' useful other then ale. I been using tha things for extra food to keep tha fortress runnin' well.

Tis good to keep all the dwarves busy and I had tha weavers make us some silk bags. I also noticed that some of me dwarves' clothin' was getting a little raggity and worn. So, I had the manager orderd ten shirts and other assortments of clothin' to keep tha dwarves happy and removin' tha nudity.

One thing I gotta deal with is I need ta get rid of all these dern dimple cups! Me plant gatheres are too efficient in gatherin' tha stuff. Although, they be gatherin' a lot of useful things too, heh.

Well, that be all I can remember now, time ta get back ta work!

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