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Author Topic: Godhelm  (Read 3305 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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« on: August 23, 2007, 03:17:00 am »

Alrighty, well, I have decided to document a fortress that should be rather fun. The name is rather nice as well, however, I did not take screen shots at the beginning and I will only take some later on for interesting events. Feel free to suggest anything you want, I will not take offense for suggestions, but, don't be offended if I don't do what you suggest.   :D Also, feel free to ask questions as well or ignore this entirely if you find it boring :P

Anyways, the fortress...

The settings of it are:
No Vegitation
No Trees


I took lots of meat and food supplies. 5 of all seeds and seven of two since I had a few left over points.

2 Competent Miners
1 Novice Mason\Competent Building Designer
1 Competent Bone Carver\Novice Mechanic
1 Competent Fisherdwarf
1 Competent Grower
1 Competent Brewer

For reference I will be allowing myself the granite tool so I can rewall gems and ores in walls only. I will not use it for anything else.

I have decided that I am going to build the Fortress after the between the river and the chasm. It will eventually be back closer to the chasm though since I like that area of the mountain especially. Makes it so the dwarves are not too far from anything except the adamantine and such. First it is time to get into the mountain. Strike the Earth! Before we freeze to death.

((I'll only do in character if people really want to.))

[ August 23, 2007: Message edited by: Tarrasque ]



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Godhelm
« Reply #1 on: August 23, 2007, 04:10:00 am »

I decided to stop the river from getting all the way out to my goods in case it flooded so I placed doors on the other side of my seeds and food. After the flood I started up farming. Hopefully I will have some better storage for the food that it will produce soon. It looks like I have a waterfall near where I carved into the fortress. Yup, to the south there is one at least. I will post a screen shot of what it looks like eventually.

Did not take me very long to bridge the river as it should be. Normally I would setup some nile farming, however, I have decided to go with floodgate farming so I can control where it is more and keep the limestone up for real defenses. It will be kind of difficult to setup proper siege defenses on this map, but, I think I can get it.

Oh, and as a note... I have learned my fortress is smack dab between two waterfalls.. heh,



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Godhelm
« Reply #2 on: August 23, 2007, 04:15:00 am »


Very interesting. Not really the kind of setting I would pick - but that makes it the more interesting for me. So I get to see places (and monsters) I would never have seen otherwise.

I don't mind in-character speaking. In fact, I find it quite nice if things are reported as "we discovered yet another waterfall this summer, and what a beauty it is.".

One more suggestion, could you use the map archive, please. This would allow us to freely look around the map much more easily. Pretty, pretty please.




  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Godhelm
« Reply #3 on: August 23, 2007, 04:29:00 am »

Sure, I will mess around with the Map Archive and see if I can fiqure it out. I have never used that thing before. Shouldn't take me too long though. Never-the-less. I probrably won't update it until I have breached the chasm, have a farm up and a few other things.

I normally would not pick such a harsh setting, but, I wanted to see how long I can last in this nasty little place. Frozen clanhold of the north is also cool and the name sold me on it. I cannot beleive I actually got an awsome clanhold name hehe.

But, for now, I sleep.

[ August 23, 2007: Message edited by: Tarrasque ]



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Godhelm
« Reply #4 on: August 24, 2007, 03:18:00 am »


Oh, then it is a new experience for you as well. This makes it even more interesting (as opposed to someone doing their 23rd glacier fortress knowing all the ins and outs of the region by heart).

As for the map-archive, it is really pretty much self-explanatory. The only thing that annoyed me at the beginning was that the map converter link was not advertised in any big fashion, but rather mentioned in the "oh, and here are a few links" section (I mean, without the converter, you can't upload any maps!!):

That tool is also very much self-explanatory. During conversion, it may spout a warning about there being too many unique characters, but thus far, I had no problems.




  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Godhelm
« Reply #5 on: August 24, 2007, 03:35:00 am »

Alrighty, got Godhelm's Map Archive up and running.

Date: Late Spring Year 1053
Dwarves: 32
-Civilian: 31
-Military: 1
Dogs: 3
Puppies: 4
Horses: 2
Foal: 4
Cow: 2(both female  :( )

Alright lads, listen up. Durin' the first year we carved our way into the area where I decided will be the main part of our Clan Hold and ordered farmin' area to the south of the main hallway that we cleft through the mountain. Later on I had a kitchen built inside their so our cook can make some use of all those dern Plump Helmet seeds we dunnae know what to do with.

Soon after that I noticed we needed a place to meet and do other business and decided upon making a Great Hall! The Great hall is where I ordered the still(west side), barrel storage(northwest side), food storage(north side), and our wonderful dinning and meeting area(center) to eventually be created. A nice suprise though was our Architect churnin' out some statues. I got them placed in the Great Hall near the hallway so we got someting impressive to look at our breaks!

I decided it was time to begin on a better place to sleep then the bloody hallway and decided that we needed a barracks. To the south of the Great Hall is where me kin be sleepin' for a long time now. Further south from that I think'n we be puttin' up some area for our workshops.

I ordered me miners to dig deeper past the chasm and after movin' a bit further in I told em to chistle north and see what they could find. About half a season later they came and told me they had found bleedin' coal and iron! That is just what we be need'n to get things really movin' in this hellish landscape!

I ordered some of our dwarves to bring down some coal and iron for the metal smith to work on in tha new smelter I had him created. I ordered him to get working on some good steel! It did not take him long to get the stuff nearly produced so I ordered me dwarves to chistle right into the heart of the mountain, the magma! Tis a sad day when we reached it though, we lost Olon Morulgesis, one of our Great Miners, he will be missed.

But, we cannae stop the whole fortress for grieving and I ordered him a coffin constructed when we finnally chistled him outta that obsision from the magam flood. I then ordered an area created for the forges and smelters next to the magma and then an area for the ores and bars just after them. It was created and cleared swiftly by me remaining miners. They be good dwarves. After that I Sent them on closer to the cold to chistle us an underground forest and ordered that further northward exploration from the iron be made. Year one was an eventful one and year two hopefully be just as eventful!  

Feel free to ask any logistical questions that the above post did not answer since it is a bit more flowery then totally informative. I posted the fortress and then below it some fortress statistics. I think I will do updates on the fortress about yearly or whenever I decide enough has been completed. Long live Godhelm!



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Godhelm
« Reply #6 on: August 24, 2007, 03:44:00 am »


Very nice! Really different from my fortress developments (^_^;;

In the map, you haven't moved the bed to the designated barracks area yet, it seems.

But with this fast development, I am a bit worried about the safety of your fortress. I mean, you have contact with the chasm, the river, and the magma ... aren't you worried about inside threats?

Anyhow, that is definitely one huge underground forest you are preparing. I am looking forward to seeing how that develops.




  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Godhelm
« Reply #7 on: August 24, 2007, 03:52:00 am »

I am not the slightest bit worried about the chasm as of yet. Their attacks start a bit small and I do have a marksdwarf around for that situation. I will be putting up some traps near that doorway to soften up anyone who tries to come after the main part of my fortress. I am relying upon immigration to give me quite a few troops and I am training some peasants in Stone Detailing before I draft them into the army, that way they will have a good amount of stats before they start wrestling eachother in steel plate.

As for the magma threat. I would say it poses only a minor one. Their attacks are always singular and can be dealt with in numerable ways. The magma man or whatever comes out of there has a long way to get to my main fortress. I am only going to be relying upon fortifications when it comes to the siege defenses. After I have the underground forest up and the forges going I think I start on that.

My major problem is that my fisherdwarves are not coming up with any fish. That means I do not have any bones from my dwarves eating those fish. So, I really HOPE for some troll attacks or something so I can start training my dwarves up. I might have to start doing stonecrafts instead of my normal bone if this keeps up.

As for the Underground Forest, it will probrably get bigger after I have cleared our a few other things. Since I have missed the deadlines for flooding it this year(I wasn't trying to meet them) I have an entire year to wait until stuff starts growing again. At least I think that is how it works if I remember correctly.

Oh, and yeah, I thought about moving the bed to the barracks a few times, but, I am waiting to do that until I get some doors. I totally forgot to mension the bridges that I am putting outside so I can get the human caravan next year.

[ August 24, 2007: Message edited by: Tarrasque ]



  • Bay Watcher
  • There be no fortress without its feline rulers!
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Re: Godhelm
« Reply #8 on: August 24, 2007, 04:07:00 am »


Well, I have never been to the magma, so I don't know about them. But I have had horrible luck with the chasm thus far - after the initial goofy antman, I regularly got 12 to 15 ratmen who are much more persistant than the goblin sieges.

Well, I wish you good luck and am looking forward to see what happens next.




  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Godhelm
« Reply #9 on: August 24, 2007, 07:53:00 am »

A little airy for my tastes, but it's a good fort otherwise.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Godhelm
« Reply #10 on: August 24, 2007, 08:51:00 am »

If you can get a lot of useless immigrants, make some bronze battleaxes (or warhammers, or swords, etc, but not crossbows).

Next, equip each useless immigrant with one weapon.

Next, put them all in one squad and send them to hunt wildlife. Kill any competent or worse who has a yellow wound; the beds are too valuble to have many dwarves resting in them. Kill anyone who has a red wound.

You will get:
* A few slightly trained weapondwarves
* Some dead dwarves. Depends on how large the militia is and how much wildlife there is and how strong it is.
* Some dead wildlife. Nice bones!

I did this on a glacier map with one sasquatch. I found that the sasquatch would always beat one dwarf easily (even immigrant military, who have armor) but could usually be killed by two.


Make a bunch of weapons of the type of immigrant you want; if you make only hammers, you will only get hammerdwarf military immigrants.

Send them to kill wildlife.

You will get:
* A few low-skill but much more than no-skill weapondwarves
* Some dead weapondwarves
* Some dead wildlife. Nice bones!

So sayeth the Wiki Loremaster!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Godhelm
« Reply #11 on: August 24, 2007, 12:43:00 pm »

Tarrasque, it's always entertaining -- whether in-character or not.  IC can definitely add some good laughs, though.

I'm really enjoying these playthrough threads as they teach me a ton about the game, its depths, its intricacies and oddities.  Every day I boggle a little bit more at the scope of the thing, and I'm a programmer myself, no less!

Carry on, sir.



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Godhelm
« Reply #12 on: August 25, 2007, 02:04:00 am »

Ugh, I am running into some really weird bugs that I have been ignoring by just continuing. The total count on plants is off. I have more stuff then the game thinks I have. The seeds are not being properly stored in bags(but, I might of found out that problem.) I also have not been able to catch any fish what-so-ever, but, that might be the map I am on. Anyone have any insight onto this? Either way, thing are progessing nicely reguardless.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Godhelm
« Reply #13 on: August 25, 2007, 04:06:00 am »

Before I post a large update I would have to say that I had my first Fire Man attack and he was injured. It was a rather funny attack since my stupid Marksdwarf was asleep. So I sealed off my magama area and waited until the guy woke up. In the mean time the enemy decided that my doors had to go, the unimportant ones... Then he decided to smash my smelters.. woodedo, I always keep a store of steel around. The only thing that worries me is that I might of lost a bit of my steel armor to the lava when he smashed my forge. I think my marksdwarf didn't do jack squat. The enemy went after one of my puppies. He injured its right front paw and right rear leg to red before the puppy ripped him to pieces.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Godhelm
« Reply #14 on: August 25, 2007, 05:09:00 am »

I am about to execute that marksdwarf... I had some Ice Wolves charge into my base and he was able to take care of one of them and then they left. However, right after that he decided that it was time to take a nap and low and behold a troglodite ambush! Well, my almost unskilled butcher\tanner decided to dodge off into the chasm(I have not setup any rails yet) and then he chased one of my masons into the middle of my fortress. Hehe, there he was laid low quickly by the work of what much of been ten dogs and puppies. It was beautiful, there were chunks of troglodyte everywhere! The cleanup wasn't fun though.
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