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Author Topic: Breadbowl: a Succession Farm [42.06] - Breadbowl Ends  (Read 442537 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Breadbowl: a Succession Farm [40.24] (Requesting Overseers!)
« Reply #495 on: December 18, 2015, 03:26:21 pm »

Surgeon's Journal:  Dawn of Summer

On the second day of summer, the goblin war horns sounded yet again.  Breadbowl was formally under siege.  They aren't going to get me us.  They aren't going to get us.  We are ready for them!

I issued the main alert and headed to the northern observation tower to see just how many forces the goblins brought against us this time.  The tower was already semi-crowded with curious onlookers when I arrived, and they all seemed quite confused.

"Whats this?  A half-dozen elves, 2 humans, and almost 30 ogres?  I hear goblin speech.  Where are the goblins?" I asked.
"Looks like the elves and humans are controlling the ogres somehow.  I can hear them yelling at the ogres in goblintongue.  Perhaps they are abductees that have been converted?" a helpful member of the Watch replied.
"I don't see any weapons among them, so it appears you are right.  They must be the ogre handlers.  You'd never see more than three or four in a pack in normal circumstances."
"Only one civilian that far out.  Is that Mosus?  I hope she has her running shoes on"

(Mosus is the !)

"Only one elf broke away from the vanguard.  If Mosus can outrun him and get into the barracks, we can raise the drawbridge and funnel all the invaders in to their deaths.

We watched Mosus dart between the trees, steadily increasing the distance between herself and her elven pursuer.  As she got within a dozen strides of the barracks, the elf lost sight of Mosus and broke off the attack!  A mighty cheer went up throughout the crowd and I turned to the nearest runner to make sure the drawbridge was raised as soon as she was safely inside.  I was so focused on watching the bridge into the fortress that I didn't notice the cheer taper off, followed by low conversation all around.  It wasn't until mass panic broke out that I looked back in utter confusion.

The invaders were gathering their forces between the northern ponds and the moat, which shouldn't induce panic like this.  No, this was something else entirely.

"The Harbinger!  They brought the Harbinger with them!"
"The prophecy!  The founders kept telling us, but we thought it was just a myth!"
"Breadbowl's end is nigh!  Not just a horde of ogres, but the Harbinger as well!  Everyone, dive into the magma pools, its more humane than the death and destruction that the Harbinger will bring upon us!

I took a closer look, then bolted to the stairwell to block my fellow dwarves from leaving to spread panic to the rest of the fortress.
"It's not the Harbinger!  Look how the beast is shadowing the ogre pack.  They don't even know he's there yet."

Everyone seemed to calm down for a moment to see if I was indeed correct.  As the beast closed the distance, the elves with their heightened woodland senses were able to finally grasp where their hunter was and turned to face him in combat.

"See how it's drawing the elves away from the ogres?  A master tactician!"
"You can see the bloodthirst in his black eyes.  If he's able to kite the fight back to the northwest, he can whittle them down!"
"Look, he's doing it!  He's got one isolated behind the bunker!"

"Such ferocity.  One elf is down, the other is running scared.  Will they regroup and counterattack or lick their wounds and abandon this siege?

(The fleshy square below him is the dead elf.  One of the few faults with this graphics pack)

"No, the elves have all turned away from the siege and are focusing on Martyrscribes."

"They cant really do any damage to such a mighty opponent without weapons.  Meanwhile, the ogre horde is just sitting there in the moat.  Without guidance from their elven masters, they lack the coordination needed to be truly effective.  This is our chance!"

I sent both the Shafts of Fortifying and the Earthen Assaults to assemble in the northwest, then move as a solid unit of death towards the ogres near the northernmost tip of the moat.  Well, that was the plan at least....  Techno had a slightly different strategy in mind.

"FOR ARMOK!!!"  With a bloodthirsty cry, Techno waded into the beard-high waters of the moat to engage four ogres to combat simultaneously.  The rest of the military wisely stuck to the original plan and skirted the northern pond to clash with the rest of the ogres while remaining on solid ground.

Sanctume lead the charge with his trusty mace by his side, followed soon thereafter by the rest of our forces.  The ogres were scrambling to emerge from the moat, but could only do so two or three at a time.  Our peerless heroes danced and weaved between them, dealing death and dismemberment with every strike!  What a glorious sight to behold.  The goblins would surely be quaking in fear, if they have sent any to face us that is.

With the main ogre horde vanquished, our military rushed to the northeast to face off against the elves and humans.  Already exhausted from their battle against Martyrscribes, the elves and humans were blown away without any effort.  All that remained was Matryscribes himself.  Cut and bruised, his dark black eyes gazed at our military, ready to defend himself once more should the situation call for it.  While I was too far from the battlefield to be sure, I could have sworn I saw our lads simply nod and turn away towards Techno's battle in the moat. 

One ogre was already down and Techno was still going strong, or as strong as one could go while neck deep in muddy water.  When the reinforcements arrived, the remaining 3 ogres were cut down and Taupe himself helped drag Techno out of the water.

"Did you see that?  I took on four ogres at once!  I took one out and the rest couldnt even lay a finger on me!"

With a glance over the carnage the rest of the military had dished out, Taupe shook his head with a grin, clapped Techno on the shoulder and said "This calls for some booze."

With that, the summer siege of Breadbowl was lifted.  All enemies slain or captured, no injuries to our side, and Martyrscribes left our lands and now roams the world.  May our enemies quake in fear!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Breadbowl: a Succession Farm [40.24]
« Reply #496 on: December 18, 2015, 05:30:59 pm »

... As creepy as all that is, however, it pales in comparison to SQman's greatest crime as overseer. I almost missed it, for it is subtle, but in the long run it will surely doom the entire fort.

Rurast take us all. We thought we could control them... train them. Our very minds have been infiltrated, and now the wheels are turning. Wheels within wheels.

Wheels within hamster wheels.

The downfall of Breadbowl has begun, ladies and gentlemen.

How big is a giant hamster, really?
Bigger than a grizzly bear, smaller than a tiger. More cunning and predatory than both put together.

My god. There's three of them in one pen, and the animals and dwarves are already exhibiting erratic mental symptoms in the local area. All the proof is there, for those willing to see it...

The hive is forming.

It's only a matter of time now.

You know, some would say you live on in the bottom of our hearts an ocean pool. Welcome back :)

Speaking of which, where is Quasar?
I am here. I have been carefully crafting PM's to manipulate Breadbowl from the shadows, like a hamster.

Or a ninja.

Or a ninja werehamster.

Surgeon's Journal:  Dawn of Summer

"No, the elves have all turned away from the siege and are focusing on Martyrscribes."

Sanctume muses, "Has this prophecy by our Mayor Quasar come true? 
Of my last recollection of the three great hamster inside Breadbowl, two were free roaming the great halls.
I do wonder if Commander Taupe finds all this amusing. 
Armok forbid if this starts some kind of cult."


  • Bay Watcher
  • Weasel Monarch
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Re: Breadbowl: a Succession Farm [40.24] (Requesting Overseers!)
« Reply #497 on: December 18, 2015, 10:35:46 pm »

I would like to resign and be transfered to... I dunno... my own  isolated, sealed mining operation?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Breadbowl: a Succession Farm [40.24] (Requesting Overseers!)
« Reply #498 on: December 20, 2015, 01:15:02 am »

Surgeon's Journal:  Summer's End

With the ogre menace vanquished, I assumed that we would return to business as usual.  It did not take long to prove just how wrong I was.

Moments after the all clear had sounded from the end of the siege, the alarm rang forth once more.  Looking around, I saw no enemies in the direction everyone was pointing.  No, I saw something much worse...

A cloud of foul green smoke the likes of which I have never laid eyes upon.  I don't know if its a horrid cloud born from the Hill of Death or the exhaust from goblin war machines starting up, but it couldn't mean anything beneficial for us.

"Get inside, barricade the doors!  Try not to breathe much until you are all safely underground where it's safe!"

Normally I would be the last one on the surface to make sure everyone made it in safely, but smoke cares not for dwarven steel.  The folks trapped in the smithy said the smoke came within a few feet of their building before evaporating.  Thankfully, no one breathed it in and a crisis was averted.  The morale hit was palpable however, as no one wanted to see what effects such monstrous vapors would inflict upon us.  Seeing a small silver lining in all this, I crossed the courtyard to speak with the Duke as he emerged to gaze westward with the rest of us.

"Duke Gwolfski, the smoke to the west means I can hold my peace no longer.  While I commend your pursuit of scientific knowledge, there is nothing good that can come from exposing the Wild Child in that bunker to such forces.  Even before now, there have been signs of psychological damage present.  He spends most of his time barking back and forth with the dogs that were chained below him, and then has seen 4 of them slaughtered before his eyes during the sieges.  We need to dismantle it and assimilate him back into the fortress."

The Duke simply nodded; his thoughts could have been with the child or more personal apprehension of the smoke.  Only he could say, and I would not dare to pry.  Regardless, there was more work to be done.  When the all-clear sounded for the second time this week, everyone snapped back into action.  Work cannot wait forever after all.

Erush, a migrant from the spring, was driven by forces unknown to craft yet another masterpiece for the fortress.  He compiled a list and began scurrying about gathering materials, so I turned my focus elsewhere while waiting for him to begin construction.  This time, it was down to the depths.  The magma collection had begun and I wanted to check it over firsthand.

The northern bridge had been lowered, allowing the chamber to flood with magma.  Once fully filled, the northern bridge would be raised and the eastern bridge lowered, leaving behind a dozen minecarts full of magma for us to use as we see fit.  I grinned with anticipation and headed back up to the surface, where another sight waited for me.

Spoiler: Migrants (click to show/hide)

11 more able bodies ready to work, plus the usual assortment of children and pets.  Most began pitching in with the usual hauling and construction tasks that have been keeping us so busy.  A small pack broke away and immediately began fishing however.  With the overabundance of food and how badly we needed to finish the caravan highway, I forbade them from continuing after the first catch and set them to more productive endeavors.

On a positive note, our finest mechanic finally recovered from his corpse hauling trauma and was released from quarantine.  With a promise not to make him haul corpses or refuse again, he was cleared to resume all his normal jobs around the fort.  I raised a mug in his honor, and am looking forward to raising a few more soon.  3 others appear to be close to ready for work again; another season or so should do it.

The next month seemed to fly by as work continued to progress.  The caravan highway was finally completed, although the humans never made their annual trip.  Undoubtedly the ogre siege is to blame.  I do worry that the dwarven caravan will not be able to haul all of our food and drink though.  We shall see.

A cheer rang forth throughout the dining hall when Erush emerged holding a magnificent ruby earring.

Spoiler: The Acrid Gills (click to show/hide)

The image of Shadow Hags was rather ominous in the blood red stone, but no one could deny its splendor.  A fine addition to our treasure vaults.  (Note to self, construct a treasure vault.)

With the season winding down, it's time to review my original tasklist to see how things are progressing.

Subject 1:  Stress

We have had one dwarf graduate from quarantine, and several others are close to following suit.  A somewhat troubling note is the fact that quarantine was lifted when the civilian alert was in place.  While they enjoyed spending time in the dining hall with the others and admiring the well, the repeated exposure to rainfall made the situation slightly worse than it had been previously.  Quarantine is up and running again and things continue to progress.

Subject 2:  Clothing & Equipment Issues

Dwarves are starting to complain slightly about worn clothing.  We have an abundance of silk webbing being gathered, so a couple rounds of silk clothing have been requested.

Subject 3:  Labor Organization

I'm going to mark this as officially resolved for the remainder my tenure as overseer.

Subject 4:  Military

With the latest migration wave to supplement the work force, the draft was officially enacted.  We seem to be short a few flasks, but have enough equipment otherwise.  A few flasks have been ordered, as well as some bronze bolts for the Watch.

Subject 5:  Pastures

The donkey pasture was grazed down to clay during the summer and some minor fights broke out for the last remaining patches of grass.  I marked 3 for slaughter and assigned the rest to the old Yak pasture.  Pastureland will continue being an issue unless the entire system is expanded.  Farming is far from my expertise however, so I don't know if I will address this sufficiently or if it will fall to my replacement.

Subject 6:  Medical Science

Datan Mafolobok was selected for the next trial run of the system.  Unfortunately, there were no adverse effects at all.  Either Datan is of sturdier stuff than Kib was, another fluke in the trial, or the modifications made in the late spring are to blame.  Another trial for Datan has been scheduled once the system is reset to verify.

Subject 7:  Stocks

We had a dozen bars of soap at the start of the year, and I have had 30 more crafted during my stewardship.  Somehow we have less than 10 on hand.  My fellow dwarves must be taking quite a few baths.  30 more bars have been requested as we really need to get more of a surplus available. 
The Duke required no less than a dozen steel axes made during the summer months, yet steel stocks are still slowly rising.  A fine tribute to those of the Smithing caste.
Since the human caravan did not arrive, leather remains critically low.  Hopefully the dwarven caravan supplies us with sufficient amounts.

Thus stands Breadbowl on the dawn of the first day of autumn.  Yet chaos will not leave us be it seems.

This time to the north, and one of our dwarves is hunting nearby...


  • Bay Watcher
  • Somewhere around here.
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Re: Breadbowl: a Succession Farm [40.24] (Requesting Overseers!)
« Reply #499 on: December 20, 2015, 01:19:29 am »

((What does the smoke do, by the way?  Or is this the fort where it doesn't?))

It has been determined that Trump is an average unladen swallow travelling northbound at his maximum sustainable speed of -3 Obama-cubits per second in the middle of a class 3 hurricane.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Nyam nyam
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Re: Breadbowl: a Succession Farm [40.24] (Requesting Overseers!)
« Reply #500 on: December 20, 2015, 01:44:42 am »

((It gives you a nice nap.))

"Crud this", growled Bearskie as he paced around the Happy burrow. "I don't need no damn therapy. Blame those damn idiots who keep on gettin' on me nerves."

He glared at the tin statue of mayor Quasar striking a heroic pose in the room's centre. "What yer looking at? Think it's funny, don't you Quas?"


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Breadbowl: a Succession Farm [40.24] (Requesting Overseers!)
« Reply #501 on: December 20, 2015, 02:39:51 am »

(Apologies to Sanctume, I totally forgot that he found out what the smoke does already.  Sorry man!)


  • Bay Watcher
  • Weasel Monarch
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Re: Breadbowl: a Succession Farm [40.24] (Requesting Overseers!)
« Reply #502 on: December 20, 2015, 10:40:51 am »

((What does the smoke do, by the way?  Or is this the fort where it doesn't?))
Nothing that remotedly compares to a hamster...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Breadbowl: a Succession Farm [40.24] (Requesting Overseers!)
« Reply #503 on: December 20, 2015, 12:30:33 pm »

(Apologies to Sanctume, I totally forgot that he found out what the smoke does already.  Sorry man!)

No apologies needed, good Sir.  I merely reported my observations when the Duke and a few citizens was succumb by the profane smoke that resulted in them sleeping where they fell for a couple of days. 

Datan 'Wild Child' who is sequestered in the Little House of the Jungle would have been exposed to that profane smoke for about one year this autumn. 

If I recall correctly, he will turn 12 around the month of Obsidian next year.  If he is released from his bunker early, may I request to house him on the third floor apartments near Sanctume, and recruit him to a squad for training as soon as his name-day to adulthood is reached.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Breadbowl: a Succession Farm [40.24] (Requesting Overseers!)
« Reply #504 on: December 21, 2015, 09:21:25 am »

So what's the policy on newbie overseers?

Breadbowl got me inspired to really take a look at this game, and I've spent the past couple weeks fiddling around- I know my way around at this point and am willing to give it a try if you're willing to have me!

(Doing a mini-succession fort with my friends off-forum as well, just to get a feel for things. The first death was totally not my fault. I mean it. Really. Not my fault they hadn't found the body by the time I handed it over.)
>make fine drink
>>dwarven gin («☼coffee wood barrel☼»)
>>dwarven tonic («☼green glass vial☼»)
>>wild limes [1]


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Breadbowl: a Succession Farm [40.24] (Requesting Overseers!)
« Reply #505 on: December 21, 2015, 10:54:24 am »

Breadbowl was my first community fort, and these guys in the community forts inspire me to join in as well.  I observe that they are quite welcoming to both veterans, lurkers, and new players. 

It is quite fun to share a single player game, tell stories of how my session went, and have the readers hook their interests with their dwarves to the events of the fort and the world-gen's history as well. 

I think the rules in page 1 is fairly straight forward, and does give a goal/target.  The sieges we get for a v40 is a bonus.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Breadbowl: a Succession Farm [40.24] (Requesting Overseers!)
« Reply #506 on: December 21, 2015, 11:21:20 am »

Indeed! It looks super fun; should I PM Quasar or is posting here enough?

[Also, can I be Dorfed as a medic? Gin and tonic are clearly the cure-all.]
>make fine drink
>>dwarven gin («☼coffee wood barrel☼»)
>>dwarven tonic («☼green glass vial☼»)
>>wild limes [1]


  • Bay Watcher
  • Nyam nyam
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Re: Breadbowl: a Succession Farm [40.24] (Requesting Overseers!)
« Reply #507 on: December 21, 2015, 12:01:07 pm »

Breadbowl's a nice place.

Like Quasar said, dwarfs don't die in the hallways like they do in other succession forts, so we wile away our time by telling stories in general. It's relaxing to play a fort where you can focus more on enhancing the fort rather than keeping the little buggers alive. The emergent narrative that's risen so far has proven to be a pleasant surprise.

At the same time there is the potential for loss - we're not 100% sterile - and when the deaths come, they are sudden and shocking. The death of Psycho, SQman, and retconned MURDER-MY-OWN-DAUGHTER-Sanctume to name a few examples.

I like it that Breadbowl has this balance. :) We're practically training ground material.

Subject 6:  Medical Science

Unfortunately Kib Domasmorul, who was earmarked to be Patient 1, did not respond as intended to the initial clinical trial.  Believed to be a lamentable fluke, minor corrections to the system have been instituted.

Wait, are we ever going to find out what is this about? Uhh... doc?
« Last Edit: December 21, 2015, 12:20:18 pm by Bearskie »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Breadbowl: a Succession Farm [40.24] (Requesting Overseers!)
« Reply #508 on: December 21, 2015, 12:29:46 pm »

Subject 6:  Medical Science

Unfortunately Kib Domasmorul, who was earmarked to be Patient 1, did not respond as intended to the initial clinical trial.  Believed to be a lamentable fluke, minor corrections to the system have been instituted.

Wait, are we ever going to find out what is this about? Uhh... doc?

From what I understood, this is the first casualty from depression which is why Dolwin expanded the Happy Place? 

If not, then I'm very interested if we have a mad scientist establishing a practice in Breadbowl!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Breadbowl: a Succession Farm [40.24] (Requesting Overseers!)
« Reply #509 on: December 21, 2015, 04:07:13 pm »

Subject 6:  Medical Science

Unfortunately Kib Domasmorul, who was earmarked to be Patient 1, did not respond as intended to the initial clinical trial.  Believed to be a lamentable fluke, minor corrections to the system have been instituted.

Wait, are we ever going to find out what is this about? Uhh... doc?

From what I understood, this is the first casualty from depression which is why Dolwin expanded the Happy Place? 

If not, then I'm very interested if we have a mad scientist establishing a practice in Breadbowl!

Research methods are often misunderstood by those outside the medical fields.  As such, details of the training system remain sealed by order of the Overseer.

((Autumn should be posted tomorrow.  I accidentally resized the window and caused a crash, so I have to redo everything tonight.))
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