This is a great start to your week, spiraling down into an alien ocean in the cheapest escape pod money can buy. It is only now you regret not spending extra cash on the deluxe escape-o-max life-form ejection system. Of course on the note of spending, you should probably regret not replacing the ship's flow regulators a tad more, since they are what caused the core to go critical and force you to use the damn escape pod in the first place. Hiring an engineer to keep everything up to scratch would have helped too come to think of it. Well in hindsight hiring anyone to assist maintain that wreck would have helped to avert this situation.
Of course, maybe you should be thinking about more pressing matters instead. Perhaps something more to do with your impending crash and possible survival, perhaps even thinking about your name and favourite colour? Now, they may seem unimportant in this situation. But you have a feeling that these two facts will be crucial to your survival.
Favorite Colour:Here we go again. Now this game will be a bit similar to my previous ones, namely all the 'build a ______'s but I'm going to make some format changes to hopefully make things run a bit better which is why I opted to start a new one rather then continue anything I started previously.