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Should the system for the game receive an overhal?

- 4 (66.7%)
- 1 (16.7%)
Yes, but. . . (comment how, below)
- 1 (16.7%)

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Voting closed: August 31, 2016, 04:23:26 pm

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Author Topic: Castle: Fear for your Weakness OOC  (Read 159634 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Castle: Fear for your Weakness OOC
« on: August 09, 2015, 06:54:50 am »

This will be the OOC Chat for the Castle:Foxhound Chronicles game and the Castle: [Insert Squad name here] Chronicles game.
Game TV trope: Bay 12 Castle Foxhound Squad (Roleplay) - TV Tropes
Games Non-Canon Wiki: Castle Gate Raiders
Games Discord: Castle D/O
Races: Akras has access to two planets. As such, Akras has access to nonhuman species to employ. This doc holds the stats for encountered races. It is occasionally updated with additional races. There are quite a few more planned.

This is the partly defunct original doc for the game. Relevent data includes skills, and available gear. Refer to the doc above this one for racial stats.

The new Gear Catalog. Check this one before you check for gear in the above doc. It's more accurate. Has tweaked pricing, and has more stuff. It's also a less bland read. Keep in mind that it is a current Work In Progress by both players and myself. It's not complete and checking the above doc during chargen and purchasing of gear may be advantageous for the time being.

Specifics involving chargen are as follows:

Unless the race permits it, one cannot go lower then 8 in a given stat.
Stats cost 5 xp per. One cannot spend chargen experience on stats. You can however move around stat points so long as you do not go above 12 in a given stat. This restriction only applies for chargen. You can go above 12 in a stat with statpoints purchased with xp.
Vigor and Hitpoints run on a 2 for 1 system. 2 Vigor is worth 1 stat point. Same goes for hp.
Ignore the magic skills in the defunct doc. We aren't running with that. Magic works as follows:

Magic comes in two main classes: Occultism and Arcanism
Arcanism involves split second invocations, good for combat. Think standard swords and sorcery style magi. Throwing a fireball is normally Arcanism. Blinking is Arcanism. Shooting lightning is Arcanism.
Occultism involves setup, rituals, and warding. Occultism will generally hit much harder then the Arcanism equivalent but will have a significant setup time. Enchanting a sword to shoot beams of fire is Occultism. Creating a stable portal between one location and another is Occultism. Invoking a ritual to create a directed tornado is Occultism.

All magic skills are Very Hard, with the exception of Elves, for which it is Hard due to their racial abilities.

Magic skills function as follows:

So for example. A necromancer who uses rituals to reanimate corpses would have something like:
Occultism>Necromancy>Bone 1 and Occultism>Necromancy>Flesh 1

If a necromancer focused on manifesting spirits instead of corporeal minions, or perhaps indulged in eating souls and primarily invoked such on the spot they'd want
Arcanism>Necromancy>Souls 1

As you may or may not see. Specifics with magic aren't really fixed. If one can reasonably infer that a specific magic skill would be able to do something, then odds are is they can do it with a bit of effort. Although the easier something can be related to the dicipline the better.

If ya have questions, feel free to ask.

Of note. Due to events in the other thread. Certain gear items are free for new gate teams. Notably Mag Assault Rifles and underslung grenade launchers/cannons.

Recommended but not required reading:

Mission Report 1

Mission Report 2

Mission Report 3 and Summary of Cowbell Incident

Operation Absolutely Inconspicuous This one was functionally a short involving the players controlling members of a terrorist organization and attempting to survive a plague of giggling undead that Foxhound Squad unleashed upon them primarily 'To see if they could.' It's a good read for setting building.

Gaian Initial Exploratory Log
« Last Edit: October 21, 2016, 06:24:15 pm by zomara0292 »
I hear a piranha is good eating.  I have a spear; I'll be fine!
The Pilot and their cargo handlers paused when they saw that the entire camp is covered in eldritch runes coated in blood. And rotting monkey corpses everywhere..

They decide that they didn't get paid enough for this..


  • Bay Watcher
  • Its a lie. he is still an escaped lunatic brony.
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Re: Castle: Fear for your Weakness OOC
« Reply #1 on: August 09, 2015, 06:55:26 am »

For changes in the rulesets and custom equipment
Spoiler: equipment (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: August 10, 2015, 07:20:41 am by zomara0292 »
I hear a piranha is good eating.  I have a spear; I'll be fine!
The Pilot and their cargo handlers paused when they saw that the entire camp is covered in eldritch runes coated in blood. And rotting monkey corpses everywhere..

They decide that they didn't get paid enough for this..


  • Bay Watcher
  • Its a lie. he is still an escaped lunatic brony.
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Re: Castle: Fear for your Weakness OOC
« Reply #2 on: August 09, 2015, 06:56:00 am »

Foxhound character sheets.:
Current team stats:
Spoiler: Twinwolf (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Romans (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Zomara0292 (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Hawk132 (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Insanegame27 (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Kevak (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: LordPorkins (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: piratejoe (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: TheBiggerFish (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Prophet Sheet (click to show/hide)

Newsquad Character sheets:
Spoiler: Maegil (click to show/hide)
Khaiden Seine:
Race: Gaian Human (for now)

Ability Scores:
Strength: 8
Dexterity: 10
Intelligence: 13
Constitution: 9
Health Points (HP): 16
Perception: 11
Will: 9
Vigor Points (VP): 11

Special: For every mortal wound inflicted upon a target via melee or inflicted upon the self, restore 2 Vigor points. If restoration goes above max, vigor can artificially be raised to up to double the max until the end of combat, at which point it returns to normal levels.

Skills: (15 points):
Arcanism/Necromancy/Entropic: 2 (8 points)
Arcanism/Necromancy/Souls: 1 (4 points)
Intimidation: 1 (1 point)
Knives: 1 (1 point)

Experience Points: 3

Warded Clothing (tunic and pants with added bone plating): Magically reinforced to be like light armor.
Knife (metal blade but with a personalized grip): Yes
Juice box: Grape flavor.
Quick-Discard High Nutrient Paste: (365) days. "Quick Discard" as in "this is for making people who won't be around for long healthy enough to work in a short amount of time." Side Effects include: infertility in men and women, an average of 15 years shaved off lifespan, increased risk of cervical cancer in women, mood swings, and lack of appetite. Khaiden would be dead within 2 decades anyway due to his weakened body, so this is to get him functional and keep him intact until he can afford to swap out most of his fleshy bits for machinery.
First Aid Kit: Yes

Money(Assorted Gaian currency):

Terran: 2*

Gaian: 110 Copper Pieces. 9 Silver Pieces.

Knickknacks stolen from victims: A cloth doll, a carved wooden warrior doll, 3 cloth squares,

Name: Ratodx Tamoren
Race: Goblin of a Lightning Clan
Age: Young Adultish

Strength: 8
Dex: 12 (11+1=12)
Intelligence: 15
Constitution: 8
Health: 12 (9+5-2=12)
Perception: 9
Will: 9
Vigor: 8

Small Arms: Dex/E 1 Rank (1) (Explained in backstory. If insufficient I'll replace it with a rank of Knife.)
Acrobatics: Dex/A 1 Rank (2)
Stealth: Dex/A 2 Ranks (4)
Machinist: Int/A 2 Ranks (4)
Arcanism>Dynamancy>Visual_Spectrum: Wil/VH 1 Rank (4)
Oratory: Int/A 2 Ranks
Coercion:  Wil/A 1 Rank
Persuasion: Int/H 2 Ranks

Unspent XP: 2

Racial Abilities
-Some Goblins are Orcs: 1/3rd of Goblins are born as Orcs. This is a natural part of life. However obviously it’s painful for the Goblin mother birthing the Orc in question. A baby that size isn’t exactly fun to give birth to.
-Dreams of the Mad God: Goblins dream of many things. Of Contraptions. Of Fire. Of Lightning. Of Steam. Of spiraling towers filled with the mad tinkerings of their race. Most Goblins dream of one of these things. That is their Clan. A Goblin innately is skilled in that which their Clan is. (+4 to any roll relating to construction or activities relating to their Clan. This can involve abstract applications. This does not substitute for skill. Unskilled constructions will be [Unreliable] and on GM Discretion will malfunction in whatever way seems hilarious at the time. A skilled Goblin will have significantly more luck in preventing whatever the insane contraption they’re constructing from gaining [Unreliable] compared to an unskilled goblin.)

Agent BDUs    All but head      2      All      5 lbs      Free
Agent Helm      Head         4      All      3 lbs      Free
Fragmentation Vest   Torso Only      5      Bal only      8 lbs      Free
   + Trauma Plates   Torso Only      +10      All      +8 lbs      10*
Basic Machinist Toolkit Free
First Aid Kit Free
Knives Free
Leftover *: 15

The below is for when Akras allows Ratodx to be armed
92 FS Beretta Free
2 x 15 Round Mag 2*
G-1 Offensive Grenade Free
Leftover *:13

Personal Monetary Gains:
1st Entity Encounter: 2*
Total: 2*

Squad Funds:
1st Entity Encounter: 10*

Spoiler: Prophet Sheet (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Kavrick (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: S34N1C (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: November 01, 2016, 12:56:28 pm by zomara0292 »
I hear a piranha is good eating.  I have a spear; I'll be fine!
The Pilot and their cargo handlers paused when they saw that the entire camp is covered in eldritch runes coated in blood. And rotting monkey corpses everywhere..

They decide that they didn't get paid enough for this..


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Re: Castle: Fear for your Weakness OOC
« Reply #3 on: August 09, 2015, 08:47:16 pm »

Equipment ideas:

Small hovering combat drones. Currently the only combat drones are slow and treaded. Using something like an Omnicopter (8 copters) and gyrojet or explosive rocket weaponry to reduce recoil would be nice as a small personal defense drone.

Sentry turrets for area denial that actually kills shit. Obviously doesn't deter enemies like the microwave does, but if you pair a couple sentries with the microwave, you could prolly get a really nice killfield.

Sensor drones.

More drones in general. Drones are absurdly useful. Specially for scientists.

Climbing equipment.

Lasers are unlikely to be useful unless they are either chemical lasers or have obscenely powerful energy sources. Always good to stat them out though.

Gyrojet guns, probably would add an accuracy bonus due to the lack of recoil and be easier for people without training to handle them, however they would have a higher failure/misfire rate and ammo would weigh more.

Plasma would probably work best using an electrolaser system (A laser ionizes the atmosphere in a conduit towards the target, bolt of plasma fires through the newly created vacuum chamber. Which soon closes behind it with a loud Bang) Would be accurate and devastating but ammo would cost a lot and the barrel would need to be replaced regularly due to structural warping from heat.

Railguns/gauss guns. Same issue with plasma for the barrel warping. Gauss would be more accurate, rail would lob larger projectiles. Technically a Rail could launch anything metal that can fit in the bars. Gauss would need specialized projectiles. I could see Rail rounds being free for small rounds and cost money for large rounds, Rail tending to be inaccurate at larger distances without specialized rounds. Gauss would work best as snipers/anti material weapons.

Electrolasers (aka lightning guns) They shoot a laser to ionize the air and then send a rather massive electrical current through the conduit. The end result is a gun that shoots lighting. Technically could be adapted to a gauntlet if someone really wanted to. A lightning glove so to speak.

A larger variety of explosives. Smokegrenades for concealment, flashbangs for disorientation, teargas for crowd dispersal, Thermite for melting through objects (thermite is actually not hard to make, the issue is governments don't want the chems to make it on the market due to the sheer burnyness it can do. It can easily melt through several floors worth of building if you have enough.)

Alternate melee weapons. A sword is nice in some circumstances, but a mace would be better for dealing with armored targets and smashing skulls, axes are great for cleaving off limbs, polearms are good for defense, spears are great when used to defend doorways.

Shields would be nice.

A larger variety of guns, be nice if we had specialized pistols/smg's/rifles. Yes there is some specialization, but there's a difference between a sniper intended to take off someone's head and a sniper intended to disable a tank.

Acid/fire/smokeproof armor.

A variety of vehicles for later on. Who knows, we might end up in a high speed chase scene with a dragon chasing us. Be good to have vehicles that actually have stats before then to avoid delays when it happens.

Autopsy kits. Probably a good thing for scientists to have for moneymaking. There's a difference between shooting an enemy and knowing how an enemy ticks. Likely uses surgery.

Electronic lockpicks for rapid lockpicking without a kit.

Breeching charges. Like Blast Tape for example. Just blow the door off its hinges.

A screwdriver. Sometimes it's easier to unscrew a door's hinges then it is to pick the lock.

Proximity charges.


Napalm rockets. Nothing says area denial like an inferno.

Mining equipment. (Jackhammers, pickaxes, drills, and so on.) Sometimes it's easier to go around the room of sleeping monsters.

Prolly other stuff that I don't have off the top of my head. Will think of stuff later.

I may or may not have said stuff that's already on the doc. Ignore that stuff if I did.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Castle: Fear for your Weakness OOC
« Reply #4 on: August 09, 2015, 11:52:10 pm »

gyrojet anything
Though the tech is there to make these, the resources arnt. the world is going to crap, and, some of the more expensive, and less practical things, just cant be readily bought or fabricated.
Maybe a change in tech level and I may consider it.
Small hovering combat drones.
I will probably stat is as the same as the tread drone, but with a weight of 12lb, and a maximum weight of 20lb.
Sensor drones.
More drones in general. Drones are absurdly useful. Specially for scientists.
for the sensor one see the stealth plane. if you want it ground base, it will just be a 15lb version of the tread.
Climbing equipment.
That will only affect acrobatics rolls since I will use those for climbing, when it deals with doing so in a rush, or endorence rolls, like when you do so over a long period of time. . . . I say that it will be the tool kit. reason being is because it can be for any types of tools. I may, though, have you verify what skill check your toolkit effects, before you buy it, just to be hard on you guys.
Equipment ideas:
Sentry turrets for area denial that actually kills shit. Obviously doesn't deter enemies like the microwave does, but if you pair a couple sentries with the microwave, you could prolly get a really nice killfield.
Probably. . . let me see if there is anything stated in a simular way. . . . . hmmm. . . .maybe I can use the idea of the microwave gun, but. . .
Sentry Turrent mount: 75 degree FoV. weighs 20lb. cost 15☼. When used to mount weapons, it makes the appropriate skill roll at 12a crit fail will jam the weapon on the mount.

other things i have to chek tomorrow dead morning. i am passing out here.
I hear a piranha is good eating.  I have a spear; I'll be fine!
The Pilot and their cargo handlers paused when they saw that the entire camp is covered in eldritch runes coated in blood. And rotting monkey corpses everywhere..

They decide that they didn't get paid enough for this..


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Re: Castle: Fear for your Weakness OOC
« Reply #5 on: August 09, 2015, 11:58:03 pm »

Technically gyrojets are relatively easy to make and the chems are there. They are functionally miniature rocket launchers that don't have explosive slugs and instead just use solid metal slugs. The issue is they have a tendency to jam or misfire way too often. 1 in 100 shots normally, compared to other weapons which tend to have a failure rate of 1 in 20k shots. To put it bluntly, you'd be better off buying a regular gun. However the lack of recoil would make it a nice weapon for completely untrained people.

The stealth plane is meant for open areas it seems. It's sorta useless when you're inside. Nice to have a lil drone peak around a door for you sometimes.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Castle: Fear for your Weakness OOC
« Reply #6 on: August 10, 2015, 08:51:11 am »

Ok, I came up with an idea, a gyrojet rebuild modifire (-1 to str requirement | origional recoil+2 | cost of 10*), which allows for the firing of a .49 caliber rocket, which will be stated like an HE .45 bullet (2d-1 damage | original mag size | origional mag cost +5*) for any small arms used.
For a med arm it would fire like above but it would be  called a .51 and do 3d damage

Edit: your melee weapons were stated by the doc owner.
« Last Edit: August 10, 2015, 10:40:35 am by zomara0292 »
I hear a piranha is good eating.  I have a spear; I'll be fine!
The Pilot and their cargo handlers paused when they saw that the entire camp is covered in eldritch runes coated in blood. And rotting monkey corpses everywhere..

They decide that they didn't get paid enough for this..


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Re: Castle: Fear for your Weakness OOC
« Reply #7 on: August 10, 2015, 07:58:35 pm »

I have a feeling that Tal will prolly be the slowest mover in the party. He can prolly remove his frag jacket though if he needs to move faster.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Castle: Fear for your Weakness OOC
« Reply #8 on: August 10, 2015, 08:56:40 pm »

Nah. thats Dr. Ayes. even Seth moves faster than him. . .  and he has a Dex of 9
I hear a piranha is good eating.  I have a spear; I'll be fine!
The Pilot and their cargo handlers paused when they saw that the entire camp is covered in eldritch runes coated in blood. And rotting monkey corpses everywhere..

They decide that they didn't get paid enough for this..


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Re: Castle: Fear for your Weakness OOC
« Reply #9 on: August 10, 2015, 09:00:36 pm »

I was thinking due to the weight.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Its a lie. he is still an escaped lunatic brony.
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Re: Castle: Fear for your Weakness OOC
« Reply #10 on: August 11, 2015, 05:08:45 pm »

I am not knowledgeable enough of encumbrances and how they would affect ones actions to really judge on that.
I hear a piranha is good eating.  I have a spear; I'll be fine!
The Pilot and their cargo handlers paused when they saw that the entire camp is covered in eldritch runes coated in blood. And rotting monkey corpses everywhere..

They decide that they didn't get paid enough for this..


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Castle: Fear for your Weakness OOC
« Reply #11 on: August 11, 2015, 05:17:01 pm »

Wait, so weight doesn't matter? I could've gotten that extra armour and not have suffered any penalty to movement? Speaking of armour, was my DR taken into account when I took that 2 damage?

EDIT: How far are we from the exit? Do I need to go through the exit to get to Delta?
« Last Edit: August 11, 2015, 05:24:24 pm by Andres »
All fanfics are heresy, each and every one, especially the shipping ones. Those are by far the worst.


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Re: Castle: Fear for your Weakness OOC
« Reply #12 on: August 11, 2015, 05:48:55 pm »

Beta went around the castle. Delta rushed in and forgot to look up. Odds are is the room is collapsing, so everyone is exiting the castle. If the stairs aren't also collapsing, then we can probably wait out the cavein and hope Delta isn't dead.


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Re: Castle: Fear for your Weakness OOC
« Reply #13 on: August 11, 2015, 09:23:41 pm »

You haven't even gone though your first room yet and everything's already going FUBAR.
Jon was the little sherman who could until he got hit by a repurposed tank gun.


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Re: Castle: Fear for your Weakness OOC
« Reply #14 on: August 11, 2015, 09:47:11 pm »

Least we were careful~

Also is Damage Reduction being accounted for?
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