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Author Topic: Bonepillar, lair of the undead cave beasts - Succession Fort [40.24]  (Read 31612 times)


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Re: Bonepillar, lair of the undead cave beasts - Succession Fort [40.24]
« Reply #15 on: August 09, 2015, 01:40:08 am »

"Arright yah bunch of orphan brats, storytime's over. Time for bed."

"Wait, that's *it*?"

"Yep. You gonna complain about the ending now, Cattan? About the pacing? About the believability of a dwarf swimming in dogs?"

"Well no I... I mean, yes that is pretty unbelievable, but... I kinda want to know what happened next."

"Oh you do, do you?"

"Yes, sir. Could you come back tomorrow and continue the story?"

"Hmm... well. I've got work, you know. I'm a very important dwarf, not like you lot."

"Please, Uncle Urist?"

"Werl... I guess I could. You gonna keep complaining about every little thing I say?"

"Well... I can't promise I won't..."

"Stubborn, eh? Heh. You remind me of someone I once knew. An expedition leader. He and I never could see eye-to-eye, but he was a good dwarf. Kinda like you, little one."


"Yeah, I'll be back. Gotta finish the story, afterall."

And thus ends Year 1:

Gwolfski, you're up. A few notes:

* I was relocating the farming apparatus when the year ended. You'll need to redesignate tasks like "Process Plants", "Prepare Lavish Meal" and "Brew Drinks" once they're constructed.

* I've got a slab being engraved for Morul: I was going to place it just to the north of his coffin. I'd consider it a favor if you could designate that once it's built.

* Labors are all over the place: it takes quite a bit of micro-management to run a fortress with only 6 dwarfs. Be assured no dwarf will ever pull a lever in time unless you clear all their labors in advance, and even then only maybe, so be careful with that one.

* Eshtan took on Zuglar's tasks and the custom profession name "Failure". Poor dwarf. Be a pal and try to cheer him up.
« Last Edit: August 09, 2015, 07:54:14 pm by QuQuasar »


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Re: Bonepillar, lair of the undead cave beasts - Succession Fort [40.24]
« Reply #16 on: August 09, 2015, 03:16:12 pm »

got it btw, use dffd for saves, its easier.
« Last Edit: August 09, 2015, 03:48:59 pm by Gwolfski »
Eventually when you go far enough the insane start becoming the sane


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Re: Bonepillar, lair of the undead cave beasts - Succession Fort [40.24]
« Reply #17 on: August 10, 2015, 07:35:47 pm »

Oh man, I just learned how to make civilians wear armour and carry weapons around. It just saved an outdoor fortress of mine from werelizard attack (+Bronze Pick+, meet head). Wish I'd known that when Glitterdeer attacked.
(Edit) In case anyone's wondering...
Bring up the military screen ('m'). Go to Uniforms ('n') and create a new one called "Civilian". Select the most generic weapon and armour options for each of the categories.
Then go to the squad screen and assign all your civilians to squads using the Civ uniform. Replace the default squadnames with "Civilian" to keep these dwarves seperate from your military.
Finally, go to Alerts ('a') and activate all the Civ squads under the Active/Training alert. Leave the military screen, unpause, and they'll all get Pickup Equipment tasks and will scurry about picking up whatever weapons and armour you have lying about.
When they're done and have all reverted to Soldier (No Activity), go back to the Military Alerts screen ('m', 'a') and reactivate the Civ squads under Inactive. They'll return to civilian tasks, only now they'll have the weapons they picked up strapped to their back.


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Re: Bonepillar, lair of the undead cave beasts - Succession Fort [40.24]
« Reply #18 on: August 13, 2015, 02:18:06 pm »

save here, will have report today, maybe tommorrow.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2015, 02:55:25 pm by Gwolfski »
Eventually when you go far enough the insane start becoming the sane


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Re: Bonepillar, lair of the undead cave beasts - Succession Fort [40.24]
« Reply #19 on: August 13, 2015, 10:53:23 pm »

Dorf me! I will be an architecht/miner if possible, but anything close will do. Make my title "The Fixerupper" or something of the like.
Our forward thinking overseer at the time devised a way in which werebeasts can live in peace with other dwarves by utilizing the mysterious magical properties of soap!

Quote from: PsychoAngel on January 19, 2016
Don't worry. I've got extremely volatile exploding fish.
My friends and I say a lot of fun things to each other.


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Re: Bonepillar, lair of the undead cave beasts - Succession Fort [40.24]
« Reply #20 on: August 14, 2015, 03:33:21 pm »

im sorry, no update today. fun facts: we have a shit load of immigrants. i brutally murdered accidentaly caused the demise of 1 1/2 trade caravans. undead creatures dont want to go into traps. sh*t
Eventually when you go far enough the insane start becoming the sane


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Re: Bonepillar, lair of the undead cave beasts - Succession Fort [40.24]
« Reply #21 on: August 15, 2015, 04:44:15 pm »

save here

Gwolfski's turn: influx of citizens, useless traps and artifactsx3!

First off, our population
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has crossed 20, so we got artifacts:
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I have been doing exploratory mining, and have thus found a cavern
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However, it appears undead beasts are underground as well. sigh.

I have also manged, with some difficulty, to build this:
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I have also started our military, recruiting a squad of 3 marksdwarves, in which i am the most skilled one.

By building a trap (that doesnt fully work)
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I have managed to recover some of our fallen.
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Not all, mind you, but at least some. We need moar coffins!

The main area has been enlarged by a few stockpiles, and we now have a tree farm too!
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The stone level, complete with bits of the now-uselss trap (pls dont touch it, during my next turn i hope to make it usable)
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also, our population
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and stocks
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, plus it turns out there has been no crime whatsoever!
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Also, our current animals (pasture the caged cow somewhere pls)
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Eventually when you go far enough the insane start becoming the sane


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bonepillar, lair of the undead cave beasts - Succession Fort [40.24]
« Reply #22 on: August 15, 2015, 11:11:04 pm »

So my turn now, yes? I should be able to start on Monday at the latest.
Stuff I run:
Icehold(Second Thread)
Stuff I was/am involved with:
The Succession Tower, ConstructIvory
Bonepillar                    Thunderdoom
Parallel Fortresses


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bonepillar, lair of the undead cave beasts - Succession Fort [40.24]
« Reply #23 on: August 15, 2015, 11:43:36 pm »

First off, our population
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has crossed 20, so we got artifacts:
Holy crap, you actually got migrants in? Last I checked, Duskringed and an undead Draltha called "Frozenracks" were guarding the southern entrance.

Taking a look at the world now: it looks like the undead horde has grown a bit. It now includes 6 named abominations:

* the Troll Talathel Ennolshesam, "Duskinged the Reputed Zephyr". King of the Dead in Bonepillar.
* the Draltha Gishdistled Fokashushil, 'Frozenracks the Hungry Ice". Duskringed second in command.
* Rith Koloslan, once a dwarf, his walking corpse now dubbed Nileskathil, "Strapswet".
* the Elk Bird Zugobdesis, 'Grandsnarl'
* the twin Giant Bat's, Idathbabin, 'Amusefriendly' and Zakgolshasad, 'Spitedmusic'

3 of the monsters, including the giant bat Amusefriendly, were already named before they died.

Also of note, two dwarves: "Udil Ledbal" and "Logem Idensakzul", whose corpses rose from death and now wander the land.

So my turn now, yes? I should be able to start on Monday at the latest.
That's right. Remember to dorf the folk who have asked to be dorfed: it looks like Gwolfski neglected to do that.

PyroTechno - Anydorf (PyroTechno)
Tuaiq Uacca - Profession: Militia Commander/Recruit (Lidku)
Iamblichos - Profession: Peasant/Fisherdwarf, Custom Profession: "Wastrel" (Iamblichos)

Looking forward to seeing what you accomplish in Bonepillar.
« Last Edit: August 16, 2015, 12:05:56 am by QuQuasar »


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Re: Bonepillar, lair of the undead cave beasts - Succession Fort [40.24]
« Reply #24 on: August 16, 2015, 01:59:15 pm »

08:43 PM The wild animals and insects sang a merry tune and the trees performed a dance. I know you're trying to cheer me up, Vishnu, but that was actually a bit creepy.-Rhons


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Re: Bonepillar, lair of the undead cave beasts - Succession Fort [40.24]
« Reply #25 on: August 17, 2015, 12:25:48 am »

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Tosul ran.

Through the bloodstained knotgrass, over the corpse-strewn hill, and past the bony branches of the dead larches, Tosul Crevicebronze ran.

Not two minutes past, he had been sitting in a wagon en route to a newly established fortress that was somewhere past the Jungles of Frothing, laughing with his fellow migrants and full of optimism for his soon-to-be new home--until a massive scarred troll reeking of death leapt out from the trees, tearing the dwarf sitting next to him in two.

Tosul ran.

He could still hear the screams behind him from the overturned wagon as the troll spread parts of his former friends over the countryside.

Tosul ran.

He saw a dwarf running ahead of him tackled by a draltha that still had a spear sticking from its ribs, and heard the poor dwarf's screams turn to gurgles and then silence as the creature feasted upon her innards.

Averting his eyes, Tosul ran.

Behind him, he could hear air whistling over tattered wings as something swooped towards him, getting closer with every step he took.

Tosul ran, his breath ragged and his sides burning as the unholy beast closed in.

And as he considered simply closing his eyes, stopping his pounding feet, and letting the monster end his torment, he saw something incredible.

A living, breathing, dwarf, 20 yards away, waving frantically and keeping a watchful eye on the surounding area, standing next to a ramp descending into the earth.

With a renewed life in his legs, Tosul ran.

The dwarf ducked inside as Tosul approached, and felt a brief tug on his shirt as he dove into the pit, then the sound of ripping cloth accompanied his brief drop as he saw the shadow of a Giant Bat whoosh past the opening.

Deeper into the earth, Tosul ran.

He heard voices ahead of him as he sprinted down the tunnel, uncertain whether the beasts wouls follow him in.

"Seal the bridge!"

"B-but there's still migrants out there!"

"And if we wait any longer, there's gonna be undead in here! That last on was close enough as it is. Seal the damn bridge!"

Hearing the sound of clanking machinery ahead of him, Tosul put on a final burst of speed, crossing the bismuth bridge just before it rose, sealing the horrific monstrosities out.

Panting from exhaustion, sweat dripping from his beard, and accompanied by the survivors of his group, Tosul stopped running.

"Me? In charge? But why?"

It had been only a few weeks since Tosul had arrived at the glorified emergency shelter known as Bonepillar, but it was a few weeks he never would forget. After their frenzied rush to the double-bridge entrance, Tosul and the other surviving members of his migrant party had quickly gotten used to the idea of staying, not wanting to have to face the undead beasts outdoors a second time, especially with their own fallen now among them. And in a way, due to those selfsame undead monstrosities Bonepillar was effectively the fort thy had set out for in the first place, just in a different location.

"You know these new dwarves you arrived with better than anyone," said Gwolfski, Bonepillar's previous Overseer. "Their skills, their shortcomings, what makes 'em tick. And, to be frank," the dwarf leaned forward, showing Tosul the bags under his eyes. "I'm exhausted. We all are. Sooner or later, that exhaustion is going to lead to a mistake, and a single mistake is all it will take for this place to fall apart. Some new blood will be good for the fort."

"But why me? I'm just an engraver! I like to carve pictures into walls, stuff that happened years ago! I don't know the first thing about leading!"

The Overseer laughed. "And that is exactly what makes you the best choice. You know our history, you've carved it on walls both here and at the Mountainhome. You know the impact of a single action, what it can do to those who follow and those who lead. You can make this place stand against a thousand undead!"

Tosul considered the Overseer's words. "You're right. I can make Bonepillar strong. But what about you? You've been Overseeing this place for over a year! What are you going to do?"

Gwofski wordlessly walked over to the office's chest, pulled out a bronze crossbow, and shouldered the weapon. "Things have been getting pretty noisy up top, and I've got a few old acquaintances who could use a few inches of iron in their skulls."

The Overseer walked out of Tosul's new office, raising a hand as both a goodbye and good luck. Tosul raised his hand as well, then dropped it with a sigh. He has a lot of work ahead of him...

So there's a little intro to my turn. Sorry if I mischaracterized you Gwolfski!

Stuff I run:
Icehold(Second Thread)
Stuff I was/am involved with:
The Succession Tower, ConstructIvory
Bonepillar                    Thunderdoom
Parallel Fortresses


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bonepillar, lair of the undead cave beasts - Succession Fort [40.24]
« Reply #26 on: August 17, 2015, 12:53:59 am »

I see. In general, I approve of this dorf.  :)


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Re: Bonepillar, lair of the undead cave beasts - Succession Fort [40.24]
« Reply #27 on: August 17, 2015, 03:40:12 pm »

I'm done with Spring and should have a write-up tomorrow morning.
Sorry for the wait!
Stuff I run:
Icehold(Second Thread)
Stuff I was/am involved with:
The Succession Tower, ConstructIvory
Bonepillar                    Thunderdoom
Parallel Fortresses


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Re: Bonepillar, lair of the undead cave beasts - Succession Fort [40.24]
« Reply #28 on: August 17, 2015, 03:53:43 pm »

Yay, storytelling! Honest to goodness storytelling!

I'd forgotten how utterly horrible a place Bonepillar was. Everyone arrives screaming. It's a prison, not a fortress.

It's wonderful!

"Hang on Uncle Urist, what about year 2?"

"Oi already tole you about year two. They tried to make a trap something something stockpiles something marksdwarves."

"So you're just skipping year 2? That's lame."

"You know what else is lame, Cattan? You, after I cut off both yer legs and feed em to the war dogs! Now shuddup and listen."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bonepillar, lair of the undead cave beasts - Succession Fort [40.24]
« Reply #29 on: August 18, 2015, 01:59:41 pm »

24 Granite

Tosul sat in his new office, letting the weight of Gwolfski’s words rest on his shoulders for a few minutes. Everyone here is depending on me… Tosul thought. I can’t let them down!

He rose and began to survey the fortress that was now under his command.

It was easy to tell that Bonepillar had been built as an emergency shelter rather than a traditional, architecturally designed fortress. Passages ran every which way throughout the fort; up, down, left, right, north, and south, and Tosul got lost several times trying to connect the interior geography with itself in his head.

As he wandered near the kitchen, Tosul heard frenzied barking from the north, then saw a dwarf rush out of a door before hastily slamming it shut.

Tosul recognized the dwarf as TheCheeseMaker, Bonepillar’s cook. “What’s going on in there?”

Sheepish, TheCheeseMaker rubbed the back of his head. “Oh, that? That was the dogs. I was checking the nest box, and the dogs got excited. They, uh, they like me. Probably the smell of cooked meat…”

“That was awfully loud for just an excited greeting. How many dogs do we have?”

“Last time I counted, forty-two.”

“Forty…” Tosul fell silent, then moved on, shaking his head.

Soon after, Tosul was approached by Tuaiq Uacca, Bonepillar’s militia commander.

“Hey, Tosul, do you have a minute?”

More than a little intimidated by the burly dwarf, Tosul stopped. “S-sure. What do you need?”

“Listen, I know you’re gonna be busy, with the whole running Bonepillar and all, but If you have the time, could you try and get me and the boys somewhere to train? A militia’s great and all, but without any training we’re just going to be effectively waving sticks around.”

Tosul mentally adjusted his priorities. “Sure thing, I-I’ll get right on it.”

Tuaiq smiled. “Thanks. Oh, and one more thing- that Peasant who arrived with you. Nil? I’ve seen arms like his before. Get him a hammer, and He’ll be smashing undead skulls like there’s no tomorrow.

With that, Tuaiq strolled off.

The last stop on Tosul’s fortress tour was the Mechanic’s workshop, where Zulban, one of the founding members of Bonepillar, was putting the finishing touches on his latest mechanisms.

“Hey, Zulban, can I ask you something?”

The older dwarf grunted, then put down his tools. “What is it now?”

“There’s a bunch of levers around Bonepillar, but none of them are labeled. Do you know what they do?”

Zulban simply shrugged.

“B-but you’re the one who hooked them up! How can you not know?”

“I put them up, yeah, but that was a couple of years ago, and so much has been going on since then, most of them’ve slipped my mind. I know the two in the main hall control the airlock, cuz they were first, but as for the rest, you’re on your own.”

Zulban turned back to his work.

“Thanks, I guess.”

With a sigh, Tosul headed back into the fort.

9 Slate

“Migrant party on the horizon!”

As soon as the cry went up, Tosul ran toward the airlock, barking orders as he went.

“Tell the elves to pack up, now’s their best chance to get out safely! And as soon as I’m through, switch the airlock!”

Tosul ran past the trade depot, full of elves, and over the bismuth bridge as soon as it opened. Emerging into the sunlight, he saw the migrant party staring dumbfounded ahead of them as the horde of undead ripped apart a flock of kea that had recently entered the area.

Knowing that a single sound would send the horde running strait toward him, Tosul waved frantically, hoping that one of them would glance in his direction.

Before long, one of the migrant dwarves spotted him, and the group as a whole started moving towards Bonepillar’s entrance.

As the new dwarves filed in, Tosul counted heads. “One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Eleve- Where are you going?”

The dwarf, a ranger by the looks of him, turned towards Tosul, surprised, and gestured towards the pole he carried. “Fishin’”

“You’ve seen what’s out there! Do you have some kind of death wish!?”

“Fine, fine, you don’t have to shout at me.”

The hapless dwarf abled inside, but the brief altercation had attracted unwanted attention.

“Seal the bridge!”

As soon as the bismuth bridge rested vertically, Tosul turned to the dwarf who looked to be in charge of the newcomers, a white-bearded older dwarf. “How many made it?”

“Uhh, looks like twenty-one, plus a few pack animals and pets.”

“And how many… didn’t?”

“Two donkeys and an alpaca. You saved our lives there, son!”

Tosul smiled. Maybe he was doing something right.

8 Felsite

Vucar Spreadabbey, Bonepillar’s new mechanic, hadn’t been seen for several days. So it was more than a little surprising when Tosul saw her run into his office.

“Take a look a this!”

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“Whoa… Is this where you’ve been?”

“Yes! I don’t know how to explain it, I just had a feeling that this needed to be done. And now…” Vucar looked down at her hands. “I feel like… like I know mechanics now, like I never did before!”

“That’s amazing, Vucar!” Tosul stood, handing the mechanism back to her. “Now we just need to figure out somewhere to put it…”

17 Felsite

Logem Ochretwist sprinted through Bonepillar. He pushed past Iden Oardye, newly appointed chief medical dwarf, and nearly knocked over PyroTechno Dyepaddle, who dropped his armload of freshly-smelted coke.

He careened into Tosul’s office, startling the Overseer, who was going over Bonepillar’s stocks. “You’ve got to get up here, now!”

Seeing the panicked look in Logem’s eyes, Tosul followed without question.

“What is it?” he panted as they approached the top of the fortress.

“I was up top planting this season’s blackberry crop, and, well,” The farmer pointed through a fortification. “Take a look for yourself.”

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Later that day.

“Tuaiq, get your Marksdwarves in the tower. If we’re lucky, the Titan will thin the undead, but if it decides to come for us, that floor hatch on top of the tower’s not going to keep it out. If it comes close, give it everything you’ve got.”

“Yes sir!” The militia commander ran off to gather his men.

“Nil, I want your melee squad positioned under the tower entrance. I know you’re inexperienced, but if that beast gets past Lidku, you’re our best defence.”

Nil gulped “Y-yessir!” He went to gather his squad.

Tosul turned to the rest of the assembled dwarves. “The rest of you, be ready for anything. We don’t know what’s going to happen up there.”

19 Felsite

“Hey, Overseer?”

Tosul looked up, seeing Tuaiq standing in the doorway of his office. He stod up.

“What is it? Did something happen?”

“Big spider’s dead.”

“Really? Congratulations!”

Tuaiq shook his head. “No, no. We didn’t do nothing. Beastie took down a pair of undead, one of ‘em a dwarf, then went after a draltha, and then…”

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A thought occurred to Tosul. “Did it… you know… get back up?”

Tuaiq smiled. “Lucky for us, no. Fight was on the living side of the treeline.

Tosul let out a sigh of relief. “That’s good. But if just one of those monsters an take down a Titan… what could it do to a dwarf?”

25 Felsite

Iamblichos, Bonepillar’s resident Wastrel, lay shivering in a corner. “I-I can’t go back up there. I-it can s-s-see me through the fortific-cation… The eyes… oh Armok THE EYES!”

Tosul stood up. Despite having killed the Titan, that undead Draltha was proving to be more trouble than good. Just by nature of its presence, it was blocking access to the upper farms. Lidku’s marksdwarves hadn’t been much help either--the piercing bolts not fazing the beast.

“Geshud, see if we can get a wall built in front of that fortification. If the farmers can’t see out, they shouln’t be bothered by the Draltha.”

The stoneworker had just saluted saluted and ran off when Tosul heard TheCheeseMaker’s voice behind him.

“Overseer, we’ve got a problem…”

Tosul turned, and saw TheCheeseMaker holding 6 squirming balls of fur.

“It’s puppy season.”

It is now summer.

Whew! So there’s Spring. Apologies if I screwed up anyone’s characters.
Fort population is currently 44.
Sorry for the wait! I can tone done the detail of future write-ups if this one’s too long.
« Last Edit: August 24, 2015, 09:42:49 pm by DDDragoni »
Stuff I run:
Icehold(Second Thread)
Stuff I was/am involved with:
The Succession Tower, ConstructIvory
Bonepillar                    Thunderdoom
Parallel Fortresses
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