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Author Topic: Bonepillar, lair of the undead cave beasts - Succession Fort [40.24]  (Read 31583 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bonepillar, lair of the undead cave beasts - Succession Fort [40.24]
« Reply #165 on: November 03, 2015, 07:32:53 pm »

Chapter 3 (Toasted Ambush)
“Hold out baits to entice the enemy. Feign disorder, and crush him her.” -- Doctrine of Berul

Early Spring, 546

The mood in our legendary hall is near festive.

Tosul, Lokum, Athel and I stood next to a silver statue of Eshtan.

Wild ideas of flinging deadly magma onto the undead in the caverns and the surface.  I can only imagine the mayhem of introducing magma in the heavy forest above.  I do think the possibility of such desperate measure must remain an option.

Still, one workable idea was presented by Athel of The Forge of Dents, I call her ‘Glass Athel' ever since.  Athel says that green glass has the ability to contain magma safely without melting. 
She can craft tubes and corkscrews used for pumps.  We pump magma into an enclosed room with iron minecarts and fill the minecarts. Then we use a second to pump out the excess magma.  The result will be a room with minecarts containing magma that are safe to handle.

We can then push the minecarts up here near the surface to set a magma glass furnace.  The advantage is great because she will setup next to the sand collection.  Result will be unlimited green glass for construction materials, cages, pots, furnitures, and even weapon trap components.

It is a brilliant plan, and the minecarts can be reused to set more forges or other engineering plans that involves magma.

We proceed to descend down to the forges.

To begin, Athel orders to collect four sandbags to be used by the magma glass furnace here below and make the first two sets of glass tubes and glass corkscrews.

Lokum verifies the plans for the magma filling room and begins to dig next to the forge area below.


I spoke to the group, The Forge of Dents: Tosul, Unib, PyroTechno, Glass Athel, and Isengrim.
We agreed on the following:
  • stop smelting copper bars
  • smelt all the bronze bars we can
  • 10 bronze helms
  • 10 bronze high boots
  • 10 bronze gauntlets
  • 4 silver chains
  • 4 silver buckets
  • 10 stacks of copper bolts
  • 10 copper wheelbarrows
  • melt objects when designated

Mea: How do you make more steel? 
PyroTechno: If you get steel objects to melt; iron with flux such as marble, I can smelt steel bars.
Lokum: There are marble veins to the north at z89 but there is dangerous exposure to the cavern from fortifications.
Mea: How about dig for a few marble stone without exposing to the fortifications?
Lokum: I can do that, or ask Bembul to pick up his pick and do it instead of training in spears.
Mea: Oh? I will ask Bembul about a dig Tuaiq have planned. Berul be.


Bonepillar Barracks

I climb up to the barracks and found seven grim faces waiting for me.

Tuaiq, Gwolfski, and Mafol are shieldless with bronze crossbow.
Ustuth carries a copper crossbow, shieldless, wearing ratty clothes, and wood greaves.
Bembul wears no armor and holds a copper pick.
Fath looks savage with her copper mail shirt, bronze shield and iron spear.

Nil looks most formidable in his steel chain leggings, steel breastplate, steel shield, and bronze war hammer. 

The militia captain charges at The Macedwarf!!
The Macedwarf looks surprised by the ferocity of The militia captain’s onslaught!!
The militia captain collides with the The Macedwarf!
The Macedwarf is knocked over and tumbles backward!

The Macedwarf stands up.
The militia captain strikes at The Macedwarf but the shot is deftly parried by the *silver mace*
The Macedwarf  bashes at The militia captain but the shot is blocked with the (+steel shield+)!
The Macedwarf  collapses and falls to the ground from over-exertion.
The Macedwarf stands up.
The militia captain bashes The Macedwarf in the upper body with his (-bronze war hammer-), lightly tapping the target!

Nil laughs: it’s a shame that one day of missed practice makes you rusty already Mea.

A barrel of sweet sticky blackberry wine is dumped on me and everyone roared in laughter!

Mea: Wh… whut?

Gwolfski: Mea, we are just reminding you that we can kick your arse anytime.

Mea: I… I need a drink.

Nil grinning, hands me another barrel of blackberry wine.

Gwolfski continues: We don’t want this overseer thing go to your head.

Mea: It’s…

Gwolfski interrupts with a hand gesture: Let me finish. We bow to your plans but we have this day to do what training we can.  You can give us that at least.  Tomorrow, we will do labor as if we have no training schedule.

Bembul: Me-ah. I finished up some work.  I am very satisfied.  Tuaiq’s tower plan is good work.

Tuaiq: There few things to celebrate in life my friends.  I propose a toast to honor our fallen.  And to Mea’s fiery passions. May it spread to each of us here in Bonepillar, our sanctuary.

“Berul be!”

« Last Edit: November 09, 2015, 10:56:39 pm by Sanctume »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bonepillar, lair of the undead cave beasts - Succession Fort [40.24]
« Reply #166 on: November 04, 2015, 01:08:09 pm »

Chapter 4 (Spring Journal)

Excerpts from the journals of `Sanctumea' Baldedhelms, Macedwarf, Bonepillar, 546.
This is a masterful journal bound in giant beaver leather, with sterling silver clasps, and encrusted with brown zircon gems.

Spring Summary
Some clothing and armor are made.
An atom smasher built closer to the entrance.
An issue to be addressed in the magma pit.
Trap hall has been cleared.
Magma filling has good progress.
Marksdwarf Training Facility Tower (M.T.F.T.) has good progress.
Elf trade successful.
1 undead captured, 2 remain roaming.
6 of 7 corpse retrieved.
Started claiming First Tower.

2nd Granite, 546, Early Spring
I slept fitfully in my superior hazel wood bed. 
I rinsed my mouth with more blackberry wine stored in my own fine schist coffer.
I have an exceptional gabbro cabinet.
I don my copper mail shirt, iron chain leggings, steel shield.
I strapped my silver mace to my upper body.
I still put on my remaining ratty clothing.
I left my doorless room ready.

I called for the civilian alert to be lifted.
We need to clear the trap hall first.

3rd Granite
Rigoth builts the loom and proceeds to weave pigtail thread into cloth.  I told her not to automatically loom all threads and work on my yarn dress orders.

Zulban builts the new mechanic shop in the catacomb, and it is now assigned to him exclusively to make mechanism from the specific stone stockpile of mostly orthoclase.

6th Granite
Ustuth begins a mysterious construction in a mechanic’s shop.

8th Granite
PyroTechno says there are no more tin bars to make more bronze bars, and he made 15 new bronze bars.  Three bronze helms are made so far.

9th Granite
The copper cages are heavy and slows down the hauling of the cage traps to the magma pit.
Speaking of the magma pit, a hatch cover was placed over the hole, but anyone dumping does not lift the hatch, so all these caged traps are piled up on the hatch cover.  I’ll think on a solution for this eventually.

In the meantime, I asked Lokum and Zulban for ideas, and dig designation for a garbage dump pit into an atom smasher closer to the trap hall.

11th Granite
Ustuth creates Nakuthtan, “Braidtick”, a gabbro mechanism, value 27,600.
I forbid the use of Nakuthtan mechanism in mechanic shop z106.

12th Granite
Lokum finished digging the new pit and atom smasher room.
Zulban starts building a shist bridge, and a door access for the garbage pit above.
I reminded Eshtan to stop making coffins.  Ensure to make 3 slabs and no more.

13th Granite
Glass Athel complains that she needs sand to make glass tubes.  She reminds me that she needs to know where to gather sand from.  I chose a patch of red sand somewhere near the stairs.  I cancelled the glass tubes and glass corkscrews, and then re-order them through our manager Eshtan.

15th Granite
Great, 10 yarn dresses are complete.

16th Granite
Mmmm, 10 bronze helms completed.

17th Granite
An Elven caravan from Enadethelire has arrived from the southwest.

Magma filling room status:
Initial dig complete.
Designate removal of ramps and dumping of granite stones.
Designate building of gabbro bridge and gabbro lever.
Dig magma outflow expansion tunnel and lever room

18th granite
Mason shop at z106 built, assigned for Ablel and Zulban, with private stone stock of orthoclase.
Order 4 hatch covers, 2 grates, 3 doors, and blocks on repeat.

We’re out of plant threads.  Rigoth given thresher labor and set to process plants on repeat.

Magma outflow expansion dig complete.
Designate building of orthoclase bridge and orthoclase lever.

The merchants arrived and are unloading their goods.

Update Indoor burrow, and added New Depot burrow

19th granite
10 bronze high boots are completed.
Order to melt 10 objects.

Order to close new depot outer, and open new depot inner.
Ask to link schist lever to schist  bridge in atom smasher.

21st Granite
Eshtan to engrave memorial Moldath F.
Order to remove slab of Udil Ledbal and Inod Likotatzul because those spots will need walls to secure the atom smasher.

Order to move trade goods: Prepared food in pots, and ratty clothing, some mechanism, and metal items for melting so whoever is hiding them will bring them to the depot.

28th Granite
All designated goods for trading have been moved to the depot.

An issue arises.  LordBrassroast, our broker, claims to have no access to the trade depot because Old Depot is still up. I designated the Old Depot for deconstruction even though it is sealed between bridges.   The new trade depot is now accessible to our broker.
LordBrassroast declares, “I’m going to to sleep now.”

1st Slate, Mid-Spring
I am tempted to replace our broker, but instead, I declared anyone can deal with the elves if they wish to.

10 bronze gauntlets are completed; 11 bronze bars are left available. I will wait if I can get more meltables bronze items.

The two slabs are removed, so designate walls to be built in their place.

I designate to place the slabs for Udil Ledbal and Inod Likotatzul near the new depot at z120.

2nd Slate, Mid-Spring
The fortress attracted no migrants this season.
LordBrassroast wakes up and demands, “Ahh, we have trade partners here.  Why didn’t anyone tell me!”

3rd  Slate, Mid-Spring

LordBrassroast informs everyone, “But first, I shall break my fast with dog roast and blackberry sauce with a side of plump helmet peahen omelet.”

Zulban engraves a note to the schist atom smasher in z119.

4th Slate
LordBrassroast smiles, “Greeting kindred elves, welcome to Bonepillar, your trading partner in the midst of chaos!”
I left our broker alone after I discarded my ratty wool socks into the depot.
LordBrassroast obtained from the elves:
  • 24 logs
  • Giant Dingo, Cougar, Wolf, Coyote, kiwi cock, giant grasshopper, sparrow
  • cages, barrels, buckets, clothing
  • wood shields and clothing
  • fruits
  • value: 6,000
He traded away the ratty clothes, and 2 prepared food pot, worth 12,000.

Created fruit stockpile around the still.  More blackberry wine.  To bad there aren’t any cranberries.
Order 10 wooden shields.
Order dig to make a door for access atom smasher.

6th Slate
Activate garbage dump zone above atom smasher.
4 silver chains are completed.
Create specific stockpile for recent caged animals from the elf merchants.

10th Slate
4 silver buckets are completed.
Build schists door for atom smasher.

12th Slate
Make a pot and barrel stock pile between still and kitchen
Order 30 brews from fruit
10 copper wheelbarrows done.

14th Slate
The elf merchants will be leaving soon, open the new depot outer gate.

14th Slate
The elves start leaving, close the new depot outer gate.

24th Slate
Link lever to Hatch - Pump Out, with notes.
Order 2 glass tubes and 2 glass corkscrew.

26th Slate
The trap hall clear and reset is complete.

A handful of caged undead, and even granite boulders have been atom smashed.
The trap hall gate is open to the surface.
Remove alerts.

Create perimeter via “mark only” designation at  22 radius within the walls of the first tower.
Mark dumping of the 7 sentient corpse and body parts within perimeter of first tower.

A fox corpse is roaming to the north.
A drake corpse is to the southwest and it seems to move towards the gate..

Set alert again, let the undead path in the trap hall.

28th slate
Wait you stupid dog, come back inside.
A stray dog decides to fight drake outside.
There is now a dead stray dog.

2nd Felsite, 546, Late Spring
The drake corpse is caught.
Remove alert.
Order to build a rope at the end of trap hall, and leash a dog there.

Ghostly Inod Likotatzul has risen and is haunting the fortress!
Enabled Furniture hauling to Refuse Engineers to speed up the ghost issue.

I went outside and dump the corpse of the dog first.
Logem of the Civil Council is on Break but going outside.

Where is he going? The fox corpse is still out in the north.

Stupid Logem, now seeing at least 10 corpses heading toward the old depot.
Ahh, a meeting zone in front of old depot has been removed.

6th Felsite
Ghostly Inod Likotatzul has been put to rest.
The Refuse Engineers has not retrieve any corpses and body parts outside.

9th Felsite
The 4th sand has been collected finally.
Start building the In Flow pump for magma filling.

13th Felsite
10 wood shields are done
Order 10 more wooden shields

14th Felsite

Stoat Jack corpse is on the east moving west towards the gate.
Fox corpse is on the northwest.

It looks safe.  Create a meeting area outside the trap hall gate.
I am taking a break and using this new meeting area.

16th Felsite
The Marksdwarf Training Facility Tower (M.T.F.T) has been dug out, with some mistakes that constructed walls can fix.  When “mark only” designation is ordered to actually be smoothed, the results is a miner interpreting it as “dig it.”
Some smooth walls has been ordered.  I notified the other engravers that these jobs are approved.
Created stone stockpiles to give into one pile on the barracks floor.
Build some of the hatches.

Sibrek just dumped the drake corpse cage and resetting the trap.
Lor works on dumping the 2nd nearest corpse.

18th Felsite
3 of 7 immediate corpses are cleared.
Order 4 bronze mail shirts

Set alert, stoat jack corpse is coming close to gate.

20th Felsite
Fox corpse is gone.
Porcupine corpse is now in the northwest.
Stoat jack corpse is moving away to the northeast.
Start building 4 wells at the M.T.F.T.

Remove Alert,
Mark the remaining 4 corpses for dumping.

21st Felsite
Fawnek picks up 1 of 4 corpses outside.

Remove wall to unseal first tower.

23rd Felsite
Designate to remove flawed fortifications from first tower z122
Lor picks up 2 of 4 corpses outside.
Fawnek picks up 3 of 4 corpses outside.

Zulban is taking a break in the outside meeting area.

24th Felsite
Set alert up, stoat jack corpse is moving towards gate.

25th Felsite
2nd green glass corkscrew compete.
Build Pump Out Magma Drain.

Stoat jack corpse is moving away to the northeast.
Remove alert up.

27th Felsite
Set alert up, stoat jack corpse is moving towards gate.
4 bronze chain mail shirt completed.
5 bronze bars left.

28th Felsite
Create First Tower Burrow to continue construction.
Stoat jack corpse is moving northwest.
Porcupine corpse is in the southwest.

This ends of my spring journal.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bonepillar, lair of the undead cave beasts - Succession Fort [40.24]
« Reply #167 on: November 05, 2015, 01:02:02 am »

I THOUGHT IT WAS DEAD!  :P im so happy it lives on, i would volunteer, but im terrible and preoccupied with work and high school.
We all have an Urist in our lives.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bonepillar, lair of the undead cave beasts - Succession Fort [40.24]
« Reply #168 on: November 05, 2015, 10:53:14 am »

ooc - I'm only on the first week of mid-summer.  It's at 8 FPS :( If I ever introduce magma to burn the surface and caverns, FPS will probably go to 1 with all the cave-in and trees collapsing spam


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bonepillar, lair of the undead cave beasts - Succession Fort [40.24]
« Reply #169 on: November 06, 2015, 11:19:44 am »

Chapter 5 (Summer Journal)

Excerpts from the journals of `Sanctumea' Baldedhelms, Macedwarf, Bonepillar, 546.
This is a masterful journal bound in giant beaver leather, with sterling silver clasps, and encrusted with brown zircon gems.

Summer Summary
Chop more trees, make more bolts, and another artifact.
Magma filling near complete.
A peasant mutilated corpse happens.
Some stockpile maintenance done.
Human trade successful.
Magma pit becomes a project.
Begin a Second Tower.

1 Hematite, 546, Early Summer
I slept fitfully in my superior hazel wood bed. 
I’m drinking blackberry wine.
I discarded some ratty clothes and stored them in my exceptional gabbro cabinet.
I do not remember how I obtain my new rope reed fiber dress and gloves.
My sheep wool trousers feels luxurious as well.
I don my copper mail shirt, iron chain leggings, steel shield.
I strapped a silver mace to my upper body.
I still put on my ratty cloak, hood, and mittens.
My room remains doorless.

Create stockpile for iron, nickel, or steel minecarts and wheelbarrows at z79 even though we do not have any meltables.
Dig armory room next to barracks.
Create stockpile for coffins and slabs at catacombs, z106.

2 Hematite
Remove alert to do work outside.
Iamblichos will chop 1 tree next to first tower.
Build a wall in the room underneath this tree as it will surely leave a hole in the floor above.

5 Hematite
Sibrek retrieved the last of the immediate corpses.
Iamblichos will chop a few more trees while out here.

7 Hematite
10 more stacks of copper bolts are made.
Order 10 more stacks of copper bolts .

10 Hematite
Fath Gimlimul, administrator, is taken by a fey mood has claimed a mechanic’s workshop.

13 Hematite
Link Magma Shut Off to gabbro bridge at z78
Link Magma Out Flow to orthoclase bridge at z78

14 Hematite
A human caravan from Mong Gal has arrived coming from the southeast.
Open new depot outer gate.

15 Hematite
3 corpses to clear just beyond the perimeter, east of trap hall outer gate.
Allow looting of first pile of clothes near trap gate.
10 wooden shields are complete.
Order 10 wood cages, 10 beds, 10 wood bins.

16 Hematite
A peasant mutilated corpses is visible in the area that falls on the ground from a tree.
Remove the stray dog from the dog training zone so nobody moves it back and forth between the dog zone and to the trap hall rope.
I decided to train several war dogs and one hunting dog.
I asked Rigoth to set establish a pasture zone at z120 and put the giant dingo, wolf, coyote, and cougar there.
Since the new depot outer gate was still up, some of the human caravan decides to take their wares and animals through the trap hall.

17 Hematite
Fath Gimlimul has begun a mysterious construction!
Merchants have arrived and are unloading their goods.
We still have pending bins to bring to the depot.
Created a 15 bin stockpile near the carpenter’s shop.

19 Hematite
Stockpile Maintenance
#65 Finished good: armor, footwear, headwear, handwear, and legwear; plant, leather, silk, or yarn; accept from links only; 50 bins.
#66 Give to 65; no bins.

#67 Cloth; accept from links only; 15 bins
#68 Give to 68; no bins

#69 Cloth; accept from links only; 15 bins
#70 Give to 69; no bins

Order 3 copper picks
Melt 2 iron gauntlets, and bronze low boots.
Request LordBrassroast to come to trade depot.

20 Hematite
LordBrassroast is busy picking up a barrel of food..
I notified LordBrassroast that all his labors are to do nothing but trade.

21 Hematite
LordBrassroast: Thanks Mea, now it’s time for my meal.
LordBrassroast: I have no access to the trade depot.
Activating the Alerts which includes the new depot and not the old depot.
LordBrassroast: I now have access to the new trade depot.

Fath Gimlimul has created Usirzuglar, “The Glacial Ship“, a gabbro mechanism, value 7,200.

22 Hematite
LordBrassroast: Greetings Mong Gal traders, welcome to Bonepillar!
He traded ratty clothing and wood armor value 4,200, plus Prepared Foods: 26,000
We obtained animals, foods, 15 bronze meltables, and 35 iron meltables among other items.

I cancelled orders for copper picks and melting of the iron gauntlets. And order the melting of excess iron anvils, large sized iron and bronze armors, and several iron tools.

23 Hematite
Oh no!  A peasant mutilated corpse dropped down from the trees and is now in the inside perimeter.

Ahh, Tuaiq is on break and shoots the peasant corpse it in the upper body, bruising the left lung.
This shot must have attracted it to come closer to the First Tower.

I called for the Alert to have everyone come inside.
Nil orders The Dikes to kill the peasant corpse.

Tuaiq: “I won’t back down,” and engages in melee using a bronze crossbow after shooting once.
Tuaiq is protected by leather vest, iron greaves, bronze gauntlets, silk cap, bronze high boots, and no shield.

The peasant corpse moves quick despite it’s decaying body.  Tuaiq is agile himself and avoids the peasant corpse’s attacks.

Tuaiq bashes the upper arm, lower body, and the left hand but only bruising muscle.
Tuaiq kicks left hand, collapsing a finger.
Tuaiq escalates the destruction with bruises to the upper leg, bone fracture in the left upper arm, and even delivers a skull fracture.

The peasant mutilated corpse still manages to jump away from other attacks.

The peasant mutilated corpse scratches Tuaiq in the right lower leg, fracturing bone through the bronze high boots.

Tuaiq falls on the ground and the peasant corpse grabs his left hand.

Nil is the closest, but still inside the fortress.

Tuaiq tries to roll away kicking with his left foot.

The peasant corpse grabs Tuaiq in the head, bruising skull through the ratty wool hood.
The peasant corpse locks Tuaiq’s left wrist, bends it until it collapses into gore.
The peasant corpse follows up with a joint locks on Tuaiq’s left lower arm.

Tuaiq thinks of Mea’s insistence for better armor and how even one of these abomination is very dangerous.  Tuaiq tries to jam his bronze gauntlet on the peasant corpse head but the strike was ineffective.

The peasant mutilated corpse punches Tuaiq in the head, injured parts explodes into gore!

Nil is the first to arrive on the surface looking for the peasant mutilated corpse.

‘Tuaiq Uacca’ Timnarstakud, Marksdwarf, militia commander has been found dead.
Nil: “The battle rages… I must press on!

Nil bashes at the peasant corpse a few times causing bruises and fractures.
Nil avoids the punches, dodge the attacks, and blocks a strike.
Nil bites the corpse in the head three separate times, and the peasant corpse scrambles away each time from the biting grips of Nil.
Nil bashes the peasant mutilated corpses in the head, pulping everything into gore with his bronze war hammer.


I noticed that the last wall of the First Tower’s was already completed sealing it from outside access.
I order for the engravers to carve fortifications on the First Tower’s second floor.
Mea: “Tuaiq wanted that first tower reclaimed and we have done it, but at the cost of his life.”
Nil spits: “This whole damn place is a curse.”

Three days later…

25 Hematite
I tried to drown myself in blackberry wine and it does not help.

I switch focus on specialized labors to keep everyone busy as well as get projects moving.
PyroTechno will only do Melt Objects, no hauling.  After that, start making steel out of the iron meltables we obtain from the human caravan.
Bembul will do mining and item hauling only.
I will do animal training, and refuse hauling.
Nil will do Refuse and wood hauling.
The Barricaded will do items, trade, wood and construction.

The sooner we have magma and steel, the sooner we can focus on training.

2 Malachite, Mid-Summer
We busy ourselves the last week hauling in silence followed by drunken stupor, and to repeat.
Nobody has even moved to bury Tuaiq.  What’s the problem?
Mea: “Beardless mother! Lay down some coffins Eshtan! Tuaiq deserves better honor that this inadequacy.  Actually, forget all these other four coffins.  Here, place this exceptional schist to the nearest spot in your grand catacomb.  Just do it, please”

Link Magma Pit Bridge to lever, and added note.
Build temporary floor in order to smooth the magma pit chute, all 5z deep.
This magma pit has become more complicated but it should prove to be more safer if it can be done soon.

The armory is dug, and I create stockpiles for armor and weapons:
Metal: 20 breastplate, 20 mail shirt, 20 greaves, 20 helms.
Metal: 40 high boots, 40 gauntlets.
Metal: 10 crossbow, 20 weapons.
10 metal shields, 20 wood shields.
A small strip of stockpile for all sort of armor and weapon will act as a distribution center.

9 Malachite
Another week of hauling in silence followed by drunken stupor, and to repeat the same mundane task waiting for inevitability.
Mea: “No! This cannot go on as it is killing morale. We will live through this.”

8 blue peachicks have hatched, so I assigned them to be placed in a wooden cage for now.

I decided to build a Second Tower outside, still inside the perimeter, but more east of the new depot gates.

Everyone who goes outside ends up painting the paths with green vomit.

10 Malachite
Still, nobody is setting up a coffin so we can bury Tuaiq.  I gave everyone the ability to haul furniture.

12 Malachite
Miasma spread out of rotten food in the kitchen, not many food haulers.
Everyone is given food hauling.

16 Malachite
There is a tiercel peregrine corpse flying in the northwest surface now.
The merchants from Mong Gal will be leaving soon

17 Malachite
Designate to put more cage traps from new depot to fortress entrance.

18 Malachite
The merchants from Mong Gal have embarked on their journey.

20 Malachite
10 more stacks of copper bolts are made.
Order 10 more stacks of copper bolts .

23 Malachite
Gave everyone burial duty, and finally Iden our chief medical dwarf goes outside and takes care of Tuaiq’s corpse.

25 Malachite
There is a tiercel peregrine corpse that is flying closer to the new depot, alert everyone inside.
Forbid items and wood outside.
Suspend outside construction of the Second Tower.

26 Malachite
The fortress attracted no migrants this season.
The  tiercel peregrine corpse is flying away to the northwest.
Remove alert and continue outside constructions.

27 Malachite
2 iron minecarts are completed.  Now I just need to wait for any hauler to make this a priority and move the minecarts to the Magma Filling Room.

10 wood cages completed, so I order 10 more.

1 Galena, 546, Late Summer
8 more blue peachicks have hatched, so I assigned them to be in a wooden cage like the others that are running around the fortress.

5 Galena
Set stone furniture stockpile in center of catacombs.
Set mason, mechanic, and craftsdwarf shop by bedroom digs to use up the stone stones instead of hauling them.

16 Galena
10 beds completed.

25 Galena
Build 10 menacing silver spikes in anticipation for dwarven caravan next season.

26 Galena
I removed one floor on the First Tower’s second floor so that a bucket of water can muddy the one rocky floor.  After this, a farm plot on z121 of First Tower is being built for some above ground plants.

29 Galena
Build a temporary road as floor for z121 of Second Tower.
This should kill any tree sapling or plants so when the road is removed, a farm plot will be placed.

“This summer is at an end with my heavy heart full of sorrow and my head drowned in blackberry wine.  In these solemn times, I often wonder if my dreams to have a family can be reached, even in this damned sanctuary.  Alas, the possibilities give me comfort, for there are no regrets in life as long as I live a life true to myself.  I will miss Tuaiq.”


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bonepillar, lair of the undead cave beasts - Succession Fort [40.24]
« Reply #170 on: November 06, 2015, 11:26:56 am »

Nil's already got a personality and place in the story though. I'd rather get a newbie migrant dorf rather than just take over a dwarf already at the fort. Despite being aware of the standard life expectancy of new migrants in this fort.

Side note I forgot to mention earlier, just "Spehss" is fine for the nickname, ignore the underscore.

I haven't forgotten you Spehss.  Unfortunately, no new migrants arrived from both Spring and Summer.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bonepillar, lair of the undead cave beasts - Succession Fort [40.24]
« Reply #171 on: November 06, 2015, 12:01:03 pm »

ooc: I am starting Early Autumn, and my FPS is down to 7 since mid-summer.   
I am reading that the number of stockpiles may decrease FPS.

Are you guys ok with Quantum Stock Piles?
I would probably start with
1. Metal Bars, Coals, Metal Ores, Flux. 3x3 feeder -> track stop -> 1x1 QSP.  Location: Forge
2. Stone for mason and mechanic and rock pot;

The other project is the Magma Pit.
I am making it into a 5z pit with a retracting bridge on the bottom.

My theory is that once this is built, it can functions as a pitting area without any path to the magma and 3rd(?) cavern full of undead. 

I have not tried rev-flood since there are current fortifications that gives LOS into the cavern.

Maybe instead of forbidding the door, I will build walls, then do a revflood to hide out the caverns.

But I'm not really sure hiding those undead will save FPS.  Does it mean they will no longer show in the Units List page? 
I think we have 743 undead targets (including some of the caged).

I have 1 undead in the cage ready to be release for the marksdwarf training tower.
But even if I start this program, assuming it can get a noob -> legendary in 1 month, I still do not have a platform to attack and clear cavern 3 with bolts.

Maybe I should have went for a minecart grinder project like (DFWanderingKid, but that takes more than a year to establish with a pop of 27).


  • Bay Watcher
  • More than just an average drunken axe-crazy nutjob
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Re: Bonepillar, lair of the undead cave beasts - Succession Fort [40.24]
« Reply #172 on: November 07, 2015, 09:12:43 pm »

*Plays Taps on Bugle*

I like how Nil was the one to avenge Taiuq.
Stuff I run:
Icehold(Second Thread)
Stuff I was/am involved with:
The Succession Tower, ConstructIvory
Bonepillar                    Thunderdoom
Parallel Fortresses


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bonepillar, lair of the undead cave beasts - Succession Fort [40.24]
« Reply #173 on: November 09, 2015, 03:08:56 am »

Chapter 6 (Autumn Journal)

Excerpts from the journals of `Sanctumea' Baldedhelms, Macedwarf, Bonepillar, 546.
This is a masterful journal bound in giant beaver leather, with sterling silver clasps, and encrusted with brown zircon gems.

Autumn Summary
Second Tower construction happens.
Quantum Stock Piles happen.
Dwarven caravan is source of iron and steel.
Magma Filling Room is functional, with minor correction.
We have Magma Glass Furnace near the surface next to sand collection zone.
Eight soldiers in Full Steel.
Markdwarf Training Facility Tower needs minor correction.
Magma Smelter almost ready, next to Armory.

3 Limestone, 546, Early Autumn
Plant various seeds each season to farm plot in First Tower.

4 Limestone
Moldath F., Ghostly Miner has been put to rest.

6 Limestone
We are able to work construction on the Second Tower due to wild animals: Porcupine and Great Horned Owl roams the surface instead of undead.

7 Limestone
Order 4 wood minecarts for Quantum Stockpile.

Work on “QSP Wood” at z119
Build track stop; dump north.
#108 Wood; feeder stock pile.
#109 Wood; accept from links only.

#30 Wood; accept from links only; to be deactivated.
#84 Wood; accept from links only; to be deactivated.
#53 Wood; keep active for now.

Work on “QSP Forge” at z79
Build track stop; dump west.
Stockpile Forge: Metal Ores, Economic Stones, Clay, Bars: Metal, and Coal
#110 Forge; feeder stock pile.
#111 Forge; accept from links only.

10 Limestone
A caravan from Mistem Deg has arrived coming from the northwest.
Start moving the menacing silver spikes, ratty clothes, and prepared to the new depot.

Several years ago Litast Planpage became the expedition leader of The Escorted Furnaces, replacing Erith Midlanterns.

The Failure `Eshtan’ Otunglor meets with the outpost liaison Kulet Osorasen.

Ask for leather, wood, certain metal bars, anvils, ammo, and bags.

10 Limestone
Liaison Kulet Osorasen bids his farewell after.
Merchants have arrived and are unloading their goods.

15 Limestone
Create route “QSP Wood” at z119
New stop, take from Wood #108
Assign exceptional sand pear wood minecart

16 Limestone
Create Second Tower burrow.
Activate alert so LordBrassroast can access the new depot.
Request LordBrassroast at new depot.
Cleared LordBrassroast’s labors.

18 Limestone
The fortress attracted no migrant this season.
There is a Tiercel Peregrine Corpse flying in the north
Cancel Second Tower burrow

20 Limestone
Trading value 60,000
steel, iron, animals, clothes
value 49000
trader profit 11000

Moved 10 more barrels of prepared food.
Give everyone Push/Haul vehicles and Pump Operator labor.

Work on “QSP Bolts” at z105
Build track stop; dump south.
Stockpile: Ammo, Bolts only.
#112 Ammo, Bolts only; feeder stock pile.
#113 Ammo, Bolts only; accept from links only.

Work on “QSP Armory” at z105
Build track stop; dump west.
Stockpile Armory: Armor, Weapons; Finished Goods: Armor, Footwear, Headwear, Handwear, Legwear, Flask, Backpack, Quiver.
#114 Armory; feeder stock pile.
#115 Armory; accept from links only.

26 Limestone
Create route “QSP Forge” at z79
Stockpile Forge: Metal Ores, Economic Stones, Clay, Bars: Metal, and Coal
New stop, take from Forge #110
Assign exceptional oaken minecart minecart

Dig room in z106
Build 4 more wood minecarts

27 Limestone
Stoat Jack corpse is back in the northwest

Create route “QSP Bolts” at z105
Stockpile: Ammo, Bolts only.
New stop, take from Forge #112
Assign masterful hazel wood minecart

Create route “QSP Armory” at z105
Stockpile Armory: Armor, Weapons; Finished Goods: Armor, Footwear, Headwear, Handwear,
Legwear, Flask, Backpack, Quiver.
New stop, take from Forge #114
Assign exceptional birchen minecart

4 minecarts are inside the magma filling room.
Forbid door access.
Channel to tap magma

29 Limestone
Work on “QSP Stone” at z106
Build track stop; dump east.
Stockpile: Stone only.
#120 Stone only; feeder stock pile.
#121 Stone only; accept from links only.

Create route “QSP Stone” at z106
Stockpile: Stone only.
New stop, take from Stone#116
Assign exceptional hazel wood minecart

1 Sandstone, 546, Mid-Autumn
Floor magma tap
1 Open magma Flow
2 Close Pump Out Hatch
3 Start Magma Filling Pump

2 Sandstone
Work on “QSP Gems ” at z106
Build track stop; dump east.
Stockpile: Gems, No Glass.
#118 Gems, No Rough Glass; feeder stock pile.
#119 Gems, No Rough Glass; accept from links only.

Create route “QSP Gems” at z106
Stockpile: Gems, No Glass.
New stop, take from Gems #119
Assign exceptional hazel wood minecart

Work on “QSP Leather & Cloth” at z106
Build track stop; dump east.
Stockpile: Leather & Cloth.
#122 Leather & Cloth; feeder stock pile.
#123 Leather & Cloth; accept from links only.

Create route “QSP Leather & Cloth” at z106
Stockpile: Leather & Cloth.
New stop, take from Leather & Cloth #122
Assign exceptional oaken minecart

3 Sandstone
Find spot to future Magma Glass Furnace

Order 2 more iron minecarts
Dig room for Magma Smelter and Magma Forge near Armory

5 Sandstone
Order 4 wood minecatrs

Work on “QSP Glass” at z119
Build track stop; dump south.
Stockpile: Glass: Furniture, Blocks, Finished Goods, Weapons and Armor

#128 Glass; feeder stock pile.
#129 Glass; accept from links only.

Work on “QSP Bags & Sand” at z119
Build track stop; dump south.
Stockpile Bags & Sand: Furniture,; Plant, Leather, Silk, Yarn

#130 Bags & Sand; feeder stock pile.
#131 Bags & Sand; accept from links only.

7 Sandstone
Logem Nokimgi, Planter is taken by a fey mood and claimed a Craftsdwarf Workshop.

Create route “QSP Bags & Sand” at z106
Stockpile: Bags & Sand.
New stop, take from Bags & Sand #130
Assign superior almond wood minecart

Create route “Glass” at z106
Stockpile: Glass: Furniture, Blocks, Finished Goods, Weapons and Armor
New stop, take from Glass #128
Assign masterful hazel wood minecart

8 Sandstone
Logem Nokimgi, created Ledtezul, “Racknoose” an orthoclase ring, value 40,800.

Stoat Jack corpse is back in the northwest
The Tiercel Peregrine Corpse is not around

9 Sandstone
The merchants from Mistem Deg will be leaving soon.

10 Sandstone
Taking too long for Magma Filling to empty out.

Dig hallways outside for added evaporation room.
Will need 2 floodgates and lever.

11 Sandstone
Stoat Jack corpse moved away to the east
Expand Second Tower burrow to work on construction and chop more trees inside.

14 Sandstone
The merchants of Mistem Deg have embarked on their journey.

15 Sandstone
Connect to Second Tower from underneath
Build cobatlte road

16 Sandstone
Porcupine corpse on the northeast.
Order 2 nickel minecarts

Order 2 sets of Steel armor and weapons from Tosul
Order gold and silver armorstand and weapon rack from Sibrek.

Mea is now the militia commander
Remove Usuth, Gwolfski, and Mafol from The Barricaded Roads (temporarily)

Nil remains militia captain of The Dikes of Testing.
Remove Bembul, and Fath from The Dikes of Testing (temporarily)

27 Sandstone
M.T.F.T Quadrant #2 should be functional.
I will wait to have Bembul and Fath equipped to have 2 person squads to initiate M.T.F.T.

The Magma Filling room is evaporating rather slowly.  There are still 1/7 magma on each minecart location.

1 Timber, 546, Late Autumn
Waiting for a few more steel equipment.
Chopping more wood for charcoal.
Continuing mining marble for flux.

2 Timber
44 steel bars in stock.
Order 4 sets of steel armor: gauntlets, high boots, helms, mail shirt, greaves, and breastplate.

3 Timber
Create schedule to defend burrow M.T.F.T #2

9 Timber
The Weresheep Smunstu Snangnuklat has come!  A large sheep twisted into humanoid form.
It’s at the end of the trap hall, and engaging the roped dog.
Order Barricaded and Dikes to kill.
Forbid Door by trap hall inner.
Create “Bedroom” Burrow, so the civilians stay away.

10 Timber
The Weresheep Smunstu returned to goblin form, and is caught in a cage trap.
Clever luck, the roped dog is at the end of the trap hall, before the trap hall inner.
Forbidding the trap hall inner door leads to the trap hall as the only exit.

13 Timber
3 of the iron minecarts with magma are ready to move, some tiles have 1/7 magma still.
Install 2 floodgates

15 Timber
Finished dumping 2 iron minecart full of magma.  Need to just remove track stop and Magma Glass Furnace will be ready.

18 Timber
Magma Glass Furnace is ready.

20 Timber
Magma Smelter is ready almost .
Set minecart stockpiles to give to Magma Filling room.
Prepare 2nd Magma Glass Furnace at z119.

The squads are training after the M.T.F.T. test run.

21 Timber
Order 8 leather backpacks, 8 waterskins, and 2 quivers.
Order 8 leather backpacks and waterskins
Make construction adjustments on M.T.F.T.

25 Timber
Need nearby source of stones at z106.

I am thinking that winter is near.
I shut off the use of M.T.F.T while doing minor construction.

The second tower is complete, and wood have been chopped.
I will shut close new depot outer until spring.

I will give miner labor to a few more and dig.
I will dig workshops at z105, then a future grand hall with food storage area.
I will include a dwarven bathtub when entering the grand hall.

I will also dig a layout for a 5z well cistern.
I will dig a drain system to allow future maintenance in the well and bath tub.
I will also dig a hospital layout below at z104 with it’s own well.

I located a possible water source from an aquifer.

With 27 population, I will cancel any training schedule as planned, and focus internal haulings.

Shut close New Depot Outer, and Trap Hall Inner, and prepare for winter.
« Last Edit: November 09, 2015, 09:47:53 pm by Sanctume »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bonepillar, lair of the undead cave beasts - Succession Fort [40.24]
« Reply #174 on: November 09, 2015, 03:29:59 am »

ooc - I am losing focus on telling a story, and end up just writing what I was doing in game.  So it became a more technical challenge to do something about FPS.

The FPS went down to 7 from 8, and even went down to 6 when the merchants were coming.

After this, I tried dfhack revflood, and it didn't hide unpathable tiles. 
I think I messed up so I did a quick "reveal all" followed by "revflood" but that only showed all the crap dead things in the cavern.

I was about to wall off passages with fortification peeking out of caverns, but it might not work either.

I think revflood will not work because we kinda have a path to the caverns from the magma tap, which if one is magma immune, can swim down 1z and up 1z onto cavern floor.

I at least was able to forbid all visible cavern webs and skeletons.

So it seems to stable at 7 FPS after I added QSP.

I also misquote earlier when I said there are 740-ish undead.  It's 430-ish undead, and 743 dead list.
But after the reveal all/rev flood, It's 430-ish undead, and over 2000 dead list.

I had 1 DF.exe crash, after that, I save every so often when I get some minor things done.

edit: --
I moved 10 more prepared meals to trade for more a few expensive steel weapon trap items, non-iron and non-steel ammo, and the extra food ingredients, cloth and leather.  As the merchants were leaving, a stoat jack corpse came near the new depot and was killed.  But that's when it crashed, so I lost progress. 

After the reload, I tried to save a few dorf bucks of 10,000 value prepared food, and pissed off the merchant so no more trade.  I was tempted to deconstruct the depot, but didn't.
I figured that it was for the best (less hauling) and I focus instead on mass melting.  The stoat jack corpse did not path to the depot this time, but I took advantage of the freebie guards while I build the Second Tower to completion. :)
« Last Edit: November 09, 2015, 11:33:05 am by Sanctume »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bonepillar, lair of the undead cave beasts - Succession Fort [40.24]
« Reply #175 on: November 09, 2015, 10:10:39 pm »

Chapter 7 (Winter Journal)

Excerpts from the journals of `Sanctumea' Baldedhelms, Macedwarf, Bonepillar, 546.
This is a masterful journal bound in giant beaver leather, with sterling silver clasps, and encrusted with brown zircon gems.

Winter Summary
The Marksdwarf Training Facility Tower (M.T.F.T) is complete.
Cavern is on fire.
Grand Hall is complete.
Hospital and Wells are complete.
The Military Squads are activated.

1 Moonstone, 546, Early Winter

The Marksdwarf Training Facility Tower (M.T.F.T) plans.

I cancelled all the glass and sand collection order to the dismay of Athlel.
To appease her, I ordered four glass terrariums for this winter.

2 Moonstone
I also forbid the use of the magma glass furnace at the forge level due to the travel distance to the sand source.

3 Moonstone
Link lever to Magma Filling Evaporation Floodgates

4 Moonstone
Build temporary mechanic and mason in grand hall dig site.

5 Moonstone
Designate a small drink stockpile by the workshops.

6 Moonstone
Our weresheep captive transformed in its cage.

7 Moonstone
Order 1 gold chain and 1 gold bucket.
Order 2 silver chains and 2 silver bucket
Eight empty minecarts are in the magma filling room.
I am waiting for the evaporation flood gates to be linked.

8 Moonstone
Designate bridge in grand hall.
Our weresheep captive transformed back into a goblin.

9 Moonstone
Work on “QSP Stone Furniture” at z106
No: siege items, buckets, bins, boxes, barrels, pots, sand bags.
Build track stop; dump east.
#133 Stone Furniture; feeder stock pile.
#134 Stone Furniture; accept from links only.

12 Moonstone
Add notes on QSP

13 Moonstone
Update #128 and #129 to include Rough Glass, and QSP Glass
Place a grate over sand collection zone to prevent any tree growth.

14 Moonstone
Build bridge for bathtub.

15 Moonstone
Build main cistern drain bridge.

19 Moonstone
Build main water source shut off bridge.

21 Moonstone
Build well using Nakutan mechanism artifact.

23 Moonstone
FB Mudo has come, a great three-eyed parrot with three short horns, dark pink downy feathers, and poisonous sting at z81.
Oh good, it is killing corpses. But it is getting swarmed.

24 Moonstone
And FB Mudo is now dead.
Designate smoothing the cisterns and well walls.
Build well for hospital.

25 Moonstone
Dig some lever rooms

Create route “QSP Stone Furniture” at z106
No: siege items, buckets, bins, boxes, barrels, pots, sand bags.
New stop, take from Stone Furniture#133
Assign exceptional hazel wood minecart

26 Moonstone
Close evaporation gate, forbid minecarts, and door.
Close Magma Drain Hatch
Open Magma Filling Hatch
Open Magma Tap

27 Moonstone
Finally, Mechanic shop built, make mechanism on repeat.
Mason shop built, make door, table, throne on repeat.
Craftsdwarf shop built, make rock pots on repeat.

28 Moonstone
Start magma filling pump.
Create stone stockpile for grand hall shops
Create temp dump, designate other stones below for dumping
Forbid stones in drainage pipe, hide them out of sight too.

2 Opal, 546, Mid-Winter
Stop magma filling pump.
Close Magma Filling Hatch
Open Magma Drain Hatch

3 Opal
Start magma drain pump.
Work on levers and floodgates for bathtub.

8 Opal
Put doors for grand hall entrances

10 Opal
Add note to Tub Water Reducer.

Bathtub Filling Procedure
Open the bathtub water source.

My plan to achieve having 3/7 water depth for bathtub.

Given 3 tiles have containing 7/7 water.
So there are 3 tiles x (7 units water / per tile) which equals 21 units of water.
If these 21 units of water are spread over 7 tiles, each tile will have 3 units of water.

To achieve this, have:
Closed Floodgate #1 +
3 ramps with 7/7 water (bathtub) +
Closed Floodgate #2 +
3 tiles with 7/7 water (room 2) +
Closed Floodgate #3 +

If room 2’s water are destroyed via atom smasher.
Opening Floodgate#2 will create 7 tiles:
3 ramp (bathtub) + Open Floodgate#2 + 3 tiles (room 2).
The 3x 7x7 Water from the bathub will spread to 7 tiles each with 3/7 water.

Bathtub Drain Procedure
To drain and replace the water, temporary close the bathtub with a retracting bridge.
(I will probably not have time to add this)

Open Floodgates #1, #2, and #3, and the bathtub water source.
Once the contaminants are flushed in the drain, close the floodgates and repeat the bathtub filling procedure.

11 Opal
Add floodgates for hospital well water source
Add bridge for hospital well drain

12 Opal
Carve fortification at map edge drain at z99
Hide stones set to forbid at drain pipe z99.

15 Opal
Magma Pump out taking too long.
Will try pulling Magma Tap on repeat to destroy magma below and see if that helps in pumping out.

19 Opal
Repeat pull on Magma Out Flow Expansion, and burrow the puller allows depletion of magma.
This should theoretically make magma Pump Out work faster.

This actually works, my theory is correct that when the magma source are showing 7/7 magma, draining or putting magma back is slower because that 1/7 magma needs to push out; meaning if the tile below the magma pump is already 7/7, no magma will transfer. 

The solution is to shut close the magma tap; then repeat lever pull (atom smash) the Magma Out Flow which destroys magma to create room for the the magma filling room to drain out “faster.”

A minor issue with a Lever Puller runs away after one pull.  This is remedied by creating a burrow with the lever puller as the citizen.  The lever will then be pulled with little interruption.

If I were to redo this design, I would create a larger atom smasher bridge for the magma out flow expansion to speed up draining..

20 Opal
Smooth the floor of the tub drain.  I would have liked some exotic soap bars made into the ramp for the bathtub, maybe olive oil soap, hazel nut oil soap, and coconut oil soap.  But this is just too much luxury and not available.

23 Opal
A magma crab manages to spit fire and start burning cavern z80.

My order for 4 green glass terrarium will be of use to try and setup terrarium traps in a drainable magma room with bait.  Caught magma crabs can to spit fire at certain target areas for burning.  Alas, I have no time.

Link and add note to Levers, Bridges, and Floodgates for well source and drain.

27 Opal
Link Grand Well Source Lever to Bridge.

1 Obsidian, 546, Late Winter
It’s my final month and I need to start digging to the the aquifer above.

4 Obsidian
Add hatch to aquifer tap for one more source of shut off.
Remove miner labor from everyone except Fawnek, Bembul and Lokum.

5 Obsidian
Disable Wood Hauling for everyone, to focus on stone dump / hauling.

7 Obsidian
Start channeling floors of well cistern.

11 Obsidian
Place Grate at U-bend.  The engineering  phenomenon of water pressure will change any water into fresh water.  And a grate is just nice defense bonus just incase an aquifer monster materialized.

14 Obsidian
Place final wall block to seal water source from fortress.

Pull bridge levers for final test.
Remove miner labor from everyone except Fawnek.

15 Obsidian
Place beds, table, and door in 4 hospital rooms.

17 Obsidian
Bridges tests ok.
Get Fawnek tap aquifer.

18 Obsidian
Clear Fawnek’s labors except mining and lever pull.
Create burrow for Fawnek to tap aquifer and onto door and lever exit of hatch.

19 Obsidian
Fawnek is successful in tapping aquifer and safely back.  Put wall on lever/door to aquifer tap.

20 Obsidian
Remove temporary stone dump.
Close main drain, open grand well water source.

21 Obsidian
Remove temporary shops in grand hall.

25 Obsidian
Wells should be good.
No time to test bathtub.
The Grand Hall is complete

The Hospital is complete

The well drains

28 Obsidian
Added squads back to training 2 minimum soldiers per.

scribbled in the margins, "Happy Nameday Mea"


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Bonepillar, lair of the undead cave beasts - Succession Fort [40.24]
« Reply #176 on: November 09, 2015, 10:50:43 pm »

Epilogue (Berul be)

As much as Mea’s dream of becoming a battle priest, Berul is a diety associated with fortress, trade and wealth.  The fire within Mea is her enthusiasm to make life in Bonepillar much more than existing in despair.

Magma contained in iron minecarts provide strategic means to making things for a limited few population.  Be it green glass or ammo or armory, production should be more efficient.  The grand hall and hospital can be turned into an internal bunker when the food and drinks are stocked. 

The wells can be drained and provide future expansion to power reactors for then the green glass tubes and screws can be used to point magma flows in strategic undead cleansing.

The loss of Tuaiq is a great loss for Mea that she is compelled to take the role of militia commander.  Nil is content as captain of his squad, and it is best to spread out the skilled in order to train others.

Berul be!

Bonepillar Year 547

Note to next overseer:
Iron and nickel minecarts have magma inside the Magma Filling Room.

Hotkey F6 - Magma Forge next to barracks for smelting and ammo production is ready for a track stop route to dump 4 units of magma from 2 minecarts.

Hotkey F3 (and a bit to the upper right - Magma Glass Forge, the 2nd is ready for a track stop route to dump 4 units of magma from 2 minecarts.

To use the M.T.F.T, schedule the squad to defend burrow, forbid access to the ammo retrieving, and pull the lever to open the hatch.


The save file, I uploaded compressed (zipped) folder version, hopefully this works.

Bonepillar_Year_5 Save

For QuQuasar:


Dramatis Personae 1 2
Fire Within
Dead Has No Honor
Toasted Ambush
Spring Journal, 546
Summer Journal, 546
Autumn Journal, 546
Winter Journal, 546


  • Bay Watcher
  • More than just an average drunken axe-crazy nutjob
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Re: Bonepillar, lair of the undead cave beasts - Succession Fort [40.24]
« Reply #177 on: November 09, 2015, 11:37:12 pm »

Alright then, I'll PM Maxcat.
Stuff I run:
Icehold(Second Thread)
Stuff I was/am involved with:
The Succession Tower, ConstructIvory
Bonepillar                    Thunderdoom
Parallel Fortresses


  • Bay Watcher
  • More than just an average drunken axe-crazy nutjob
    • View Profile
Re: Bonepillar, lair of the undead cave beasts - Succession Fort [40.24]
« Reply #178 on: November 12, 2015, 06:36:10 pm »

No word from Maxcat yet, and he hasn't been active since Halloween. I sent another PM, but if he hasn't responded by Saturday the 14th, I say we skip him and move on to Gwolfski.
Stuff I run:
Icehold(Second Thread)
Stuff I was/am involved with:
The Succession Tower, ConstructIvory
Bonepillar                    Thunderdoom
Parallel Fortresses


  • Bay Watcher
  • "Man muss Heu machen, solange die Sonne scheint."
    • View Profile
Re: Bonepillar, lair of the undead cave beasts - Succession Fort [40.24]
« Reply #179 on: November 13, 2015, 01:31:12 pm »

Holy moly what a fort! :o
On the Fifth Day of Axemas, my love saved the fort from...
Five sieging Werebeasts, four Giant Dingoes, three sneaky Thieves, two drunken Black bears, and a Titan killing spree!
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