So, that's an unanimous vote for buying the hologram projector, and some people who wanted the buster chip which no one was opposed to.
Banks only has inventory space for the holograph projector, so she buys it, takes a step away from the 3D printer, and then throws it next to Prism.
Prism steps onto it, putting herself behind the cover she SHOULD have been behind last turn, and picks up the projector. Then Banks steps back and buys the buster chip for herself, seeing as only she can use it. Prism runs around the cover to escape; a single enemy with no upgrades is not going to catch anyone here, especially since he's tagged. Decker tags the other guy and then checks the daemon on a secondary server terminal.
Remember felix? The daemon that drains money, the reason not to hack safes if they have a daemon on them? Well it doesn't do that any more, it changed in the update. Now it doubles safe firewalls and adds 10% more credits to them. I'm actually pretty tempted to do it; according to the wiki its on a timer so we can just wait it out worst comes to worst. I trigger it by hacking the secondary server terminal, which by the way has CRAP on it. It has the exact same two programs as a previous terminal that was terrible. Really hope the main server has better programs on it. Still... the felix daemon actually works out. The safe near Decker has a daemon on it, and now has boosted firewalls, so he EMPs it. Now not only does he get the same free access he was going to get before, but there's a nice 10% bonus absolutely free.
Prism, Decker, and the camera drone all scatter throughout the level. Banks stays in the center to rob the elite that is checking out the disturbance. Plastech isn't putting up any real resistance; we don't find even a single modded MK 1, which is the main trick that they have. That combined with starting in the center means we basically explore the entire level in a few turns. We find a few interesting things.
There are two rooms. One has two safes in it, one has the server terminal, both have a guard. I decide to have Prism head to the safes and Banks head to the server terminal. Banks will get to rob one guard, and Prism can reach the safe room faster and thus get back faster.
The two guards Prism alerted are consistently blocking Decker's path to the last safe in he can reach. But it makes no difference; since Decker is right by the exit, he can take his time looting the area. Remember, the team is only as fast as its slowest agent, and that isn't going to be Decker.
Prism reaches the two safes. They have, combined, six firewalls due to felix, which will go down to three next turn. But the building is on the edge of alarm level 2, which will put them back up to five firewalls. So, Prism decides to grab them while the 10% credit bonus is still active; to facilitate this Incognita spends eight power in one turn. Did I mention even with no new programs we're still brushing up against the max power limit? Plastech is putting up an absolutely pathetic effort for some reason; maybe because this is our first mission against them, they have weak firewalls and no cyborgs. And those things are supposed to be their schtick. Prism and Decker are also an excellent power gathering team and we made the most of rapier with our quick exploration.
Oh and Prism does a whole smash and grab thing, I'm sure it was quite dramatic:
She still hasn't fired a single dart.
Now, for the main attraction. Banks pickpockets the guard in the server room, and then accesses the server.
This... just gives us a connection to Shop Cat, but its apparently a better connection than before, because we have a whole boat load of new program options:
So, lot of explaining to do. Oracle grabs a random unhacked (but not necessarily known) camera for four power regardless of what its actual electronic defenses are. Ping creates a noise for one power on a four turn cooldown, as if we had a ghost sprint-step. Rapier is what we have, it breaks one firewall for one power + one additional power for each alarm level. Lockpick 2.0 breaks two firewalls for three power. Shade lowers the guards' vision (I guess incognita literally turns down the lights?), costing one power for two cooldown. Datablast breaks one firewall on every device in a five tile radius for three power. Abacus starts us with extra power. Dagger breaks three firewalls for one power, on a five turn cooldown.
When we visit the server terminal, the treacherous Shop Cat adds daemons to unhacked objects, but... all known unhacked objects already have daemons, so, nothing happens. Take that Shop Cat!
What does Incognita buy?