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Author Topic: [.34.11] Trampledlantern - To fight with humans?  (Read 10142 times)


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[.34.11] Trampledlantern - To fight with humans?
« on: August 06, 2015, 11:18:47 am »

--A .34.11 Story Fortress--
Dwarf against Elf, the oldest conflict known to dwarf.

Hello everyone, I once again come to the community games board to plague you with my story-based ramblings! This time, I have ensured a steady stream of victims for my murderlust. How you may ask? Why, by using 34.11 of course!

I wanted to desperately use the newer version, but until the next release, siege army pathfinding is all borked up. And I wanted to do a story about killing elves now. We have embarked on a supposedly haunted swamp (I turned off evil weather to ensure we're the ones doing all the killing, and to keep free access to the surface,) on the far side of the world from our civ's homeland.

My main reason for this is a semi-productive time sink, but I mostly just wanna kill elves and have a guarantee of elves to kill. We are surrounded by hostile elf groups, bandits, and possibly in range for the yeti-people called the Naukan to attack us. Let us see the pre-embark stuff!



Spoiler (click to show/hide)


The elves are upon us. All around us, waiting for us... They assault our kin in the far north, and the far south. The snow-people bar our people's typical escape into the frozen lands of the world, where we would carve our mighty glacial halls and paint the snow red with the blood of our enemies. And our enemies are frighteningly many.

Only eight years ago were we able to destroy the hated beast horde of The Wraith of Relieving, and numerous wars against The Crystalline Flies have left hundreds of dwarves dead each time. In another world, the greenskins would have been good allies, but now? They mock the dwarven people at every turn, and fight us even as brigand armies and invading elves prey upon them just as much as they do us.

Our few elven allies are torn by civil war, and the insurgent elves destroy Helm caravans near-constantly. Our human friends, fewer by the day, are displaced by encroaching outlanders or elves.

It is good that King Urdim left no heirs. Queen Erush has ruled us for near a century, and fought in several battles. She has some knowledge of war, and knows that to stay in our beloved home, The Romantic Tower, would be akin to consigning our great nation to oblivion; even the mightiest free-standing mountain cannot hope to hold against the teeming hordes of goblins, bandits, and elves that surround it.

Queen Erush has entrusted we dwarves of The Red Relic to travel far to the west, to a place listed on the maps only as “The Murk of Toads.” I have heard talk of the place being haunted, but surely that is untrue. Some among us ask what good we would be to the war effort out there, but I personally believe we are only here so that some small modicum of our people may be saved, nestled away in a marsh where none will find us. Hopefully.

- A letter from Splint Distinctsabres to a relative.

27th Timber, 187

Queen Erush has summoned myself and several others to her War Room. I don't have a clue as to why, but I'm to be there before noon tomorrow. I'll have to keep an ear out for the shift-change drums.


The Red Relic. That's what she called us. We're to march west, to some forgotten swamp nobody dares settle, for some reason.

There's seven of us in all. Myself, of course. I'm to serve as expedition leader and as the only one with skill in building, head architect. My limited experience with the merchant guild also means I'm likely to become broker, though I don't know why we'd need one, based on what our stated mission is.

The others include:

Onul Dyeauthored, an average size woman with quick hands and a love of good old fashioned dwarven steel and shortswords.

Ingish Basementcloud, A woman who has shaved her head out of practical concerns. She is a macedwarf, and to protect us from hostile wildlife (as we are to avoid the main roads where possible.) Apparently she was once a fish dissector, which lead to her enlistment a year ago.

Kubuk Bowgloves, Who is possessed of immense confidence, and she is skilled in making garments and armors from leather and fabrics of all kinds.

Zulgar Plaitchanneled, a scrawny fellow with an incredibly long beard and moustache. He is our sole woodworker.

Astesh Pointedcobalt, a very weak woman who had recently become a miner to “bulk up” in her words. She wishes to eventually become a hammerdwarf, and has an irrational hatred of mussels.

Rakust Plankwhipped, a very overweight madame with a quick temper. Like Astesh, she joined the mining corps for the exercise, and she seemed to bemoan being “sent to set up some backwater hole in the ground.”

I suppose it could be worse, and at least one of us knows which end of a mace to hold.

-Several entries fill most of winter, most irrelevant to the mission to The Murk of Toads. However, near the end of Opal and parts of Obsidian the writer records something.-

25th Opal, 187

I was taken down to the supply depot in the lower portion of Bridgetamed. It seems Queen Erush wants to ensure I know what we'll have to work with.

We've been given two horse mares, a wagon, and a breeding pair of cows for the journey, among a small stock of supplies and general tools. Several barrels seemed to contain naught but some kind of black sand, but the Quartermaster would have none of it. He also gave me this monstrous book intended for site leaders and told me to gather the others for departure tomorrow.

4th Obsidian, 187

The Romantic Tower is getting small on the horizon after a week of travel.

I miss our grand free-standing spire already.

25th Obsidian, 187

We're almost to The Murk, and found what appears to be the remains of a caravan. The bodies have been chewed, equipment left behind. Beasts most likely hit them at night, but the death of these merchants is our gain; had this been the elves or the hordes of refugees and ne'er-do-wells we would have a handsome supply of lignite crammed in our wagon.

We've managed to avoid any camps and towns for the most part, and the few civilized peoples we've crossed paths with we spoke nothing of our destination. I checked the book as well, and apparently our Fortress is to be named Trampledlantern.

Some part of me wants to say “fuck this place” preemptively with a name like that.


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Re: [.34.11] Trampledlantern - Death to all friends of nature!
« Reply #2 on: August 06, 2015, 11:21:37 am »


TOTAL: 226

Splint Distinctsabres, EL/Stoneworker
Mr Frog Nutsalves, Music-minded Hunter
Lizard Plaitchanneled The Great, Treeslayer
Lidku Lancerriders, Sword Sergeant
Aristotle Roaredmirror, Engineer


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Re: [.34.11] Trampledlantern - Death to all friends of nature!
« Reply #3 on: August 06, 2015, 11:23:52 am »

Those felled of The Red Relic. Abductions and old age included.

Diagnoser Rigoth Wheelswax, Sticken with Melancholy/Dehydration

Miner Ast Gorgebridge, trapped during opening pumpstack construction, dehydrated.
Baby Tosid Cryptlulled, dehydrated as a result of Ast's death.

Marksdwarf Avuz Wheelwondered, Slain by Goblin lasher.
Marksdwarf Ingish Watchedink, Head bashed in by elite marksgoblin.
Swordsdwarf Feb Oilyplunged, Suffocated/riddled with goblin arrows.
Marksdwarf Stukos Boottooth, Medical Neglect.
Fisherdwarf Dastot Tenderroofs, Shot in the neck by marksgoblin, bled out.
Planter Ushrir Closedpaint, Stabbed in the head with a goblin's iron sword.
Child Ingiz Diamondshield, Bled out, lower arm lopped off by goblin snatcher.
Mechanic Kol Shootrhymed, Slain by human raider.
Child Sigun Holdfountains, Slain by human raider.
Fisherdwarf Sodel Lancersteel, beaten to death by goblins.
Child Erith Netmolten, beaten to death by goblins.
Baby Lokum Raygilds, Fatally stabbed by a goblin snatcher.
Engraver Id Matchedroofs, Speargob'd.
Child Lokum Throatinks, Stabbed by speargob.
Swordsdwarf Zan Mineclear, Pike to brain.
Suterer Urist Fatedmerchant, swarmed by goblin lashers.
Speardwarf Kubuk Roastgalleys, also speargob'd.
Surgeon Inod Hillsmiths, Lashed into oblivion.
Speardwarf Vucar Quakecrowds, Shot by elite goblin.
Marksdwarf Amost Orangetome, Lashed.
Child Shem Masiontempted, Bled out, slain by Insurgent spearelf.

Axedwarf Zan, Killed by the Forest Beast Lootedfair
Macedwarf Tulon, Killed by the Forest Beast Shameseason
Miner Thob Swordtire, Killed Cave Beast Pinkgrizzle
Speardwarf Monom Admirenets, Killed by Cave Beast Planedrenched
Axedwarf Adil somethingdike, The Slow Winter of Ships, Killed by Cave Beast Warningdweller
Swordsdwarf Tekkud Armortakers, The Autonomous Hope of Roars, Killed by the Cave Beast Caughtrun
Swordsdwarf Edem Stormcrystal, The Cobalt Dream of Fellowship, Killed by the Cave Beast Caughtrun
Recruit Swordsdwarf Id Relicbearded, Slain by Arla, The Fin of Oceans the Forgotten Snail Beast
Baby Sodel Sackcrontrol, Struck down by Troglodyte Plainstips
Suturer Meng Mazegears, Struck down by Troglodyte Plainstips
Recruit Swordsdwarf Lor Inkadmired, Slain by the Cave Beast Toothstillness

Engraver Rith Giltsnarls, Age 161
Stonecrafter Zasit Minesneaked, Age 160


Baby Fath Orbsgilt, snatched in Spring 192.
Baby Udil Rampartenterance, Snatched in Spring 192.
Child Kubuk Chantship, Snatched in Spring of 193
Baby Catten Gatebraided, Abducted in Winter 193


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Re: [.34.11] Trampledlantern - Death to all friends of nature!
« Reply #4 on: August 06, 2015, 11:25:13 am »

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Anything those besides myself produce.


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Re: [.34.11] Trampledlantern - Death to all friends of nature!
« Reply #5 on: August 06, 2015, 11:27:59 am »



1st Granite, 188

We arrived early this morning and after a new year's toast, I've decided on a grand hall, based on the design of the famed and long-dead architects, Markus C.Z. And Leperfish. Thankfully, the trees here aren't dead husks, but they are also stunted and bear little to no edible fruit, and rather sickly looking, and many are poorly rooted and seem partly rotted.

Zulgar took his axe to one, and nearly went face first into the tangled masses of common reed and rushes.

This place is indescribably unpleasant. The biting and stinging bugs notwithstanding, the temperature would be fine were it not so humid it felt like trying to wade through a fog bank thicker than dwarven wine. But the ground is also horridly soft, and there's a clear smell of decaying plant matter. To be frank, we were going to move deeper into the swamp, but the horses and wagon started to sink in the tangled brush and muck.

At least, judging by the barn owls, we might not have to deal with the dead, though the likes of gimelings, beak dogs, and harpies are likely to be an eventual threat.

And with that in mind, I've already begun scribbling an idea of a a great overland tomb to house our honored dead, protected by magma and traps, so that the tree lovers may never harm their bones.

5th Granite, 188

Ingish has offered to try to make some simple wooden furniture from the lumber Zulgar's collected. He showed her a few things, including building things with pegs, on the way here. We'll see if she remember any of it.

14th Granite, 188

Two weeks of digging and thanks to limited tools, all we have to show for it is a big fuck-off hole. But it's too late to stop, our grand hall will be realized, and our ancestor's designs honored!

Kubuk has also taken it upon herself to set to work making some light armor from our leather supplies – 8 suits of body armor, 8 helmets, and 8 pairs of boots. Ingish demanded to know why, and Kubuk said because leather is lighter. And that the helmets are just a temporary measure until proper helmets are available. With this in mind, I asked Zulgar to make some shields for Ingish and any possible recruits we may get out of the refugees that are practically destined to head our way, and to try hios hand at making crossbows; I think the local reeds have enough springiness to make for good enough strings.

Wood may not be good for bashing, but it'll do the job of stopping the hated knife-ears' arrows, and hopefully tarnish their morale. After all, what elf would be able to stomach firing on anything made of their precious leafy sticks? And what better tool to hurl death back than wooden crossbows?

1st Slate, 188

Ample clay, and some loamy sand. Maybe we can make glass here? Among the clay is prized fire clay. I wonder if I could talk Onul into becoming a potter?


I'm soggy and covered in leeches. Onul took the suggestion of making things that weren't elf-murder implements poorly and pushed me into a nasty, scum covered pond. There's also ravens circling the area. I think humans consider such things an ill omen.

5th Slate, 188

The miners finally hit rock, claystone specifically. Not great, but more than enough for me to work with, but that's not all!

We've hit hematite! Onul's positively giddy and now's pestering Rakust and Astesh every time they come up for a short break to look for flux stone.

14th Slate, 188

I screwed up the design and now I need to substitute claystone brickwork for the entrance to the great hall. The Ancestors will have my head when I pass for this transgression, I'm certain of it!

13th Felsite, 188

I've been busy for some time. As the only one with any idea of how to lay brick and carve stone, virtually all stonework has fallen to me. The doors are nearly finished, and I've bricked up the mistake in the entrance design.

Ingish is practicing with her morningstar (A shoddy piece produced by a novice back east,) Kubuk is finishing off the last of our leather making combat boots, And Rakust and Astesh are starting on the Hall proper.

I think we'll make all our tables and chairs out of wood.

1st Hematite, 188

After a month of laying brick and cutting claystone, I told the others I needed a break. Rakust objected but I pointed out the bulk of her and Astesh was just digging through dirt, and they were working in a pair, while I wasn't, and couldn't do any labor for the better part of a month and a half.

I asked Kubuk to pick up where I left off and she agreed, due to the lack of phantom spider silk and leather to work, and put Zulgar to work knocking down more half-rotted hulks and Ingish making more tables and chairs.

To top it off, we have the stuff of porcelain and an additional ore of iron on site!

Alright! So, I've opened up with a strong start. Seems we “lucked” out and this biome lacks reanimation or undead. This is frankly a bit depressing, because it robs us of potential undead-related !!FUN!! However, this also means I can work on my replica of the Gemclod great hall unmolested.

I'm actually quite surprised by our mineral wealth! I was expecting several fuckloads of tetrahedrite, cheap sandy clay, and galena, not hematite, limonite, fire clay, and kaolinite. I swear if we have coal here too, I will squee. This leads me to believe (along with past embarks) that swamps tend to have a better chance of having iron ores...

I do have to say I hate ravens and barn owls. I was hoping to put our soldier to use by now and the most threatening thing so far has been a flock of ducks.

Probably going to be working at this crap until I fall asleep.

Mr Frog

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Re: [.34.11] Trampledlantern - Death to all friends of nature!
« Reply #6 on: August 07, 2015, 12:28:22 am »

(How did I not notice this was up for over an hour??? Gah, I'm slipping.)

Dwarf me please. Mr Frog, male, don't care which profession, some sort of custom title but I want you to pick what it is. Surprise me.
A great human twisted into humanoid form. It has an emaciated appearance and it squirms and fidgets. Beware its bronyism!

Spawn of Holistic, and other mods

My tileset. Because someone asked. (Now with installation instructions!)
I so want your spawn babies


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Re: [.34.11] Trampledlantern - Death to all friends of nature!
« Reply #7 on: August 07, 2015, 12:35:41 am »

(How did I not notice this was up for over an hour??? Gah, I'm slipping.)

Dwarf me please. Mr Frog, male, don't care which profession, some sort of custom title but I want you to pick what it is. Surprise me.

Done. You are now Mr Frog Nutsalves, a hunter with a knack for music. You've also head-shotted two birds out of the air and killed two ducks and two storks in all.


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Re: [.34.11] Trampledlantern - Death to all friends of nature!
« Reply #8 on: August 07, 2015, 01:27:30 am »

23rd Hematite, 188

I saw figures on the horizon. I alerted Ingish and she ran off to investigate, but thankfully they were fellow Helms!

 They even have some prior combat training, and some even claim to have fought at Terrorpeak against the combined forces of beast and goblin.

Tulon, She is a macedwarf-turned-gem setter.
Mestthos, a fisheryworker and former swordsdwarf. Reassigned to engraving detail.
Kogsak, A shearer and axedwarf, and the wife of Mestthos. Also reassigned to engraving detail.
Rigoth, a scrawny fellow who enjoys hunting and cheesemaking.
Mr Frog, a less scrawny fellow who also enjoys hunting.
Onol Reignedlance, As's wife, and a master of gem working. May reassign Tulon to helping me and Kubuk lay brick and make statues in light of this.

28th Hematite, 188

I have to say, Mr Frog is a hell of a shot!

7th Malachite, 188

At the rate Kubuk and I keep inadvertently making “undesirable” statues, we'll soon be exporting more of the damned things than I would think doable.

But considering we can't do much until the great hall is finished, they'll have to do.

Among the list of undesirables are one of sea lampreys, a yeti, and a lungfish, as well as the killing of unfortunate humans by various creatures or in battles. We learned much about the lands surrounding The Murk's history on the way here, if it isn't obvious.

4th Galena, 188

Nothing of note lately, apart from a flock of white storks. Everyone's on edge, because places reputed to be evil usually have a reason for that sinister reputation.

7th Galena, 188

The Great hall is finished, for the time being anyway. We started moving tables and such in late today, and I told Onol (that is, the one who likes swords,) that if she wanted to set up a temporary place to smelt some ores and make proper weaponry for the militia, she was welcome to do it. I might even get a chance to practice my metalcrafting with some copper!

1st Limestone, 188

Some temporary workshops are up and we're getting some of the old trunks ready to burn for charcoal, and to build a stockade. Evidently almost everyone is concerned about security despite us not having any reason to worry.

6th Limestone, 188

Zulgar was down by our nasty fetid brook this morning. Asked him why and he said “'Cause we're outta drink boss.” I told him that was nonsense and that we should have still had plenty of drink! Then I took stock.

I really hope some merchants blunder into us soon, because none of us know a damned thing about making brew!  In the meantime, we're turning some of our lignite into coke so I can make some stuff out of billion! Apparently we can use tetrahedrite to make that, and that makes me happy, because billion is way more valuable than copper!

I also told Tulon to start making stuff out of rocks to sell and Jeweler Onol to start cutting microcline, cinnabar, and adventurines to set in them.

21st Limestone, 188

We've gotten a very basic start to our defenses. Tulon, Mestthos and Kogsak are armed.

[Pardon this screenie, I forgot to get the pic before the migrants arrived.]

I feel safer already, knowing they're ready to kill anything that would mean us harm!

6th Sandstone, 188

More migrants. They bring us to 20 dwarves! They say they “followed the ravens,” which is... Concerning, to put it lightly.

Iton, a colleague of Jeweler Onul of equal skill who enjoys recreational hunting. Why is it we have three freaking jewelers now?
Mestthos's cousin Adil, an axedwarf and wood burner.
Degel, A marksdwarf, Milker, and mechanic. We'll need that last skill the most.
Meng, Great butcher. Maybe I should make her a sword or axedwarf...
Zan, Axedwarf and milker
Kogsak's niece Rith, who is both a marksdwarf and a potter! She is a veteran of Terrorpeak, having slain four goblins there.
Rith's husband, who I will now call Cook Rigoth. He also knows how to use warhammers and killed a particularly troublesome beast a century ago.


Oh gods. The birds. The elves, they have eyes everywhere! How long will it be before the insurgents are upon us!?

8th Sandstone, 188

Cook Rigoth was doing his impression of a white stork in the brook and fell onto a bunched mass of reeds. Seems demon rats, the nasty, little, red horned  things, were nesting there. Now they're swarming all over the (thankfully unloaded) wagon, nipping at people and scaring someone's pet goat.

9th Sandstone, 188

We're doomed.

Alright! So, we have gotten lots of work done on our lovely hall, as you can see. Unfortunately, we have visitors: Forest beasts. These gorilla-sized fucks are probably gonna kill some people, since we only have five ready weapons – two morningstars, two axes, and a sword.

We now have stuff to sell, but we're also out of brew and only just got someone to make the mechanisms to build a temporary well and a gate for our unfinished defenses.

On the upside, if we win? Those things are a good source of red meat and in the mod scales and nails count as shell items.


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Re: [.34.11] Trampledlantern - Death to all friends of nature!
« Reply #9 on: August 07, 2015, 07:07:24 am »

9th Sandstone, 188 Cont.

The first beast was stupid and slow, according to Kogsak. It was so intent upon devouring our lone cow calf that it ignored the axedwarf as she chopped at the beast until she slew it. A second beast was chasing a horse and when she and Zan fell on it, it was quick to wrestle away her axe, but thankfully Zan disabled the hand that stole her axe.

Sadly, it was too late to save the calf.

Tulon and Mestthos took down another that was chasing the other mare, with Mestthos getting the kill, and once the four of them had regroups, Zan lead the charge against another beast while Kogsak recovered her axe! Ingish was also swiftly trying to join them, as she was getting a new mace when the beasts were spotted.

Unfortunately... Well, this time around with no cattle to chase and mangle, Zan didn't do so well...

He then proceeded to run away, while Tulon and the Sergeant stopped a second one from joining that chase.

Kogsak also opened up her contribution to the growing fight by knocking the teeth out of another beast's head!

Another beast tackled Tulon, but according to the reports, Ingish got involved and killed the beast with one well-aimed swing of her mace, sending another beast into the marshy ground with a slightly squishy thud.

Sadly, along with this, we were also told that Zan met his end at the hands of one of the beasts, which will now be known as Lootfair in our histories. At least his pet cavy will be with him, as it was killed trying to slow down another beast, which Mestthos dispatched.

Tulon proved to be a great avenger however, as after dispatching her second beast, Lootfair fell upon him! And after being hurled not once, but twice into a green-filled pond, she slew the would-be hated monster!

But then... We all saw from the edge of the palisade... Tulon was felled in turn. Mr Frog is asleep right now, and is – was – a friend to Tulon, as was Kogsak. However I doubt she saw the death, and I doubt either of them will respond well to the news of their friend falling in battle.

But Ingish would not let that transgression stand, as we saw her charge the brute! While it managed to push her back, she would not be denied revenge! With a mighty sidewards swing, she rammed the spikes of her mace into Shameseason's wretched skull, and we let out a cheer!

Mr Frog went out and was rather insistent that Ingish needed medical attention, despite according to her, the worst injury she suffered was some inner chest pain (my guess is a bruised lung, which seems to no longer be bothering her.)

I'm fairly certain it was because he was trying to distract himself from Tulon's death, among other things. At any rate, Ingish is going to lead Kogsak and Mestthos out at sunrise to eliminate the remaining few beasts.

10th Sandstone, 188

It's finally done. Kogsak came back in with shallow cuts and Mestthos is bruised in many places, but our brave militiadwarves have won. Cook Rigoth has also pledged himself to the militia on the grounds we get him a hammer, in spite of his wife's protests.

I've promised the dead will get the burial accorded them, and told the others that we should not weep for the fallen, but thank them for the bounty of raw materials and food that were won with their efforts. I also promised those burial arrangements wouldn't be common rock, but from billion, at the very least.

Even in death we will take care of our own.

17th Sandstone, 188

Kogsak isn't doing well emotionally. Tulon was her only friend, and for some reason she just isn't getting along with several of our group. I hope she recovers, as the last thing we need is her taking her axe to Mestthos in his sleep and coming for the rest of us in a blind fury.

For now, we have Zan and Tulon entombed ins siple claystone coffers, until we have the coke to make proper sarcophagi for them. I've also seen to it that several suits of copper chain be made ready for the militia, and iron helmets for them all. Additionally, Kubuk is going to take over as bone carver, and is going to make gauntlets from the forest beasts' scales to hopefully prevent any serious hand injuries in the future until we have the armor for everyone.

We've also had our first masterful piece of art made, done by the jeweler Iton.

16th Timber, 188

Thank the gods, a caravan! Eveidently they hail from a dwarven nation to the south of us, and were passing through here on the way to a human town to trade. They also told me they never would have come through here normally, but the insurgents have been stepping up attacks and herding forest beasts into the main trade routes.

There was also talk of a thief, but it seems Kogsak was able to release a great deal of pent-up frustration on the unfortunate dog-lizard.

18th Timber, 188

They didn't bring much brew, but they did offer a farmer's manual as a gesture of good will, “Urist's Secrets to Farming and Brewmastery!” At least what they did bring will be sufficient to make the sobriety headaches go away for a few days. And while I loath the things, I purchased every plump helmet they had. I asked our wood burner to try his hand at brewing them into something drinkable.

In all we got a box of leather and wool cloth, several loose bolts of pig tail and giant spider silk cloth, a few bags, an ingot of tin, bismuth, electrum (Yay!) and rose gold, as well as three barrels of alcohol an alpaca, some other odds and ends and I also secured some crossbow bolts for our hunters.

Ingish suggested they join the militia instead so they can support her and her meager handful of fighting dwarves, but I leave that to the discretion of her and Metthos. I'm a craftsman, not a soldier.

24th Timber, 188

Mr Frog and Mestthos took down another thief today. With two bolts in it, the creature had no hope of escape (unlike the first, who Kogsak had to chase down and nearly escaped.)

I'm quite proud of them, because this is what Ingish is hoping to get by establishing a marksdwarf squad.


It's official. When we have the chance to, I'm putting Mr Frog in charge of a marksdwarf squad.

Update! Bloody update!

Okay, so on construction, we've gotten very little done, and I'm beginning to build housing units on the left-hand side of the Great Hall. I'm pretty sure everyone's sick of sharing three beds. We've also done some trade, ditching our less appealing statues along with numerous well-encrusted crafts, getting us a tiny supply of alcohol and  a bunch of plump helmets to brew.

We've also had our first clashes, visitors, and casualties. Sadly, we did not emerge the victors without loss, and two of our heroes lay dead, and at least kobolds know where we are. Considering what happened with Clobbermountains and how badly we did against unarmed gorilla things, I don't wanna know what even kobolds would have done to us.

Mr Frog is also showing himself to be a stunning shot, having scored his third oneshot-headshot on a moving target. When I get the chance to, I'm so putting him in charge of a squad. And those deaths aside, we're actually doing ok. Not living in the lap of luxury, but ok.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [.34.11] Trampledlantern - Death to all friends of nature!
« Reply #10 on: August 07, 2015, 09:51:15 pm »

Lo, would you mind dwarfing me as "Aristotle", as a mechanic of some sort?
A Thousand Treasures (And You).

Would you like to play a game of Mafia? The subforum is always open to new players.


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Re: [.34.11] Trampledlantern - Death to all friends of nature!
« Reply #11 on: August 07, 2015, 10:13:44 pm »

Lo, would you mind dwarfing me as "Aristotle", as a mechanic of some sort?

Not at all! If gender isn't an issue we happen to have a mechanic available.


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Re: [.34.11] Trampledlantern - Death to all friends of nature!
« Reply #12 on: August 09, 2015, 12:07:54 pm »

16th Moonstone, 188

I've ordered our new supply of bismuth bronze and sterling silver be used to make weaponry and flasks. We can seek out more tetrahedrite to make trade goods from billion.

22nd Moonstone, 188

Coal. Cassiterite, Platinum.

If anyone wants this land, they will have to fight us for it.

4th Opal, 188

The air's gotten cold, but not cold enough for snow, that I can tell. The broke has frozen, as have several pond. So much for the warm weather. And even this chill isn't stopping the damned blood gnats.

I've discussed a trade agreement with the caravan master as well, and he's put swords among the goods requested. Onul will love that.

24th Obsidian, 188

Hard to believe it's been near a year since we arrived. A year since Rakust and Astesh's picks sank into the soft, lumpy, muck of The Murk of Toads. Into a patch of boggy land paid for in the blood of two dwarves, and surely, to be paid for with the blood of many more of our kin. But it will also be paid for with the blood of its enemies.

As of this date, I've gotten rooms set aside for  crafting, masonry, engineering, woodworking, and pottery and glass making. We've also got the beds moved into the first housing unit. Maybe we should rearrange the tables and chairs to go perpendicular to the hall?

18th Granite, 189

A group of migrants have come! I went out to greet them and met out duties based on what we have and need.

Cerol, Beekeeper and Macedwarf. Assigned to Ingish's squad and engraving duty.
Uvash, Weaver, marksdwarf, and husband of Cerol. Tasked with assisting Zulgar with tree-cutting.
Asob, Metalcrafting marksdwarf
Erush and Urvad, both beekeepers and hammerdwarves. Married. Assigned to masonry duty. Will likely assign them to Ingish's squad.
Nish, fisher and macedwarf.
Edem, Bone doctor and wound dresser, wife of Nish. Bet they met in a field hospital.
Ezum, son of Nish and Edem.
Rovod, A weaponsmith whom Onul says is of Great skill.
Ast, miner and speardwarf
Iton, husband of Ast. Trapper, assigned to stone and bone crafting.
Bembul, Soaper
Dastot, Macedwarf and metalcrafter. Wife of Bembul, and mother of Cook Rigoth.
Tulon, Swordsdwarf and armorer
Sazir, strand extractor, though what strands he extracts he wouldn't say. Also hammerdwarf and Tulon's husband.
Melbil, Axedwarf and Herbalist
Logem, Swordsdwarf and Spinner. Tasked with farming as well.
Another Tulon, Swordsdwarf and mason. Mason Tulon.
Mebzuth, Armorer and Speardwarf
Catten, Fishery axedwarf. Farmer now.
Stukos, Hunter

4th Slate, 189

Kogsak is in excellent spirits today, as are most of us, because the first child born in the fortress has been born! A healthy baby girl that she and Mestthos named Litast.

9th Slate, 189

We finally have a proper seed storage and farm being built. Hopefully we'll be set for food for the foreseeable future now. We've also gotten a firing post and a barracks for the marksdwarves built above the entrance to the Great Hall.

10th Slate, 189

Jeweler Onol gave birth to a girl today, and this has everyone in good spirits as you would guess. The militia seems to take this as a sign that they need to start training dilligently; there are children that need defending here now.

11th Slate, 189

I've put the miners to work digging a way down to start exploring for more minerals.

27th Slate, 189

Armorer Tulon's been acting funny. We all know the old tales, but when she upended a wheelbarrow full of claystone (pouring the contents on me while I was getting some stone to make a cabinet,) I was ready to give her a sound reprimand.

But then she turned around and walked out without saying a word, which means she must've gone into what is known in legend as a “Secretive” mood. She took some bronze (I recall she had a fondness for the stuff,) and some hematite for decoration presumably, and set to work.

2nd Felsite, 189

The miners hit a large muddy cave while digging an exploratory shaft downward. Rakust made the call to halt excavations, due to a tribe of troglodytes down there.

4th Felsite, 189

Armor Tulon has finished her project. According to the other smiths, it appears to be a  highly stylized and less rough-looking design native to the lands of the snow people. Strangely, those people design their greaves like boots, and we only have a single greave as a result.

15th Felsite, 189

Word is elves have been spotted.

I went out with an escort to inspect their papers, and they have documentation of The Searing Fell. They say a rebel faction called The Granite Nature operates out of a nearby conifer forest. I asked how they found us, and they said “The same way our treasonous brethren almost assuredly will,” and pointed to a flock of ravens.

I also asked about any kobolds in the area, and they said that if any pestered us, it was likely the kobolds of tribe Chlofrugus.

Sure enough, not five minutes after one of Ingish's squad had gotten to the gate to stand watch, did Cerol spot an elf!

She proceeded to chase her down and knock her into a pond. When she crawled out, the first elf slain by our warriors Is killed not by hammer, mace, sword, or axe.

She is beaten to death with one of their precious trees! Two more elves were spotted as well, one by Hammerdwarf Cook Rigoth, and other by Colonel Ingish. Neither survived the encounter, while a fourth fled the area when Cerol spotted him.

The loyalists seemed pleased by the sight of us chucking dead insurgents into a stagnant pond with no ceremony, and they informed us that they had sunberry seeds and a tiger for sale! They even offered us a surprising deal on them, accepting forest beast totems and a few trinkets for such valuable commodities, in addition to a mixture of various surface brews, seeds, and plants.

23rd Felsite, 189

A goblin was spotted early this morning.

Nish took exception to it taking a swipe at him.

12th Hematite, 189

Another goblin spotted, and “Sarge” (as everyone has taken to calling Mestthos,) was quick to  dispatch it. To everyone's horror, the boy Ezum emerged from the snatcher's bag! Thank the gods Metthos was there to save him!

1st Malachite, 189

I've married! Kubuk and I agreed that there's still too much to do for a party just yet, but once we have a well and rearrange the tables and chairs in the great hall, I'll find someone to set something up.

This is so exciting!

10th Malachite, 189

I and a few other stamped out a dirt road to the main gate, as the loyalist elves promised to direct a human caravan our way. We'll also need it for our own, and it will have to do until we can spare materials for a proper paved road.

The reason for this is we need materials for paving the water canal that is to fill our cistern under the Great Hall.

10th Malachite, 189

Migrants have come, among them the Great Marksdwarf Kumil!

Ineth, Fish dissector and swordsdwarf. As he knows actual medicine he is our new Medical Officer.
Sazir, Armorer and hammerdwarf
Mistem, son of Ineth and Sazir
Datan, Lye maker and Swordsdwarf
Kosoth, general metalworker
Dumat, Carpenter
Iden, Hunter and glassmaker
Muthkat, Medic and Macedwarf.
Mosus, Miner and Speardwarf

Our population sits at a little over 50, meaning a general election is due for sometime soon. Additionally, I've started moving people into the housing units proper, with married couples with children getting first pick of rooms, then married without children, and so on.


Room assignments were meted out, and everyone now has a bed to call their own! We even have space for eight more people!

13th Galena, 189

I've put Mason Tulon in charge of a third squad, and looked for a few dwarves with spear and axe skills rto fill it out (and put our extra weapons to use.) I've also had the new bridge linked up to a lever. Call me paranoid, but I feel we'll be glad to have a larger body of armed dwarves in case any beasts or elves show up.

18th Galena, 189

Another mood, but this time there seems to be some sort of posession to blame. Sadly, this means the effort is largely wasted, though as an armorer the piece might be useful to the militia. It also seems that the loyalists made good on their promise, as wagons were spotted coming from the south.

Once they arrived, we showed them the bodies of three elf scouts that were found and dispatched three days ago. They said judging by the attire, they were likely part of an outlander army. They've been fighting one such army, The Tenacious Scale.

26th Galena, 189

Unbelievable. We got a pair. Maybe not from the same materials, but we got a fucking pair of artifact  frostwalker greaves.

Unfortunately, Mason Tulon's been injured. A goblin attacked him and while he defended himself, he was stabbed twice. Thankfully the damage isn't permanent, but it has left him somewhat rattled. Ingish was lauded for her swift intervention as well.

1st Limestone, 189

Autumn has come, and with it I've put in work orders for copper swords to sell to the autumn caravan, as well as an iron helmet and sword for Mason Tulon (once he gets proper treatment that is.)

19th Limestone, 189

Migrants have arrived.

Sodel, Carpenter and Axedwarf.
Meng, Field Medic and Hammerdwarf
Edzul, Great Armorer
Feb, Fish Cleaner and Swordsdwarf
Kadol, General farmhand and swordsdwarf
Ast, leatherworker and speardwarf. Leather Ast.
Id, Animal Trainer and marksdwarf

28th Sandstone, 189

Sandstone has passed without incident. We've also finally gotten a dedicated metalworks dug out, and we have the smiths preparing to make a move into that area.

6th Timber, 189

Alright, so as expected with tapping stream from below, there was and will be some mild flooding even after cutting the supply of water.

Shouldn't be a problem though! So long as nobody gets washed in anyway. Honestly though, we.... probably should've installed extra floodgates.

20th Timber, 189

The  caravan has arrived! Hopefully they'll arrive unmolested.

1st Moonstone, 189

Trade's been conducted, and we got many useful items from the merchants, as well as some more leather, food, and so on. However, our bookkeeper Meng, has been acting strangely. Perhaps it's the spirit of Tulon or Zan?

6th Moonstone, 189

Neat amulet.

In other news, I've got the miners working on digging a way further in, past the cavern. Unfortunately, while they can get the stairs partway in, we'll need quite a few brick bundles to build a secure shaft. I've also assigned Feb the Fish Cleaner to the duty of Manager, as I don't trust our less-skilled smiths to produce quality weapons in the War Forge and if I recall right, it's the manager who sets those work permissions.

It also seems my group-housing units are working like a charm! There's an immense sense of community developing among the population, and I'm greatly pleased by this! And since it's been near;y two years and we're finally able to protect ourselves, I've made sure to let everyone know the great hall can be used for any and all celebrations!

17th Moonstone, 189

We've picketed two dogs we purchased from the humans this summer by the gate, and begun construction of a road. Ingish has proposed we set columns in the ground to restrict traffic to using only the road, and when we have the materials, I think that's what we'll do.

Sarge has also suggested we place slabs around the area with imagery and messages for the inevitable enemy patrols and raiders.

28th Opal, 189

Opal has passed with numerous births and a party! After said party, Zulgar (who organized it,) went chopping trees with a great smile on his face! The other woodcutters swiftly joined him, and two others  started yanking up plants for brew, food, and to make dyes and thread, if they can find any of the relevant plants.

18th Obsidian, 189

Five of them. Four speargoblins, and one axe goblin.

Kumil, Leather Ast, and Nish were down by the stream fishing and chatting about the new maces Catten and Ingish got, the party  organized earlier in the month, the prevalence of mussels in the stream.

Kumil spotted them. He saw a pair of storks take off suddenly, when two goblins came out of the brush. Kumil had no bolts, otherwise he'd have fired on them that instant. Leather Ast dropped his rod and drew a small knife, as he hadn't yet been enlisted in the militia and thus no weapons otherwise.

Nish shoved him back and drew his silver mace, demanding they both flee and get help as a goblin charged. Kumil was already sprinting for his life, damning the other hunters for frittering away their bolts on ducks.

The lead goblin charged Nish, and he swung wildly at the greenskin, but it was no use! The goblin parried the blow easily and tried to slash his face with its spear, but it missed so badly it was almost comical, the goblin spinning around like an off-balance top! He snarled and opened his mouth to curse the dwarf, but as he got his bearings he saw the dwarf's mace flaying at him.

He didn't get a chance to duck, the superior dwarf-made bludgeon crashing into the side of the goblin's head, bending it at a horridly unnatural angle and sending the goblin crashing into the mire with a mushy thud.

Nish brought is mace down hard on the intruder, hard enough that the poor creature vomiting up its last meal all over itself. Nish looked around, and the other goblin seemed to have fled, so he resumed pummeling the unlucky goblin at his mercy, breaking an arm and leg as the goblin did its best to try and avoid a fatal head injury.

Finally though, help arrived! His raid leader attacked the dwarf from behind!

But... Why was she falling over? Why did the dwarf look more annoyed than scared?

The dwarf tripped over the raid leader's halberd, she threw up an arm... Now she's was screaming? Why? Because Nish had, in a brief flash of thought typical for battle, opted to make the most of his stumbling and bit the hated goblin! And proceeded to jerk his head around like an angry dog.

Nish paid the three other goblins no mind. One ran past him, ignoring the cries of their injured comrades, while two others refused to even come out of the trees to fight, instead opting to flee the goblin-biter.

Cook Rigoth arrived, hammer at the ready scant minutes after the goblin officer's head was pounded to mush. The speargoblin he'd down earlier was swiftly hunted down, but had died from the injury done on him by the mace-strike to his head.

“Nish! You alright? Where's- Oh.” Cook Rigoth said as he saw the axegoblin's head, the now-dead raider's skull looking decidedly... Misshapen.

“I'm fine. Same can't be said a this green bastard or one a her mates. Other three turned and ran soon as I took her leg out.” The macedwarf said, poking the dead squad leader with his foot.”

“Come on. Splint and Ingish are gonna wanna know about this.” Cook Rigoth said, gesturing towards the fort.

Nish grunted, slipped his bloody mace in the loop on his belt, and walked over to the stream. Without a word, he grabbed three salmon and walked past Rigoth.

“Why'd you grab that? Someone else could have gotten it.”

“You don' get between a dorf and his fish. You'd be wise  to remember that Rig.”

An ambush! Oh gods, an ambush! Why hadn't I thought of that... Thank the gods they proved to be a bunch of incompetents up against a single dwarven warrior. But I doubt we'll be so fortunate next time.

We can't wait any longer. Ingish and her squad are to begin full training come spring.

Good afternoon those of you in the Eastern US/Canada timezone. Everyone else, fuck you for living in the wrong part of the world.

We have something special for this mid-day post, and holy fuck is it a doozy! I'd do more on summation, but I'm needed for yardwork.

Our population over the course of the past year has swelled, we've had first enemy contact, an ambush, several artifact - amazingly enough, we got a pair of artifact frostwalker greaves (Naukan equivalent to boots,) we got some platinum-cored bludgeons, andhave working farms!

We have a tiger and dogs, our herds are trying to grow (shifting the animals around is a constant annoyance since they otherwise fight over tiny patches of grass despite the pasture being more than half full of grass otherwise,) many babies born, finally got to have some parties, got a cistern made (and suffered a minor flooding accident) and our non-baby population is fully housed.

Hope you enjoy guys. And please dear readers, feel free to jump in, make suggestions on stuff to do! Claim dorfs! Something!

Can't do this all on my own folks. One dude can't be the voice of all.

Monitor Lisard

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Re: [.34.11] Trampledlantern - Death to all friends of nature!
« Reply #13 on: August 09, 2015, 12:24:49 pm »

Guess who's in? Annoying me!~

Dibs on dorf, Lizard(ina) the Glorious, any gender + any profession. Also, random title would be great.
ML's forum games and other good stuff

This artwork relates to the killing of the troll Ozyydif Kuilat by the cheese Eritoy Awexog in the early spring of 71


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Re: [.34.11] Trampledlantern - Death to all friends of nature!
« Reply #14 on: August 09, 2015, 12:53:51 pm »

Dwarf me please.
Militia Commander or a military profession please.
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