Well, calling Glendon a city is a bit of an exaggeration. It's more a town, or maybe a sprawl, centered on a clean water reservoir somebody found in the wastes. Nobody is entirely sure how many people live in Glendon, or the surrounding farmland, but the usual guess is a few hundred. Not a large city like you'd find out east, "civilizations cradle" as they like to call themselves, but it's pretty big for these wastes. Most of the time, everyone sticks together as neighbors, but you do have an occasional dispute or brawl. Nothing that can't be solved with a warning shot and some stern words, or maybe a day in the jail. Every since that gang showed up, though, there's been an increase in real crimes. Burglary, extortion, even a few murders and kidnappings.
You step outside, going for a walk through the town, and look for important locations. There's the bar, run by David Kendrick. He's an old survivor, older then you, and he was one of the original founders. Pillar of the community and all that. There's the general store, run by Bill Porter. He usually gives pretty fair prices, although he never haggles, and he's willing to give people some credit. You've always wondered where he gets all of the things in his store, though. You walk by the Mayor's office, and stop.
The Mayor's name is Andrew McKenzie, and the two of you have some history. The two of you came to town together, although he's been a lot more successful. He makes sure the town is running smoothly, he collects taxes and spends the money, that sort of thing. He's in charge of the Sheriff's budget, at least in theory, and you should probably talk to him about the budget at some point. Ever since the gang took over, he's allocated almost all of the sheriff money to the protection payments.
On your way back to the office, you walk by a painted building. You stop and take another look. The entire building's been painted red, and a black eagle has been painted over the doorway. The door is guarded by two red-shirted men with submachine guns, and, once they notice your steel star, they quickly block you from entering. The building's pretty obviously the gang's headquarters in town, and you think about it as you walk back to the office.
The SheriffAttributes:
None of Note
None of Note
Personal Holdings:
1 Small Cottage in Town
Old Sheriff's Rifle
Relationships in Town:
None of Note
The Sheriff's Office of GlendonHeadquarters: Sheriff's Office
Other Holdings: None
Notable Officers:
The Sheriff
Deputy Wilkins
Other Officers:
Faction Relations:
Town of Glendon - The people of Glendon almost never think of their Sheriff's office. These days, the sheriff doesn't do much, and, although some were sad when the old sheriff died, most just continued living, completely uncaring.
The Eagles - The Eagles think of the Sheriff's office as a threat, although a small one. They extort the town for money, and they don't want anybody interrupting their racket. Still, they see the sheriff as nothing but a drunkard, and his deputy as a boy, so they aren't giving him much thought.
((I decided to straight up steal the status reports from Sheriff Nasty, although I wasn't actually inspired by that game, since I was having trouble coming up with a way to write statuses. For your attributes and skills, you're not very special, really. You know how to fire a gun, like anybody else in the wastes, but you aren't very good at it.))