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Turn 17: Bearskie (FINAL)

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Author Topic: // Fall of the Succession Tower: Constructivory \\  (Read 270462 times)


  • Bay Watcher
  • More than just an average drunken axe-crazy nutjob
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Re: // The Succession Tower: Constructivory \\
« Reply #615 on: January 11, 2016, 12:49:23 am »

What a cool succession concept, and what predictable results. . .

awesome turns guys, PTW

I remember back in the day when the primary focus of the fortress was building the tower.  That almost lasted a full turn and a half before the queen died and eveything went to hell. Now it's a lot like a regular successsion fortress, but with even more insane architecture and a global war that makes Constructivory, with its death toll of about 10% per year, one of the safest and most stable places on the planet.
The tower's still getting built, just a little more... creatively. And everyone writing about building would get dull after a while, we've gotta mix things up.

(Also is my avatar broken for everyone or just me?)
Stuff I run:
Icehold(Second Thread)
Stuff I was/am involved with:
The Succession Tower, ConstructIvory
Bonepillar                    Thunderdoom
Parallel Fortresses


  • Bay Watcher
  • Nyam nyam
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Re: // The Succession Tower: Constructivory \\
« Reply #616 on: January 11, 2016, 05:07:11 am »

I remember back in the day when the primary focus of the fortress was building the tower.  That almost lasted a full turn and a half before the queen died and eveything went to hell. Now it's a lot like a regular successsion fortress, but with even more insane architecture and a global war that makes Constructivory, with its death toll of about 10% per year, one of the safest and most stable places on the planet.

That is an amazingly accurate summary of all that has happened so far. Salmeuk, want a midget?

@DDDragoni: Pic looks borked to me.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: // The Succession Tower: Constructivory \\
« Reply #617 on: January 11, 2016, 05:20:11 pm »

Overseer Shipcat's Log - Autumn

1st Limestone 58
For some time now I've been pondering the military situation here in ConstructIvory. It is a wonder that we've managed to hold out for as long as we have with the numbers we have. I've certainly had my doubts regarding the competence of our troops in the past, but I reckon we're a pretty worthy crew when it comes down to it. But we will need greater numbers lest the unthinkable happens, so I've been itching to draft more into our ranks; even more so recently with the forgotten beast attacks. There are still 2 more that we know of lingering in the depths below. We cannot afford to drop our guard.

As of now, there are 30 brave dwarves enlisted into ConstructIvory's ranks. Of these, 14 are marksdwarves, 14 are melee troops, 1 is a hammerer and the last remaining member is a reclusive werelizard. After a thorough inspection of our troops, I noticed there were certain conflicts in the task assignments, so I let one of the marksdwarves relinquish their woodcutter's axe for a crossbow and I let hiddenleafguy II put down the pick for a crossbow. My second in command has already drawn up a list of likely candidates that have volunteered to join our ranks. I shall enlist them once we have sufficient arms from the smithies of Pyrotechno to go around. Bless that fella! Of course, not everyone is pleased at this recent turn of events.

After the events of last summer, I launched an inquiry investigating why so many of our dwarves are unhappy or outright stressed. The latest findings have been rather shocking. I have found conclusive proof that our swimming pool/ public bath is hazardous to mental health!
Spoiler: Evidence (click to show/hide)

I've had dwarves complaining about the dead bodies staring back at them in the pool while they lounge about the pool area during their breaks. Also, the pool is apparently a breeding ground for mosquitoes.
Spoiler: Mosquitoes! (click to show/hide)

Thankfully they are not of the giant variety. Well, looks like the solution would be to floor over the northern end of the pool that exposes the dead bodies to view and hope that no one peers too deep into the depths.

5th Limestone 58
Spoiler: Adamantine processing (click to show/hide)
Adamantine refining is in progress. I hope to churn out some truly ☼shiny☼ military gear prior to the end of my term, before some other goon gets their hands on our precious metals and uses them for ammunition, surgical implements, paving roads or some other equally frivolous pursuit.

10th Limestone 58
All pumpstacks have been designated, only some careful calibration remains to get it to build in the correct order. Our masons are working around the clock to get things running all spiffy.

Spoiler: Attachment issues (click to show/hide)
I've had report that endlessblaze has grown attached to one of the shiny new steel swords that Pyrotechno has crafted. About time they switched to the new fangled shinies. I insisted that all the military garb be extra shiny cause at the rate that folks have been expiring, we might as well go out looking good.

With the influx of new weaponry, I called up 2 of the dwarves on the waiting list and drafted them into the Morality of Ramparts, our macedwarves squad.

15th Limestone 58
We are close to finishing the pumpstack now. I'll get some dwarves to prime the bottom levels of the stack so we can move forward quickly once we get the water generator up and running. I'm having our engineers work on adjusting the rate of water flow of our aquifer powered water generators. I hope we have learned from our experience and that there will be no mishaps this time.

17th Limestone 58
Spoiler: Better late then never (click to show/hide)
The caravan from Atis Ikal has arrived, approaching from the southwest slopes. About time, I was getting rather worried that they wouldn't show up, they are later than usual.

21st Limestone 58
The Pumpstack is completed! Hooray! Unfortunately, we have no means of powering it at the moment as its power needs trump our power generating capabilities.

2nd Sandstone 58
Spoiler: a few facts (click to show/hide)
More of the local fauna has been captured and tamed. The dwarves of The Lucid Figure now know a few facts about stoat training. Great more potential pets, better get them butchered before someone adopts them again.
DDDragoni traded for some badly needed gypsum plaster (I recently found out that we had absolutely none despite sitting on a gypsum deposit, the shame!), clay, barrels and other stuff. I'm still waiting for the rest of the myriad trade goods to be hauled in before trading for the much needed metal supplies.

9th Sandstone 58
DDDragoni was on break so Gwolfski stood in as trader for her. We traded away more tattered clothes, some of the less interesting and less valuable statues as well as some prepared food for some leather, a resupply of our food stocks and the iron and steel supplies we needed,

22nd Sandstone 58
Spoiler: New quarters (click to show/hide)
The merchants are leaving and I've decided to focus my attention on furnishing the new outpost liaison quarters. Though it is odd that some of them are leaving via the caverns like the elves and humans before them.
Spoiler: Most suspicious (click to show/hide)

I have a premonition that we should keep a look out down there, no telling what unwelcome visitors might show up.

10th Timber 58
Spoiler: Completed (click to show/hide)
The outpost liaison is most pleased with his new quarters. Meanwhile, pyrotechno has churned out a full set (count em, 10 a set) of silver warhammers and silver maces. All ☼shiny☼ like I insisted, good fella doing us all proud!

On the other side of a different coin, we still don't have enough power to automate the pumpstack. The engineers are still tinkering with the water generator and it has not been going too well, I fear it may take far too long.

"Why not just use good ol' dorf power then?", said a passing hauler.

"Huh, why didn't I think of that?"
*geez, was I thinking aloud again?*

*moments later*

"Alright, alright everyone gather round the pool! Stop whatever you are doing. Hey! That includes the parties too OK? As overseer, I seek your fullest cooperation so hear me out! We're going to need the full dwarfpower of a 175 dwarf mountainhome (well except for Sanju, let's not disturb her) to power this bloody pumpstack, and we are going to do it now! Put your backs into it!"

18th Timber 58
Spoiler: Its a girl! (click to show/hide)
Amid the rush of activity, Uvash the farmer gives birth to a girl, Ast Reglenod. Congratulations! ConstructIvory welcomes another new life into our midst.

Haulers report sighting a gremlin wandering about in the cavern tunnels, hopefully we scared em off like the previous one. The first sweet deluge of magma flows into our smithing cisterns.
Spoiler: magma for the forges (click to show/hide)

26th Timber 58
Ok, I get that everyone is thirsty, tired, hungry or all of that. Everyone take 5.
Spoiler: Drink up! (click to show/hide)

Ah! The benefits of regimentation! We can get a whole lot done if we put our backs into it!

Meanwhile, a secret gathering convenes in the cavern depths, far away from peering eyes...

"Must we do this? Isn't there a better way?", remarked Sakzul.

"You know how it is, they won't listen to anything unless you back it up with a veiled fist looming behind your words. Its in one ear and out the other. Things have only gotten worse ever since they appointed a new hammerer. Now they hammer any dissenters, chain up the protesters and try to butter up the rest that would still stand to reason with the mayor's honeyed words. No we must risk-"

*Two hooded figures approach the posted guard, as the other dwarves paused and gazed furtively in their direction.*

"Halt. What is tonight's password?"

"The kakapo booms at midnight."

"...Welcome brothers. You may pass."

"-Well, as I was saying, we must risk some insurrection, else nothing will come of all this rebel talk." continued Kadol.

"Maybe we should seek the backing of someone with more authority? That way we can try to influence things behind the scenes peacefully without resorting to-"

"No no no, that won't do. I've never trusted those damn authority figures; they only look out for others when it serves their best interests."

"Don't we already have some of those in our midst? Like the previous queen's old guard that were sent here in the early years. They ought to have some pull around here right?"

"I mean real authority! Not that of some faded old regime! Besides, its their blind preoccupation with the previous Queen's tower obsession that got us into this bind in the first place! Anyways, I believe those of whom you were referring to were more exiled here rather than trusted aides of the dead queen. I heard her most trusted old guard died in a heap around the old git, trying to defend her corpse from being desecrated by the goblins."

"Hear hear!" exclaimed nomoetoe II.

"How about the current overseer then? I hear she's got a rebellious streak. Rumor has it that she's been illegally producing soap again in massive quantities, openly defying the mayor's orders with her authority as overseer." Iden pointed out.

"No no no, I don't think her hearts in the right place. Did you see what she did with that abomination she calls Towercat? I think she's in it for herself. She won't be of any good to us with that attitude." Kadol remarked with skepticism.

"But its just a storage facility that happens to be shaped like a cat!", protested the newly joined hooded figure.

"Shaped like a cat? Nay! More like a monument to her vanity! The same vanity that drove Queen Catten to this mad endeavor!" Kadol cried in derision.

"Oh come on! It was for aesthetic purposes." protested the newly joined hooded figure.

"Clearly she's been ensnared in the dead queen's folly, and you would be a fool to think otherwise." Kadol disputed.

"A fool!? Why I've had enough of this nonsense, if you think you can't be gainsaid, you've got another thing coming!" I seethed as I drew back my hood.

The others stepped back in surprise and shock as I took a step forward preparing to defend my honor, axe and shield in hand. The guard that was posted as sentry came up hurriedly and took a defensive position between me, the other hooded figure and the rest of the crowd.

"Your actions have brought ruin upon us brother!" cursed Iden as he pointed accusingly at the other hooded figure.

"Now now, settle down. No need for alarm brothers, I can vouch for her," said the other hooded figure as he stood forth and drew back his hood. It was Iliithid.

"I can vouch that our current overseer comes in good faith, though she is a little crude and hotheaded herself." said Iliithid as he placed a firm hand on my shoulder, trying to restrain me from more ill-advised words.

"Hah! My point still stands! Tis the ex-queen's folly! This tower building is madness! And you Shipcat, you've been ensnared in this fools errand as well!" yelled Kadol.

"Look at what the tower has done to us!", cried Michael Phelps.

"Aye!" Iden agreed.

"Why, I remember back in the day when the primary focus of the fortress was building the tower-" said Michael Phelps as she stood forward and gestured with her broken left hand.

"-But ever since the old queen died, this place has gone down in shambles! It is increasingly apparent that the higher ups have no idea how to run this place, and its been showing. We had hoped things would be different with the appointment of a new queen, but no~ only more of the same. Sure, this new queen legitimizes her rule by paying lip service to the ex-queen's mandate, continuing in the tower building efforts to memorialize the ex-queen's legacy she says. But all the new Queen does is twiddle her thumbs and enjoy the fruits of her predecessor's labor while the overseers do as they please!" She continued.

"This whole tower business is unnatural I tell you. We be dwarves! Dig deep, dwell in the earth. None of this sunshine and rarefied air nonsense, and screw all of these damn rules! No building outside the tower they said! Its like they abhor the ancient dwarven way! What new bloody tradition is this? Everything is all topsy turvy I tell ya! We of the lucid figure, we of the forgotten beast emblem should not stand for this any longer! What we need is an insurrection!" argued Phelps.

"But we need proper laws to maintain order and civility, we just can't go with an insurrection anytime we feel like it!" I pointed out.

"This bloody new upstart queen doesn't care that things are unfair for others. By Armok's Beard, she doesn't even care about her own well-being! So why should we expect that she would care for ours? This new queen is as stubborn as the last and she damn well doesn't give a damn lick what anyone thinks of her. If she weren't Queen by dwarven law, nobody will give a damn about what she thinks!"

Inwardly I had to admit, Iliithid did have a point.

Now Iden stepped forward to deliver his tirade.

"Admit it Shipcat! You yourself never liked the elves didn't you? But you still had to smile and pretend to do business with those condescending treehuggers because the ex-queen wills that we maintain good relations with them. You yourself have been conflicted by all these unnecessary rules. Heck! You outright bent them the last time you were in charge! Why look at you bending them now!" he said as he produced a bar of illegally produced soap, waving it about.

"Not that we're not grateful no, but those higher ups just don't understand the working conditions around here, blind to all else as they are in their ivory tower. Heck! That's why they named this place ConstructIvory isn't it? They are all secluded and unaware of how hard life is out here. They think they are safe in their lofty rooms, but we know that ConstructIvory stands because we are only defended by your swords."

Though I was flattered by their words, I still did not waver from my stance. Well, that was until Iden stepped in.

"Look, you can be a part of this new order, or you can be against it."
Spoiler: But... (click to show/hide)

Winter is upon you.
« Last Edit: August 18, 2017, 07:52:24 am by Zuglarkun »


  • Bay Watcher
  • More than just an average drunken axe-crazy nutjob
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Re: // The Succession Tower: Constructivory \\
« Reply #618 on: January 11, 2016, 08:33:23 pm »

A conspiracy? This is gonna be interesting...

*dons investigator's cap
Stuff I run:
Icehold(Second Thread)
Stuff I was/am involved with:
The Succession Tower, ConstructIvory
Bonepillar                    Thunderdoom
Parallel Fortresses


  • Bay Watcher
  • Nyam nyam
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Re: // The Succession Tower: Constructivory \\
« Reply #619 on: January 12, 2016, 08:56:56 pm »

I think this is shaping up to be my favourite turn so far. :D

illegally produced soap

illegally produced soap

Banned as per Constructivory law Section 12A-b: "The usage of cleaning substances is a clear deviation from dwarfy standards of living. Thou shall wear thy dirt and grime with pride. PRIDE!"


  • Bay Watcher
  • More than just an average drunken axe-crazy nutjob
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Re: // The Succession Tower: Constructivory \\
« Reply #620 on: January 12, 2016, 10:08:45 pm »

illegally produced soap

illegally produced soap

Banned as per Constructivory law Section 12A-b: "The usage of cleaning substances is a clear deviation from dwarfy standards of living. Thou shall wear thy dirt and grime with pride. PRIDE!"

There's been some signs of suspicious activity around Constructivory lately. A few bubbles visible in puddles, dwarves without dirt on every inch of their bodies, and--dare I say it--the smallest hint of minty freshness.

There's no way of avoiding the topic- someone's making soap.


I think this is shaping up to be my favourite turn so far. :D

You wound me, truly you do!
Stuff I run:
Icehold(Second Thread)
Stuff I was/am involved with:
The Succession Tower, ConstructIvory
Bonepillar                    Thunderdoom
Parallel Fortresses


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: // The Succession Tower: Constructivory \\
« Reply #621 on: January 16, 2016, 02:50:29 am »

Save is up HERE. Write up to follow shortly.
Let me know there is an issue with the save. Everything should check out OK afaik.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: // The Succession Tower: Constructivory \\
« Reply #622 on: January 16, 2016, 06:57:53 pm »

I reconsidered Iden's offer.

"Hah! Everyone knows that I dream of raising a family, it ain't no secret around these parts-"

*As the wheels began to slowly turn in my head I began to perceive his hidden intentions, they needed a backer and a convenient target to scapegoat.*

"-But I am a dwarf that does not shirk my duties and obligations!"

*Iden was a smooth talker with a glib tongue, but unfortunately his cunning overreached his aim and roused my ire.*

"You cannot tempt me with your puny offers!"

"No! I know where the real power lies! And none of you have any of it!" I bellowed as I brandished my axe and took a step forward.

"You see, since you pointed out so eloquently that the queen doesn't care what happens to us or herself anyway, real power is there for the taking! Real power that just so happens to sit ill-fittingly on my head!" I bellowed as I grimaced and mockingly made a show out of the ridiculously looking purple cap wedged between my head and my helmet.

"You see, the difference between me and you lads is that i have been entrusted with the opportunities to use that power as I see fit while you sit here and debate endlessly without trying to seize that power for your own! Well, too late for that now! I'll be keeping an eye on you lads, so don't you get cute with me and don't even think about starting any funny business. Now scram!"

I upbraided these rabble rousers and drove them off, threatening to expose them if they continued on with their plans. Iliithid was not pleased with the outcome, but said nothing. We spoke even less after this little debacle, and I fear this may have caused a rift to come between us.

But reconsidering the state of affairs here, they do have somewhat of a point. The rules and obligations are an obstacle that lie on the path to achieving my secret innermost desires. I feel a fire kindled within me as I pondered their words.
Though it conflicts me to bend or even outright break these rules, the greater good cannot be achieved with these obstacles in the way.

Time is running short. I know now for certain that someone whiffed out my little secret soap making operation, so it is only a matter of time before this information is leaked to the higher ups and my operation shut down. I must take steps to enact my plan while I still hold power.

Overseer Shipcat's Log - Winter

1st Moonstone 58
In retrospect, I find it most peculiar that someone managed to 'sniff out' the soap making activities as I made doubly sure to make soap out of the
so as to make it hard to differentiate from all the dirt and grime we're all covered in. Must be someone with
I must speak with the soap makers, perhaps they have been infusing the soap with herbal fragrances again.

10th Moonstone 58
I've made up my mind. Despite being somewhat of an anomaly among most of the citizens here, Sanju deserves better treatment than being locked up in that forbidding tower of hers all day, and by the beard of Armok she will get it!
Spoiler: Equal treatment (click to show/hide)

Inod has grown attached to a steel shield!

11th Opal 58
Urvad was patrolling the caverns when she came onto a troupe of creeping eyes harassing the haulers. She daunted them greatly and single handedly dispatched them quite effortlessly.
The caverns are a strange place, I admit to not being the most learned of individuals, but strange life blossoms here in the dank darkness.
Spoiler: Is that you Elizabeth? (click to show/hide)

20th Moonstone 58
We've had enough time to recuperate I think. Time to resume the pumping of magma!

24th Moonstone 58
I've heard reports that endlessblaze was possessed in his sleep by otherworldly forces, this must be the ghosts of the dead trying to communicate with the living! I'll have memorials carved to try to appease them and ward off more untimely possessions. The onlookers say that they last saw endlessblaze claiming a carpenter's workshop and going in the direction of the new nethercap stockpiles.
Spoiler: endlessblaze possessed (click to show/hide)

27th Moonstone 58
Spoiler: So satisfying (click to show/hide)
The magma pumping has been finished!

Just as I was celebrating this feat of dwarven engineering triumph with the engineers, I received a new report that endlessblaze has begun work on a-

Spoiler: Full capacity (click to show/hide)
Meanwhile, the forge cisterns have reached full capacity and can be safely shut off. The engineers tell me that we can attempt to use obsidian casting to seal off the cisterns safely, without fear of the floodgate holding up the magma collapsing, so I put their plan into action.

1st Opal 58
Spoiler: Sanju released (click to show/hide)
By my orders, sanju was released to periodically resume her tour of duties as captain of the guard. Since no citizens have enacted any further crimes, she was free to occupy her time with 'other activities'. By which I mean she picked up the 'special package' I had prepared for her. Meanwhile, dwarves were sent in to her premises while she was away to do some 'housekeeping'.

The memorials I had commissioned for the late RedMageCole, Vortex, nomoetoe, Hiddenleafguy and Captain Awesome were completed. I had the slabs put up in the dining room around the other slabs.
Spoiler: You will be remembered (click to show/hide)

4th Opal 58
Spoiler: A work of art (click to show/hide)
Endlessblaze emerges from the carpenter's workshop hauling a peculiar item. He has created Isanist - Stillbreached, a nethercap table!

Spoiler: Furnishing the forges (click to show/hide)
The dregs are busy furnishing our new magma forges. I hope this will speed up our rearmament efforts, I will need all the military force I can muster to enact my plan later on. I care little that this aligns with the queen's mandate, all the better that I can operate under the guise of 'pleasing the queen'.
I've grown rather attached to my newest arms, but I'm reminded that I must not be too possessive of them. Pyrotechno has my special order pending and once the forges are up, he can proceed.

9th Opal 58
Spoiler: The new forges (click to show/hide)
The new forges are up and running, I had the old forge areas scattered within the tower and outside dismantled and relocated here. Pyrotechno is back to resuming his weapons forging, Inod joins him; forging enough steel shields for for a full military force. I've channeled the rest of the workforce to get the power generators online as soon as possible, while I try to puzzle out how to seal the magma cistern with an obsidian plug without the water freezing mid toss. Perhaps trying this out in the middle of winter wasn't the most bright of ideas.

13th Opal 58
I've received reports of a jabberer sighting in the caverns, so the innocent towns were dispatched to deal with the beast. Melbil is the first to sight the beast and gives chase, but the jabberer runs away in fear. Melbil manages to corner the beast, and a fight ensues, with Melbil emerging victorious.

Meanwhile, the construction of the water powered generator is fully underway. While on patrol during the sweep of the cavern perimeter for any lurking threats, chaoticskies discovers and takes out a reacher.

27th Opal 58
Since the primary phase of my plan is already well underway, a new and bigger kitchen area is being furnished to appease the public.

11th Obsidian 58
Spoiler: Yet another visitor (click to show/hide)
I've heard rumor that a new forgotten beast has been sighted in the sealed first caverns. Stagshil joins the other two forgotten tenants that yet remain hidden in the first caverns.

Spoiler: Battle is joined (click to show/hide)
The marksdwarves find and engage a jabberer in the third caverns. Mosus gets off a great initial hit, maiming the left lower leg of the great bird, felling it on its massive beaked head.

Spoiler: Bird Beatdown (click to show/hide)
8 marksdwarves crowd around the maimed bird and pincushion it full of bolts before taking turns trying to bash its head in with their mostly ineffective crossbow swings. Meanwhile, Melbil the swordsdwarf approaches from the south and tries to help, but Unib Vodonol who has been under a great amount of stress lately decides his had enough of this kill stealing nonsense, taking out his frustrations on the unconscious bird with a great aimed swing to its head with a copper crossbow.

Meanwhile, my second special order from Pyrotechno is in transit, good good. I hope he manages to complete the initial special order in time...
Spoiler: Second special order (click to show/hide)

17th Obsidian 58
Goden keeps up with the naming tradition, bestowing his silver warhammer with the title, Mingkil Igėr - The Leopard of Rivers. That is a pretty spiffy name I would say.

The water powered reactor is complete! It is operable for now, but some fine tuning remains to be done to get it working at a high efficiency.

Spoiler: New kitchens complete! (click to show/hide)
The kitchen area is complete! The old workshops, stills and kitchens were demolished and moved up to this area. In the meantime, I decided to furnish the tower walls, we must not have further tower sabotage accidents happen again.
Spoiler: Walls (click to show/hide)

20th Obsidian 58
I've decided to move the farm plots on the north west slopes down to the south west near to Towercat, it seems they are always exposed to attack from that general direction so this will give the farmers some cover.

24th Obsidian 58
Pyrotechno has completed my 'special orders'. Time to proceed with whole scale enlisting of the military, there are quite a number of names in the list that my second in command has drawn up.

Spoiler: It was inevitable (click to show/hide)
It was inevitable, they found out about my little secret soap making operations and dismissed me from the position of overseer as punishment. The rules never made any sense, as its only the making of soap that is illegal, but not the possessing of soap. Its unfortunate that I've never seen the traders bring any soap either. Those fiends and their damned crazy rules! But no matter, I've made enough to last us for some time, and soon enough they will see the error of their ways. I did not keep up with the queen's demands to expand the tower upwards either, instead choosing to furnish our existing abode. A taller tower is nice, but empty rooms will do us little good. This farce cannot keep on indefinitely. Though they have me under their thumb for now, sooner or later they'll be in need of someone with backbone and a shred of competence. When that time comes I will be able to enact my plan.

But for now, I will bide my time. As I get ready to take up position on the northwest slopes in anticipation of another goblin attack in spring, I passed by a row of statues depicting the gods of our pantheon.

The last statue made me smirk a little inside.
Spoiler: Indeed (click to show/hide)

Yea, I will write my own fate.

Spring has arrived on the calendar.

Once again, save is HERE
I do apologize for not being able to complete this sooner.
« Last Edit: August 18, 2017, 08:21:52 am by Zuglarkun »


  • Bay Watcher
  • Nyam nyam
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Re: // The Succession Tower: Constructivory \\
« Reply #623 on: January 16, 2016, 09:00:16 pm »

I don't think anyone minds. That was a very good turn. Magma, cults and forgotten beasts. Couldn't have asked for more. :P

Paging Immortal-D to begin his renovation turn...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: // The Succession Tower: Constructivory \\
« Reply #624 on: January 16, 2016, 10:00:08 pm »

I exist!  That said, I have 5 different DF folders at the moment (started modding).  Can someone point me to a LNP with the correct version?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: // The Succession Tower: Constructivory \\
« Reply #625 on: January 16, 2016, 10:26:47 pm »

There's a global war on, we're one of the few sites that hasn't fallen, and we've been attacked more than once -- yet I'm expressing bewilderment at why people are so interested in taking up arms. That's amusing.
Ninja dragons! Protect the masterwork roasts!
Is this biome reanimating? I really don't want to know what happens when "absurd numbers of megabeasts" is combined with "reanimating biomes".


  • Bay Watcher
  • Nyam nyam
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Re: // The Succession Tower: Constructivory \\
« Reply #626 on: January 16, 2016, 11:48:11 pm »

I exist!  That said, I have 5 different DF folders at the moment (started modding).  Can someone point me to a LNP with the correct version?

*points to Starter Pack 40.24r20*

It's on the front page of GD man.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: // The Succession Tower: Constructivory \\
« Reply #627 on: January 17, 2016, 01:46:28 am »

A few things to note:

- I disabled hauling on a good many stockpiles during my turn to expedite all the construction works. I turned them back on before ending the turn. So... your labor force might be rather tied up at the moment...
- The third cavern is open at the moment, tons of wood hauling going on down there. I recommend stationing a melee squad down there at all times to deal with intermittent threats. Rotate squads if need be.
- The masterwork weapons are already assigned individually to the various melee squads, but we are lacking armor, it should be possible to eventually upgrade everything to steel. Mine for limestone if need be.


  • Bay Watcher
  • [Not_A_Tree]
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Re: // The Succession Tower: Constructivory \\
« Reply #628 on: January 17, 2016, 06:38:34 pm »

Aight peeps, I have the game loaded and am currently looking around.  Due to the aforementioned new gig, I doubt I'll be doing much during the weekdays.  Next weekend is free and clear though, so my plan is to burn through the year and then create my journal over the following week.  Lastly, at what point did we get so many dead Dorfs in the swimming pool? ???


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: // The Succession Tower: Constructivory \\
« Reply #629 on: January 18, 2016, 07:11:58 am »

Lastly, at what point did we get so many dead Dorfs in the swimming pool????

If I'm not mistaken, I believe that was during Japa's turn. Unfortunate swimming mining incidents and all.
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