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Turn 17: Bearskie (FINAL)

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Voting closed: August 07, 2015, 06:46:40 am

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Author Topic: // Fall of the Succession Tower: Constructivory \\  (Read 269949 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: // The Succession Tower: Constructivory \\
« Reply #210 on: August 13, 2015, 10:59:33 pm »

"Hey, hey new Overseer MobRules!", shouted Shipcat as she picked up a tiny pebble at her feet and threw it at MobRules.

"Got your attention now? Good."

"Listen, I understand you are getting pushed around like some wheelbarrow because frankly you're fairly new here, and its easy to pick on the new guys. Don't take it to heart, okay? Its just how the system works around here ever since the previous queen died. Yeah, I'll admit that the goblins did a number on us there - cutting off the head of the snake. But they better be wary, cause decapitated snake heads can bite back! Anyway, since you're actually taking the time to listen to complaints, here's another few for you to put on your bucket list."

"You see, it has come to my attention that my fellow comrades in the Pulleys of Deification have a shortage of ammunition as of late. Look, I'm not asking you to devote your precious time *rolls eyes* to produce more dakka. But it would be considered wise to at least remove the allocation of ammunition for the Hunters in our midst, so that the Pulleys of Deification can at least secure some bolts for their own use in the future. I'll be damned if I will let this fucking bureaucracy get in the way of properly outfitting the militia."

"I'll also like to point out that there is a up/down stairway that opens up directly above open space in the caverns on z-level 113, as well as up/down stairways that open up over the magma sea on z-level 120. For the sake of the safety of the inhabitants of this fortress, it would be in your best interests to channel away these spots and replace them with properly built up stairs that have floors beneath them unlike up/down stairs (Yes, I know its confusing, bear with me for a bit). I made mention of this to the former overseer, DDDragoni, but it seems she had neglected to address them."

"Oh, and pay no heed to former overseer, now self-proclaimed 'Investigator' DDDragoni, huh to think that I thought of her as a rather trusting individual *spits on the floor*. I reckon she's just badly shaken from her brief stint hauling corpses and is getting all paranoid. Poor lass, finding excuses for every misdeed and unfortunate accident that just so happened under her watch might I add? I had briefly known TheCheeseMaker as we had traveled together on our migration here, and though she did not make cheese as her name would suggest, I can vouch for her fervent loyalty. I would nary suspect her of being a spy or a traitor to the crown of all things."

"You got all of that? Good good, I shall not bother you any further, gotta go train."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: // The Succession Tower: Constructivory \\
« Reply #211 on: August 14, 2015, 12:06:48 am »

While we're on the topic of showering our new overseer with suggestions: I too would like to suggest that we throw Sanju an armor stand/weapon rack.  Let her train her military skills 24/7; she's got all the time in the world.  Besides, you never know when a Legendary Wrestling Werelizard may come in useful...

DDDragoni, I re-added you to the end of the turn list.  Long wait :P.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: // The Succession Tower: Constructivory \\
« Reply #212 on: August 14, 2015, 12:28:02 am »

"I'll also like to point out that there is a up/down stairway that opens up directly above open space in the caverns on z-level 113, as well as up/down stairways that open up over the magma sea on z-level 120. For the sake of the safety of the inhabitants of this fortress, it would be in your best interests to channel away these spots and replace them with properly built up stairs that have floors beneath them unlike up/down stairs (Yes, I know its confusing, bear with me for a bit). I made mention of this to the former overseer, DDDragoni, but it seems she had neglected to address them."
((Wow, I somehow managed to completely miss those while surveying the fort! I thought you were just talking about the passable doors that were our main "defense" against cavern dwellers.))

The following is found on a letter found slipped underneath MobRule's door on his first day as Overseer

I suggested you as my successor for a reason. Sure, I may have said something about "if you think you can run this place better than go ahead and try" in public, but that was a load of Elk dung. From what I'm told, you've got a good head on your shoulders, and you have a way with people, but more importantly, you're new. This traitor could be anyone, a friend, a lover, a child, even a spouse. You don't have any living family and no previous connections here at Constructivory, so you don't have any of that to hold you back from finding the truth.

Now, by now I'm sure you've heard the rumors. "There is no traitor!" "The Investigator's crazy!" "TheCheeseMaker was a fine dwarf!" etc. These people are too scared of disrupting their happy, normal lives to see the truth. Everything points to someone actively plotting against us- the minecart "accidents" during the troglodyte attacks, the bodies we've found at the bottom of the tower, the Giant Toad attack when I was getting too nosy, but the most damning piece of evidence is TheCheeseMaker herself. The traitor knew I suspected her, so they set up her disappearance as deliberate frame job, keeping me distracted and off he trail long enough for their Giant Toad "accident" to hopefully take me out.

Your newness to Constructivory also gives you one other advantage: you're a wildcard no one knows what to expect from you. That alone should keep the traitor from trying to harm you. They may even try to recruit you to their cause, which should expose them. Hell, writing this letter is a huge risk on my part,  but seeing as I'll be cooped here for Armok knows how long, I need someone on the outside.

Stepping down should make the traitor think they've scared me off, but if something happens to me, you know what it was. Don't take their "unexpected complications" bull.

Find something to do with all the adamantine. I won't be doing anymore extraction until I'm out, so find someone you trust and get them on it.

And keep an eye on Shipcat. I saw her giving me the evil eye last time she walked past the hospital.

DDDragoni Floordrink, Broker and Investiator of Constructivory.

((OOC: Edited to fix dumb between dwarf name and player name))
« Last Edit: August 14, 2015, 02:03:48 am by DDDragoni »
Stuff I run:
Icehold(Second Thread)
Stuff I was/am involved with:
The Succession Tower, ConstructIvory
Bonepillar                    Thunderdoom
Parallel Fortresses


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: // The Succession Tower: Constructivory \\
« Reply #213 on: August 14, 2015, 01:55:25 am »

And keep an eye on Zulgarkun Shipcat. I saw him her giving me the evil eye last time he she walked past the hospital.

Fixed that for you. Unless you meant the former building designer is still trudging around somewhere, in that case either you need to have your eyes checked or we have a shapeshifter on our hands.

Also, I'll like to point out that ever since we've learned about the death of the former queen, the only ones whom we can really trust are our own folks whom have been here before the grim news had arrived. Now, I'm no detective, but If TheCheeseMaker was truly suspect, then why would she announce that damning letter to us, when the green skins would have taken advantage of the situation by launching a surprise attack on us and catch us all with our pants down? (Quite literally might I add) It doesn't quite add up. I believe that anyone else that had arrived since then is terribly suspect, and could very well be a green skin spy/ sympathizer. Personally, I suspect that the TheCheeseMaker stumbled upon some illicit secret activities going on in the background and was offed in secret. Nobody trusts anybody now, and we are all very tired. There is nothing else I can do, but just keeping training. I for sure will be keeping myself armed at all times.

OOC: loving the paranoia!
« Last Edit: August 14, 2015, 02:13:39 am by Zuglarkun »


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Re: // The Succession Tower: Constructivory \\
« Reply #214 on: August 14, 2015, 03:08:02 am »

Well ive seen people die to booze barrels and inert minecarts. Or just straight off jumping off the tower. Lets not discard the idea that cheesemaker died of being stupid...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: // The Succession Tower: Constructivory \\
« Reply #215 on: August 14, 2015, 10:17:49 am »

MobRules, can I have the Macelord Onul Lancepoints? Dorf me as Luna. I've been trawling through Legends Mode, got me some ideas....


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: // The Succession Tower: Constructivory \\
« Reply #216 on: August 14, 2015, 01:08:35 pm »

  Hey to all beardowners! I really like to see that turns going fast. So I decided to post here beginning of my dorf's story...
I always prefer to write I literature style but my knowlege in english is poor to  do it well...   so if you find some mistakes, feel free to ask me edit them.

Why did he come to participate in the construction of the tower, the crazy project of mad queen, no one knew. None of his "new friends" did not even know what the reason might be - they themselves were mostly refugees thar have to fled to new-founded and probadly steel-alive fortress after the capture of the capital by goblins. He led a completely different motives: he knew that the dwarves should be above imaginary gods, he believed that the dwarves, greeted the sunrise in the tower, piercing the clouds finally understand ancient truth: there is no god but the created by them, and no fate other than that you choose for yourself. For similar beliefs since ancient times was burned at the stake, but like him would not surrender. Fires generated slogan "Armok is no more than steel anvil decorated with blood" but not broken, they learned to hide, but not destroyed.The first thing Heretic saw, entering the castle were destroyed trader's wagons. This led him to certain thoughts. Habitually lied when asked about faith, "I believe in the deity of rain and fog," - he loved these things, but in any gods at this occasion certainly did not believe.Heretic their fate used to keep on the cutting edge of his blade and therefore immediately enlisted in the militia. Skills for the use of weapons instilled in him a hideout mates beliefs, but experience is required to develop constantly. Heretic prefer keep his fate on the cutting edge of his blade and therefore immediately enlisted in the militia. Skills for the use of weapons instilled in him a secret hideout of mates with same beliefs, but experience is required to develop constantly. But he loved to fence, and now, at the training session, he enjoyed feeling how easily sword lie in his hand, repeatedly passing uncomplicated defense of his opponent. He has upset by only one thing - at first time he would have to hide his real experience with swords.
« Last Edit: August 14, 2015, 01:14:56 pm by Heretic »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: // The Succession Tower: Constructivory \\
« Reply #217 on: August 14, 2015, 01:21:22 pm »

  Hey to all beardowners! I really like to see that turns going fast. So I decided to post here beginning of my dorf's story...
I always prefer to write I literature style but my knowlege in english is poor to  do it well...   so if you find some mistakes, feel free to ask me edit them.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

you adkeed for help with the english, so i tidied the text up a bit, but i didnt really know what to do with some patrs, perhaps someone else can help
Eventually when you go far enough the insane start becoming the sane


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: // The Succession Tower: Constructivory \\
« Reply #218 on: August 14, 2015, 01:37:02 pm »

You meant that u can't understand some parts of text?
 : :-\ :-X
I had hopes that my English good enough to make peoples unerstand that I try to tell...
But if it can't , it's TOO BAD...
« Last Edit: August 14, 2015, 01:38:48 pm by Heretic »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: // The Succession Tower: Constructivory \\
« Reply #219 on: August 14, 2015, 01:59:45 pm »

  Hey to all beardowners! I really like to see that turns going fast. So I decided to post here beginning of my dorf's story...
I always prefer to write I literature style but my knowlege in english is poor to  do it well...   so if you find some mistakes, feel free to ask me edit them.

Why he came to participate in the construction of the tower, the crazy project of mad queen, no one knew. His "new friends" did not even know what the reason might be - they themselves were mostly refugees that were forced to flee their newly-founded and probably still-standing fortress after the capture of the capital by goblins. He, however, had completely different motives: he knew that the dwarves should be above imaginary gods. He believed that the dwarves, greeted by the sunrise piercing the clouds while standing atop the tower, would finally understand the ancient truth: there is no god but the gods created by them, and no fate other than the fate you choose for yourself. For similar beliefs, dwarves since ancient times had been burned at the stake, but those like him would not surrender. Fires generated their slogan, "Armok is no more than a steel anvil decorated with blood," and they were not broken, but they learned to hide to avoid being destroyed.The first thing Heretic saw while entering the tower were destroyed trader's wagons. This led him to certain thoughts. Habitually, he lied when asked about faith, saying "I believe in the deity of rain and fog," - he loved these things, but he certainly did not believe in any gods ruling over them. Heretic preferred to keep his fate on the cutting edge of his blade, and therefore he immediately enlisted in the militia. Skills for the use of weapons were instilled in him a hideout of his mate's beliefs, but experience is required to develop these skills constantly. But he loved to fence, and now, at the training session, he enjoyed feeling how easily sword lie in his hand, repeatedly passing the uncomplicated defense of his opponent. He has upset by only one thing - for a time he would have to hide his real experience with swords in order to keep himself hidden.
I took a crack at- sorry if I messed up your meaning anywhere.
Certainly an appropriate story for a dwarf named Heretic, though!
Stuff I run:
Icehold(Second Thread)
Stuff I was/am involved with:
The Succession Tower, ConstructIvory
Bonepillar                    Thunderdoom
Parallel Fortresses


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: // The Succession Tower: Constructivory \\
« Reply #220 on: August 14, 2015, 03:40:30 pm »

You meant that u can't understand some parts of text?
 : :-\ :-X
I had hopes that my English good enough to make peoples unerstand that I try to tell...
But if it can't , it's TOO BAD...

i understood them, but it looked as if it should be written a different way.
Eventually when you go far enough the insane start becoming the sane


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: // The Succession Tower: Constructivory \\
« Reply #221 on: August 14, 2015, 05:05:09 pm »

Are there any levers that control the drawbridges in the caverns? If so, where are they?

MobRules, can I have the Macelord Onul Lancepoints? Dorf me as Luna. I've been trawling through Legends Mode, got me some ideas....
Dorfed :)
Ninja dragons! Protect the masterwork roasts!
Is this biome reanimating? I really don't want to know what happens when "absurd numbers of megabeasts" is combined with "reanimating biomes".


  • Bay Watcher
  • More than just an average drunken axe-crazy nutjob
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Re: // The Succession Tower: Constructivory \\
« Reply #222 on: August 14, 2015, 05:07:27 pm »

Are there any levers that control the drawbridges in the caverns? If so, where are they?

Yes there are. They are labelled, and on z-level 10 (the one with the well).
Stuff I run:
Icehold(Second Thread)
Stuff I was/am involved with:
The Succession Tower, ConstructIvory
Bonepillar                    Thunderdoom
Parallel Fortresses


  • Bay Watcher
  • Nyam nyam
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Re: // The Succession Tower: Constructivory \\
« Reply #223 on: August 14, 2015, 08:13:15 pm »

You meant that u can't understand some parts of text?
 : :-\ :-X
I had hopes that my English good enough to make peoples unerstand that I try to tell...
But if it can't , it's TOO BAD...

Your English grammar isnt great, but I like your style and ideas.  Don't worry too much about it, as long as it's understandable, I enjoy reading any journal entry you have.  You can opt to use pictures/screenshots as well if you need help with getting your message across.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: // The Succession Tower: Constructivory \\
« Reply #224 on: August 15, 2015, 12:04:42 am »

You meant that u can't understand some parts of text?
 : :-\ :-X
I had hopes that my English good enough to make peoples understand that I try to tell...
But if it can't , it's TOO BAD...

No worries, I can understand most of it. The parts that are more cryptic give it some dwarfish flavor since dwarves aren't supposed to speak English anyway. It kind of reminds me a lot of how Matul Remrit approached the problem of depicting dwarf speech as kind of alien to us anyway.
« Last Edit: August 15, 2015, 12:07:19 am by Zuglarkun »
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