I got this on iOS and tried playing it since it was on this forum, it must be good right?
The tutorial was short and didnt explain really how to play. Using what I learned in this tutorial, i jump in and play. It seems incredibly shallow. Jump around, easily kill everything until you jump into a system and everything kills you.
I must be missing something. But seriously, there seems to be no way to learn to enjoy this game from playing. You probably need to watch videos and use external wikis to learn to play.
I didnt playe the iOS version, only the PC one. The tutorial will cover all the thing you need to know, but will not hold your hand and tell you exactly how to play. I mean the game is not something extremely complex that it needs to process and explain it to you in details.
If you are losing look at what things you are doing wrong and try to improve. You dont need to stay and fight every battle, but you can escape and retreat, and often some of the enemy forces will chase you, so you can split the big fleets in two. Or use station and distress beacons to bait enemy to you in a trap. Experiment around.
Anyway I just finished the hard version of endless and died on sector 6 i think.
The late game has some problems, as there are two main overpower weapons that make the fighting extremely fast and non tactical. The death ray and that other like big plasma weapon with the slow moving projectile (dont know the name).
Death ray is the biggest problem, as it has huge range, does a ton of damage to both shield and hull and it automatically hits anything(so you cant dodge around it, or use things like fighters in its way). This literally makes the end game and who will win boiled down to who has more death rays so the other ship die as fast as possible. My suggestion is to nerf this weapon hard, cut the range in half (i mean it can go to up 1500 now) and also maybe at least lower the shield dmg for 90%.
The big plasma weapon is also OP, but it at least can be countered with putting fighters in its way. But even than I would suggest lowering the speed of projectile even more. Because of this two weapons the end game lack any tactic and battles finish in seconds. Is it you killing enemy fast, or if they blow you up with same tactics (or better said lack of it, and thats how i died anyway, jumped in the sector where the star base has 3 death rays, and they all shoot at me and die in a sec even that i was some distance from them).
This changes will make the speed of fighting back to normal where you can do more things. Also would like if the red mounts did not all have 360 degree arc so they can shoot at you from all positions. Would be nice if they had depending from ship to ship different arcs from 90 to 120 and similar. It would make positioning your ship a lot more important (at the moment you only do it so your flak cannons can target incoming missiles), and in that case you could even dance around enemies so they dont shoot at you if you stay off their guns.