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Author Topic: Dawn of Evolution II [No Player Limit]  (Read 8579 times)


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Dawn of Evolution II [No Player Limit]
« on: July 25, 2015, 10:15:02 am »

The blizzards of an untamed planet swirl and divide, glaciers cutting through the powdery snow like ships through ocean waves. This is a planet untouched by life-or, at least, so it first appears. Beneath mile-thick sheets of ice a gigantic ocean flows. The bottom of this vast sea is littered with white coral, water-filled caves and hydrothermal vents. Primal organisms of all sorts and kinds swim, crawl and slither everywhere they can. The ice layer is too thick for life to penetrate, and not a single life form would be able to withstand the temperature of the surface.

Spoiler: How to play (click to show/hide)

To join, please fill out the following application:
Name of Race:
Physical Description:
Unusual Traits:
Location: (You will all be starting in a big trench. You can choose to start in one of these three environments: Hydrothermal vents, Underwater caves, White coral reefs. These are all relatively close to each other, so all species could in theory interact with eachother)

I encourage you to be creative! Imagine what sort of strange creatures could exist on a planet of caves; slug-like creatures built to withstand pressure? Tunneling predators digging elaborate mazes as traps? It is all up to you.

The idea for this game is shamelessly stolen from Dawn of Evolution. The original GM has not updated or commented for weeks, so I decided to make a similar game. Inithis, sorry for stealing your game.

Spoiler: Map of the Eden Trench (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: July 26, 2015, 08:42:19 am by Lord_lemonpie »


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Re: Dawn of Evolution II [No Player Limit]
« Reply #1 on: July 25, 2015, 10:24:18 am »

I will join Great Hypnotoad's game.

Name of Race: Quitions
Physical Description: A long creature, similar to a jellyfish. It is a light red in coloration. It's tentacles grow to five a foot and a half in total. Unlike jellyfish, however, they don't hunt passively. Instead, they use their tentacles to attack and eat prey that they find. They are capable of pulling their tentacles onto enemies and wrapping them tightly until they die.
Unusual Traits: Small spikes on their exumbrella to discourage others from attacking them.
Location:Underwater caves.
« Last Edit: July 25, 2015, 10:36:50 am by Yourmaster »
Wants to rape and enslave my innocent night faeries ;-;


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Re: Dawn of Evolution II [No Player Limit]
« Reply #2 on: July 25, 2015, 10:37:37 am »

Race: Ironside Krill

Physical Description: Microscopic creatures that bear little morphological similarity to Earth's krill.  They are radially symmetric octopods, sporting a tiny mouth on their ventral side and a tiny anus on their dorsal side.  Four tiny eyespots detect changes in light intensity, and miniscule hairs detect changes in the current.  Hidden within their bodies are their magnetosensory organs.  Most obvious is the shiny, silvery shell that covers their entire body save the named parts.

Unusual Traits: Ironside krill shells are a combination of calcium carbonate (classic shell material) and iron (sometimes copper) sifted from the black smoke of their homes.  This does give the shells more structural stability, but they are still easily eaten by other creatures - the support mostly helps them survive the heavy pressure of the deep sea.  In addition to their shells, ironside krill possess organs capable of sensing magnetic fields.  Colonies of krill use this sense to co-ordinate, forming large silvery swarms for protection - predators just eat the krill on the edges instead.

Location: Hydrothermal vents.  Short of the plankton they eat, ironside krill are essentially right at the bottom of the food chain.
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Re: Dawn of Evolution II [No Player Limit]
« Reply #3 on: July 25, 2015, 10:40:15 am »

Reserving a space for the coral
Yep, the sig is here
Whoops. Well, shit. Typical salsacookies.
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Re: Dawn of Evolution II [No Player Limit]
« Reply #4 on: July 25, 2015, 10:51:53 am »

Name of Race: Trapleon
Physical Description: A medium sized fish that is a oval that has a small tube on to where the mouth is.  It has fins on the oval part that allow for fast turning and are strong enough to break off pieces of coral.
Unusal Traits: The Trapleon's body secretes a sticky substance which it uses to attach coral to itself.  It then hides in coral reefs and when fish swim around it it turns quickly and snatches them up.
Location:White coral Reefs
« Last Edit: July 25, 2015, 10:54:01 am by fillipk »
Giving waitlisted people the ability to murder non-responsive players was a great idea. Need to do that more often.


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Re: Dawn of Evolution II [No Player Limit]
« Reply #5 on: July 25, 2015, 10:54:33 am »

name of race:Inanti
physical description:Long eel-like creatures,about 10 feet in length,they are a very dark(almost black)blue and can open their mouth up to 3 feet in diameter.
unusual traits:small glowing tendrils in their mouths,to lure prey in.
location:underwater caves
I should probably introduce the actual plot soon
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Re: Dawn of Evolution II [No Player Limit]
« Reply #6 on: July 25, 2015, 11:51:26 am »

Name: Garooda
Physical Description: 75 metres long and 5 metres wide. These creatures are completely black in colour and live in the deepest parts of the ocean. They feed themselves mostly by hunting large slow creatures and wrapping themselves round the bodies of their prey before slowly eating them while they are restrained.

Unusual Traits: When struggling to feed themselves they curl up into a pile, open their mouths and imitate a small cave. While like this they will conserve all their energy and will not be fully aware, but when a creature seeks haven in their mouths they will instantly eat them. When they have enough energy they go back to hunting.

Each Garooda lives separately all by them selves. They are very territorial to others of their kind and only meet to either fight for territory or to mate.

Location: Where ever is deepest.
« Last Edit: July 25, 2015, 11:53:56 am by Generally me »


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Re: Dawn of Evolution II [No Player Limit]
« Reply #7 on: July 25, 2015, 12:17:50 pm »

(( PTW and probably make a RS soon.))


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Re: Dawn of Evolution II [No Player Limit]
« Reply #8 on: July 25, 2015, 12:48:24 pm »

Name of Race: Mard
Physical Description: Mard colonies are made up of a plain-looking, grey-green fungus, which covers host animals in a thick layer. This layer's size is proportional to the host's own size, strength, and energy needs. The outer side of a Mard colony will gradually harden, remaining flexible to allow for movement while also providing its host with a damage-resistant "second skin."

Unusual Traits:

Mard is a kind of fungus which grows on the skin of host animals. It forms a symbiotic relationship, and relies on hosts for energy in exchange for natural protection. The host will have an increased appetite as a result of energy loss, but will also be less likely to die from physical harm

Mard colonies can communicate with each other using pheromones, and will reproduce via the production of spores. These spores spread when an "infected" animal comes into contact with an "uninfected" animal, or may occasionally be distributed by strong ocean currents.
((Note that I put infected and uninfected in quotes because Mard isn't inherently harmful.))

The fungus is mildly toxic when eaten. Generally, this will serve to give whatever preys on its host indigestion.

Location: Underwater caves? It basically spreads along with its hosts.

((The basic premise of this was a contagious organism which is actually beneficial. Many of my mutations will benefit host animals as well as the Mard.))
« Last Edit: July 25, 2015, 12:56:37 pm by Whisperling »


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Re: Dawn of Evolution II [No Player Limit]
« Reply #9 on: July 25, 2015, 12:51:35 pm »

((I might have use for the Mard later.))
Giving waitlisted people the ability to murder non-responsive players was a great idea. Need to do that more often.


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Re: Dawn of Evolution II [No Player Limit]
« Reply #10 on: July 25, 2015, 01:00:30 pm »

Name of Race: Runt
Physical Description: A rare fish the size of an hand. It usually swims in groups of five or less and only eats coral, the only way the runt can survive is thanks to his sharp spines that make him impossible to eat.
Unusual Traits: The runt has sharp spines all over him, and they are filled with deadly poison. If he happens to lose them, they will regrow.
Location: white coral leefs
« Last Edit: July 25, 2015, 01:02:55 pm by conein »


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Re: Dawn of Evolution II [No Player Limit]
« Reply #11 on: July 25, 2015, 01:32:16 pm »


Name of Race: Seadan (pl. Seadain)
Physical Description: A race of small, fish like symbiotes. They are capable of swimming fairly quickly to escape predators but have poor senses so they can only escape if they manage to notice them. They have no scales or body armor, only soft flesh. They are about 10 centimeters long and 3 centimeters thick, and somewhat resemble a worm. They have small mouths with no teeth but can filter feed or eat soft tissues like algae off stationary objects or other creatures.

Unusual Traits:
Seadain live in small shoals, of between fifteen to forty fish, with a queen at the head. Eggs are laid by the queen but fertilized by any member of the colony.
Seadain are capable of forming symbiotic relationships with almost any creature. They do this by burrowing into it. Lacking teeth they can only burrow into creatures with orifices or wounded creatures with open wounds. Males are capable of laying eggs but can't fertilize them.
When they burrow into a host, their fins atrophy and they wriggle around the hosts body and feed on non-essential tissues. If the Seadain believe their host is dying, they will lay two to three dozen eggs within the body. Upon hatching they consume the organism from the inside out, and at maturity form a new shoal.
Healthy creatures may host generations of Seadain. Seadain will lay eggs, but not enough to kill the organism unless it is dying. Over generations they may form a symbiotic relationship, but this only occurs in very compatible cases.

Location: White Coral Reefs
« Last Edit: July 25, 2015, 01:48:40 pm by Icefire2314 »


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Re: Dawn of Evolution II [No Player Limit]
« Reply #12 on: July 25, 2015, 01:57:57 pm »

Name of Race: Carvict
Physical Description: A hard-shelled crustacean like creature, Carvicts can grow to be nearly a meter and a half long, and half as wide. Carvicts have six pairs of limbs; the foremost two are used for manipulation and hunting, the largest being a pair of large claws or pincers, designed to crunch through shell, scale, or spines, to get through to the meat inside. Their second pair of limbs are smaller, more nimble, designed to help maneuver when necessary and scoop out or finish off creatures they have taken hold of. The other eight are used for movement and climbing.
Unusual Traits:. Though not venomous in and of themselves, they are highly resistant to the vast majority of toxins, parasites, and diseases, being scavengers, and in fact prefer poisonous fare, as it will often be stored in various locations on their shell, particularly in spike-like protrusions when enough has been consumed, discouraging predators from eating them in kind, if the hard shell and large claws did not already do so. They are also strangely social for scavengers, moving in groups known as colonies, and working together to set up nests and sweep areas of food.
Location: Not sure. White Coral Reef, probably.
Sincerely, Role P. Geek

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Re: Dawn of Evolution II [No Player Limit]
« Reply #13 on: July 25, 2015, 02:10:53 pm »

Everyone thus far is accepted! Other applications will still be accepted.
For clarity: the trench in which everyone starts is called the Eden Trench.
Should I make a map with the territory of all species?

Quitions: Your kind have been dwelling in the caves of the Eden Trench for thousands of years. Most of your kind are located in caves at the edges of the Eden trench, but for a peculiar reason there are no Quitions in the Northernmost part of the Trench, and rarely the shredded corpse of one of your medusae floats by, carried by a current coming from the north.

Ironside Krill: Your species is relatively new to the Eden Trench, but already thrives around all the hydrothermal vents in the trench. Even though many species feed on enormous amounts of Ironside Krill, your numbers seem to grow slowly. However, the great beasts occasionally seen swimming above the Eden Trench might pose a threat not only to you if they discover your species, but also to the species already depending on you.

Trapleon: A the first of your species have arrived days ago, being carried by a northern current. They seem to be made for this environment, but they reproduce slow. Trapleon(s?) can be found in the north-western coral reefs.

Inanti: Your species has been lurking in the caverns of the Eden Trench for millenniums, but surprisingly enough they haven't changed a lot, spare for the glowing tendrils. Your territory consists of the eastern, southern and central caves.

Garooda: Your ancestors are one of the oldest species of the Eden Trench, but you are nothing like them. You evolved from slender, worm-like fish to apex-predators. Your species has spread through the entire Eden Trench, but are most common in the central part where it is the deepest. Lately, there have been less creatures that would be considered a good meal for your species, but enormous abominations have been seen swimming over the Eden Trench. However, A single Garooda would not be able to take down such prey.

Mard: You are the first generation of Mard that latches onto living creatures instead of rocks. You have spread along the western caves. The largest colony of Mard are currently latched onto a gigantic Garooda.

Runt: The Runt have been present in the Eden Trench for quite a long time. They populate the entire center of the trench, but are more common in the southern part. The Runt population has been stable for quite a while now, for the only creatures capable of eating them are the Carvicts.

Carvicts: The Carvicts have been part of the Eden Trench ecosystem for as long as it has been populated. They populate the entire center of the cave and are more common further to the south, just like the Runt, which can only be killed by your species. Your kind has not had any trouble for quite some time, but a recent parasite covering the whole body of the Carvicts causes them to be crushed by predators more often. This Parasite acts like a second skin but also blocks the venom-excreting glands of the Carvicts, making them more easy to be attacked.


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Re: Dawn of Evolution II [No Player Limit]
« Reply #14 on: July 25, 2015, 02:18:27 pm »

I cleaned up my app. Could you add me to the list please?
I would like a map.
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