I have high hopes for the promised updates for necrons and hive minds. Fingers crossed I guess, because hive minds need love. (and I guess necrons need rebalancing? I don't have that DLC but they don't seem extraordinary when I play multiplayer).
I also really enjoy a little game at the start of every round, where my two friends and I do our best to describe where we are. First off, we always start as neighbors - I just realized that's really weird, actually, if we're supposed to be potential antagonists. Did the game notice that we always collaborate? I'm not sure our early starts were always so close, but it's hard to be sure... Anyway, we enjoy describing our location using the galactic landmarks.
It's fun in the "blind men describing an elephant" way, even with practice. "South of the two blackholes", "A line between them, eastward, the trinary south of the binary" "Wait which arm are you in, inner or outter?" etc.
Anyway. I don't have any idea what to do with this economy and situation:
I got an exceptionally good start I guess, I early-claimed 8 good planets and never wanted for anything. I built my lithovore corporate empire entirely about mining and alloy production, never even building trade buildings on my own worlds. Or generators (maybe like 8 on ONE planet). Such things are handled by my massive trade earnings, by forming a trade federation less than two decades in. I can just make every world with a significant amount of industry into a forge world. Capitalism just magicks all the CG I need from the... trade!
Of course, I am fanatic xenophile for more trade value... also spiritualist. With the prosperity gospel, natch, since we're all playing spiritualist psionic lithovores. It's working extremely well.
I'm Custodian now too, which is pretty sweet since I don't own Nemesis.
Real talk, it's kinda nice that even our enemies have supported me becoming a strong Custodian and building up the Galactic fleet. I am Defender of The Galaxy, as always, and I am fanatic xenophile, and maybe the most important thing is that I have no interest in conquering territory. No militarist, no xenophobia (unlike the rest of my federation). Me, I have a pure interest in keeping the galaxy safe... (and magicly profitable).
The Xenophile FE woke right before we had to call it a night. I take it as a point of pride that they looked around, with their mega-doomstacks, and decided the galaxy was in good hands. One of my friends had been wanting to bully them, the other had been a hard nay, and I had pointed out the
spiritualist heretic FE in the NE (anticoreward counterclockwise) we could flex on.
My original point for all this was another "what the heck does one even do with this much resources? How would one prepare for a 25X Crisis?
It's a weird "blind spot". I have more resources than I can give away, and yet I could get curbstomped. As a clue, I hate to exceed the fleet limit. But even spamming citadel-anchorages in every system, would I have the power to stop a 25x? Can I trust the AI empires to even slow that shit down?