Make Birdland Great Again. Clearly.
Vote Donald Duck 2216!
You're not gonna believe this, but their home system is named Yump.
with the flying birds better qualified leaders due to their ability to fly and move around faster
I reject this vile aerocracy and insist that only aquacracy can bring true peace and prosperity to the stars.
and want to preserve birdland's alien character.
Now this I find pretty fascinating. It's like living in a theme park!
Sounds actually worse than apartheid numbers, but they're not actually living apart - thus it's not apartheid. Doesn't actually seem to be anything wrong there since all the pops are cool with it, just look at human analogues for example. In the West we have loads of Jewish leaders and are hardly chafing at our conditions, quite the contrary. Or another analogue, that of Muslim rule in India over a far greater majority of Hindus, when the Mughals weren't in their "kill infidels" stage everything was splendid and you'd hardly find anyone taking issue with that either.
I think it would most likely be that the avians would be molluscaboos with political power, but since all the jobs in the avian empire are done by molluscoids, pretty much all the economic power would be held by molluscoids. Any trouble that would arise would be the issue of molluscoids bribing avian leaders in order to gain political influence over their affairs, leading potentially to severe corruption issues. Yet demographically, ethically and culturally, it would otherwise be pretty chill, especially since they all share the same ethos and are determined to treasure one another. Alternatively the squids could start feeling squid guilt and lobby for preferential treatment of avians
Interesting. I like the idea that they're boos for each other.
On that note, the situation has... progressed? There are now 23 molluscs and 0 birds living in birdland, other than a now-frozen pop in growth and enough spares to handle leadership. 19 birds call the various squidworlds home, meanwhile (while 6 more grow? species list says 25, but no known empires have any but mine).
I'm leaning towards mutual booship combined with a sort of royal family vibe, only they presumably actually do things.
I think a more interesting question is whether it's right to liberate pops who live in foreign Empires and are actually happier as slaves than free men. As a democratic crusader I found that answer quite easy, freedom is the only way, freedom isn't free - the price of blood and work is worth the life of freedom. Pops who were unused to having to feed themselves and make their own decisions would learn soon enough. Yet as a hive mind of cockroaches being attacked by democratic crusading xenos, I wondered why they were so keen on liberating our planets when our ant people hated every moment of freedom and would rather destroy their own farms and starve to death than to live under freedom. Dunno.
The cool kids were doing it first, so I couldn't resist MULTICULTURALING the last two worlds of the nearby fanatical purifiers (one of which is 5% habitability for them and therefore held onto through pure spite). But I finally understand America's dilemma, looking at all those juicy xenophobic isolationists and evangelizing zealots and such that it'd just be
so easy to conquer and puppet into friendly neighborhood federation builders.
For the moment I've taken the more reasonable approach in saying that provided you're not hurting anything too badly, your ethics are your choice and, while they make us sad, we're not going to descend like alien locusts onto your homeworlds to enact our own puppet government because
we'd prefer something else. But I can certainly understand the temptation to "fix" others, both from practical and moral standpoints.
Not even god can save us from this grimdark humanaboo future
Amen. This has got to be one of the strangest AARs I've ever seen.
Speaking of which, I'm thinking how I can post an AAR without cluttering the thread with a series of walls of text. It's quite a lot
I don't mind it here, especially as the thread's a little on the quiet side otherwise. A Let's Play would be a more formal place to continue Mankind's Bizarre Adventure.