So here's a question for everyone, and I'm not gonna say LW in particular but I am gonna laugh at something.
Suppose, hypothetically, that you have some intelligent, militaristic, fanatically xenophilic birds living on an arctic world, only to be visited by beings from the stars- charismatic, sociologist, individualist, fanatically xenophilic ocean-dwelling molluscs. These benevolent squid overlords raise their new featherfriends into their own crummy little dominion on their own borders. Eventually this empire actually spreads to a few nearby worlds, migration treaties are approved, and in the end our four-eyed feathery friends control 12 Pops located among three planets.
...eleven of which are chubby molluscs, while a lone, solitary avian bravely mans the capital, a second bird pop growing at the vigorous rate of 0.1 per month. Even their two colonies are pure, 100% overlord stock. The vast majority of the galactic snowbird population dwells on the cooler tentacle worlds, where they migrated about the same time aliens were flocking to their own world.
So the thing that really got me thinking about this, though, is that the bird empire is still primary species leader only. That's some apartheid-level shit on the numbers, everyone likes each other on both a species and empire level, it's the bird's homeland and holdings but they were raised up by the molluscs... I'm not sure what that society looks like, and I'm now really, really curious. Are the birds slightly pissed that everyone else left? Are they thrilled to have so many pet aliens? Do the molluscs care that they can't rule the bird's empire too? Are there royal bird families, or do high-end government jobs have an arbitrary restriction on them? Are there bird hardliners who think it's absolutely vital that birds remain in control of birdland, and if so why? Because it's theirs? Because they have to catch up to their squishy cousins? Because their good soft friends are too figuratively soft to do what must be done?
This has become a weirdly fascinating question for me.