Good god, everyone who borders my Empire views me as an inimical threat to their existence and those that do not find me contemptible, all diplomacy is impossible. And I had gone through all this effort to not genocide all the xenos I conquered! Now even my last NAP trading partner is against me, so I literally have zero reason not to genocide every one of my xenos slaves now. Except maybe the Juvan bird people, they're pretty awesome.
Also is research agreement trading bugged? I can never get the AI to start a trading agreement with me, every time I succeed the trade results in them giving me nothing but me still giving me my end of the trading deal.
MINERALS FOR DAYS, the planet's nearly outproducing the 30 planets worth of Vojislav sector! I can probably further improve efficiency by switching the power plants to a human-run world in Foxerod prison sector, cutting out all of Foxerod prison's food production facilities and replacing all the mulloscoid slaves with Juvan miners. That might take some time, but I reckon if I start a Juvan breeding world I'll be able to crank out all the miners needed in no time! Only way I could possibly improve this is with... I dunno, GMO brand Juvans :
On a sidenote, I think it is rather silly that starvation does not effect the efficiency of your workers, or even cause them to die of starvation. To quote the mouse from McGee's Alice, a good worker is a live worker, a dead worker is a bad worker!