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Author Topic: Stellaris: Paradox Interactive IN SPACE  (Read 1727393 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Stellaris: Paradox Interactive IN SPACE
« Reply #2100 on: May 13, 2016, 10:07:38 pm »

The science government in its basic form gives you +1 choice, and in its advanced form +2 choices. Combine that with the +1 choice from the physics research and mid game you're looking at 7 choices for every field. That should let you get whatever techs you want fairly easily. Just remember to scroll through the choices, they don't all fit in the UI.

keyword: mid game. playing xenophobic militaristic basically means waiting out until then, because early combat is just annoying - rock paper scissor strategy already sucks, but here you get to play just rock for, like, two hours? same problem as civilization game, first two hours are just to set up the mid game scenario and the random exploration stuff is the filler to get you there.

While agree that Rock/Paper/Scissor techs are annoying (why, for example, must there be three?), your analysis is wrong.

Armor/Shields only give a ~7% damage reduction at level one, and still needs to be researched.  The only thing I know about Point Defense is that it takes weapons slots, ergo less weapons to attack.  So overall, it isn't until midgame that anyone has defense systems that really hinder your weapons anyways.  Just use more Dakka.


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Re: Stellaris: Paradox Interactive IN SPACE
« Reply #2101 on: May 13, 2016, 10:14:19 pm »

Yeah, it's not really much of a rock paper scissors system. It's:

does the target have PD?

yes->use lasers
nope->use torps

torps bypass shields, do the most damage, have the longest range, and never miss. lasers are somewhat better on armor and skip PD. but projectile weapons are just bad.


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Re: Stellaris: Paradox Interactive IN SPACE
« Reply #2102 on: May 13, 2016, 10:56:50 pm »

What about the Disruptor and Plasma guns? Disruptor has 100% Shield damage bonus and Plasma 100% Armor damage bonus, I think?
But since they have like ~0.25 units of DPS lower than Laser T3, the Auto-Designer don't put them on your ships until you get the second tiers of those guns..but the bonus does make the damage higher than Lasers/Missiles, right?

I didn't pay attention to this, and I only recently started designing my own Destroyers and Cruisers since I'm usually fine with the auto-designed Corvettes.
I haven't played in a few days, though, so I don't have bigger ships or better tech yet. I got to Plasma T2 scanning debris from a smaller, slower, stupider enemy nation that somehow ditched more damage than me (because I didn't know about the higher research costs and all that).
It honestly feels like a lot of their problems came from the fact that their entire team was composed of cats, and the people who were supposed to be herding them were also cats.

Urist McScoopbeard

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This conversation is getting disturbing fast, disturbingly erotic.

Man of Paper

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Re: Stellaris: Paradox Interactive IN SPACE
« Reply #2104 on: May 13, 2016, 11:27:11 pm »

Woah, wait. I have a skeleton in me. Am I a spy?

In other news, I just came across these guys in a modded game (you'll never guess which mod)...

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

So I got some individualist pacifist spiritualist nids, if you're still warming up on your knowledge of the symbol jawns. As is probably clear, as The Chosen Few I'm a Chaos Space Marines (Fanatic Militarist, Individualist), so I don't really have any moral issue with letting them hang out.

Edit: Oh and for a little more on my current game, the first civ I come across are some fellow Fanatic Militarist Individualists in the form of the Adeptus Mechanicus. The first transmission they sent as soon as we understood one another was a declaration of rivalry. I like to imagine that as two groups who define themselves on the battlefield that it's more of a "Let's see who's strongest, may the best man win, I won't even be mad if I lose" kind of thing.
« Last Edit: May 13, 2016, 11:33:13 pm by Man of Paper »


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Re: Stellaris: Paradox Interactive IN SPACE
« Reply #2105 on: May 13, 2016, 11:53:45 pm »

Anyone else feel like Stone Age Primatives are an oversight?

You can uplift Non-sentients and you can advance bronze age primitives (or just take them over).

But REALLY there is nothing you can do with Cavemen? Can't abduct them? Re-educate them? anything?

Edit: Nevermind there are things you can do... but WOW is it limited... and only if your a slaver.
« Last Edit: May 13, 2016, 11:56:14 pm by Neonivek »


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Re: Stellaris: Paradox Interactive IN SPACE
« Reply #2106 on: May 14, 2016, 12:48:29 am »

Tried LU playthrough, glorius liberal materialist human union, which sees every new species as equal part in grand mosaic of the universe.
Everything went pretty well, as I managed to get some good and cheap researchers and workers with similar views from unhappy warmongering shitholes, so economy and research skyrocketed.
But then started immigration of religious militaristic rapid breeding bugs, which make everyone around them unhappy.
Then said bugs get unhappy because everyone around them is not religious enough. Borders cant be closed, goverment is forced to spend all political influence on bribing bugs leaders, because immigrants start blowing up my food producing buildings and cause even more rage with starting starvation, plan of supressing information via degree to stop ethics divergence does not work out, as with not enough influence your degrees stop working. And it is totally impossible to change any damn policies, because of 10 years waiting period.

Meanwhile one of shitholes I accepted immigrants earlier rightfully liberates planet with grand part of LU industry and their industrious awesome avian ex-citizens, which immigrated to me earlier, the invasion was so swift, that it looked like AI prepared specially for this day. Bugs elect their own president, who has food production bonus, so starting human population begins leaving due to being unhappy with being overwhelmed by religious insects  and bugs use food surplus to reproduce even more on my capital.
To finish that on the last remaining noncapital world insectoid separatists liberate themself from my ,, opression "( u wot, like I was liberal island of freedom, science and prosperity  in sea of militarist underdeveloped religious unhappy shitholes with slavery before you guys started immigrating, then you ruined everything, but I am still guilty somehow?)
So ends liberal union gaming experience.
Imperium policies worked waaay better.

For some reason this plotline feels uncomfortably familiar...
Logged if nothing really matters...
The Legend of Tholtig Cryptbrain: 8000 dead elves and a cyclops

Tired of going decades without goblin sieges? Try The Fortress Defense Mod


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Re: Stellaris: Paradox Interactive IN SPACE
« Reply #2107 on: May 14, 2016, 12:55:48 am »

I actually like the fact occupying hostile species is not easy. Currently, slavery is just too easy because slaves don't revolt or sabotage your economy. Once that is fixed, I think it will be nice. Purging will be gamewise the easiest option but ethically a monstrous one, which sounds correct. I imagine aliens could take us over pretty easily, for example, but there would be decades if not centuries of sabotage and unrest afterwards.

The infiltration malus (-25 invaded) to happiness must be a bug, though. Either that or the fluff text is wrong. Anyway, I hope in the future we can manipulate pre-FTL species more with infiltration/enlightenment/aggressive probing, such as change their values or the like with enough time.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Stellaris: Paradox Interactive IN SPACE
« Reply #2108 on: May 14, 2016, 01:58:33 am »

Okay I'm really not getting combat specializations.

Say I had a fleet with a decent amount of 2 corvette classes and a few destroyers. The first corvette class is just a simple laser ship. Lasers, armor, and shielding. That should be hostile, right? No point in trying to protect it?
The second corvette is a dedicated PD ship. A single laser, armor, shielding, and 2 PD weapons. Should this be defensive or aggressive? I would assume defensive since this ship shouldn't be at the front lines, but wouldn't that put the PD weapons out of range? Or am I just overthinking it?
And the destroyer is another generic destroyer - guns and defense. This should be set to defense as its the "MVP" class of the fleet and therefore should be kept alive to continue doing damage, right?
Quote from: RAM
You should really look to the wilderness for your stealth ideas, it has been doing it much longer than you have after all. Take squids for example, that ink trick works pretty well, and in water too! So you just sneak into the dam upsteam, dump several megatons of distressed squid into it, then break the dam. Boom, you suddenly have enough water-proof stealth for a whole city!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Stellaris: Paradox Interactive IN SPACE
« Reply #2109 on: May 14, 2016, 02:04:57 am »

Anyone else feel like Stone Age Primatives are an oversight?
Edit: Nevermind there are things you can do... but WOW is it limited... and only if your a slaver.

Yeah its pretty weak, I was able to colonize the world but didnt want to enslave them all so went for the science option. (enclaves, creates primitive tile blockers)  With the right techs and buildings it becomes an insane Social Science world, you basically do nothing but observe them all day long.

But its such an edge use, your only other option is just enslave them all if you have that kind of empire.
Marksdwarf Pillboxes
I wish I had something cool to say about this.  Because it's really cool.

Loud Whispers

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Re: Stellaris: Paradox Interactive IN SPACE
« Reply #2110 on: May 14, 2016, 03:22:01 am »

Anyone else feel like Stone Age Primatives are an oversight?

You can uplift Non-sentients and you can advance bronze age primitives (or just take them over).

But REALLY there is nothing you can do with Cavemen? Can't abduct them? Re-educate them? anything?

Edit: Nevermind there are things you can do... but WOW is it limited... and only if your a slaver.
Whilst I was busy conquering the fish people and figuring a way how to destroy them without being labeled a genocidal threat to the galaxy I figured I'd settle with enslaving the survivors and relocating them to border worlds - one of the funniest being my distant outpost on another spiral arm of the milky way.
Standing in the path of some sort of interdimensional swarm, my local rival and without direct support being available in any capacity, I figured this was a job for fish people. It got even better when I figured out there were non-sentient primitive fish people there.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
I tried picking a fishman pop that was going to be happiest on their new home (as a free fishman no less) but the fishmen are still pretty grumbly about the whole affair. Their every waking moment is a mockery of their existence, having to oversee a bunch of devolved versions of themselves in a mirror image of efficient retardation. The cavefishmen are genetically the perfect menial workers, but in actuality don't do anything except proliferate like bunny rabbits. I find the escapades of these fish people trying to deal with their primitive cousins so appealing that I am populating every world I have sent fishmen too with their primitive cousins, who for some reason breed far faster than their civilized folk. When at last I give them independence, even then they will no know respite from their frustrating relatives. They will know no peace, they will always have to live with the Zukkakan. My long term plan is to build up a massive store of non-sentient fishmen citizens I've managed to incorporate into my Empire (by landing a colony on their planet) in the hopes of flooding all the other Empires with Zukkakan fishmen, thereby tanking all of their higher society with brute force and naked fish dance, for the Zukkakan wear no clothes (despite all attempts by their cousins to clothe them).

If I can't find some way to get my Zukkakan fishmen to forcibly mass migrate into everyone else's Empires then once I've relocated a colony to the safety of my Empire's interior, I shall begin mass producing Zukkakan colony pods and send them across the galaxy. I can't be bothered to learn the name of the civilized fish people, I think it's funnier if they know their less evolved cousins are superior to them in every way - I just love how the Zukkakan are always happy :D
Literally, I can send the Zukkakan from their icy-waters, their natural habitat to some arid desert and they don't care. They get along just fine.
The fact that their more civilized cousins whinge so much will be used against them, as once I set up more and more colonies with Zukkakan and Evolved alike, I shall designate them in sectors and use the outraged Evolved ones to generate secessionists and thus generate whole sectors populated by Zukkakan and Evolved. I suspect the Evolved will take control of all of these factions given that the Zukkakan lack any ability to lead anything but a happy, simple life, but that doesn't matter - the Zukkakan will far outbreed the Evolved and thus accost them every day for all eternity.

With luck, they shall spread throughout the world and bog down all the other Empires in Zukkakan.
Lil happy fishmen, I swear I'll make whole aquarium worlds just for them, for my Miroslavs have become galactic tropical fish breeders :3

By the way, what's all this about uplifting? My technology revolves around terraforming, battleships and anti-corvette weapons. Can I explosively evolve all my Zukkakan colonies I'm seeding the world with?

Seriously I tried keeping hamster people, but they developed nuclear weapons and brought an end to their own civilization with devastating civil war. I am still nurturing their recovery back to health in the toxic wasteland that was once their home. Zukkakan are much better
All my colony pods landed and made shelters, but it seems the Zukkakan did not survive - I don't think the game intended for you to use pre-sentient species as pan-galactic cane toads. Time to see if there's some modding that could fix this!
« Last Edit: May 14, 2016, 04:02:56 am by Loud Whispers »


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Re: Stellaris: Paradox Interactive IN SPACE
« Reply #2111 on: May 14, 2016, 04:14:40 am »

Okay I'm really not getting combat specializations.

Say I had a fleet with a decent amount of 2 corvette classes and a few destroyers. The first corvette class is just a simple laser ship. Lasers, armor, and shielding. That should be hostile, right? No point in trying to protect it?
The second corvette is a dedicated PD ship. A single laser, armor, shielding, and 2 PD weapons. Should this be defensive or aggressive? I would assume defensive since this ship shouldn't be at the front lines, but wouldn't that put the PD weapons out of range? Or am I just overthinking it?
And the destroyer is another generic destroyer - guns and defense. This should be set to defense as its the "MVP" class of the fleet and therefore should be kept alive to continue doing damage, right?

You're talking about the AI buffs, right? Basic combat roles?

There's an important things about fleet combat that isn't readily evident: Smaller ships pack closer together and engage first, while larger ships tend to hang out back and throw slugs. This means your corvettes/destroyers (especially corvettes) will be taking the most damage, while your cruisers/battleships will chill in the back. As far as combat roles, this means you should give your corvettes defensive AI, and your destroyers offensive AI. I'm pretty sure the description for the AI modules is just fluff, pay attention to the stats. If you want your PD to not be at the front lines, just put it on the destroyers. They stay close enough to shoot down missiles but don't get shot at themselves.

This also means you should give your bigger ships bigger weapons, as they need the range to even be a part of the early fight at all (this also means hangers suck on battleships). I wouldn't recommend missiles in large mounts, since I think they take only one PD shot to take down, and they don't get extra health or anything, just range.
[Will:1] You scream. You scream like a little girl in pigtails and a tutu, flailing ineffectually like a starfish on meth.

Orange Wizard

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Re: Stellaris: Paradox Interactive IN SPACE
« Reply #2112 on: May 14, 2016, 04:36:23 am »

Hangars suck on everything.

I normally go lasers on my small ships, torpedoes and PD on the big ships. Then again I'm also the sort of person who spams military stations everywhere and spends 500 EC/month on upkeeping the useless things.
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Hard science is like a sword, and soft science is like fear. You can use both to equally powerful results, but even if your opponent disbelieve your stabs, they will still die.

Loud Whispers

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Re: Stellaris: Paradox Interactive IN SPACE
« Reply #2113 on: May 14, 2016, 04:41:42 am »

Hangars suck on everything.
Anti missile/corvette duty/literally everything that gets close

I normally go lasers on my small ships, torpedoes and PD on the big ships. Then again I'm also the sort of person who spams military stations everywhere and spends 500 EC/month on upkeeping the useless things.
Personally I find there's something more appealing with the huge "fuck off" value in a battleship fleet that is irreplaceably ancient and takes a decade to upgrade. Get a quarter on chain lightning, a quarter on heavy lasers, a quarter on shit tons of missiles and everything else copious amounts of plasma/bombers/fighters = everything evaporates before it gets close, whereupon it disintegrates

Orange Wizard

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Re: Stellaris: Paradox Interactive IN SPACE
« Reply #2114 on: May 14, 2016, 05:01:46 am »

Anti missile/corvette duty/literally everything that gets close
I dunno, I've never really had a problem with things getting close to my battleships. Then again I have like three of them surrounded by hundreds of corvettes/destroyers.

Personally I find there's something more appealing with the huge "fuck off" value in a battleship fleet that is irreplaceably ancient and takes a decade to upgrade.
I do it the French way. Build an obscene number of fortresses and hope the enemy doesn't work out how to go around them.
Please don't shitpost, it lowers the quality of discourse
Hard science is like a sword, and soft science is like fear. You can use both to equally powerful results, but even if your opponent disbelieve your stabs, they will still die.
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