Alright so, fairly simple rules..when in combat it's hardcore, armor adds defence. You have a natural unarmored HP of 10/10. I use a 0-10 random die generator, so when you exchange fire with the enemy that's what you'll be getting. Don't worry, you can pick other crewmembers later in the game. Anywayyyy
The Year 2035 AD-A large spaceship has been commisioned to colonize mars. You and five other crewmates will be managing the ship, with specific skills alloted. The mission once you get on the ground is another story, but you are about to depart the upgraded International Space Station(ISS) and have this equipment available:500 credits to spend, 10 stats points to spend
-Medpac one time use 5HP and stops bleeding:50 CR
-Zero-G Pistol:150 CR
-20 rounds for pistol:50CR
-Medscanner:150 CR
-Toolkit:150 CR
-EVA Suit-100 CR
-Scientific Data Collecting Equipment-100 CR
-Botany Equipment-100 CR
-Surgery Kit-150CR
Navigation-Helps pilot the ship. at least 5 points needed for full helmsmanship of the voyage and landing
Handguns-Shooting. for every point you have, it is halved and added onto your die when you do damage. ie. 5 stats means 2.5 gets added to your roll
Science-Used for collecting data onboard the ships science module. Each point is, once again halved and added to your roll
Hydroponics/Botany-Used for the hydroponic section of the ship. This is important as it feeds the crew:the crew needs one ration each per day to survive, mission control will send the first years worth with you. Same system as above.
Engineering-For anything that might and probably will malfunction during flight, an EVA suit and toolkit is recommended. As engineering is dangerous, it uses teh full stats(ie. 5 engineering+5 die roll=10, perfect successa
Medical-For helping fix wounded crew members in the onboard OR/doctors office. A medpac and surgery kit is recommended.
Security Guard:
Botanist Two:
Start signign up people! I promise there will be much adventure. I just have to find an app to draw stuff with, like ascii art. Any recommendations?