I just had to be lounging about at the waterfall with the Mayor, when she decided to fire the last coodinator. She immediately turn and tells me it is all my responsibility and I better get to work.
With a horrified shake of my head I run to get a drink. To my dismay though there is none. Word hadn't spread through the fortress about the change in leadership, so the brewers just told me to drink from the river like everyone else. Pphhit, dwarves drinking water. They got straightened out right quick.
My next shock came when I finally got the list of trade supplies from the broker. All of our meats were in bad shape and not in the least fit to eat. I ordered the Oddom Febesesh to do something with them, and asked him why they were like that. His statement of frost damage has led to order a new trade depot constructed inside.
I have only been on the job a whole 14 days and already I am thinking of throwing myself into the magma. I don't know a seed from a plow, and all the farmers are yelling that we have to get the planting in. The brewers scream that they have no barrels, and that crazy Mayor thinks we need backpacks for the soldiers. Why oh why did I have to be at the waterfall that day?!
Finally some good news here at the 1 of Slate. The miners at least know how to work. All those that haven't lost thier picks that is. Well it isn't a bad thing, the metalsmiths are finally getting on task, and the farmers listened when I pointed and said, "Those things look like plants, HARVEST THEM!"
Tis a rough first month for me. My life was much simpler when all I had to do was train new engravers. Oddom is working wonders with that meat, and things are starting to work out. Maybe I won't have to jump in the magma. *Harumph* That crazy little bitch Mayor might even be suprised to find some backpacks made.