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Author Topic: The Icy Heart: A Succession Game  (Read 16228 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Icy Heart: A Succession Game
« Reply #15 on: August 17, 2007, 06:51:00 am »

I've got two competent growers, so my reign basically revolves around getting us food and lodgings.

Hey, there aren't any creatures. Guess we're all alone.

I will mod in plastic as a resource.  I will then tweak the Dwarven civ entry so that coins are only made out of plastic, and are called "credit cards".
I will make dwarves purchase things with bushels of credit cards.  It will be a mockery of both systems.
It will be stupid.  But it will be gloriously stupid.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Icy Heart: A Succession Game
« Reply #16 on: August 17, 2007, 08:00:00 am »

Originally posted by PresidentEvil:
<STRONG>I've got two competent growers, so my reign basically revolves around getting us food and lodgings.

Hey, there aren't any creatures. Guess we're all alone.</STRONG>

Hmm there aren't many glacier creatures, you'll probably get polar bears and ice wolves, not sure you'll get the more dangerous things on wilderness there though the ice giants or whatever they are. Still bears is good for plenty of hunting if you need it  :)

Its like playing god with sentient legos. - They Got Leader
[Dwarf Fortress] plays like a dizzyingly complex hybrid of Dungeon Keeper and The Sims, if all your little people were manic-depressive alcoholics. - tv tropes
You don't use science to show that you're right, you use science to become right. - xkcd


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Icy Heart: A Succession Game
« Reply #17 on: August 17, 2007, 08:55:00 am »

From the collected journals of Stodir Idenlokum, leader of the Mountainwatchful expedition:

25 Obsidian:

Damnation! The way is blocked!

We chose this mountain for this reason! This pass should lead up the mountain and into the crater. We were to build our fortress on the shores of that soothing warmth, the fiery orange lifeblood of the mountain itself.

And now the pass is encased in tons of thick ice! Glacial ice, hard as the rock of the mountain itself! We shall have to find another way.

28 Obsidian 1051:

The mountain is blanketed with stony ice everywhere we look. I fear there is nothing for us in this cursed wasteland. The men are restless, and I have made a decision: if we cannot find a suitable delving site in three days time, the expedition will be abandoned. We shall cut our beards, return home, and await the judgment of our Queen...

1 Granite 1051:

Salvation! The men wanted to cut their losses and leave, but I insisted on seeing this, our final day, through. Although I doubt it should be called a day. The winds howl, the snow and ice whip everywhere, and the ever-present clouds keep the wastes black as night. But just as we had lost all hope, the sun glimmered, just faintly, behind the peak of a nearby mountain and we saw the sheer cliff that our wagons now stand in front of:

Truly the Firstminers watch over us. I have named the site "Mountainwatched" in thanks to them. But enough talk. It is time for us to take up picks and strike the earth!

14 Granite, 1051:

Woe and damnation to this cold! Several days ago, Zuglar and I struck a low bend in some sort of subterranean river. The tunnel was flooded with its chill waters, throwing us back and nearly drowning us in that icy tomb. I would have surely lost my pick, had these fingers not frozen to the bone instantly.

As the flood recedes, it leaves behind a layer of thick, rich mud. I order our two growers to begin planting immediately. We must have food.

In addition, I order the river bridged and our lodgings delved beyond, for security. If we were ever in danger, I doubt help would arrive quickly.

Date unwritten, Slate, 1051:

The farm has been delved out and the floodgates are being installed as I write. I have some hope that we may actually survive this winter.

Enclosed is a map of our progress so far:

1st Hematite, 1051:

I have been remiss in updating this journal of late, but for good reason. Our farm is nearly complete, our workshops are moved into a dedicated space, and we have begun digging a series of sturdy vaults to hold our supplies. Farming progresses well, and I am confident we will have supplies for winter.

Now all that remains is to locate some metal.

I will mod in plastic as a resource.  I will then tweak the Dwarven civ entry so that coins are only made out of plastic, and are called "credit cards".
I will make dwarves purchase things with bushels of credit cards.  It will be a mockery of both systems.
It will be stupid.  But it will be gloriously stupid.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Icy Heart: A Succession Game
« Reply #18 on: August 17, 2007, 10:41:00 am »

I started a similar game just to check out what I was getting myself into. You seem to have gotten stuff inside a bit faster then I did. Although, I suppose that is slightly more nessisary on a map that temperature. Starting to build a bit around the river I see?

[ August 17, 2007: Message edited by: Tarrasque ]



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Icy Heart: A Succession Game
« Reply #19 on: August 17, 2007, 11:04:00 am »

I usually try and use both. For example, I'll build temporary quarters, and then once I'm in my third year or so I'll bridge the chasm and delve quarters there.

Since it's highly unlikely we'll have all the beds we need by then, I think I shall instead build this one entirely between the river and chasm.

I will mod in plastic as a resource.  I will then tweak the Dwarven civ entry so that coins are only made out of plastic, and are called "credit cards".
I will make dwarves purchase things with bushels of credit cards.  It will be a mockery of both systems.
It will be stupid.  But it will be gloriously stupid.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Icy Heart: A Succession Game
« Reply #20 on: August 17, 2007, 11:22:00 am »

Works for me, my friend. Since you are building in my favorite area I would suggest using nile farming by detailing the limestone and then turning them into fortifications. That is by far the safest way to farm in that area. I dunno how much I will be able to do in my year as leader, but, I have some fun ideas. Who knows, I might go get us some magma stuff.   :D


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Icy Heart: A Succession Game
« Reply #21 on: August 17, 2007, 12:56:00 pm »

I like your style, President. I felt awfully cramped in the other succession game, with everything built so close to the surface. Although I ended up fixing that ( :D) I'm glad I won't have to do it again in this game.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Icy Heart: A Succession Game
« Reply #22 on: August 17, 2007, 02:46:00 pm »

Plus, it's easily defended. Goblins? Raise the drawbridge! Demons? Raise the drawbridge and then lower it!

Summer coming soon, probably tonight. Autumn coming either tonight or tomorrow.

Also, the member list has been updated.

I will mod in plastic as a resource.  I will then tweak the Dwarven civ entry so that coins are only made out of plastic, and are called "credit cards".
I will make dwarves purchase things with bushels of credit cards.  It will be a mockery of both systems.
It will be stupid.  But it will be gloriously stupid.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Icy Heart: A Succession Game
« Reply #23 on: August 17, 2007, 08:26:00 pm »

Drawbridges? Bah. Real dwarves meet the foe with blade and bolt, and maybe a few catapults or a scattering of weapon traps. An unbeatable, no-risk defense is no fun to use at all.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Icy Heart: A Succession Game
« Reply #24 on: August 18, 2007, 02:29:00 pm »

Sorry guys, but I am having a lot of trouble get DF to run for more than about 5 minutes. Reinstalling hasn't helped, so I'm gonna cut my game short and hand things over to Tarrasque, the next dude on our list. You get what's left of my turn and then you can play yours, if you want.

The file is here:


EDIT: Of course, I only keep the drawbridge up long enough to marshall the troops during sieges. After they're ready, we get medieval on those goblin suckas.

[ August 18, 2007: Message edited by: PresidentEvil ]

I will mod in plastic as a resource.  I will then tweak the Dwarven civ entry so that coins are only made out of plastic, and are called "credit cards".
I will make dwarves purchase things with bushels of credit cards.  It will be a mockery of both systems.
It will be stupid.  But it will be gloriously stupid.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Icy Heart: A Succession Game
« Reply #25 on: August 18, 2007, 07:35:00 pm »

Hmm, I have gotten the game now, but, I think the rest of this year will take some time. There are quite a few things I plan on doing that I will discuss in character in the updates. A lot of the starting stuff involves stockpiles and a bit of perma-flood prevention and optimization. WE NEED BOOZE!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Icy Heart: A Succession Game
« Reply #26 on: August 18, 2007, 08:22:00 pm »

Summer: Year 1

This darn hell hole is a bloody mess I say! The barrels are being used to store more then they should, that is to say, They have no booze 'n em! Bah! I decided to join these exiles to see if they not only pass dat dern test they were sent up here for, but, make a blood good clan hold as well. This place will either be our home or our tomb, so, I say we make it our home! First thing in order is that I am in charge now fer the previous leader's remain'n term and a year after, ya'hear?


Good, now, I am Tarr, I am a metal smith. Fat lot of good that'll do until we get from survivin' around this hole and get to thrivin'! Ya hear me?! Now, let's get off our lazy arses and get some booze a flowin. Also, we needs to get the farms up and running better and I dunnae want to see any of that flood water seepin out of the farms ya hear?!


(Note I forgot to show the channels in this picture, oh well, this'll be our farm)

Good, now that we got that darn flood gate area covered in channels we need to get us a bloody common hall! Let's get to work miners, the rest of us, keep hauling! We gotta get this food ready for the winter!


Alright! Before fall we gotta test out those flood gates, pull that lever that our mechanic setup! Aha! That's good, guess our miners are good at what they do. Alright, shut off the flood and let's get back to work on making that area ready to farm!


Thus, ends the half of summer I had.


Major problems is that a lot of our food is in barrels and so I only have three barrels to make booze in. I hope during the fall some of itwill get eaten and I am going to gift the dwarves a lot so I will hopefully get a large amount of immigrants. I need that food eaten damnit!

I went with the floodgates since they were already setup and since we might eventually want a nice underground forest, heh.

Fall updates soon!

[ August 19, 2007: Message edited by: Tarrasque ]



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Icy Heart: A Succession Game
« Reply #27 on: August 18, 2007, 09:26:00 pm »

Fall: Year 1

Work is goin' well. We have already completed the farm portion of the large cavernous area and I have noticed that small plants have started cropin' up in it. I think if we enlarge the thing we could get enough plants to make some beds an' the like! For now, this farming area will do. It was good work to complete, aye.


Well, bloddy 'ell! It looks like we have a caravan coming in. Mason! Go finish the trading post quick before they arrive at our gates. I guess the we're getting some support if we have the coin to pay for it after all.

Bah! Fat load of help their supplies will be. All they had was a bunch of leather and cloth. A whole ten Plump Helmets is all the provisions they brought for trade! What a waste of time. Go give them some of our practice stone carvings and some of our other goods in trade for those helmets an give the rest for the King. As a "gift". Hah, he'll like that'n.


Now that we got the Great Hall area all mined out place down some tables and chair so we have a place to sit an eat. Four will do for now, we'll get more later! Right, back to work!


Right more work to be done, mine out the area around where we are storin the food. That'll become our storeroom for now. Good, good, now remove all those bleedin shops from that one area and make some damn room! Also, carve up the hallway! Ye lot have been complainin about travel and that should fix it. Now carve up a room to the north of our food supplies so that we have a bleedin place to sleep! Dwarven style. We dun need no stinkin single rooms and make use of those five beds the first leader left us with. First one to claim the bed gets it for the time they are sleepin' in it. Those are the rules now.


Thus, the end of fall.



Well, things are going rather well. I had a suprise when the dwarven caravan showed up pretty early in the season(I think) and had to have my mason rush out there and finish it. I finished a few projects, such as the barracks(which is where all non-special dwarves sleep.. bah) the hall, some more additions to the underground forest, and a larger storepile with no damn barrels allowed. They are for ale only. Unfortunate setback would be that I did not get a fall migration, probrably due to the low fortress value at the moment. I will definately be working on changing that during the winter and I think a few more things are in order. Out for fall!

[ August 19, 2007: Message edited by: Tarrasque ]



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Icy Heart: A Succession Game
« Reply #28 on: August 19, 2007, 04:32:00 am »

Just so you guys know, I am actually done with my turn, I just have a bunch of seasons to post up. After I get them all up I will put the Fortress up for grabs. I hope you guys like what I have done.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Icy Heart: A Succession Game
« Reply #29 on: August 19, 2007, 04:52:00 am »

Winter: Year 1

Alright lads, listen up. We need to head further into the mountain since we cannae wait on these dern underground trees to grow. We need to get to the magma and make use of the heat and the forging potential. You two miners start getting me there, once we are there the mason and myself will take care of the rest. Got it?

I'll be damned, I did not expect to see Iron so soon! Well keep digging, this is a good developement, but, we still need to go deeper and find the magma as well as coal. What the hell is that? Looks like something cleft a giant hole or chasm through the mountain! I will get the architect over here to make us a bridge quickly.

Alright, we're making good time lads. We crossed that chasm and I want you two to head straight forward, got it? Make sure ye keep things stable so we don't have any collapses. What the.. Lad! You've struck gold, you must be some sort of lucky charm, haha! Iron and then gold already, well done!

Alright, you two have done enough here for now, head to the enterance and make it a bit more spaceous.

Damnit you lads I told you to keep this cavern stable and now it has colapsed. But, it is alright, I have supports being put in. It should be stable enough to continue digging, I want you two to dig north and south and see if you can find us some coal. *time passes* Aha! Well done lads! Well done! Go have yourself an ale, I hear there is a party going on.

Thus, ends year one.


Well, I must say we got pretty lucky on the iron being right where I wanted it. Although, I had to do some looking to find the coal. It did not elude me for long though. I took the metal smith as my leader so that it would be even more in character for me to do what I am doing. Stay tuned for my actual year coming up tomarrow. Ugh, I am tired.

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