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Author Topic: The Icy Heart: A Succession Game  (Read 16243 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Icy Heart: A Succession Game
« Reply #105 on: September 14, 2007, 08:52:00 am »

Sorry but that will have to wait till the hammerer comes in.

Phew lucky me

Courage. Do one brave thing today, then run like H#ll.
Insanity: What others call geniuses when they are jealous and/or unable to comprehend the ideas/inventions of amazing/epic proportions of the one being called insane.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Icy Heart: A Succession Game
« Reply #106 on: September 15, 2007, 02:07:00 am »

Nice job in drowning him   ;) goes well with the story. You've made yourself an interesting character being that noble. Glad to see that I am being more productive. Only somewhere around 150 or so more things smelted to get to legendary, hehe.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Icy Heart: A Succession Game
« Reply #107 on: September 15, 2007, 02:10:00 am »

Originally posted by Bricktop:
<STRONG>I'd like to add my name to the list of rulers please...</STRONG>

Oh, I forgot to say that I added you to my list on the first page, second post.



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Icy Heart: A Succession Game
« Reply #108 on: September 15, 2007, 03:29:00 am »

Glad you like it i should have the next update done by tomorrow. Night at latest. And it will meet demands this time.
Courage. Do one brave thing today, then run like H#ll.
Insanity: What others call geniuses when they are jealous and/or unable to comprehend the ideas/inventions of amazing/epic proportions of the one being called insane.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Icy Heart: A Succession Game
« Reply #109 on: September 16, 2007, 01:13:00 am »

Im afraid i hit an unavoidable obstacle and i wont be able to update until tomorrow.   :(
Courage. Do one brave thing today, then run like H#ll.
Insanity: What others call geniuses when they are jealous and/or unable to comprehend the ideas/inventions of amazing/epic proportions of the one being called insane.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Icy Heart: A Succession Game
« Reply #110 on: September 16, 2007, 04:23:00 pm »

4th Hematite

Another... Another has fallen into secrecy to full fill his Dreams... Tsk Tsk Tsk... If this one falls insane as the other one did, we will be having another accident.

He claims the crafts workshop. Probably going to make something worthless.

9th Hematite

...It seems he found all he needed. Surprisingly we have all what he needed.
Obsidian, Rose Qaurtz, Adventurines, cut green glass gems, hematite, fish bones of all things... even the leather is pathetic coming from small animals of no worth.

11th Hematite

*sigh* more proof that our Mayor isnt too bright. Violation of Production order. Injured Party: Mayor. Victim: Ezum the Axedwarf. If she wasnt always surronded by others I would have dealt with her personally.

13th Hematite

He has finished. An obsidian amulet was created. Something worthless was created... as always

ah well, the others will praise him.

17th Hematite

The humans have arrived. Tall they may be like elves. At least they are not treehuggers. They have come with their Merchant Baron. He seeks an audience with the trade minister.

THIEVES. Thieves dare try to steal what belongs to this fortress? They will be dealt with harshly.

18th Hematite

AT LAST! My time for retribution has arrived. I will now go and end this. She will not know what will be coming.

Slowly short_dwarf creeps out of his room. He peers into hall. Seeing no one he sneaks across into the room next door. Slowly opening and closing the door as to make no noise. The room was a dining room. Sofly he walks into a study finding the door wide open. He stands there until he finds what he was looking for. The bedroom door. Smiling he reflects on how he told the dwarf who placed the door to put it in backwards. He quickly bolts the door shut making a loud click noise. Iden wakes with a start.
"Wha..?" Iden starts. A low chuckling is heard from outside her door. "Whos there?" she demands. She runs up to the door to find it locked. She searches for the lock on the door only to find that then door has been reversed. "But how?..." Slowly she recognizes the sound of the chuckling.
"I have won dear Iden," short_dwarf says, "I have won and and I have ended this." short_dwarf turns around and walks away laughing. A laughter with a touch of insanity.
"NO!" Iden screams from behind the door, "NO! Let me out!" Tears slowly begin to drip down from her eyes. Her voice starts to quiver more and more as she continued to scream. Until she finally falls silent in wait of her death.

My retribution has started. A month to pass and I will have ended it. I will find a way to dispose of her body after she is found dead. Only then will I finally be content.

25th Hematite

Food has been falling rapidly. The current order of how things are run regarding food is not efficient enough to sustain a fortress of this size. I immdeatly set a new set of orders that should be effiecent to sustain this fortress. Farmers were to focus purely on their certain job. I enlisted others who are not needed in there current profession to farming where we need more. I noticed a long string of animals that were tagged as to be bucthered. It seems whoever did that isnt exactly right in the head as there were no butcher shops to butcher the animals. I had an area dug out specifically so that the stenc doesnt bother others, the I could care less. I had dwarves concentrate their focus also on brewing and cooking and fishing so that we could increase our food stocks even faster. The food and drinks from the Humans may barely be passed as edible, but it was better then vermin. Even with the new food orders four have still died of starvation.

7th Galena

short_dwarf was on his way to inspect the forge and smelters. But really all he ws interested in was on how his tomb was doing. It was as he was passing the bridge over the chaasm that he noticed something different about the place. There was a smell. Something similar to blood but with something else. slowly short_dwarf recognizes that something as bat blood.
"Bat blood?" short_dwarf said in confusion. He turns around and notices a lumb on the ground off to his left. Moving closer he takes a look at the lump on the ground. His face grew pale. The lump and the ground had had giant wings similar to a bat, two clawed short feet, and a blowgun of some sort. "GAURDS!" short_Dwarf hollors, "GAURDS! SET A PERIMETER AROUND THE CHASM!"

As I write now the gaurds and military are rushing towards the chasm. I have found a dead body of a batman. The weapon traps probably only stopped the surprise but they will come never the less.

20th Galena

I had wondered what that lever in the middle of the hall does. I ordered that for someone to flip that switch, but I found no effects. Sighing I had some flip the switch again. This time though... I found what it does.

22nd Galena

I had to tell the gaurds and military to stand down. They have argued that there is nothing coming from the chasm. They believe that one creature as an exile. But I know better. He was a scout.

23rd Galena

At last she has died. Alone, slowly, and painfully. None had gone to her aid. For now I am content.
For now...

Courage. Do one brave thing today, then run like H#ll.
Insanity: What others call geniuses when they are jealous and/or unable to comprehend the ideas/inventions of amazing/epic proportions of the one being called insane.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Icy Heart: A Succession Game
« Reply #111 on: September 16, 2007, 04:24:00 pm »

Ok the bridge thing my bad. I didnt know what that would do until after the bridge fell.
Courage. Do one brave thing today, then run like H#ll.
Insanity: What others call geniuses when they are jealous and/or unable to comprehend the ideas/inventions of amazing/epic proportions of the one being called insane.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Icy Heart: A Succession Game
« Reply #112 on: September 16, 2007, 05:41:00 pm »

Don't feel too bad about the bridge incident.  I crushed a few things when that siege came in.  They were all just animals though.

You might still be subject to hammering, since one of the mandates was to not actively kill immigrants and nobles.

Also how did you possibly manage to get starving dwarves?  The food supplies should have been good for nearly half a year.  There should have been enough time to bring in the first spring crop of helmets without any trouble, and I saw in of your early posts that you got the farms going first thing in spring.

Must have been a problem with your new stockpiles.  That was actually why I just built mechanics shops right in the tree farm area.  Why haul the stone twice when you can just haul a mechanism once.

Anyhow since the game is back moving I feel confident saying sign me up for another term.

"Please, spare us additional torture; and just euthanise yourselves."
Delivered by Tim Curry of Clue as a parody of the lead ass from American Idol in the show Psych.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Icy Heart: A Succession Game
« Reply #113 on: September 16, 2007, 05:58:00 pm »

First even with the stockpiles theres still tons of stone loose. Second i cant get hammered as the requirement is not to DROWN any noble or immigrants, mentions nothing of killing. The only one to drown was someone who would have died eventually, I just sped up the process. The starving I think came from the dwarves suddenly wanted to go on breaks and haul stuff from the siege. Also only one farm plot was set to plump helmet. But even then the farmers had only planted 6 seeds in those 3 plots for about a month. And its a good thing they gotta walk twice. I want no fat dwarf
Courage. Do one brave thing today, then run like H#ll.
Insanity: What others call geniuses when they are jealous and/or unable to comprehend the ideas/inventions of amazing/epic proportions of the one being called insane.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Icy Heart: A Succession Game
« Reply #114 on: September 16, 2007, 09:21:00 pm »

That is a lot of death in one post. It is good that you didn't crush many dwarves with that drawbridge. We should probrably tell people what the bridges do, heh.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Icy Heart: A Succession Game
« Reply #115 on: September 18, 2007, 08:44:00 pm »

sorry for the seemly lost of attention been busy and update should be up by tomorrow night
Courage. Do one brave thing today, then run like H#ll.
Insanity: What others call geniuses when they are jealous and/or unable to comprehend the ideas/inventions of amazing/epic proportions of the one being called insane.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Icy Heart: A Succession Game
« Reply #116 on: September 19, 2007, 07:32:00 pm »

Originally posted by short_dwarf:
<STRONG>First even with the stockpiles theres still tons of stone loose. Second i cant get hammered as the requirement is not to DROWN any noble or immigrants, mentions nothing of killing. The only one to drown was someone who would have died eventually, I just sped up the process. The starving I think came from the dwarves suddenly wanted to go on breaks and haul stuff from the siege. Also only one farm plot was set to plump helmet. But even then the farmers had only planted 6 seeds in those 3 plots for about a month. And its a good thing they gotta walk twice. I want no fat dwarf

Do you know what the Hammerer hates more than anything?

That's right, semantics.

Hope you made some plate armor!

I will mod in plastic as a resource.  I will then tweak the Dwarven civ entry so that coins are only made out of plastic, and are called "credit cards".
I will make dwarves purchase things with bushels of credit cards.  It will be a mockery of both systems.
It will be stupid.  But it will be gloriously stupid.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Icy Heart: A Succession Game
« Reply #117 on: September 19, 2007, 07:36:00 pm »

You know right now i wish i made some plate armor right now. The mayor keeps blaming the legendary metalsmith that no large gems are being made. Metalsmiths dont make gems. And i cant even make large gems. if my character wasnt it little wierd in the head I would kill that mayor. Legendary weaponsmith being beaten for not making any large gems.

Oh and just to say Tarr you will have a surprise coming up.   ;)

Courage. Do one brave thing today, then run like H#ll.
Insanity: What others call geniuses when they are jealous and/or unable to comprehend the ideas/inventions of amazing/epic proportions of the one being called insane.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Icy Heart: A Succession Game
« Reply #118 on: September 19, 2007, 10:42:00 pm »

11th Limestone

The caravan from home has arrived. I do hope they brought alot of goods with them.

18th Limestone

At last i discover why Tarr has been so recently active in his work.

He has been trying to find inspiration... Though will our previous ruler go insane?
If he does ill help him to peace.

I also noticed as I was helping haul bins to the trade depot that there was a tree.
Growing in the middle of the hallway.

How did that get there?

25th Limestone

Tarr has gathered all his needed materials. I am quite curious on what he is creating.
Obsidion, turtle shell, and pig tail cloth as well as a couple gold nuggets.

1st Sandstone

He finaly finished. I must admit that I am pretty impressed with the gold goblet he

Though others may disagree I quite like this artifact.

4th Timber

The immigrant have arrived. This brings our population back up to 111. Only six...
I decided that the hunter should join the ranks of marksdwarves. One of the miners
that arrived I stationed him as another wrestler. One of the metalsmiths how ever,
will start a new sqaud. One that will use the mace.

18th Timber

At a constantly asked request, I had rooms dug out next to the river for wells.
I had traps laid out in case something comes out.

29th Timber

The Fall was a bit less bloodless then the summer and a whole lot softer. The food
should last us the winter.

Courage. Do one brave thing today, then run like H#ll.
Insanity: What others call geniuses when they are jealous and/or unable to comprehend the ideas/inventions of amazing/epic proportions of the one being called insane.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Icy Heart: A Succession Game
« Reply #119 on: September 19, 2007, 10:49:00 pm »

Also next update should be by friday night.
Courage. Do one brave thing today, then run like H#ll.
Insanity: What others call geniuses when they are jealous and/or unable to comprehend the ideas/inventions of amazing/epic proportions of the one being called insane.
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