Proposed Arstotzka-Moskurg War Treaty
- The intentional usage of any gaseous or liquid acidic, paralytic, or nerve agent that can directly harm humans on humans is prohibited
- The intentional usage of any weapon that utilizes harmful natural or engineered diseases that can directly harm humans on humans is prohibited
- The usage or production of any weapons capable of spreading radioactive contamination over any area is prohibited
- The mistreatment/excessive interrogation of prisoners is prohibited.
- All prisoners should have access to a basic cot, three meals a day, and should not be subject to actions including the usage of drugs, waterboarding, cutting/maiming, and/or any other action that could be classified as inhumane
- The use of immature animals and/or humans (babies, puppies, kittens, etc.) in battle is prohibited
i believe it looked at this
1. point #5 does not specify what happens if for whichever reason the country responsible for imprisonment decides to provide quarters superior to what is written
2. in point #4, it is probable that the
should not be subject to actions including the usage of drugs, waterboarding, cutting/maiming, and/or any other action that could be classified as inhumane
from #5 should be merged with #4, as it constitutes a subset of mistreatment//excessive interrogation
3. suggested creation of highway or railway through contested territories (plains, mountains, jungle) and its destruction being prohibited (vehicles would not be subject to this clause and their destruction, as long as this does not damage the underlying railway/highway, would be allowed)