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Author Topic: Non hard-coded Starting Scenarios  (Read 1203 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Non hard-coded Starting Scenarios
« on: July 19, 2015, 09:19:31 am »

I am rather excited by the upcoming development item that is the fortress starting scenarios.  However I am also afraid that Toady One might hardcode the fortress starting scenarios rather than have them defined in the raws. 

Quote from: Development page
Fortress Starting Scenarios

        Expand framework of law, custom, rights, property and status as needed to provide a variety of scenarios
        Foundation of laws, both natural and supernatural
        Explicit standing of different citizens vs. civilization authorities
        Possible expansion of religious and family concepts to provide sufficient scenarios
    Starting scenarios
        Various possiblities that guide or govern fortress activity: frontier settlement, religious site, prison colony, mining company, military citadel, roadside inn, secondary/future palace of the monarch
        Drastic changes to migrants based on starting scenario
        Caravans/diplomatic relationships based on starting scenario
        Reclaim mechanics should be folded into this
        Generalize starting scenario relationships to every site foundation
    Hill/deep dwarves
        Ability to bring extra dwarves appropriate to the starting scenario
        Entity populations surrounding your fortress in appropriate environments, both above and below ground
        Ability to move dwarves in and out of surroundings
        Relationship with surrounding dwarves
        Ability to trade/demand food in depot or similar place with surrounding dwarves

I shall have to make assumptions here as to what the starting scenarios mean or else I cannot demonstrate how I would implement the tags.

1. Frontier Settlement: Status Quo default, things basically work as they do now.
2. Religious Site: A site centred around a small group of idle priests, served by a larger number of temple servants and visited by pilgrims.
3. Prison Colony: A site with a central group of prison guards and a larger number of prisoners that have to be kept under control.
4. Mining Company: A site where there is a small group of owners and a large number of workers
5. Military Citadel: A site centred on a group of soldiers and a roughly equal number of civilians that mantain them.
6. Roadside inn: A site where resident dwarves are a minority and entertain a larger number of visiting patrons.
7. Palace of the monarch: A site devoted to one or more civ-level position-holders.  It is divided between the idle ruling family (s) which is of varying size and a number of servants that work for them.

There would only be a small number of small number of tags referring to the settlement as a whole, the majority apply specifically to classes.

The settlement is permanantly tied to one or more positions that exist at a civ level in the entity file, this includes the land-holder positions.  The site must be constructed within 8 squares of the site where that character is located at present.  The character commutes between his land-holder site or the capital and the [PALACE] site, he spends all the seasons that the civilization is not active at the palace but during the active season he is away; this does not happen if the palace is also the capital.  If the character is killed then the new position holder would arrive at the end of the active season as if they were returning.  Family members of the position remain permanantly at the site and do not commute away.  This would be in play for the palace of the monarch.

The settlement is considered of low value as a target, which means that the site will not be attacked by enemy armies unless it is within 8 squares of one of their own settlements or there are no remaining sites left to attack.  This would be in play for the prison colony and roadside inn.

The settlement is not expected to mantain itself independantly.  It recieves an annual dump of goods during the active season in order to cater for it's needs; the value of this dump is adjusted by the population of the settlement.  The dump is deposited at the fortress trade depot and will always arrive unless there is no other accessible settlements of the civilization left.  This would be in play for the prison colony, palace of the monarch and military citadel.

The site is not capable of constituting a viable civilization alone.  This means that should there be no remaining sites that do not have this token in the civilization then all these sites will immediately turn into frontier settlements and all dwarves will lose their class status.  This would be in play for the prison colony and roadside inn.

This site cannot enter into trade or political relationships with minor settlements (such as hillocks or mountain halls) and will never have landholder positions (such as barons).  This is in play for the prison colony and roadside inn.

Then there are the tags that partain to the specific classes.

Working like caste numbers do at the moment, this determines what % of new immigrants to the site will be of the different classes.
Membership of this class is defined by having a family relationship to the [PALACE] site's ruling position, who automatically belong to this class.  This applies to the ruling family of the palace of the monarch.
The first dwarves to arrive in the fortress automatically belong to this class.  This applies to the owners of the mining company.

This means that the total number of a given class will not exceed a give % of the total population cap, excess will leave with those without positions being favoured.  Applies to the prison guards of the prison colony, the civilians of the military citadal and the residents of the roadside inn.

Members of the class have no loyalty to the site government at all.  If the site comes under attack, they will ignore all [CAN_SPEAK] enemies that are not [OPPOSED_TO_LIFE].  Applies to the prisoners of the prison colony.

Members of this class will not do menial work, exempting only work directly involved with the positions they hold.  If not holding a position they are referred to by their class name rather than by their professional name.  Applies to the priests and pilgrims of the religious site, the prison guards of the prison colony, the soldiers of the military citadel, the ruling family of the palace of the monarch and the patrons of the roadside inn.

Members of this class only appear during a particular season, spending the rest of the time at the location that they migrated from.  In this special case it is the season with the largest number of this class that counts towards population limits, including for [POP_CAP_LIMIT] not the total for all seasons.  This applies to the pilgrims of the religious site and the patrons of the roadside inn.

[FIXED TERM:?:?:?:?]
Members of this class are only resident for a particular time limit, randomly determined between the limits defined.  After they have spent this amount of time at the site then they will leave the site permanantly.  Applies to the prisoners of the prison colony

If members of this class find themselves with no [JAILOR] class individuals watching them and a means to get to the map edge that does not involve coming into visual range of any [JAILOR] class individual they will try to escape.  If they succeed then they will still count as members of the site for population limit purposes but the recapturing of the individual happens independantly, if they are recaptured they are returned to the site.  This applies to the prisoners of the prison colony.

Members of this class are instumental to controlling others.  This applies to the prison guards of the prison colony.

While doing labours, members of this class will freeze unless under the supervision of a [JAILOR] individual. This applies to the prisoners of the prison colony.

If not presently engaged members of this class will pray far more often than normal dwarves.  This applies to the priests and pilgrims of the religious site.

Rather than choosing the most valuable item that will meet their need those of this class will select the lowest value item instead. This applies to the prisoners of the prison colony.

Members of this class cannot be assigned to squads.  This applies to the pilgrims and priests of the religious site, the civilians of the military citadal, the patrons of the roadside inn and the prisoners of the prison colony.

Members of this class cannot hold positions.  This applies to the pilgrims of the religious site, the patrons of the roadside inn and the prisoners of the prison colony.

When members of this class migrate to the site they come with an escort of guards that do not join the fortress but leave once their charges have arrived safely.  This applies to the prisoners of the prison colony.  The guards have the [JAILOR] token until they leave the fortress. 

Members of this class bring payment with them whenever they arrive on the map, payment they then deposit in the trade depot of the fortress if they can.  This applies to the patrons of the roadside inn.

Members of this class are paid a fixed allowance of goods from the fortress stockpile, an amount determined by the highest skill they have.  They can only take from the stockpile an amount of goods equal to the value of the allowance they have been given.  They are given an allowance upon arrival and again at the beginning of every season.  Allowances do not carry over from month to month, those who have a great deal of allowance left at the end of the month get an unhappy thought.  They can however spend their allowance on coins if they are available in the stockpile, coins can be returned to the stockpile to regain the stored allowance.  This applies to the workers of the mining colony.

Membership of this class can be bought.  Provided that the individual of another class has enough personal wealth (including coins) to pay the ownership price, which is determined by the total wealth of the fortress then he/she can hand over that personal wealth to the fortress in return for becoming a member.  It is implicitly assumed that what they are buying is something worth having and is superior to their previous class.  This applies to the owners of the mining colony


  • Bay Watcher
    • View Profile
Re: Non hard-coded Starting Scenarios
« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2015, 03:45:14 pm »

I'll read this in a while, just posting to show interest. BUT speaking of starting scenarios...

I once embarked on a site not knowing that it was near a hydra cave. The caravan somehow managed to FALL through some strange ice or something and ended up CRUSHING the hydra. Thus began the age of the caravan wood caravan(It was actually the age of the something something titan, but a man can dream!)


  • Bay Watcher
  • Discordia Vobis Com Et Cum Spiritum
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Re: Non hard-coded Starting Scenarios
« Reply #2 on: July 21, 2015, 12:02:13 pm »

I'll read this in a while, just posting to show interest. BUT speaking of starting scenarios...

I once embarked on a site not knowing that it was near a hydra cave. The caravan somehow managed to FALL through some strange ice or something and ended up CRUSHING the hydra. Thus began the age of the caravan wood caravan(It was actually the age of the something something titan, but a man can dream!)

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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Non hard-coded Starting Scenarios
« Reply #3 on: July 23, 2015, 11:22:09 am »

I'll read this in a while, just posting to show interest. BUT speaking of starting scenarios...

I once embarked on a site not knowing that it was near a hydra cave. The caravan somehow managed to FALL through some strange ice or something and ended up CRUSHING the hydra. Thus began the age of the caravan wood caravan(It was actually the age of the something something titan, but a man can dream!)

That is a pretty strange situation.  The weight of creatures does not at present ever cause the floor to collapse (caravans count as a type of creature in the game code), meaning that for that to happen there must have been ice.  So the ice must have been the only thing between the hydra cave and the surface, it must have melted while the caravan was on the ice and the caravan falls into the cavern below. 


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Non hard-coded Starting Scenarios
« Reply #4 on: July 23, 2015, 11:37:44 am »

I'll read this in a while, just posting to show interest. BUT speaking of starting scenarios...

I once embarked on a site not knowing that it was near a hydra cave. The caravan somehow managed to FALL through some strange ice or something and ended up CRUSHING the hydra. Thus began the age of the caravan wood caravan(It was actually the age of the something something titan, but a man can dream!)

That is a pretty strange situation.  The weight of creatures does not at present ever cause the floor to collapse (caravans count as a type of creature in the game code), meaning that for that to happen there must have been ice.  So the ice must have been the only thing between the hydra cave and the surface, it must have melted while the caravan was on the ice and the caravan falls into the cavern below.
The only time I ever end up with a wagon on ice is when the game puts my embark wagon on a frozen lake that thaws 1 tick after unpausing.  Sort of a "no pick challenge."
Just got back, updating:
(0.42 & 0.43) The Earth Strikes Back! v2.15 - Pay attention...  It's a mine!  It's-a not yours!
(0.42 & 0.43) Appearance Tweaks v1.03 - Tease those hippies about their pointy ears.
(0.42 & 0.43) Accessibility Utility v1.04 - Console tools to navigate the map