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Author Topic: Mission 23: Thing that Goes Bump in the Night  (Read 53674 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mission 23: Thing that Goes Bump in the Night
« Reply #405 on: October 31, 2015, 01:41:44 am »

Get that new facility up ASAP, and try to pull most shipments from there on this (last?) run. Keep the dirty surgeons paid and busy, however. We did promise them paychecks.

If we really are pulling ships to orbit, I will join them. I can still manage the medical teams from SPAAAAACE. I don't want to die. Bring my Orangutan (and Orangutan supplies) with me.

Otherwise, stay on the ground, and work my medical shifts. Keep the doctors on-shifts and make sure they're getting paid. Keep that beautiful separation of upper-stack work and lower-stack work beautiful. Watch for fatigue and burnout, and do what I can to mitigate both.

Talk to the Sons about a successor to what essentially amounts to my head-of-board status. I can't be here to maintain it; someone's going to have to step in when I go off to do more ARM work.

Hell, maybe that won't even be a problem. Think about the chances are that we'll end up actually claiming this stack for ARM.

"Wow. So this is what it looks like when a planet dies," Ryan muses aloud, stroking his pet absentmindedly, in an almost-Bond manner, "On a scale this big, it just... Doesn't faze me. Not anywhere near like the Haebi planet."

He looks over at Dester.



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mission 23: Thing that Goes Bump in the Night
« Reply #406 on: October 31, 2015, 07:47:18 am »

Dester glances at Ryan before looking back to the window. It affects me. I don't know, maybe I carry too much of the weight of the worlds on me.
 Dester visibly shakes himself, and turns. either way, we have work to do. Let's ride the Horsemen of the Apocalypse, to glory or destruction. Dester laughs darkly.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mission 23: Thing that Goes Bump in the Night
« Reply #407 on: November 03, 2015, 11:33:50 am »

My action was not included in the update. Was it missed or subsumed by the changes?

Relocate the command staff into orbit upon our finest, fastest, safest ship.

Import only food. Export only people. Offer space on ship to the highest bidders. keep most shipping off planet as much as possible, landing under tight security to load people. unload from orbit. Acquire and use whatever weaponry necessary to retain control of our ships.

Build ships. buy up shipbuilding operations, hire crew and more militia for protection. make sure our people are fed in exchange for their loyalty.

Send message to Steve:
Quote from: Dester to: command
The situation is grim. Millions die. War is imminent. We have a near monopoly on shipping and are importing food as fast as we can, while exporting people as fast as we can. It is a drop in the bucket. The situation is, as I am sure you are aware, exceedingly unstable. Food and a show of military might could win this planet, once the warfare dies down a bit. The population will likely be drastically reduced, and the economy will be shattered, so expect serious rebuilding and general chaos. We six have somehow become the center of a global storm. We have power, wealth, and a large organization, but are now primary targets for the hatred of the suffering, and our relationship with the government is becoming quite tense. Advice would be most welcome.

Insist on retaining our ships. Pressure the government to remain off our ships in exchange for guarantees that we will import only necessities and that government contracts have top priority. Caution them against the devastation that not having any shipping might cause, and remind them that they have other problems right now, and we are actually trying to help, and would help best if given support and access (docking protection, freedom of movement, whatever is useful).

Launch a media campaign, assuring the people that we are working hard in this time of catastrophe to bring necessary supplies to the people. Promote ourselves as hard at work for the benefit of all.

Attempt to get some of our own into government.

Attempt to form an alliance with the other shipping companies, perhaps even merging under our wing, as a mutual protection thing, so we face the crisis as a united front. unfortunately, I remember what happened to the engineers and farmers on the sharkmist colony, so be ready to cut and run if attacked. Our shipping will be of use elsewhere.

Dester watches the world burn. Millions die. Riots, cults, famine, and war. the apocalypse has begun, at least on these most populated worlds. it's a damned shame. it's a catastrophe that dwarfs imagination. The cost in human suffering is monumental. No, monumental is not a big enough word. Countless images, quotes, and events from history - from times of war, times of death - cycle through Dester's mind as he witnesses global chaos. his own recent crimes feel almost benign now, in comparison. His guilt, while great, is dwarfed by the misery before him.

Something here will survive this. Dester intends for him and his to be a part of that. We will survive. We will make something of this. My team will live and we will make something of this.
By command staff I assume you mean the mission crew? Ok. In orbit.

Importing only food. Exporting only people, space on ships to highest bidders. Tightening security at shipment points. Still getting rioting and mobs at the landing pads. Security shooting into crowds that try to storm the shuttles.

Building ships is extremely hard. Resources and workers are running low as the lower sections of the stack are shut off. Thats where the manufacturing was.  You do your best.


Government still pushing. You buy time via favors, bringing them things and getting members off planet. They appear to be very close to just ignoring the law and taking it by force.

Propaganda running. It seems to reassure most people, for the moment at least.

You can get them in but not far up. The higher positions are elected and we're not exactly having elections right now.

Most of the other companies are, well, either being subsumed by their governments or taken over some other way.

Quote from:  Vincent to: Dester
"Firsts things first, we need our ships off planet Now, and we may need to cut and run. We might have enough ship space to get the numbers we need anyways. I think next we should contact Steve and see what he wants before we act next. If he doesn't want anything further, it isn't worth the risk for us to stay here any longer, we can retreat and complete the original mission without further risk to ourselves. If Steve want's us to stay, we should ask for reinforcements, and get immediate information on the cult"

Request that next turn not be a full time skip, only the amount of time it takes for Steve to reply, and contact Steve to find out what he want's and if he finds any further value in us staying on this planet

Quote from:  Vincent to: Steve
We managed to keep things stable for a while after amp's stopped being reliable, and ended up with a lot of control, power and money because of it, but this planet relies too much on amp based shipping that things have started to deteriorate fast here. We probably have enough ship space to get you the bodies this mission originally required, so if we cut and run right now, we can probably still complete mission objectives as they originally were. That being said, if this planet is valuable to you, or if you wouldn't mind us continuing to work on a stable supply of bodies, taking control of this planet might actually be possible, and creating a steady supply of bodies would then be more then possible. The catch to us taking control of the planet is, it will vastly increase the risk to us, and we may very well need back-up. There is a cult here that is also taking advantage of the chaos, and we have yet to gather enough intel on them to determine how much of a threat they are, aside from that they are indeed a threat. For now I'm agreeing with Ozarck and pulling our ships off the planet, as the planet's governments are trying to commandeer the ships from us, but aside from that I await your orders"

Steve Now wants you to get as many people as you can, 50,000 or more doesn't matter, and get off the planet. Plans have changed. He states also to prioritize young, fertile individuals with good genetic backgrounds and no illnesses or conditions.

Get that new facility up ASAP, and try to pull most shipments from there on this (last?) run. Keep the dirty surgeons paid and busy, however. We did promise them paychecks.

If we really are pulling ships to orbit, I will join them. I can still manage the medical teams from SPAAAAACE. I don't want to die. Bring my Orangutan (and Orangutan supplies) with me.

Otherwise, stay on the ground, and work my medical shifts. Keep the doctors on-shifts and make sure they're getting paid. Keep that beautiful separation of upper-stack work and lower-stack work beautiful. Watch for fatigue and burnout, and do what I can to mitigate both.

Talk to the Sons about a successor to what essentially amounts to my head-of-board status. I can't be here to maintain it; someone's going to have to step in when I go off to do more ARM work.

Hell, maybe that won't even be a problem. Think about the chances are that we'll end up actually claiming this stack for ARM.

"Wow. So this is what it looks like when a planet dies," Ryan muses aloud, stroking his pet absentmindedly, in an almost-Bond manner, "On a scale this big, it just... Doesn't faze me. Not anywhere near like the Haebi planet."

He looks over at Dester.

All that is basically taken care of and we'll assume you and the rest of the team are off planet and working from the ships.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mission 23: Thing that Goes Bump in the Night
« Reply #408 on: November 03, 2015, 01:16:23 pm »

Quote from:  Vincent to: Dester
"Firsts things first, we need our ships off planet Now, and we may need to cut and run. We might have enough ship space to get the numbers we need anyways. I think next we should contact Steve and see what he wants before we act next. If he doesn't want anything further, it isn't worth the risk for us to stay here any longer, we can retreat and complete the original mission without further risk to ourselves. If Steve want's us to stay, we should ask for reinforcements, and get immediate information on the cult"

Request that next turn not be a full time skip, only the amount of time it takes for Steve to reply, and contact Steve to find out what he want's and if he finds any further value in us staying on this planet

Quote from:  Vincent to: Steve
We managed to keep things stable for a while after amp's stopped being reliable, and ended up with a lot of control, power and money because of it, but this planet relies too much on amp based shipping that things have started to deteriorate fast here. We probably have enough ship space to get you the bodies this mission originally required, so if we cut and run right now, we can probably still complete mission objectives as they originally were. That being said, if this planet is valuable to you, or if you wouldn't mind us continuing to work on a stable supply of bodies, taking control of this planet might actually be possible, and creating a steady supply of bodies would then be more then possible. The catch to us taking control of the planet is, it will vastly increase the risk to us, and we may very well need back-up. There is a cult here that is also taking advantage of the chaos, and we have yet to gather enough intel on them to determine how much of a threat they are, aside from that they are indeed a threat. For now I'm agreeing with Ozarck and pulling our ships off the planet, as the planet's governments are trying to commandeer the ships from us, but aside from that I await your orders"

Steve Now wants you to get as many people as you can, 50,000 or more doesn't matter, and get off the planet. Plans have changed. He states also to prioritize young, fertile individuals with good genetic backgrounds and no illnesses or conditions.

After the conversation witb Steve ended, Vincent sighed. All the work he put into minimizing harm, and now Steve is specifically asking for the people most victimized by the government we are fighting. Oh well, time to man up

Quote from:  Vincent to: Mission Team
Alright guys, word's in from Steve. He want's us the hell out of here, towing as many bodies as we can while fleeing with our tail between our legs. As far as I see it, our best option would be to stop with the prisoners entirely, and fill our ships entirely with refugees, specifically families. As much as I hate the fact we are collecting up the most innocent people in this war to do unspeakable horrors on, Steve wanted healthy reproductive bodies, so that's what we'll give him. So, first dibs for ship access goes to the sons if they want to, second should probably be our security staff and their families, so that they have a strong incentive to protect our ships as they land for the last time, and then finally we should pack our ship's to capacity with the rest of our refugees from our refugee program. If we run out of refugees before we run out of space, we should put out a media campaign saying that our company has lost faith in this planet's government, due to the repeated attempts to steal our ships, we are leaving for a more stable planet, and will take as many paying families as we have space on our ship, on a first come, first serve, basis... Any questions?

Take credit for 50% of Dester's following action, with the added detail of offering ship space to any member of the son's that want to come
« Last Edit: November 06, 2015, 08:44:35 pm by Kedly »
((No.  ER Lasers are tickle generators, and dispense hugs, loves, and puppies.))
The fedora guy has potentially lethal amounts of swag :v


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mission 23: Thing that Goes Bump in the Night
« Reply #409 on: November 03, 2015, 03:46:27 pm »

Dester takes a long, hard look at the reply from Steve. Cut and run? Why is this such a hard decision? The planet is in chaos. Billions are dying. the government is after us ...again. Not like that is a new experience for any of us. Dester looks around at the command staff, wondering for perhaps the first time how each ended up imprisoned. No doubt every story is different. it's not like everyone has such a similar name to a notorious serial killer, after all. I guess it's time ...

Alright everyone, looks like the boss is calling us home. Does anyone have any objections to gathering as many breeding women and young men as we can and going? Now?

Vincent, I wouldn't put out htat propaganda piece until after we are away, at the earliest. maybe not even then. we wouldn't want the government tipped off that we are running. The will fight hard to prevent that.

I agree that we should prioritize our staff, with security first. Let's also prioritize speed. The government is getting a little too close to losing their shit as it is.

Gather as many breeding women and young men as possible, with the specifications given by Steve, but prioritizing our safety over care in selection. That is, move quickly, but discretely so the government doesn't see us bolting. Prioritize our staff over others - the people we hired to help us, especially the security forces. When it looks too dangerous to remain on planet, (or in orbit) leave.


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Re: Mission 23: Thing that Goes Bump in the Night
« Reply #410 on: November 03, 2015, 08:15:26 pm »

Quote from:  Vincent to: Dester
The propaganda idea is more of a last ditch attempt, if we don't get the bodies we need from security staff and the refugee's, but yes, speed is key at this point
((No.  ER Lasers are tickle generators, and dispense hugs, loves, and puppies.))
The fedora guy has potentially lethal amounts of swag :v


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mission 23: Thing that Goes Bump in the Night
« Reply #411 on: November 03, 2015, 09:30:24 pm »

Quote from: Dester to: Vincent
I doubt it will be necessary at all. People are rioting to get onto our ships, or to steal them. We should have more than we can possibly handle. Our biggest challenge will be prioritizing breeding stock over anyone else.

Take credit for 50% of Dester's following action, with the added detail of offering ship space to any member of the son's that want to come
Why not, lol. You beat me to most of it anyway.

Quote from: Dester to: Ryan
I trust you and the doctors can handle sorting people and taking the healthy breeders over others? Gus and Jesse can oversee the process of keeping out those who don't get selected.
« Last Edit: November 04, 2015, 07:53:36 am by Ozarck »


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Re: Mission 23: Thing that Goes Bump in the Night
« Reply #412 on: November 04, 2015, 12:08:41 am »

"Yeah. We can screen patients. We can even do it without them knowing they're being screened."

And, while we're at it, let's take the less legally-inclined doctors. Tell them we need them at the new location to assist with the decryogenesis procedures.

Inquire to Steve as to whether or not we can make use of said surgeons in a surgical manner. Elsewise, they go to collections along with everyone else.


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Re: Mission 23: Thing that Goes Bump in the Night
« Reply #413 on: November 04, 2015, 05:27:28 pm »

Quote from:  Vincent to: Dester
Depending on how many people we have on our refugee waiting list, filtering may actually be pretty easy, as families would for the most part be a perfect match for what we are looking for. We only let families know about pick up times
((No.  ER Lasers are tickle generators, and dispense hugs, loves, and puppies.))
The fedora guy has potentially lethal amounts of swag :v


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Re: Mission 23: Thing that Goes Bump in the Night
« Reply #414 on: November 04, 2015, 10:01:10 pm »

"We still doing this sneakily? Or should I have some fellas round up some extra people before we leave? You know, have them 'arrest' people, throw them on the ship."

Defer to Dester's judgement on whether or not to send such an order.

Just keep fighting the rioters off and keep on the lookout for the government or others.
« Last Edit: November 04, 2015, 11:22:58 pm by DoctorMcTaalik »


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Re: Mission 23: Thing that Goes Bump in the Night
« Reply #415 on: November 04, 2015, 10:20:57 pm »

No, at this point, people are fighting for space on the ships. We have prisoners we've been transporting, high bidders, and lots of refugees. Our biggest challenge now is getting healthy breeders over other people, and preventing mobs, organizations, and the government from stealing our ships. Just keep fighting the rioters off and keep on the lookout for the government or others.


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Re: Mission 23: Thing that Goes Bump in the Night
« Reply #416 on: November 06, 2015, 03:33:41 pm »

Continue job unless ordered otherwise by Dester, Vincent, or Steve.
Of course, Twin is neither man nor woman but an unholy eldritch abomination like every other Bay12er. The difference is they hide it better.
Quote from: Caellath on IRC
<Caellath>: Twinwolf, your thirst for blood has been noted.


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Re: Mission 23: Thing that Goes Bump in the Night
« Reply #417 on: November 09, 2015, 11:21:56 am »

So, do you guys basically want to bug out right this turn or just get everything ready to bolt and then hang around for another turn or two? It's looking like you want to just grab as many people as you can and end the mission this turn.

Is that what you want to do? End the mission this turn?


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Re: Mission 23: Thing that Goes Bump in the Night
« Reply #418 on: November 09, 2015, 02:40:36 pm »

Essentially. I mean, we got an order from The Man Upstairs to bug out.

Unless the rest of you wanna stage a coup, I'm aces to bug out on a mission success.


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Re: Mission 23: Thing that Goes Bump in the Night
« Reply #419 on: November 09, 2015, 03:29:14 pm »

Vote to end mission this turn, while still attempting to bring as many bodies as we can fit into the ships, take all of the ships we have with us
((No.  ER Lasers are tickle generators, and dispense hugs, loves, and puppies.))
The fedora guy has potentially lethal amounts of swag :v
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