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Author Topic: Mission 23: Thing that Goes Bump in the Night  (Read 53799 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mission 23: Thing that Goes Bump in the Night
« Reply #240 on: September 07, 2015, 09:24:19 pm »

Was this the part that was hard to follow?
Wait for either Xael to bring us a subject, or at least one other security person to return before allowing any emigre to come in.. Have no more than three in the building and out of stasis at a time. Leave space in that process for Ryan and I to take time to work on other projects, so we can expand. Say the following to the son.
If so, I mean:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

To the son:
I got a little carried away, I guess.  I'm not used to being either clandestine, nor considered as in the "lead group." Plus, I was under the impression that a couple of our people came along to be sort of the public face of the group. I might have to revise my thinking about what they can expect up around Delta.

Well, is there anything you need of us before getting the shipping business rolling, or getting people in place to make contact with this guy? If not, go ahead and arrange it.

I have a couple questions:
1) We are going to establish an office for the shipping company someplace other than one of our for bases, correct?
2) Do you need anything before you start getting the word out to people who want to get off world? Remember, I'd like to start smuggling adults only, and just a few at first.
3) Are we ready to set up other businesses? I mean the kind in which lots of people come and go regularly, like health clinics or restaurants or the like where we can hire people who will do some o the dirty work.

I think at this point I can only wait for some of the plan to be implemented. IF the Son needs to go elsewhere to make arrangements, either let him go, or accompany him, depending on which he thinks best. If I leave Beta, leave a note for Xael. Contact info if the son allows it, otherwise, just a generic "gone shopping" type note.

"Not really. I'll get it set up."

"Yes. I was going to put it near the closest dock."
"Adults only might be limiting. Many people want to bring their family. Whats the cut off age?"
"No. Just the restaurant as a front that commonly interacts with people. We have several other fronts but they aren't the kind of thing that people just walk into."

We'll get it started. It might take some time so we might need to time skip at some point. You should be safe here, so you can stay.


Ryan listens in on Dester talking before piping in, "...As for shipping our... Cargo. Are we buying space on automatic cargo ships as well? Or are we smuggling them out on our own vessels? Either way, we need to get them through customs... What is customs like here, anyway?"
"Buying space is the only way. Customs shouldn't be a problem. We'll use one of the lesser docks. Grease the right palms.  Customs in the lower areas is a tax; you bribe the officials and it gets through. You don't and it doesn't, or it gets lost or damaged. It is what it is."

"Would I be able to get some of our funds? I think I might walk around and get used to the local behaviours and dialect" Request minor funds, and then head out regardless if I've been granted any. To a park if I have no funds, to a restaurant if I was given some. Bring one of the muscle with me "Who's up for a recon mission? ... it'll be boring, but I'd like some backup, both for appearances, and just in case something unexpected happens"
Say the following to the Son"Hold that thought, I'll ask again later once I'm certain of where I'll be the most."

"Hey, Vincent, was it? I'll go with you, seeing as I have to do the same anyway."  Go with Vincent.
The son gives you a plastic card. He tells you that using physical money up here would be very strange. He tells you also to speak as little as you can and to regard anyone serving you in the same way you would regard a vending machine. They are not people, they are things which do your bidding. No words beyond the necessary. There's a form of slang up here that it would take too long to teach you, but you'll be ok if you just shut up.

"There's a few restaurants back that way, But I recommend going to one where you can get a semi-private booth and watch  over each other's shoulders so as not to draw attention by staring. Order, eat, leave.  These people don't sit and talk. They've got places to go."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mission 23: Thing that Goes Bump in the Night
« Reply #241 on: September 07, 2015, 11:57:35 pm »

"Looks like this just became a murder-kidnapping. Perfect." Xael smiles.

Stay hidden and watch. Determine who is most subordinate and least armed; Mentally designate them "target".
Now, memorize the location of each enemy and take cover before taking out everyone besides target with the Amp. Use spheres of heat and aim for center mass.
Leave cover and point gun at target. Yell at them to get on the ground.
Did you miss me or are you just keeping the others unaware of my death for Fun reasons?


  • Bay Watcher
  • DiceBane
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Re: Mission 23: Thing that Goes Bump in the Night
« Reply #242 on: September 08, 2015, 08:04:26 am »

To the son
Cut off age is whatever constitutes legal adulthood here. if that is a meaningless distinction, then twenty standard years.

Here is a default sequence for emigration.
1) Two test subjects. middle aged, no families to speak of. For Ryan and I to practice on. he'll take the lead in one operation while I assist, and then I'll take the lead while he assists.

2)groups of no more than three every couple days while Ryan and I have no extra hands. Pick first from people without families, criminals, and people with addictions or medical issues. All legal adults.

3) as help is recruited, ramp up operations, until demand is met from those demographics, then start taking people with families who want to go alone, and finally, if the demand for export from those groups does not fully occupy our process, begin with full families.

4) If legal exportation of criminals supplied by the justice department is in high enough demand that we can occupy our resources through that avenue, then prioritize that over smuggling operations. there will always be people wanting off this rock, but the political climate for legal export of criminals might wax and wane.

to Ryan (Gentlefish)
So, have you anything you want to do? I thought you were interested in checking out hospitals and maybe starting our medical internship program. You still waiting for Xael to bring you a body to play with first?

If you do decide to head to the hospitals and medical schools, you wanna take Petra or Vincent along? They might get you in a little easier than going alone, unless you think your medical experience can camouflage you better alone.

Or was there something else you were thinking?

Stay at Beta. Watch the news and political gossip channels to pass the time and familiarize myself with the situation. Pick up Manuel's Jar and tap on the glass.
« Last Edit: September 08, 2015, 08:35:13 pm by Ozarck »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mission 23: Thing that Goes Bump in the Night
« Reply #243 on: September 08, 2015, 05:01:01 pm »

Ryan sighs.

To Son, after Dester finishes talking.
"If it's families, let them bring their kids. No age limit. They're essentially the property of the parents, anyway.

And yes, I think I would like to see some dossiers on surgeons whom lost malpractice suits. Especially heinous ones, if possible. Things like removing extra limbs or adding extra limbs or organ harvesting for the black market. I'm sure we have a few of those on this planet, yeah? You're right though, we can't have too many. Three can keep a secret and so on.

And if we're taking criminals, I suppose they can miss a kidney or half a liver. No reason we can't make money to pay the surgeons, after all... Is there a black market for organs here we can access easily and quietly?"

To Dester
"I'd like to have some information on whom we're picking up, first. I want to make sure they're fine with shipping off strangers to weird experiments... Not that they'll know what they're doing, exactly. Just that it's money for an easy surgery that gets rid of people on this planet.

If I -am- visiting a medical school, I'm sure I'd do better alone and with a small weapon or none at all - "
he taps his head, "After all, I have a little built-in cauteriser in my skull."

Back at the son
"I... Do still have my PK, yes?"


  • Bay Watcher
  • DiceBane
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Re: Mission 23: Thing that Goes Bump in the Night
« Reply #244 on: September 08, 2015, 08:41:27 pm »

To Ryan
So you want the sons to filter the doctors first? And let's not jump onto bringing kids and families right away. I still have a conscience, you know. As do some of the others. Let's at least try to take mostly criminals and undesirables. And peole who might actually be better off where they are going, at least for a while.
« Last Edit: September 09, 2015, 01:42:19 pm by Ozarck »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mission 23: Thing that Goes Bump in the Night
« Reply #245 on: September 08, 2015, 09:03:56 pm »

"I want to see doctors with sketchy or criminal backgrounds, yes. We don't want any paragons of virtue or even someone with a moral compass that points even a little north.

Because let's be honest, we're cutting people up and putting them back together so we can perform experiments on human subjects - willingly or unwillingly. But considering what we -used- to be and that the UWM put children there, whatever we do to the poor bastards is better than leaving them here. Whether they survive the ordeal or... Not. Look up Dead Man Running some time. I was shown a few episodes when I was a med student, back before I booked for the UWM."


  • Bay Watcher
  • DiceBane
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Re: Mission 23: Thing that Goes Bump in the Night
« Reply #246 on: September 09, 2015, 11:00:52 am »

A moral compass isn't necessarily the problem. They don't need to know what we are doing this for. All they need to know is they have an opportunity to work, if they are discrete.

And a moral compass that points at least a little north will keep them from stabbing us in the back every time we take our eyes off them. A gang of soulless monsters will tear itself apart in no time. We need sustainability. To invite chaos is to invite madness. And failure.
« Last Edit: September 09, 2015, 01:42:01 pm by Ozarck »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mission 23: Thing that Goes Bump in the Night
« Reply #247 on: September 09, 2015, 12:36:41 pm »

Ryan shakes his head.

"What we don't need are idiots. Idiots bite the hand that feeds, so to speak. So long they have a compass, it doesn't matter how skewed it gets; they'll have morals. They might be more like 'We could harvest both his kidneys and put him on dialysis' or 'who needs their whole liver?' but they'll know they have it good here.

It's why I want to go after more... practiced surgeons first. They'll not only have the experience, but also the wisdom to not stab a business that run in human trafficking in the back. Else they might end up on the next shipment, and missing half their own organs."

He sighs and leans against a nearby operating table.

"If we're going to do something here, I want to do it right. I'd like to see us set up an operation that gets a steady supply of bodies back to research, and hopefully turn a small profit in organ trade."


  • Bay Watcher
  • DiceBane
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Re: Mission 23: Thing that Goes Bump in the Night
« Reply #248 on: September 09, 2015, 01:05:23 pm »

Dester frowns.
Again, for all they know, we are shipping people out to a better life. They don't need to know about where the shipments are going. Sure, most will suspect that we aren't as benevolent as we seem, but I think few will suspect the depths we are sinking to. As for organ harvesting ... you keep that limited - nothing life threatening, and only on criminals, and only use a limited group of your more unethical doctors. and drop it at the first sign of trouble. As long as it doesn't threaten our main objectives.

Dester rubs his temples.

Where do you plan on selling these organs anyway? I don't think St- the boss is worried about the income.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mission 23: Thing that Goes Bump in the Night
« Reply #249 on: September 09, 2015, 01:26:06 pm »

Ryan chuckles.
"I honestly don't see it as sinking to any depth... And the harvesting would be limited to criminals and only what they don't need to survive. Like I said, a kidney here and part of a liver there.

It shouldn't threaten any of the main objectives - so long that we get the right... Crew. I'm sure there's a market here for organs - it's why I'm asking into it before harvesting any. It'd be mostly to help pay off the surgeons we -do- end up hiring and to help maintain a sustainable operation. Gotta have money coming in to pay our dear friends in the station and our sweet angels of mercy the surgeons."


  • Bay Watcher
  • DiceBane
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Re: Mission 23: Thing that Goes Bump in the Night
« Reply #250 on: September 09, 2015, 01:44:00 pm »

Alright. Keep me posted on your progress.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mission 23: Thing that Goes Bump in the Night
« Reply #251 on: September 09, 2015, 02:33:47 pm »

"Looks like this just became a murder-kidnapping. Perfect." Xael smiles.

Stay hidden and watch. Determine who is most subordinate and least armed; Mentally designate them "target".
Now, memorize the location of each enemy and take cover before taking out everyone besides target with the Amp. Use spheres of heat and aim for center mass.
Leave cover and point gun at target. Yell at them to get on the ground.
Did you miss me or are you just keeping the others unaware of my death for Fun reasons?
Using space magic down here eh? That shit doesn't really show up in the civilian world so you might be over doing it.

Oh well.

Hmm you don't roll great but you've got a lot of skill.

You quickly move out of their path, hiding around a corner after quickly doing your best to memorize their positions. You do a quick series of burns, aiming for, in your mind, where their center of mass should be. Judging from the screaming through, ie the fact that there is more then once voice out there and several screaming about burning, you didn't quite succeed.

To the son
Cut off age is whatever constitutes legal adulthood here. if that is a meaningless distinction, then twenty standard years.

Here is a default sequence for emigration.
1) Two test subjects. middle aged, no families to speak of. For Ryan and I to practice on. he'll take the lead in one operation while I assist, and then I'll take the lead while he assists.

2)groups of no more than three every couple days while Ryan and I have no extra hands. Pick first from people without families, criminals, and people with addictions or medical issues. All legal adults.

3) as help is recruited, ramp up operations, until demand is met from those demographics, then start taking people with families who want to go alone, and finally, if the demand for export from those groups does not fully occupy our process, begin with full families.

4) If legal exportation of criminals supplied by the justice department is in high enough demand that we can occupy our resources through that avenue, then prioritize that over smuggling operations. there will always be people wanting off this rock, but the political climate for legal export of criminals might wax and wane.

to Ryan (Gentlefish)
So, have you anything you want to do? I thought you were interested in checking out hospitals and maybe starting our medical internship program. You still waiting for Xael to bring you a body to play with first?

If you do decide to head to the hospitals and medical schools, you wanna take Petra or Vincent along? They might get you in a little easier than going alone, unless you think your medical experience can camouflage you better alone.

Or was there something else you were thinking?

Stay at Beta. Watch the news and political gossip channels to pass the time and familiarize myself with the situation. Pick up Manuel's Jar and tap on the glass.
"20 then."

Alright, we'll have you both do your initial surgeries through actual actions and then the rest will be automatically rolled for in the background.

We don't have a TV in beta. It's a warehouse. No cable.

Ryan sighs.

To Son, after Dester finishes talking.
"If it's families, let them bring their kids. No age limit. They're essentially the property of the parents, anyway.

And yes, I think I would like to see some dossiers on surgeons whom lost malpractice suits. Especially heinous ones, if possible. Things like removing extra limbs or adding extra limbs or organ harvesting for the black market. I'm sure we have a few of those on this planet, yeah? You're right though, we can't have too many. Three can keep a secret and so on.

And if we're taking criminals, I suppose they can miss a kidney or half a liver. No reason we can't make money to pay the surgeons, after all... Is there a black market for organs here we can access easily and quietly?"

To Dester
"I'd like to have some information on whom we're picking up, first. I want to make sure they're fine with shipping off strangers to weird experiments... Not that they'll know what they're doing, exactly. Just that it's money for an easy surgery that gets rid of people on this planet.

If I -am- visiting a medical school, I'm sure I'd do better alone and with a small weapon or none at all - "
he taps his head, "After all, I have a little built-in cauteriser in my skull."

Back at the son
"I... Do still have my PK, yes?"

You're contradicting your friend there.

Most of those doctors would be in prison, but we can grab them once they get paroled.

Scavenging them for organs they won't miss eh? Not sure if the Heph boys will like used goods, but I suppose they won't know unless someone tells em.

Yes, you have your amp still.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mission 23: Thing that Goes Bump in the Night
« Reply #252 on: September 09, 2015, 03:00:29 pm »

Ryan nods and sighs.

He asks the Son here,
"Parole... Yes. When's the soonest I can meet one or two of them in person, out of whatever passes for jail here? And where's, say, the nearest medical school in the mid to lower levels?"

He then directs towards Dester,
"Well, I suppose it'll be an honor working with you, Dester. As much as I miss actual surgery, I think I'm going to become... Quite tired of it quite soon, and I know I don't want to be stuck here the rest of my days performing the same surgery on everyone.

Anyway, I suppose it's time to do some serious information gathering."

Join Dester's plan of "off-duty" time at Alpha. Even though there really is no "off-duty". And we have an allowance, yeah? Pick up some local whatever-passes-for-newspapers and scour the news for information on the criminal world or civil unrest - maybe we can play an asylum route.

...On that note, should I even bother with the organ-harvesting bit? What's the long-term funding like?
« Last Edit: September 09, 2015, 03:44:43 pm by Gentlefish »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mission 23: Thing that Goes Bump in the Night
« Reply #253 on: September 09, 2015, 03:19:40 pm »

We don't have a TV in beta. It's a warehouse. No cable.
I knew that.
mealtimes and sleeptime and off duty time is to be spent at Alpha, or in the Strip around Alpha. No point sleeping on the floor of a warehouse. While at Alpha, watch local news and political gossip channels, eat in the restaurant, and occasionally visit other stores and do light shopping (provided I can get some walking around money from the Sons). Otherwise, continue with the plan. Await developments. Be ready for eventual time skip.

An honor? It will certainly be an experience. Here's to a profitable enterprise and interesting times. Hopefully mostly interesting for the other guys, as the New Chinese used to say.
((Gentlefish, PW has already mentioned that wireless communications in the stacks are pretty much nonexistent over any significant distance. If we are in the same building, they will probably function, otherwise, they need a land line connection.))
« Last Edit: September 10, 2015, 07:30:33 am by Ozarck »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mission 23: Thing that Goes Bump in the Night
« Reply #254 on: September 09, 2015, 06:42:19 pm »

"Thank you for the help. Should I head back here or to Beta when I'm done? After the son responds, head out and find a restaurant nearby, but not right next to the warehouse. Once there look at the menu
((No.  ER Lasers are tickle generators, and dispense hugs, loves, and puppies.))
The fedora guy has potentially lethal amounts of swag :v
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