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The fortress's situation is looking increasingly unsalvageable. What do?

Roll back to before Taupe's disastrous turn
Keep going and see what happens
Let it die

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Author Topic: (34.11 Succession) Clobbermountains -- The End(?)  (Read 396763 times)

Mr Frog

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Re: (34.11 Succession) Clobbermountains -- Everything Is Proceeding Smoothly
« Reply #960 on: November 10, 2015, 11:52:13 pm »

Oh my Lord and Lady
I focus on Uni for a month and y'all destroy the world

I'm so proud :')

Well, hold onto that feeling, because according to the turn list you are next in line to inherit this mess once I'm done with the writeup.
A great human twisted into humanoid form. It has an emaciated appearance and it squirms and fidgets. Beware its bronyism!

Spawn of Holistic, and other mods

My tileset. Because someone asked. (Now with installation instructions!)
I so want your spawn babies

Mr Frog

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Re: (34.11 Succession) Clobbermountains -- Everything Is Proceeding Smoothly
« Reply #961 on: November 11, 2015, 02:43:14 am »

7 Granite, Year of the Lash 209

It's all for naught in the end. My wife... my capital... my fabulous private dining hall... all lost, all because some dimwitted peasant got his rags in a twist and kicked a lever. Blast these worthless peons -- good for absolutely nothing. I'd have the treasonous idiot who did this thrown into the Pit, but the punchline of the whole ordeal is that he's already dead. Ha... it's all such a farce. Here I am, a god among dwarves, and yet I have nothing, not even vengeance. So high, and yet I've been brought so low. Someone will answer for this, mark my words. The world will rue the day it slighted the great Erib Catchtowns.
   Looks like I'm the only one who can save us now, in any case. Bah! I should have been handling things from the start, clearly. A breach in protocol, perhaps, but I am the King, and until I go to join the Great Queen in Dwarfhalla, I shall do as I please, as is my right. Besides, it's not as though any of these other fools have what it takes to save us. By my nomination and my unanimous vote, I hereby recognise the provisional election of myself to the position of Overseer, uncontested by myself and with myself as my witness. I assume nobody will have any objections. I certainly don't, in any case.

Our current situation is thus:

I managed to find sanctuary within this mason's shop, and -- with the aid of the other dwarves cowering in the room -- walled us off completely from the central stairwell and the horrors prowling it. In all, there are about a dozen dwarves in my company, most of which are distraught from the loss of their friends and family -- the screams of whom I can still hear echoing in the halls. I, fortunately, am of course made of far stronger stuff than them, and am holding strong in the face of this tragedy, although these accomodations are... truly horrific. An insult to my stature.
   We have access to the caverns, but I am still tentatively ordering them to be sealed off as a safety measure; though the central staircase is walled off, this benighted fortress is replete with little-used corridors and other obscure constructions owing to the numerous people who had a hand in its construction, and so I am unsure if the demons yet have some means of entry into here.

Additionally, an unskilled peasant has, in a surprising display of acumen, managed to seal herself within one of the farming chambers near the surface after the demons moved away from it, along with a number of plump helmet spawns and strawberry seeds left over from their rampage. The room is free of danger, although it will take some time for us to send a tunnel up to properly reclaim them.

Aside from these few who could isolate themselves in time, all of my other citizens are still trapped within the rest of the fortress, which has been reduced to a charnel house ruled by demons. Those that are not dead soon will be. I checked the fortress's plans and took great care not to break into any of our old chambers as I drew up a long, winding tunnel to be dug up to the farms, as doing so would result in the last of our number being quickly crushed. As nauseating as it may be, our fortress of Clobbermountains no longer belongs to us -- we are now the interlopers here, cockroaches which the new masters are eager to squash. But there will be a reckoning! Someday, I will reclaim what is mine. Someday.

The Royal Archivist is not among us, nor do I know what became of her. I haven't seen her since just before the SPIREGATE was activated, when she had another of her little temper tantrums over my letting it proceed to completion -- as if we had any other options, given our military's incompetence! I suppose she might have met her end with the other dwarves, but... I feel uneasy. None of the other dwarves had seen her, either; it's as though she simply vanished from the fortress entirely.
Bah! No matter. I never liked her anyways. I can make my way without her.

9 Granite, Year of the Lash 209

I've thoroughly examined the caves and determined that there is in fact no other entry to the caverns, so I've ordered the wall to be torn down. In fact, I have half a mind to tear it down myself.

The fact that I had ended up being walled out while in the process of conducting my survey is quite beside the point.

Additionally, I have reviewed our fortress plans and it looks as though there is enough solid stone above and below the tunnel to the Spire to seal it off from the rest of the fortress with a strategic tunnel collapse, all without exposing our surviving dwarves to danger. That is for another day, however.

One of the brats is throwing a tantrum, and I doubt he will be the last to do so; everyone here is deeply-stressed. Most have lost friends, some parents, some lovers, some children. Even if we have sealed out the evil in the fortress, we may yet face our doom at the hands of our fellow dwarves. I, personally, am not prepared to end my days on the end of an angry miner's pick, but there is little I can do to isolate myself at the moment.

I've ordered the mason's shop to produce blocks and for the entire workshop area to be smoothed, in the hopes that keeping the workers busy will prevent them from dwelling on their losses.

However, I have a more-evolved method of easing my woes:

I doubt a lesser dwarf could understand such simple pleasures.

12 Granite, Year of the Lash 209

I was feeling hungry, so I told a couple of the others to go look in the caverns for wild plants. I didn't see any plump helmets when I was conducting my survey, but perhaps they can scrounge up some pig tails or some such for me. I would quite literally kill for a decent -dwarven ale roast-, even if there isn't a decent dining room to enjoy it in. I doubt this filthy cavern water is good for my innards, but it's better than dying of dehydration.

One of the miners threw a tantrum... it was a terrifying sight, seeing him ranting and swinging his pick about, but fortunately he calmed down before any damage could be done. Nonetheless, the language he was using -- in particular calling me a "worthless gutter-born bastard" -- was entirely unacceptable. I shall make a memo to have him punished later.

The dwarves I sent out managed to find a couple of sweet pods -- not as many as I personally was hoping for, especially considering that I will have to ration it out to others as well. Nonetheless, we should be able to make something at least semi-edible out of this, despite my reservations regarding the quality of culinary talent at our current disposal. To that end, I order a food production facility to be put up -- a still, a kitchen, and a stonecrafter's shop to make pots. I will be personally overseeing the production of the pots myself, as we are severely short on disposable labourers:

The still was put up with remarkable speed, considering the state of our workforce.

All we have are sweet pods, and without bags for milling, we are forced to extract liquid -- syrup or rum, it matters not -- from them and cook that, using the seeds as the only solid substrate available. In other words, replanting will not be possible. I pray that our miners clear the way to the farms quickly; we will not last long down here without a sustainable food supply.

18 Granite, Year of the Lash 209

One of the children has been taken by madness, and is running around babbling nonsense while tearing his clothes off. Quite unsightly. No matter; he'll be dead within a month, I reckon, and then I'll have even more upset citizens to deal with. Bah.

20 Granite, Year of the Lash 209

The peasant stuck in the farming level is throwing a tantrum in her sleep. It's not clear how this is possible, but apparently it is.

The good news is that she has a pick, and so has been helping with digging the access tunnel between our base camp and where she is --  she appears to have accrued enough experience with the pick to warrant a promotion to miner. The bad news is that she has a pick, which will lodge quite nicely in a dwarven skull if she happens to lose her faculties at the wrong time.

Fortunately, I have even more good news -- we have booze! Huzzah!

Not for drinking, sadly, but this should make for a some passable seed biscuits, assuming these idiots don't burn them.

22 Granite, Year of the Lash 209

The biscuits have been prepared. As King, I feel it is my royal right -- nay, my duty -- to sample the vittles before the other dwarves. To make sure they've been prepared properly, of course.

I was quite astonished to find that they taste almost exactly like mulch. Quite a waste of perfectly-good rum in any other circumstance -- in fact, if something like this was sent to my dining hall, I'd have the cook sent straight to the Pit -- but beggars can't be choosers, even if the beggar in question is also the absolute uncontested ruler of the most powerful and glorious dwarven civilisation on the continent. Oh, how I've fallen...

While I was eating, a child shuffled by, announcing that "life is a joke" and that he will from this point on be taking a hunger strike. Melancholy, I believe the disease is called. They'll be dead before summer. Considering our food situation, I'm tempted to bid him good riddance, but I suppose their death will upset the others.

25 Granite, Year of the Lash 209

Having to sit on the moss in the caverns to eat was horrifically-degrading, so I've decided to look into getting a dining hall of sorts set up. I initially put in an order for tables and chairs at the conveniently-located mason's shop, but I cancelled them when I noticed a few already made in the massive pile of junk nearby. Finally, a stroke of luck in this mess. I quickly order them to be set up near the masons', along with a bunch of slabs as a sort of decoration.

A bit macabre, and of course entirely inadequate for my needs, but it'll have to do, I suppose.

Shortly afterwards, I received word that the tunnel to the farming area had been completed. Excellent. I found a couple dwarves -- I'm not sure who exactly they were, and I don't particularly care -- and told them to get to work sowing seeds.

The farm is a filthy, corpse-strewn mess overflowing with dried blood and general ill humours, but we don't have the dwarfpower to clear it all out at the moment. They'll just have to hold their noses.

28 Granite, Year of the Lash 209

Now that the farms have been reclaimed, the next order of business is to see to our safety. It seems that Zuglar's mad plan -- whatever spark had gone off in her fevered brain to cause it -- is our only chance of salvation. I never thought I'd see the day that we were forced to rely on the filthy Spawn for protection, but as distasteful as it is, it's better than dying slowly and pathetically, crippled by the screams of the witch-women.

To that end, I've ordered space for mechanic's shops to be dug in the tunnel up to the farms. I intend to build a lever and manually link it to the bridge from the outside.

For better or for worse, I shall finish what Zuglar started. Though it was from beyond the grave, she's managed to mire us far too deeply for any other course of action.
« Last Edit: November 11, 2015, 02:47:58 am by Mr Frog »
A great human twisted into humanoid form. It has an emaciated appearance and it squirms and fidgets. Beware its bronyism!

Spawn of Holistic, and other mods

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Mr Frog

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Re: (34.11 Succession) Clobbermountains -- Everything Is Proceeding Smoothly
« Reply #962 on: November 11, 2015, 02:53:05 am »

So, a short update. Interesting point of note: in between the bits where His Gaudiness is tearing down the walls and the child is throwing a tantrum, you can see that the ore and stone stockpiles inexplicably empty. I have no explanation for this. I only noticed it after I posted the writeup. So far as I can tell, no other items were disturbed.

I'll try to get the second part written and posted tomorrow or the day after, after which the save will be handed off to Lolfail (or whoever).


There's a known glitch where deconstructing walls would vacuum up items. Mystery solved.
« Last Edit: November 11, 2015, 02:57:28 am by Mr Frog »
A great human twisted into humanoid form. It has an emaciated appearance and it squirms and fidgets. Beware its bronyism!

Spawn of Holistic, and other mods

My tileset. Because someone asked. (Now with installation instructions!)
I so want your spawn babies


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Re: (34.11 Succession) Clobbermountains -- Everything Is Proceeding Smoothly
« Reply #963 on: November 11, 2015, 03:20:04 am »

It's fun to see the area utterly rampaged by a gigantic flying crocodile has been converted into the royal dinning hall. It's great that people removed some of the blood and most of the corpses before this happened.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
This is why we need to build a corpse stockpile next to every offshoot mason area.
« Last Edit: November 11, 2015, 03:21:55 am by Taupe »


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Re: (34.11 Succession) Clobbermountains -- Everything Is Proceeding Smoothly
« Reply #964 on: November 11, 2015, 06:59:33 am »

I look forward to Overseeing this mess~ Although, just in case I've missed it in the chaos: are Zetta and her kid alive?

Mr Frog

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Re: (34.11 Succession) Clobbermountains -- Everything Is Proceeding Smoothly
« Reply #965 on: November 11, 2015, 02:08:26 pm »

I look forward to Overseeing this mess~ Although, just in case I've missed it in the chaos: are Zetta and her kid alive?

I'm quite sure that literally no named dwarves survived Taupe's turn, unless you count His Gaudiness. Fortunately, not many of the dwarves' names are mentioned, so you can probably easily find someone to claim for yourself.
A great human twisted into humanoid form. It has an emaciated appearance and it squirms and fidgets. Beware its bronyism!

Spawn of Holistic, and other mods

My tileset. Because someone asked. (Now with installation instructions!)
I so want your spawn babies


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (34.11 Succession) Clobbermountains -- Everything Is Proceeding Smoothly
« Reply #966 on: November 11, 2015, 05:37:50 pm »

I look forward to Overseeing this mess~ Although, just in case I've missed it in the chaos: are Zetta and her kid alive?

I'm quite sure that literally no named dwarves survived Taupe's turn, unless you count His Gaudiness. Fortunately, not many of the dwarves' names are mentioned, so you can probably easily find someone to claim for yourself.

Fair enough. [turns to rest of thread] I assume everyone else wants to be redorfed? If you don't, or you want a different name/profession/ect, let me know


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (34.11 Succession) Clobbermountains -- Everything Is Proceeding Smoothly
« Reply #967 on: November 11, 2015, 05:52:06 pm »

Hey, congats saving the fortress from the depths of !!XXHolistic Spawn FecesXX!!

I honestly thought that we were done for. (Note to self: Control raging pessimism)
Does that make scientific sense? No? Well it's Earth IV and he's a giant crocodile-man. Use your imagination.
Ongoing Forum Thingamajiggers:
Wikipedia Wars: Revengance

Mr Frog

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Re: (34.11 Succession) Clobbermountains -- Everything Is Proceeding Smoothly
« Reply #968 on: November 11, 2015, 10:51:36 pm »

Hey, congats saving the fortress from the depths of !!XXHolistic Spawn FecesXX!!

I honestly thought that we were done for. (Note to self: Control raging pessimism)

Oh, but your pessimism is well-placed. We're still trapped in a hole in the ground with little food, less drink, a population that is one stroke of bad luck away from eating itself and one wave of banshee screams away from total paralysis, and no way to replenish our numbers. I've temporarily stabilized things to an extent, but we're not nearly out of the !!feces!! yet.

Part 2 of the writeup is now finished and semi-edited, and will be uploaded shortly along with the save.
« Last Edit: November 11, 2015, 10:54:23 pm by Mr Frog »
A great human twisted into humanoid form. It has an emaciated appearance and it squirms and fidgets. Beware its bronyism!

Spawn of Holistic, and other mods

My tileset. Because someone asked. (Now with installation instructions!)
I so want your spawn babies

Mr Frog

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Re: (34.11 Succession) Clobbermountains -- Everything Is Proceeding Smoothly
« Reply #969 on: November 11, 2015, 11:11:16 pm »

2 Slate, Year of the Lash 209

The furnace tender has decided to celebrate our imminent revival by hurling a giant boulder at the leathersmith. Fortunately, this did not result in injury.

While his brute strength is astounding, I made sure to impress upon him precisely what the consequences would be if he repeated this little episode, particularly if the projectile happened to strike home and disable a needed laborer.
Then he stuck his tongue out at me, and shouted at me me to "bugger off, you don't have the Royal Guard to hide behind no more!". Oh, he will regret that little comment, as well as his miserable grammar, someday. Someday.

While we're on the subject of our revival, and regret, and someday -- the mechanics' shop has been completed! Soon, those lowly spell-weavers, greenskins and tunnel-lurkers will cower before the infernal horde we shall unleash upon the countryside! ...Just as soon as I get some mechanisms made and linked. But then they will cower!
I don't particularly remember to whom I assigned engineering duty, but I'm sure they'll do a fine job. If they value their hide.

Additionally, I believe I mentioned earlier that the terrain around the Spire would allow us to seal it off from the fortress with an artificially-induced rockfall. I've just now drawn up plans for such a contrivance:

The basic principle is to cut a 3x1 block of stone loose and send it plummeting down through a thin stone floor and into the hallway connecting the Spire up to the trade depot (shown by the circled areas, which are all directly above each other), simultaneously blocking it off while sealing the hole in the ceiling it fell through, all without ever exposing my workers to demonic attack. Truly a plan worthy of one of the greatest minds in the dwarven sphere! Sometimes I impress even myself.

4 Slate, Year of the Lash 209

I just stumbled upon three spare mechanisms hiding in the junk pile. Why does nobody tell me about these things when they're relevant!? In any case, I've cancelled the production of mechanisms and ordered a Lever to be built next to the shop.

Additionally, I've given the order for a temporary access tunnel to from the farming area to the outside world to be started on:

I haven't designated it to go all the way through yet, as there is frankly no way to tell how quickly these dolts will get the Lever set up, or what breed of horrors could stumble upon us in the meantime. I very, very firmly told the other dwarves to not touch anything on the surface, since it appeared that one of the previous Overseers was not entirely clear on the matter.
[[OOC: There was a whole bunch of stuff on the surface that inexplicably wasn't forbidden, nor were there standing orders active to forbid corpses. That could have gotten ugly.]]

Right after I did this, the Mayor ran up to me and told me that we need crutches, we must produce more crutches, the very fortress will crumble if we don't have crutches. I told him to not stand so close to me, and to find something productive to do instead of breathing my air. He did so, although he did mutter something about "production violations". Ha! As if we have any guards to punish such infractions, anyways.


6 Slate, Year of the Lash 209

Both the lever and the tunnel have been completed, with surprising speed; as such, I have ordered for the lever to be linked up to the final bridge separating the Greater Spawn from the world at large, as well as for a wall to be partially-constructed in the access tunnel so that we can quickly seal it off if needed:

Soon, this entire blighted jungle will taste our wrath! Just as soon as our engineer finishes linking the lever. Which could take a while, as they're not actually an engineer. But still. Someday!

8 Slate, Year of the Lash 209

I have just been informed of a slight wrinkle in my plans.

A solitary Greater Spawn appears to have found its way out of the fortress -- likely through the volcano torture pit, I'd reckon -- and is currently weaving through the sky a short distance north of our temporary surface access. If it sees the engineer, they will doubtless be ripped to shreds, or worse.

Oh well, no matter. Sometimes, in order to facilitate the glorious revival of one's empire, one must take a few risks. Sacrifice some pawns, if you will. Besides, it's not like they're a terribly skilled engineer. And in any case, it is still quite far away from our surface access, so there's still a chance the engineer won't be seen.
I certainly didn't tell the engineer about the Spawn. It wouldn't do at all for them to be too frightened to complete their mission.

Dishmab is throwing a temper tantrum in the base camp; I've ordered her pick to be temporarily taken away from her, as it represents something of a safety hazard in her hands if she continues in this vein.

The moment of truth arrives, as the engineer makes their way outside, and within reach of the stray Spawn. I was of course completely confident that this would work out, but I nonetheless watched their progress intently:

Fortunately, they managed to slip past the demon without it noticing their presence, and proceeded without incident toward the bridge to be linked. Someone came up and told me that a forgotten beast had invaded the upper cavern level, but I waved them away -- it can't access us from there anyways. Someone else told me that Dishmab is attempting to start a fistfight in the base camp, but I waved them away as well. Nothing must distract me from achieving my victory. Nothing..

However, it is all for naught, as the second the engineer drew close to the bridge they ran away screaming, complaining about "horrible noises" coming from the other side, how they made their insides feel sick. Bah! Coward. Nonetheless, this clearly necessitates another solution. The SPIREGATE must be completed. I must have my vindication.

[[OOC: I at first thought that this was the work of the stray Spawn flying around up above, but combat reports indicated that the Spawn were somehow screeching at the engineer from within the depot, even though they're supposed to need a direct line-of-sight. Weird.]]

I've drawn out a small burrow outside, just down the hill from the gates, and ordered our bone carver into it, telling him to take a pick. However, he apparently had other plans.

He just stands there in place, repeating that he "needs to find his hood" but never actually moving or going anywhere -- worse, he is ignoring my orders for this mad flight of fancy! Impudent peon! I fear that the stress of our situation may have caused his frail little peasant mind to snap. In any case, I need to find another unimportant dwarf to use in my new plan.

My next thought was to have the mayor take up a pick, but apparently he's in a "very important meeting" with one of the children, and refuses to be diverted. Bah!
While I am busy slogging through a seemingly-endless sea of sloth and apathy, the Spawn above decides to dismember a nearby parrot:

Finally, I stumbled upon Dishmab, the Pleb, who had just finished taking an unauthorised break. Perfect. I very graciously informed her that she was reassigned to mining duty, and told her to wait in the burrow outside. She went to retrieve a pick lying in the tunnels...

...Only for her to stop there and stare at the wall blankly, as though she hadn't understood what I had ordered her to do. Bah! Idiot! Clearly, the unique brand of stupidity these dwarves display requires a more-direct solution. I pointed to a spot on the map in the burrow and told her, very slowly and clearly, to dig a hole there -- not for any particular purpose, but rather to simply get her moving. She seemed to understand this, although given the level of intelligence she's displayed up to this point I wouldn't be willing to place stakes on it.

In secret, I followed her up in order to complete the retaining wall behind her as she leaves. She will not be coming back from this mission. A necessary sacrifice for the glory of the Lash.

However, as she left to attend to her duty, I caught sight of another dwarf milling about outside, for reasons I can only speculate at. Blast! Why must I always be surrounded by such stunning incompetence!?

I suspended construction of the wall and quickly barked at them to get inside, and they do so promptly... only for yet another dwarf to wander out in their place.

At this point, I decided that it was a lost cause and ordered the wall to be built, leaving the idiot to her fate. Anyone that confoundingly stupid is of no use to me anyhow.

However, to my surprise, the very idiot in question was the one to answer the call to build the wall! She turned around and obediently walked back towards the safety of the farms to complete her task -- I fully expected her to complete the wall from the outside, but against all odds she did not resume construction until she was safely within the threshold of the fortress, after which she strolled back down to the dining room as though nothing had even happened:

A cloud is rolling in from the outside near our newly-stranded miner, but I am not particularly concerned by this. I will take my vengeance upon these lands one way or another. It doesn't look like it's heading towards her anyways.

18 Slate, Year of the Lash 209

It has begun. Dishmab has begun her unwitting suicide dig into the side of the mountain -- though I had to quickly change my initial designation once I learned that the eastern wall -- and only the eastern wall -- of the depot area was built of undiggable constructed blocks (again, why do these toadstools not tell me these things when they are relevant?), Zuglar's plan will come to fruition shortly. There is no turning back now. The banshees will rue the day they insulted the Lash.

The other miners, meanwhile, have been hard at work on my plan to seal off the Spire, and now, there remains only one flimsy slab of stone holding the soon-to-be-seal in place. I order it to be dug away:

A miner soon heeds my order and breaks away the last bit of stone; now freed, the 3x1 block of stone obeys gravity's call and hurtles downwards, crashing through the thin floor below and also incidentally blasting the entire chamber with tiny bits of shrapnel, flinging the unfortunate miner into the walls and knocking them out.

However, that is not important -- what's important is that my plan is complete; the Spire is now perfectly-isolated, without any significant injury on the part of our dwarves:

Sometimes my own genius astounds me.

I will order an access tunnel to be dug down from the base camp promptly. Soon, by my leadership, the riches of the Spire will be ours for the taking!

Unfortunately, not all is well. It turns out that at some point, the farm plots had been destroyed by a rioting dwarf -- destroying all the progress made towards obtaining our food in the process. If I find out who did this, I will personally remove their thumbs. Fortunately, the spawn planted in the farms was preserved and can be replanted, but our food stocks are still dangerously low -- we managed to find some prepared meals sitting in the wreckage of the farms, but they will not hold our population for longer than a season. I've ordered the farms to be re-tilled, and have assigned a few more dwarves to tending them in the hopes that we can make up for lost time.

Meanwhile, our demon friend up in the sky finds another bird to eviscerate:

Oh, to be so empowered...

21 Slate, Year of the Lash 209

It is done. The depot has been breached, completing Zuglar's dark work and releasing the Greater Spawn into the world at last. They set their sights upon Dishmab as their first target, and set about their work with admirable efficiency:

Her sacrifice is not in vain, however, as the Spawn soon pour out of the tunnel into the dim red twilight of the Clobbermountains jungle, their shrieks echoing across the landscape. Yes. YES. I dare the banshees to defy the Lash now. Yes, let them come. Let them come and sow their terror. They will see what fate has in store for them -- what the Lash has in store for them. Someday, someday, their screams will fill the air along with those of the demons. I eagerly await that day.

As if to celebrate their freedom, the hellspawn congregate around a nearby parrot and proceed to messily tear it apart -- a gruesome echo of the fate in store for our invaders. I cannot wait. Someday.

I was confused as to why no work was being done on the access tunnel to the Spire, and it turned out that the miners had not understood me properly when I told them to convert the lowermost up-stair in the stone-collapse scaffolding into a two-way stair. Bah! I reworded my command and they seemed to understand, although the miner somehow managed to dig out the staircase while standing on the floor above, which... hurt my head to look at:

Meanwhile, the farm plots have been vandalised again. These rioting vagrants will be the death of me. Do they have no sense of self-preservation whatsoever!? We need those farm plots to survive! Fortunately, however, I had -- with characteristic foresight -- ordered the new farms to be tilled as separate plots, so the damage is greatly-minimised. Another victory for the educated dwarf.

23 Slate, Year of the Lash 209

Access to the Spire and its unimaginable riches has been restored at last. All that remains is to seal it off at the bottom, such that the horrors from below can never again use it as a gateway to the overworld. Naturally, only a dwarf of my stature could possibly be fit for such a monumental task:

With my incomparably-discerning eye, I carefully selected a stone from the top of the Spire, and heaved it down, down into the heart of the earth, the air growing hotter and heavier with each staircase I descended. All around me, the walls glittered a blue so clear that it put the pathetic sky the humans worship to shame. Adamantine. A forbidden metal spoken of only in legends, the very heart of the earth itself. If anything can save us from this predicament, it is this metal and its supernatural power.

As I descended, I happened upon a shattered skeleton in a mess of filthy clothes, along with a single copper pick -- all that remains of the hastily-conscripted miner who started all of this so many moons ago. I proceeded past the macabre artifact quickly, soon reaching the very bottom of the Spire, the stairs abruptly dropping off into a vast chasm. I gasped at the sight of what lay beneath-- miles upon miles of bare black stone stretched out as far as the eye could see, all lit by an unearthly red glow issuing forth from vast pits that dotted the surface. Of course, I was most emphatically not afraid in the slightest - -simply stunned at such a fantastic sight. I quickly set about my work, and soon, the terrible chasm was hidden beneath a gabbro staircase:

I'd like to see the myriad horrors of the deep darkness get through that. Bah!

And so I have claimed the Spire and its riches in the name of the Torrid Lash. Thanks to my unprecedented brilliance, my miners can now extract every precious ounce of adamantine from this vein without interference. Truly, Erib Catchtowns is a name that will go down in history. All hail!

Now that the crisis Zuglar has gotten us into has been averted by my hand, I feel comfortable withdrawing it, and allowing this place's mad customs to resume. Though I maintain that this place would be far better off in my care, the other dwarves have been side-eyeing me for some time, and I think it may be best to allow things to proceed normally now -- for my own safety. I can only pray that the next Overseer shall be one-quarter as competent as myself. To victory, Clobbermountains!
A great human twisted into humanoid form. It has an emaciated appearance and it squirms and fidgets. Beware its bronyism!

Spawn of Holistic, and other mods

My tileset. Because someone asked. (Now with installation instructions!)
I so want your spawn babies

Mr Frog

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Re: (34.11 Succession) Clobbermountains -- Everything Is Proceeding Smoothly
« Reply #970 on: November 11, 2015, 11:21:58 pm »

Here's the save. I will be PMing Lolfail presently.

Our turns will be going summer-to-summer past this point, barring further developments. If we get hit by banshees and there's nothing to kill them with -- which is basically checkmate for us as it stands -- you are henceforth permitted to abandon the fort if you so desire, but I'd rather we keep hoping for a miracle to the end in that instance.

I do have a plan for a banshee-killing machine which I may upload later, but it will require a lot of magma-safe materials to make.
A great human twisted into humanoid form. It has an emaciated appearance and it squirms and fidgets. Beware its bronyism!

Spawn of Holistic, and other mods

My tileset. Because someone asked. (Now with installation instructions!)
I so want your spawn babies


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (34.11 Succession) Clobbermountains -- Everything Is Proceeding Smoothly
« Reply #971 on: November 12, 2015, 12:20:31 am »

Here's the save. I will be PMing Lolfail presently.

Our turns will be going summer-to-summer past this point, barring further developments. If we get hit by banshees and there's nothing to kill them with -- which is basically checkmate for us as it stands -- you are henceforth permitted to abandon the fort if you so desire, but I'd rather we keep hoping for a miracle to the end in that instance.

I do have a plan for a banshee-killing machine which I may upload later, but it will require a lot of magma-safe materials to make.
We should probably focus on getting adamantine up and running (start with the bottom layers, in case you hit a magma patch) and creating state-of-the-art gear for our soldiers. Anyone who isn't very useful should probably take some time to begin some training in their spare time. We'll probably need to take to the field sooner than later, if the demons fail at their task. Needless to say, we probably have enough cyan metal to fully armor the entire population. They'll be fast, they'll be tough, they'll be shiny. Best mining project ever.

Mr Frog

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Re: (34.11 Succession) Clobbermountains -- Everything Is Proceeding Smoothly
« Reply #972 on: November 12, 2015, 01:53:30 am »

Here's the save. I will be PMing Lolfail presently.

Our turns will be going summer-to-summer past this point, barring further developments. If we get hit by banshees and there's nothing to kill them with -- which is basically checkmate for us as it stands -- you are henceforth permitted to abandon the fort if you so desire, but I'd rather we keep hoping for a miracle to the end in that instance.

I do have a plan for a banshee-killing machine which I may upload later, but it will require a lot of magma-safe materials to make.
We should probably focus on getting adamantine up and running (start with the bottom layers, in case you hit a magma patch) and creating state-of-the-art gear for our soldiers. Anyone who isn't very useful should probably take some time to begin some training in their spare time. We'll probably need to take to the field sooner than later, if the demons fail at their task. Needless to say, we probably have enough cyan metal to fully armor the entire population. They'll be fast, they'll be tough, they'll be shiny. Best mining project ever.

Adamantine production takes a while, however, especially with completely-unskilled workers, and I doubt we have the numbers required to make a direct attack a viable strategy even with full adamantine equipment -- especially if our warriors fail to kill all the banshees in time and fall victim to their scream. Also, remember that the demons may be able to enter the fort through the magma sea via the volcano, so care will need to be taken not to give them an entryway (although pathing through liquids is broken in this version, so my fears may be unfounded).

I maintain that a trap of some sort is the best option in this scenario. Something that can lure foes in, then kill them all at once without dwarven intervention. I'm thinking maybe a pressure plate linked to drawbridges in the ceiling that will drop magma on the victims' heads. It won't work on Spawn, but the Spawn hilariously are the least of our worries at present.
A great human twisted into humanoid form. It has an emaciated appearance and it squirms and fidgets. Beware its bronyism!

Spawn of Holistic, and other mods

My tileset. Because someone asked. (Now with installation instructions!)
I so want your spawn babies


  • Bay Watcher
  • Weasel Monarch
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Re: (34.11 Succession) Clobbermountains -- Everything Is Proceeding Smoothly
« Reply #973 on: November 12, 2015, 02:10:09 am »

Are the banshees affected by the mist?

Mr Frog

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (34.11 Succession) Clobbermountains -- Everything Is Proceeding Smoothly
« Reply #974 on: November 12, 2015, 02:16:38 am »

Are the banshees affected by the mist?

Yes. You demonstrated such in your turn, actually -- we would have fallen to the banshees in short order, had the seething mist not mutated them and caused them to wander off (kinda hate that bug tbh). However, the mist is unreliable both in terms of how often it comes and whether it will hit anything; relying on it for defense is quite literally hoping for a miracle.
A great human twisted into humanoid form. It has an emaciated appearance and it squirms and fidgets. Beware its bronyism!

Spawn of Holistic, and other mods

My tileset. Because someone asked. (Now with installation instructions!)
I so want your spawn babies
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