Evenhanded Tuman, blind to our scorn and praise,
We defensively assaulted the banshees at our own entrance hall, striking them down with complete impunity. Many of our soldiers were not even at the gate when the fighting began, and a few never got to see action at all!
We staggered our formation so that the strongest would be in front. A blip of interesting in our day; which now I leave to my haulers to clean up.
While touring the grounds, I see steam rising from the volcano! A magma crab is collecting rainwater and boiling it away, the little scamp.
I sorted out the 27 migrants that flooded the fortress. I suspect that the previous overseer had requested them for some sort of labor . . . so I made sure to tell my assistants to send word that 150 dwarves were the maximum population of Clobbermountains. I started a second speardwarf and markdwarf squad, and began a hammerdwarf squad. If only I had noticed the lack of iron that was creeping up upon us. More needed to be found.
I set the top left smelter to melt various items, from bought flutes to low quality failures from our own craftsdwarves. I've noticed our propensity to use bone bolts, and as I find the current waste desposal system lacking in logisitcs I have ordered 3 refuse rooms be dug in addition to what we have already queued up.
While expanding, I've decided that its for the best if we dig out a jail; and who better to serve justice than the dwarf who prays to the god of Justice? I've promoted myself to Captain of the Guard and gathered a few guardsmen to assist me. The jail will be close to the new guardsmens quarters I've selceted; and that will be down the hall from my new quarters, which houses the passageway to my new tomb. Indeed, there is so much work to be done for the good of the fortress!
While exploring the caverns, we found it to be almost 50% water. There is a downward passage on the far bank, and under that more hematite, spider webs, and nether-caps. Nether-caps! We've sent the word to the miners (who are now in their own inactive reserve squad) to dig the hematite, and we'll likely have to dig down there eventually, to ease the collection process.
When the elves came we considered requisitioning their property; but in the end it was easier to show them our shiny granite rings and hefty specters and handy mugs; 7000 urists worth of wood and cloth were pruchaused in the hopes that they bring even more wood next year.
Another migrant wave arrived, 17 of them ready to fight. Or so they should be, 80% of them are now in their barracks. We caught one migrant trying to hunt those funky gorilla monsters that have 4 arms. she ran out of ammo and ran off, but when I added her name to the guard rooster she smashed her pursuers face in quite easily.
To prepare ourselves better I've taken to adding the odd cage trap here and there. I wanted to spring for glass or weapon traps, but we have no native sand and we can spare precious few weapons. So far we've caught 2 thieves, so we know it works. We are currently casting ballots about how to dispose of them; either by imprisoning them permanently, dumping them into the volcano, beheading, or firing squad.
The Humans arrived in Galena. They brought with them an ambush squad of goblins, who riddled the human caravaneer with bolts and arrows. The human guards ran forward to provide cover, but were fighting uphill; serious injuries or death befell them. To make matters even worse, a cloud of that bloodred mist was broiling the mountain towards them, missing our Depot entrance by a few meters and forcing us to station our squads up there. When faced with the possibility of losing the humans and facing brutish goblins I ordered the militia out. We fought them back with 2 casualties of our own, saving the life of one guard and allowing several merchants to lead their pack animals off-site and away from danger.
Close calls aside, a bird was caught in another cloud of dust and has begun stalking the mountainsides. We will stay inside for now and watch its carefully. on the positive side, Wolf created an artifact weapon rack that would look just fabulous in my office! it has GCS silk hanging off of it and the spikes are made of gabbro!
I've also heard that there is a human caravan guard who was too injured to leave. He was left in our care, but due to a lack of a hospital he has been
crawling around on his broken hand and actively pursuing critters in the cavern! He is about the most dwarven human I've ever seen, granted my experience with humies is limited to cavern engravings and the merchants.
Still, I wish he'd go rest up and take it east; he's got a broken hip, a broken leg, a broken hand, and he's still bleeding from the skull!