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The fortress's situation is looking increasingly unsalvageable. What do?

Roll back to before Taupe's disastrous turn
Keep going and see what happens
Let it die

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Author Topic: (34.11 Succession) Clobbermountains -- The End(?)  (Read 396666 times)


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Re: (34.11 Succession) Clobbermountains -- Jungle Fever!
« Reply #30 on: July 12, 2015, 06:07:15 pm »

So what's the default graphics by the way? I didn't notice on the OP. I'm assuming ASCII.

Mr Frog

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Re: (34.11 Succession) Clobbermountains -- Jungle Fever!
« Reply #31 on: July 12, 2015, 06:32:29 pm »

Ah, yes, ASCII is the default. I'm using my own tileset, though. You can use customised tilesets as long as they're easily-legible ASCII and don't actually tamper with the save file in any way. I'll go back and clarify.
I'll be busy till about 9 but I'll try to get the rest of my Spring writeup done by tonight.
A great human twisted into humanoid form. It has an emaciated appearance and it squirms and fidgets. Beware its bronyism!

Spawn of Holistic, and other mods

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Mr Frog

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Re: (34.11 Succession) Clobbermountains -- Jungle Fever!
« Reply #32 on: July 12, 2015, 11:41:19 pm »

The Diary of Mr Frog Thusestdeler, Stoneworker

16 Obsidian 200

I met up with the other members of the expedition today -- another miner, a speardwarf named Splint and one of his men, a cheery brewer named Ribbon, a grower named Jeff, and some engraver whose name I can't remember. I really feel so much safer with Splint around! He seems to know what he's doing quite well. Oh, if only I could be so brave!
Looks like this isn't going to be such a disaster after all! In fact, I'm starting to feel rather excited about all of this! It'll be so fun to bravely go where no dwarf has gone before, provided I'll be safely indoors wherever we're bravely going!

The wagon's going to depart in an hour. Oh, I can't wait! I'm going to go carve a bunch of mugs with everyone's name on it in celebration.
UPDATE: I... I went a bit overboard. Oops. I was just so excited! I gave most of the extra mugs to a random stranger in exchange for a sandwich, though, so it should be okay.

24 Obsidian 200
Scratch what I said about this not being a disaster. Splint just checked through our supplies and he's very angry. All of our armaments except for two shoddy copper spears have vanished! I... I don't know when it happened! Ribbon suspects that it might have been those mutton salesmen we passed by... they did look pretty shifty, but I couldn't say no to mutton, especially when they let us pay them with the last of the mugs! Now everybody's mad at me! It's awful! That's not really an issue, though, seeing as we're all going to die out here now anyways! What are we going to do without weapons and armor!? Who the hell even knows what's lurking in that banshee-blighted jungle! We've come too far now to turn back -- we don't have enough food for a return trip -- and I really wouldn't like to see the look on His Gaudiness's face when he hears about this, so we're basically screwed. We're going to go out into the jungle, get turned into snakes by the banshees, and eaten, and there's nothing I can do about it!
I guess I should look on the bright side, though... we still have both our pickaxes and the hatchet for woodcutting on top of the two spears. Splint says it should be enough to defend ourselves from wildlife while we get some proper weapon production going... but what about the witch-women? What about Them? And... that jungle gives me a bad feeling...

26 Obsidian 200
We're in the jungle now. The smell is... interesting. A fine blend of rot, muck, and just the faintest hint of fermented fruit. The sky where we can see through the trees is a funny pink-orange color, like blood mixed with water, and some of the clouds are a dense, bloody red... I'm not sure what that means. I don't think it's normal, though. The trees here are creepy, too; they don't have any leaves, and look like giant claws reaching towards me. I swear their shadows move, too. Glumprongs, Jeff says they are -- he's awful knowledgable about plants and such, what with being a grower and all... I've never seen anything like them before.

We nearly ran afoul of a banshee hunting party, but we quickly ditched the caravan and hid in the bushes; the hags thought it was abandoned and left, making off with a barrel of wine as we did so. I suppose we didn't need it that much anyway...

1 Granite 201

We're here. The wagon's been looking rickety for the past few miles, and it finally gave out now -- its wheels came flying off, leaving us on the southern face of a huge hill, right next to a lava vent. The fumes are so strong that they're making my eyes sting, but I think I'll get used to it, maybe:

"Clobbermountains"... I never bothered asking what the name of the fortress was to be, but now that I do, it... doesn't make much sense? The nearest mountain range is a few miles to the south, and crawling with Them to boot... So much of this doesn't make sense... Ribbon and Splint think we're supposed to be some kind of vanguard in case They try to expand their borders again. If the King needs us to be cannon fodder, so be it. To die for the safety of the Mountainhomes would be an unimaginable honour for a lowly stoneworker such as myself. Still... Something about this feels fishy to me... In any case, there's no turning back now without our wagon, so whatever happens out here, happens.

That big pink sky is giving me the willies, so I start digging a little chamber in the hillside below our wagon to get away from it. That should settle my nerves quite a lot. The other miner asks if he can help, so I scribble down roughly where I want us to dig and he starts working too:

Once we finish digging, we all head inside the chamber to hide take shelter. I quickly set up a mason's workshop out of some stray rocks and set to work carving some nice doors for the entrance, to keep the little bugs out:

Ribbon says it'd probably be a good idea to move our stuff inside in case something nasty comes along (she's so smart!), so I ask the miner to help me dig some more out of the north side of the room so we can use it as a stockpile:

I tell him to keep digging a winding tunnel down into the hill, so that we can have as much distance between us and the outside and all the terrible things that are out there as possible. Hey, guess I'm pretty smart, too!

I install the doors I made while Splint and his buddy go to pick up their weapons:

I feel a lot safer now that we have something solid between us and... whatever the hell it is in this place that's making the sky go funny. Dwarves are just meant to be indoors, you know?

15 Granite 201

I've told the others to bring all the wood and things we brought in on the wagon back inside our little hidey-hole while me and the other miner keep digging out what I think is going to be our entrance hall. I think I'm starting to get the hang of this whole "telling people where to dig" thing!

24 Granite 201

Wh... what in Armok's bloody beard IS that!? Whatever it is, it's heading right towards us!

I asked the other dwarves, and none of them have seen anything like this! It's some kind of... roiling, blood-red cloud, gliding across the landscape like a billowing shroud. I can't even see through it, it's so thick. Wh-what on earth is it!? What's going to happen to us!?

I ran around in a panic for a bit, before Splint suddenly barks for everyone's attention. He scuffs out a little square in the dirt with his shoes and orders everyone to get inside. They obey his orders without even a second thought -- they'd never listen to me like that!:

The cloud passes to the southwest, just barely missing our entrance. Whew!

My heart stops, however, when I see that the cloud is on a collision course with a pair of little baby-faced monkey-things gambolling around nearby:

Nooo! Not the monkeys! I don't even know what's going to happen but please, not to the monkeys!

The monkeys were swallowed by the cloud; I couldn't see what was happening to them, but I heard loud cracks and scrapes like bones breaking and grinding and the poor things screaming in pain... only to suddenly fall quiet, replaced a bit later by the most horrible, deep growls I've ever heard. It sounded like pure rage. I... I nearly fainted for a moment there, as pathetic as it sounds.

When I saw them again, they were... changed. They weren't cute little monkeys anymore. They were hulking, misshapen monstrosities, their bodies twisted and deformed, their mouths foaming and their eyes lit by a dull, hateful red glow; their skin had split open in a few places, exposing pulsing red flesh that... didn't look normal. I quickly barricaded the doors, so we should be safe in here, but what about the stuff in the wagon!? We still haven't moved everything inside... We got most of the food supplies in here, but most of the lumber we brought is still out there. I ask if Splint could maybe... y'know... get rid of them for us, but he doesn't fancy his chances against those monsters, not with the equipment we have, so I dropped the issue. Not like I can do anything about those things. Sigh.
Never reckoned we'd be laid siege by monkeys, even in a place like this... How long are we going to be stuck in here!? I don't really remember what happened for a few moments until suddenly Splint shoved my pickaxe into my hands and barked at me to keep digging the tunnel I ordered... they said I was just staring at the wall all dazed-like, my face pale.

Another one of those horrible red clouds came drifting in a couple hours later... We'll never be able to go outside again at this rate!

7 Slate 201

We've finished digging out the entry hall, sort of:

Now we'll be digging up into the surface of the hillside. I think I've seen a stratum of soil that looks big enough for farming. Not sure I trust the soil around here, for obvious reasons, but it should be okay. Probably.

It looks like one of those monster monkeys has wandered away, but the other one's still out there, its guttural lowing rumbling through the very earth. The sound of it gives me chills...

19 Slate 201

I think we've found a good spot to start a farm. I ask Jeff to start tilling the ground... he said yes, although he didn't seem like he was in much of a hurry to do it. Doesn't he understand how urgent this is??? PEOPLE WILL LITERALLY DIE IF THESE PLOTS AREN'T PUT UP!:

I also asked Ribbon to start work on constructing a still -- which she was a lot more enthusiastic about, and rightly so -- and drew out an area to move our food stocks to. Meanwhile, I ask the miner to help me dig out a dining area under our entrance hall:

The... monster has gone away, but it looks like another cloud has settled in right on top of our gate! It's a hell-on-earth outside, I swear! And the worst part is, we still have two barrels of booze out there! This is terrible!

27 Slate 201

The cloud finally dissipated, so I unlocked the gate and let the others go and get some more of our stuff inside. However, a couple hours later, another cloud rolls in. I panicked and locked the gate again, but the cloud looked to be heading away from the fort along the eastern border, so I unlocked the doors... but then not two seconds later Ribbon comes in shouting that a third Armok-forsaken cloud has come in and everyone needs to get back inside! I've decided it's a lost cause for now.
Meanwhile, I notice that the farms were still barren... I asked Jeff about it, and he told me that I never told him to plant anything, so he didn't. That's... That's very clever! I told him to plant plump helmets in all of our plots and to continue doing so in all seasons. Have to be specific!

9 Felsite 201

The... weather... seems to have finally settled down for the time being, so I've opened the doors again to get the last bit of stuff we missed.

11 Felsite 201

Our dining hall is completed! Except for the fact that we have no tables or chairs for it. Even still, this little hole we're all stuck in is starting to look like a proper fortress! To further that end, I've started digging out some proper workshops on the level below the dining hall:

That's going to be a carpenter's shop to the left and a mason's shop to the right -- they seem like the most important to me to start with, since we need beds and dining accoutrements. I left a bit of space there for a supplies to be kept on head! Good thinking, if I do say so myself.

20 Felsite 201

The carpentry room is now dug out, so I order our wood to be brought down there and for the workshops to be built. Think I'll ask that dwarf whose name I forget to make some beds, since I'm pretty sure he's also a woodcutter.

28 Felsite 201

Oh, such a terrible way to cap off the spring! A pack of those cute little wild doggies (Splint says they're vicious, but I don't believe him) were wandering around outside when one of those clouds drifted down and came straight towards them! Most of them got away, but it still managed to engulf a couple of them... the noises they made while they were in there were just as awful as the last time...

They were left as twisted monsters like those poor little monkeys... The rest of the pack immediately scatters in terror once they realise what's happened to their little friends. One of them runs away gibbering out of our borders, but the second gives chase to one of its former companions, murder burning in its eyes:

They're still out there in chase even as I write this! Oh, I can hardly bear to look!
« Last Edit: July 26, 2015, 02:24:00 am by Mr Frog »
A great human twisted into humanoid form. It has an emaciated appearance and it squirms and fidgets. Beware its bronyism!

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Mr Frog

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Re: (34.11 Succession) Clobbermountains -- Jungle Fever!
« Reply #33 on: July 12, 2015, 11:49:33 pm »

So, there's my first update. The second one's probably gonna be a bit slower; I basically ran myself ragged all day to get this out :V  I'm kind of a slow worker -- don't know how some of the people here do it.
A great human twisted into humanoid form. It has an emaciated appearance and it squirms and fidgets. Beware its bronyism!

Spawn of Holistic, and other mods

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Re: (34.11 Succession) Clobbermountains -- Jungle Fever!
« Reply #34 on: July 12, 2015, 11:55:39 pm »

sign me up. Ill take a mason or sworddwarf male depending on whats available.


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Re: (34.11 Succession) Clobbermountains -- Jungle Fever!
« Reply #35 on: July 13, 2015, 12:03:28 am »

Certainly wasn't what I was expecting for the first mutants. Thought one of us got caught in a cloud.

Mr Frog

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Re: (34.11 Succession) Clobbermountains -- Jungle Fever!
« Reply #36 on: July 13, 2015, 12:10:37 am »

Certainly wasn't what I was expecting for the first mutants. Thought one of us got caught in a cloud.

I honestly didn't realise how ambiguous my statement was until Ribbon started joking about how she was dead. Forgive me for not disillusioning y'all.
A great human twisted into humanoid form. It has an emaciated appearance and it squirms and fidgets. Beware its bronyism!

Spawn of Holistic, and other mods

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Re: (34.11 Succession) Clobbermountains -- Jungle Fever!
« Reply #37 on: July 13, 2015, 12:13:46 am »

Man, you lead us on! How am I supposed to come back from the dead to be overseer now? :0

But anyways, looking good! Pacing of the turn doesn't seem so bad, with the amount of micro-managing I like doing in my forts I may need a day to play two seasons. Writeups shouldn't be as slow though.

Mr Frog

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Re: (34.11 Succession) Clobbermountains -- Jungle Fever!
« Reply #38 on: July 13, 2015, 12:27:33 am »

Sorry, bruh, it wasn't even my intention :V  I kind of had an "oh dear" moment after posting that but decided to roll with it. So, my bad.

In any case, I'm gonna go and take the rest of the night off this thing, so if y'all wanna write journals for your characters or something while I recharge go knock yourselves out.
A great human twisted into humanoid form. It has an emaciated appearance and it squirms and fidgets. Beware its bronyism!

Spawn of Holistic, and other mods

My tileset. Because someone asked. (Now with installation instructions!)
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Re: (34.11 Succession) Clobbermountains -- Jungle Fever!
« Reply #39 on: July 13, 2015, 02:41:49 am »

Jeff's Journal, Entry 1:
So I, like, lost my old books in the fire, so I need to start my journal all over. Bummer, I know. So, I might as well, like, talk about myself, 'cause there a lot of ways I could, well, die, and I want people to know who I was. So, yeah, I'm Jeff, but you can call me "The Plantmaster." Least, that's what my pals used to call me. See, I suppose you could call me a farmer, or something. I sold my buddies the good stuff, and they started calling me a "plantmaster." Cool huh?

So I had, like, this plantation I used to run. Dude, I tell you, it was great. Nice and out in the middle of nowhere's land. I had a great system going too. I would grow all the plants myself, and my pals would help me sell it to all the forts for a cut of the profits. Like, everything was going fine until the royal guard showed up one day and they were all like "dude, you're breaking the law," and they burnt down all my fields and my house! Then they said that I had to go on an expedition and found this new fortress. Bummer!

So now I'm here, and the bossman's all over me for not planting the stupid mushrooms that he wants, even though he never actually asked. I'm all right with growing these things for now, but once I get my hands on the stuff that I want, I'm gonna restart production. I'm telling you now, it's gonna be great.
"Un estado totalitario armonizará en España el funcionamiento de todas las capacidades y energías del país, que dentro de la Unidad Nacional, el trabajo estimado como el más ineludible de los deberes será el único exponente de la voluntad popular."
—Francisco Franco

Mr Frog

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Re: (34.11 Succession) Clobbermountains -- Jungle Fever!
« Reply #40 on: July 13, 2015, 05:23:48 pm »

Summer playthrough is now halfway done, Noel has been dorfed (I'm holding out on the others until I can get them the exact dorf they asked for). We have our first mutant fatality! Predictably enough it's just random wildlife.

E: Also, I just remembered that our engraver is also a mechanic, so Imma go ahead and dorf Gwolfski once I can get to playing again today (I'm fairly-busy today).
« Last Edit: July 13, 2015, 05:26:47 pm by Mr Frog »
A great human twisted into humanoid form. It has an emaciated appearance and it squirms and fidgets. Beware its bronyism!

Spawn of Holistic, and other mods

My tileset. Because someone asked. (Now with installation instructions!)
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Re: (34.11 Succession) Clobbermountains -- Jungle Fever!
« Reply #41 on: July 13, 2015, 05:45:50 pm »

Question, what's my dwarf's last name?

Mr Frog

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Re: (34.11 Succession) Clobbermountains -- Jungle Fever!
« Reply #42 on: July 13, 2015, 08:08:55 pm »

Question, what's my dwarf's last name?

(Sorry for the delay)

Ralbisól. It means "Silverypeaces".

Gonna try to get the rest of summer done now.

E: Aand summer is done! There was potential for a disaster towards the end due to my own absentmindedness but I unfortunately noticed it before it could get even slightly dicey.

E2: Now beginning the writeup! I probably won't be finishing it tonight, but I have the day all to myself tomorrow, so unless I find a way to procrastinate for 16 hours straight (possible but unlikely) I can pretty much guarantee that I can get it finished.

E3: Writeup something like 30% done.
« Last Edit: July 14, 2015, 01:26:39 am by Mr Frog »
A great human twisted into humanoid form. It has an emaciated appearance and it squirms and fidgets. Beware its bronyism!

Spawn of Holistic, and other mods

My tileset. Because someone asked. (Now with installation instructions!)
I so want your spawn babies

Mr Frog

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Re: (34.11 Succession) Clobbermountains -- Jungle Fever!
« Reply #43 on: July 14, 2015, 03:51:22 pm »

The Diary of Mr Frog Thusestdeler, Stoneworker

1 Hematite 201
That poor doggy's still being chased by its friend outside... I wish there was something I could do to help them, but they're fighting out there and I'm stuck in here! And there's also, y'know, my complete lack of anything approaching physical competence. ...Yeah. That's also a thing.

It looks like the pair are evenly-matched in pace; the mutant's strong and should be moving quick, but it looks like its joints aren't working right? It's not going as quickly as I'd think:

Neither one's really gaining any ground on the other... They just keep running across the hillside, one after the other, the dog unable to escape but the monster unable to catch up.

The monster lost interest eventually... its friend fled out of our borders, but it's still out there, panting and slavering madly, its misshapen body pulsating and heaving with each breath. It looks like it's really suffering... Oh! I can't bear to look any longer!

Jeff came up to me a bit later and told me he'd locked the doors while I was watching the chase. Something about how the "dissonant wavelengths" outside were "totally harshing his chill". I'm... not quite sure what that means... but I guess the important thing is that he kept us safe. Technically I guess I should've been the one to make that order, but... but someone caught it, so that's okay! Right?

5 Hematite 201

The workshops are finally set up and ready to go! I put little sticky notes on all of the stoneworker's shops reminding people to only take stones from the nearby stockpile. It'd be pretty bad if someone just picked up a rock and dragged it halfway across the fortress! That'd be super-tiring! I also started cutting a bunch of stones apart into blocks so that they'd be easier to carry in case we need to build something.

I also moved the assorted-goods stockpile lying around in the entrance deeper into the fortress, since we don't really hang around in there anymore. The others are moving it all right now. I can't really help, so I'm just standing on the sidelines and cheering them on, so I'm at least helping their morale, probably.

8 Hematite 201

I was puttering around the hallway and saw poor Jeff hobbling around carrying a big ol' gabbro boulder in his arms!

That can't be healthy! I asked him why he was carrying it like that, and he asked me how else he was supposed to carry it? I told him he was supposed to use the wheelbarrows, but then he said we didn't have any. That's weird, I could swear --
RIGHT. The mutton incident. As if I could've forgot a boner like that! How could I be so stupid!? Fortunately, this is easy enough to fix:

No harm, no foul, right? ...Except to Jeff's poor back. I'm guessing that's pretty fouled now. Eurgh.

19 Hematite 201

I remember one of the King's agents saying something about us being due for our first caravan sometime in autumn... which is NEXT SEASON! And we don't even have a trade depot for them to hole up in -- I totally forgot! This is an emergency! I scribble out a post-it note politely asking someone to maybe please get started on a depot sometime soon, if it's not too much trouble:

I really hope I managed to convey just how urgent this is! It'd be terrible if the caravan arrived and the architect had just... just slacked off for 3 months straight or something!

Meanwhile, the dwarves are starting to complain to me a bit about how they've been eating off of the floor for the past three months. Fortunately, I know just the thing for that: Tables! And chairs! And maybe statues, too! Finally, something I can do! I'm going to go head to the mason's shop right away!

24 Hematite 201

I couldn't hear the doggy's... noises... anymore, so I popped up aboveground to take a look... just in time to see another of those clouds sweeping in over the horizon. I quickly locked the doors and scurried back inside again. This fortress is starting to feel more like a prison... I'm not such a fan of the outdoors, but being trapped in this little cave knowing full well what's out there...

28 Hematite 201

The depot is finished! It was designed by our engraver... er... whatever his name was again (he's so multitalented!) and built with love by myself! I think I'm starting to get into the swing of this whole fortress-y nonsense! Now we're ready for the wagons to come in!

...Is what I'd said triumphantly, except that whatshisname looked at me all confused-like and asked me if we'd already taken down the stuff blocking the entrance:

Ummm... that is an excellent point he raised. Good thing I have such good friends to remind me whenever I forget something important, hahaha!

It looks like we're due for an entrance renovation, so I set to work making a bunch of hatches to install deeper in the entry hall:

That way we'll still be able to have something solid between us and the overgrown abominations against nature shambling around outside once we take down the doors! I am so good at planning ahead!
Speaking of planning ahead, there's still a bunch of junk sitting around in the lobby, so I tell the other miner to dig out a spot to move them to:

I can hear him busily working away from here... this is great! We're getting things done!

6 Malachite 201

Another cloud of mist drifts in on the horizon... I almost didn't even bother taking note of this one, until I saw it drifting towards a flock of parrots towards the southeast! Oh, no! Not the parrots!
It manages to turn two of them, and they immediately begin fighting with their former flockmates, dive-bombing them and raking at them with its claws even as they try to fly away:

This... I can hardly bear to look at this! It's horrible! They're just ripping each other to shreds in midair! There's blood everywhere!

The other parrot tries its best to protect itself, but the monster's too strong for it... it tears the poor bird's leg to ribbons with its beak and lets it fall to the ground with a heavy thunk:

The other unaffected parrot soon meets its end as well and hits the ground a few feet away:

I... I can't... this is horrific... I think I need a drink or twenty to calm my nerves before I can work again:

8 Malachite 201

Looks like we have a couple more corpses on our hands now:

Ahhh! Right! You're supposed to feed those things! I completely forgot! I... I...

11 Malachite 201

Splint's soldier buddy came up to me in the dining room and asked what we were supposed to do with about the last hatch... apparently I forgot to make it. I... I told him to go make it himself. I don't really feel like doing anything right now... He just nodded and left. I guess being expedition leader has its perks...

15 Malachite 201

It's just two of them... Kinda wish there were more. No matter, though... I guess this is still something. I tell whatshisname to unlock the doors to let them in; those parrots are a bit closer to the entrance than I'd like, so I tell Splint to stand watch at the gate just in case. He doesn't think that the raggedy clothes he has on will be enough to stop the monsters' beaks, but... we need those workers in here, and as much as it makes me sick to say it, I'd rather them live than Splint. We need more laborers in here.

...Ugh. I think I need to go lie down again...

UPDATE: Splint tells me that the migrants managed to avoid the parrot's notice and make it inside without any casualties. Yay! Finally, some good news! I think we'll be needing someone to keep our stocks in order, so I go up to one of the dwarves -- his name is Noel, I think -- and told him that he's our bookkeeper now. So now we have a bookkeeper! He looked a bit confused, but I think he took it pretty well otherwise.

UPDATE UPDATE: Oh, and I think I finally remembered what the engraver's name is! It's Gwolf2ki! ...Wait, are names supposed to have numbers in them? Eh, doesn't matter!

UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE: I asked the engraver and he said Gwolf2ki's actually the other miner's name. Um. Whoops. He told me his actual name after, but... I kinda... forgot it already. Um.

17 Malachite 201

We finally got that last hatch installed over the entrance. Woo! We've started moving stuff down into the new stockpile, too! I took a peek outside, though, and it looks like those monster parrots are still hanging around near our entrance... ugh. Guess we'll have to keep waiting for a while to take down our entrance; it'd be terrible if one of our workers got injured...

Since we won't be doing that for a bit, I've started digging a little tunnel through to the volcano's cone. Those corpses in the dining hall are starting to smell, and what better place to put them than down the forbidden outlet of Armok's fiery wrath?  That's right: NOWHERE:

20 Malachite 201

It looks like those parrots have finally moved away from the entrance! I tell everyone to quickly start clearing away the obstructions in the entrance -- the mason's shop is getting taken down and the doors and the frame they're set in are set to be demolished:

I've set Splint and the other guy to stand guard in case... in case the parrots come in without me noticing.

A few seconds later, I hear someone say "Hi-ho, off to go fishing!" and I see the fisherdwarf who just arrived strolling out the front door, a big grin on her face. Oh... oh, that isn't good! Doesn't she realise how dangerous it is out there!? I holler at her from the gate to stay inside and to only fish where I tell her to, but she doesn't hear me, and she's heading right towards the parrots! Oh... oh...

[OOC: I'm not sure why I don't have a screenshot of this... sorry, bruhs and grills]

Fortunately, she spotted the parrots and came running back inside screaming about avenging angels and cursed messengers of the evil sun-god. Oh, by Armok, that was close! I told her to only fish in spots that I've marked out as safe for fishing and she agreed. I'm still kind of shaking a bit, but I'm glad nothing happened.

28 Malachite 201

We've finished clearing out the entrance, and way ahead of schedule, too! Hooray!:

2 Galena 201

I've finished digging out the garbage disposal... chute... thing! Maybe it's the sudden fresh rush of fumes, but I suddenly feel very sleepy. Think I'm gonna lie down and take a nap! The stones here are nice and warm:

Before I go out, I tell whatshisname to tell the others to dispose of the animal corpses now that the chute's been dug out. DELEGATION, PEOPLE:

5 Galena 201

Ah, that was a nice little nap! I went downstairs and decided to start working on making some furniture for the dining hall again, since I'd put it on hold to make the floor hatches -- Splint's buddy's also helping, since apparently I never ordered him not to stop doing masonry. So helpful! Also, I asked that engraver, who's also a carpenter (a real renaissance dwarf if I've ever seen one!) to start hacking out some beds for us to sleep in, since I think the other dwarves are getting tired of sleeping on rocks (although... the rocks near the volcano are pretty comfy...). I thought to ask him what his name was again, but he was working so hard, and I didn't want to bother him, so I didn't.

15 Galena 201

Jeff keeps bugging me over and over about not having any plump helmet spawn for him to plant even though I kept looking and we did:

I asked him why he couldn't just use what we already had, and he told me that people keep carrying it and he can't use it if they're carrying it because "that'd be totally screwing with their natural order of existence, bro". I... I didn't know what to say to that, so I just let it be for now.

Me and Splint's buddy finally finish the furniture for the dining hall, including two statues to spruce the place up! I stand back and take a look at my handiwork:

The simplicity of the piece really speaks to the dwarven spirit, y'know?
Splint's buddy, on the other hand, still has a long way to go when it comes to using carved stone as a medium of personal expression:

I patted him on the back and told him that it's okay and that all novices have to pump out a few uninspired stinkers before making something that can truly speak to people. He totally took it the wrong way, though! Now I have a black eye.

Now that we've finished making the furnishings, I think it's high time we get some goodies together to give to the caravan when it comes! I sit in the craftsdwarf workshop and begin working on some trinkets:

I... I may or may not have forgotten to carve out the insides of some of them, but they'll still work as hammerheads in a pinch, so it's not like they're useless, right? Right!

20 Galena

We've finally finished setting up the dining hall and bedroom! Now we can eat and sleep in style, or at the very least not total abject squalor:

I stand around, basking in my own glory as a leader and organiser... then notice a couple people running outside. Why!? It's dangerous out there! I catch up to them and see them milling around the wagon:

I ask them what the hell they're doing, and then they get this mean look on their faces and tell me all sarcastic-like that I didn't tell them they were supposed to stay in the dining hall after I put the furniture in. I... I guess that makes sense? My bad, I suppose... I tell them to go in and they do, but I'm really starting to worry about these people! It's like they have a death wish or something!

28 Galena 201

Awww! I can't think of anything better to cap off the season! I thought I heard Splint mutter something about fresh meat, but that can't be right...

[EDIT: Corrected the fisherdwarf's gender.]
« Last Edit: July 26, 2015, 02:42:12 am by Mr Frog »
A great human twisted into humanoid form. It has an emaciated appearance and it squirms and fidgets. Beware its bronyism!

Spawn of Holistic, and other mods

My tileset. Because someone asked. (Now with installation instructions!)
I so want your spawn babies

Mr Frog

  • Bay Watcher
  • A respectable sort of psychopath
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Re: (34.11 Succession) Clobbermountains -- Jungle Fever!
« Reply #44 on: July 14, 2015, 04:02:06 pm »

Sorry about the delay. I'll get started on the Autumn playthrough this evening.

There were a couple scares this season with those fucking parrots -- when I saw the fisherdwarf skipping directly towards them I basically thought "Oh, there's our first death coming down the pipe there", but they didn't chase him for some reason and so he managed to escape. Got super lucky :V
A great human twisted into humanoid form. It has an emaciated appearance and it squirms and fidgets. Beware its bronyism!

Spawn of Holistic, and other mods

My tileset. Because someone asked. (Now with installation instructions!)
I so want your spawn babies
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