turn a blind eye on piracy in regards to the immigrant fleets.
This is going to come back to bite us in the ass. I suggest we keep a
very close eye on pirate activities.
Any ways on to my suggestions!
Re: fleet ordersI've drawn up a simple OOB that gives core worlds a strong fleet presence along with frontier fleets to roam and deal with anything that might happen on the outskirts (rebellion, piracy etc.) The Rapid Response Fleet headed by the battleship should prove sufficient backup to any local threats, though maybe we'll want to keep it stationed in the sector capitol fleet and swap it out with a Heavy Cruiser. Depending on how many ships are coming through I set aside a number of our smaller craft to deal with... 'border inspections'.
Capital Fleets x5
1 Shinigami-Class Heavy Cruisers (Strength 8 ) - 560 Supplies/turn
3 Mandate-Class Destroyers (Strenght 5) - 1500 Supplies/turn
10 Ashigaru-Class Frigates (Strength 3) - 600 Supplies/turn
Frontier Fleets x2
1 Shinigami-Class Heavy Cruisers (Strength 8 ) - 560 Supplies/turn
3 Mandate-Class Destroyers (Strenght 5) - 1500 Supplies/turn
10 Ashigaru-Class Frigates (Strength 3) - 600 Supplies/turn
Blockade and Inspection Fleet x3
1 Mandate-Class Destroyers (Strenght 5) - 1500 Supplies/turn
7 Ashigaru-Class Frigates (Strength 3) - 600 Supplies/turn
Rapid Response Fleet
1 Blackmoon-Class Battleship (Strength 12) - 45 Supplies/turn - Carrying 40 Divisions Mandate Marines (Strength 4), 10 Divisions Dai-Li (Strength 6)
6 Mandate-Class Destroyers (Strenght 5) - 1500 Supplies/turn
9 Ashigaru-Class Frigates (Strength 3) - 600 Supplies/turn
Re: Police ForcesPersonally I'm for a limited increase, but it should definitely be light in nature. I just don't want to see their police force turn into some sort of heavily armed paramilitary. I'm assuming it would just be ground forces?
Re: AdministrationAn increase in jobs and infrastructure should help offset the economic damage a large influx of poor immigrants may cause. I'd recommend ensuring that the new facilities also have strong education programs for the new arrivals. Not only for job placement, but cultural education as well to reduce friction between new-comers and those who have lived in the sector for generations.
Re: OfficersI think it would definitely be prudent to see a list of potentials candidates, both new and currently stationed in the fleet. Good officers will make the fleet so we shouldn't make any rash decisions. Findingofficers with the right mix of loyalty and skill will most likely be difficult.