The voting ends. All Towers return their tablets to the boys, who present them to the Senex.
Results of Voting
Motion 1: 40 Nay, 5 Abstain
Motion 2: 4 Aye, 36 Nay, 5 Abstain
Motion 3: 14 Aye, 26 Nay, 5 Abstain
Motion 4: 21 Aye, 12 Nay, 12 Abstain
Motion 5: 29 Aye, 11 Nay, 5 Abstain
The Senex stands.
SENEX: "The votes have been counted. It is the will of this Council that we shall not pay the barons of Tarlax, that we shall not grant trade non-competition to Vinn, that the office of the Senex shall not be granted emergency powers, that the trial of Tower Windborn come to pass tomorrow dawn, and that the Highest Judge be elected immediately."
The Chief stands as well, briefly.
CHIEF: "I would also like to take this moment to note that any Tower who commits at least three maniples to the war effort will be considered for a command position in the army."
He sits.
SENEX: "Very well then, the will of the council be done. Your tablets will be warmed and returned to you. Tower Richards has already been nominated and seconded, and any other candidates should put their names forward and if seconded may take part in the running. Additionally, each candidate may make an address to the Senate as to why they should be selected."
SENEX: "Once all candidates are in, you may vote either for a candidate, or you may vote 'No Judge'. You may not abstain from this vote, with the exceptions of the former Judge's House and House Windborn. If a plurality of 'No Judge' passes, the voting will be held off until a further date."
SENEX: "Addresses to the Council may begin."