Riskov, who sat silently until now and chewed on the said words, finally rose.
"Friends, Ragonans, countrymen! When our commonwealth is given dishonour at home, when respect for noble towers is abandoned, and when the prosperity of our familes is preyed upon, it is no time for peaceful solutions, this is not a time for passionless half-solutions, it is time for decided action and a decided resolution!
We know who killed, but do we know why? And is there a balance in prosecution and defence that both hail from the same political camp? Moreover, there should be mind paid to excluding the guilty party from council altogether, as they excluded themselves from our commonwealth by violating another tower and thus suspending normal civil life. As my desire and balance and justice is tempering by hate at the deed done, I propose myself for prosecution.
Tower Riskov is not one of naval prowess, but I agree that piracy is worse than highway robbery and should be treated as such - execution without pardon. I am for whatever naval arrangement is suggested.
Last but not least, is the matter of war. Have we not given our word and guarantees to our allies? Have we not agreed that we shall lend them our forces? Now the question is of blame and whether Ragona should get involved - I say it shall.
What will be a major question when it comes to the said war is - who shall lead and how should the spoils be divided. Current laws are suited to the tasks we will face. I shall say that the council should divide the spoils but selection of the leader shall be left to those who know war."